private void olstpeople_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (olstpeople.SelectedObject != null) { People p = olstpeople.SelectedObject as People; bool show = true; Log.AddAction(Log.ActionType.ClientOpen, new Log(Log.ActionType.ClientOpen, p.FirstName + " " + p.Lasname + "^" + p.ID.ToString())); ShiduchActivity.insertActivity( new ShiduchActivity() { Action = (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, Date = DateTime.Now, PeopleId = p.ID, UserId = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID, }); if (sender is bool && (bool)sender == false) { show = false; } OpenDetails(p.ID, show); } }
public void DiaryListResult(ref SqlDataReader reader) { List <ShiduchActivity> s = new List <ShiduchActivity>(); ListViewItem item; olstActivityDiary.Items.Clear(); olstActivityDiary.BeginUpdate(); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity sh = new ShiduchActivity(); ShiduchActivity.readerToShiduchActivity(ref reader, ref sh); string nameA = reader["FullNameA"] != System.DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FullNameA"] : ""; string nameB = reader["FullNameB"] != System.DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FullNameB"] : ""; sh.FullNameA = nameA; sh.FullNameB = nameB; sh.ActionConvert = ShiduchActivity.ConvertAction((ShiduchActivity.ActionType)sh.Action, reader); sh.StatusConvert = ShiduchActivity.ConvertStatus((ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)sh.Status); sh.UserName = (string)reader["Name"]; item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { sh.Date.ToShortDateString(), sh.ActionConvert, sh.FullNameA, sh.FullNameB, sh.StatusConvert, sh.reminder.Date.ToShortDateString(), sh.NotesSummary }); item.Tag = sh.Id; s.Add(sh); olstActivityDiary.Items.Add(item); } olstActivityDiary.EndUpdate(); }
public static int insertActivity(ShiduchActivity Activity) { SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[10]; string sqlAct, sql; sqlAct = "insert into ShiduchActivity values(" + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[0], Activity.Date) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[1], Activity.UserId) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[2], Activity.PeopleId) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[3], Activity.Action) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[4], Activity.IdSideB) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[5], Activity.Status) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[6], Activity.NotesSummary) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[8], Activity.HideDelete, true) + ");"; prms[7] = new SqlParameter("@D", SqlDbType.Int); prms[7].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION " + sqlAct + "SELECT @D = scope_identity();" + "COMMIT"; DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms); int ID = 0; if (prms[7].Value != DBNull.Value) { ID = Convert.ToInt32(prms[7].Value); } return(ID); }
private void LoadMyActivities() { SqlDataReader reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(true, MyPeople); lstMyActivity.Items.Clear(); ListView lst = lstMyActivity; ListViewItem item; lstMyActivity.BeginUpdate(); while (reader.Read()) { string notes = reader["NotesSummary"].ToString(); string name = reader["FullNameB"] != System.DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FullNameB"] : ""; if ((ShiduchActivity.ActionType)(int) reader["Action"] == ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other) { notes = notes.Substring(notes.IndexOf('^') + 3); } item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { DateTime.Parse(reader["Date"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(), ShiduchActivity.ConvertAction((ShiduchActivity.ActionType)(int) reader["Action"], reader), name, ShiduchActivity.ConvertStatus((ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]), notes, reader["IdSideB"].ToString() }); item.Tag = reader["Id"]; lst.Items.Add(item); } lstMyActivity.EndUpdate(); reader.Close(); }
private void LoadTab2(DateTime d1, DateTime d2) { SqlDataReader reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, false, d1, d2, 0, GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID, true, cmbActivityDairy.SelectedIndex, cmbStatusDairy.SelectedIndex); DiaryListResult(ref reader); reader.Close(); }
private void olstActivityDiary_FormatRow(object sender, FormatRowEventArgs e) { ShiduchActivity s = (ShiduchActivity)e.Model; if (s.HideDelete) { e.Item.BackColor = Color.Gray; } }
public static bool DeletePeople(int peopleid, bool ask = true, bool perment = false) { try { int id = peopleid; DialogResult yesno = DialogResult.Yes; if (ask) { yesno = MessageBox.Show("האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); } Forms.DeleteForm delf = new Forms.DeleteForm(); if (yesno == DialogResult.Yes) { string sql = ""; if (!perment) { delf.ShowDialog(); sql = "update peoples set show=8,DeleteReason=N'" + delf.ReasonDelete + "' where ID=" + id; } else { sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION delete from peoples where ID=" + id + "; " + "delete from peopledetails where relatedid=" + id + "; " + "delete from registerinfo where relatedid=" + id + "; COMMIT"; } if (DBFunction.Execute(sql)) { if (!perment) { ShiduchActivity.insertActivity( new ShiduchActivity() { Action = (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.delete, Date = DateTime.Now, PeopleId = id, UserId = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID, }); MessageBox.Show("נמחק בהצלחה, תוכל למצוא את הכרטיס בסל המחזור", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("הכרטיס נמחק לצמיתות", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return(true); } else { MessageBox.Show("אירעה שגיאה", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } return(false); } catch { MessageBox.Show("אירעה שגיאה", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } }
public ShiduchActivityForm(ShiduchActivity Activity, People p, bool newActiv = true, bool updateActiv = false, bool SideB = false, bool openReminder = false, bool newActivFrom = false) { InitializeComponent(); newActivity = newActiv; updateActivity = updateActiv; ShiduchActivity = Activity; MyPeople = p; thisSideB = SideB; OpenReminder = openReminder; }
public void openShiduchActivityForm(ListView lst, People MyPeople = null) { //עדכון פעילות if (lst.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) { return; } if (lst.Name == "lstReminder") { openReminder = true; } int idActivity = int.Parse(lst.SelectedItems[0].Tag.ToString()); // int idSideB = int.Parse(lstMyActivity.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[5].Text); s = ReadById(idActivity); //להביא את ההערות של הכרטיס השני string notesSide = removeFromString(s.NotesSummary) + "\r\n" + "=====צד ב'=====" + Environment.NewLine; string sql = "select NotesSummary from ShiduchActivity s " + "where s.UserId=" + s.UserId + " and PeopleId=" + s.IdSideB + " and IdSideB=" + s.PeopleId + " and Action=" + s.Action + " and abs(DATEDIFF(day,s.Date,'" + s.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))" + " between 0 and 15"; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); if (reader.Read()) { notesSide += removeFromString(reader["NotesSummary"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); s.NotesSummary = notesSide; if (MyPeople == null) { MyPeople = new People(); SqlDataReader reader1 = People.ReadById(s.PeopleId); if (reader1.Read()) { PeopleManipulations.ReaderToPeople(ref MyPeople, ref reader1); } reader1.Close(); } ShiduchActivityForm sForm; if (openReminder)//אם נפתח דרך התזכורות { sForm = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, MyPeople, false, true, false, true); } else { sForm = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, MyPeople, false, true, false); } sForm.Show(); sForm.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed; }
private string CreateColAction(ref SqlDataReader reader, string tdstyle = "") { string temp = ""; temp += "<td + " + tdstyle + ">" + reader["Date"].ToString() + "</td>"; temp += "<td + " + tdstyle + ">" + reader["Name"].ToString() + "</td>"; temp += "<td + " + tdstyle + ">" + ShiduchActivity.ConvertStatus((ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]) + "</td>"; temp += "<td + " + tdstyle + ">" + reader["FullNameB"].ToString() + "</td>"; temp += "<td + " + tdstyle + ">" + reader["remindDate"].ToString() + "</td>"; return(temp); }
public void lstReminder_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShiduchActivity s = new ShiduchActivity(); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { s.openShiduchActivityForm(lstReminder); } if (s.openReminder) { LoadReminder(); } }
public static ShiduchActivity ReadById(int id) { string sql = "select s.*, as remindID, r.Date as remindDate,r.Done,r.IdUser " + "as remindIdUser from ShiduchActivity s " + "inner join ReminderActivity r on s.Id=r.IdActivity where s.Id=" + id; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); ShiduchActivity activity = new ShiduchActivity(); if (reader.Read()) { readerToShiduchActivity(ref reader, ref activity); } reader.Close(); return(activity); }
public static void InsertReminder(ShiduchActivity Activity) { SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[10]; string sqlAct, sql; sqlAct = "insert into ReminderActivity values(" + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[0], Activity.Id) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[1], Activity.reminder.IdUser) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[2], Activity.reminder.Date) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[3], false, true) + ");"; sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION " + sqlAct + "COMMIT"; DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms); }
public static void UpdateReminder(ShiduchActivity Activity) { SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[10]; string sqlAct, sql; sqlAct = "update ReminderActivity SET " + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[0], Activity.reminder.IdActivity, "IdActivity") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[1], Activity.reminder.IdUser, "IdUser") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[2], Activity.reminder.Date, "Date") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[3], Activity.reminder.Done, "Done", true) + " where Id=" + Activity.reminder.Id + ";"; sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION " + sqlAct + "COMMIT"; DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms); }
public void LoadReminder() { SqlDataReader reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, true); lstReminder.Items.Clear(); ListView lst = lstReminder; ListViewItem item; ShiduchActivity.ActionType action; lstReminder.BeginUpdate(); while (reader.Read()) { string name = reader["FullNameB"] != System.DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FullNameB"] : ""; action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType)(int) reader["Action"]; item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { DateTime.Parse(reader["Date"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(), (string)reader["FullNameA"], ShiduchActivity.ConvertAction(action, reader), name }); item.Tag = reader["Id"]; //item.ImageKey = "phone-icon (1).png"; switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: item.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(234, 195, 152); break; case item.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(234, 133, 129); break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: item.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(234, 206, 187); break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: item.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(183, 183, 183); break; } lst.Items.Add(item); } lstReminder.EndUpdate(); reader.Close(); }
private void lstmyclients_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstmyclients.SelectedItems.Count != 0) { ShiduchActivity.insertActivity( new ShiduchActivity() { Action = (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, Date = DateTime.Now, PeopleId = int.Parse(lstmyclients.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[6].Text), UserId = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID, }); Log.AddAction(Log.ActionType.ClientOpen, new Log(Log.ActionType.ClientOpen, lstmyclients.SelectedItems[0].Text + " " + lstmyclients.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text + "^" + lstmyclients.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[6].Text)); OpenDetails(int.Parse(lstmyclients.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[6].Text)); } }
public static bool updateActivity(ShiduchActivity Activity) { SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[10]; string sqlAct, sql; sqlAct = "update ShiduchActivity SET " + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[0], Activity.Date, "Date") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[1], Activity.UserId, "UserId") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[2], Activity.PeopleId, "PeopleId") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[3], Activity.Action, "Action") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[4], Activity.IdSideB, "IdSideB") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[5], Activity.Status, "Status") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[6], Activity.NotesSummary, "NotesSummary") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[7], Activity.HideDelete, "HideDelete", true) + " where Id=" + Activity.Id + ";"; sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION " + sqlAct + "COMMIT"; return(DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms)); }
private void LoadAllActivities() { SqlDataReader reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, MyPeople, true); lstAllActivity.Items.Clear(); ListView lst = lstAllActivity; ListViewItem item; lstAllActivity.BeginUpdate(); while (reader.Read()) { string name = reader["FullNameB"] != System.DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["FullNameB"] : ""; item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { DateTime.Parse(reader["Date"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(), (string)reader["Name"], ShiduchActivity.ConvertAction((ShiduchActivity.ActionType)(int) reader["Action"], reader), name }); lst.Items.Add(item); } lstAllActivity.EndUpdate(); reader.Close(); }
public static void readerToShiduchActivity(ref SqlDataReader reader, ref ShiduchActivity shiduch) { shiduch.Id = int.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString()); shiduch.UserId = int.Parse(reader["UserId"].ToString()); shiduch.PeopleId = int.Parse(reader["PeopleId"].ToString()); shiduch.IdSideB = int.Parse(reader["IdSideB"].ToString()); shiduch.Action = int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); shiduch.Status = int.Parse(reader["Status"].ToString()); shiduch.Date = DateTime.Parse(reader["Date"].ToString()); shiduch.NotesSummary = (string)reader["NotesSummary"]; shiduch.HideDelete = (bool)reader["HideDelete"]; shiduch.reminder.Date = DateTime.Parse(reader["remindDate"].ToString()); shiduch.reminder.Done = (bool)reader["Done"]; shiduch.reminder.IdActivity = shiduch.Id; try { if (DBFunction.ColumnExists(reader, "remindID")) { shiduch.reminder.Id = int.Parse(reader["remindID"].ToString()); shiduch.reminder.IdUser = int.Parse(reader["remindIdUser"].ToString()); } } catch { } }
public string CreateUserReport(string username, int userid, DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { // string clienttableheader = global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientTableHeader; string html = ""; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = "<b>שדכן:</b> " + username + ", <b>מזהה שדכן:</b> " + userid.ToString() + "</br>"; string sqlLog = "select firstname + ' ' + lastname as allname, peoples.ID ,action,userid,date " + " from log JOIN peoples ON not like '' and SUBSTRING(, CHARINDEX('^',log.Info)+1,DATALENGTH( - 1)= Peoples.ID" + " where UserId = " + userid + " and action = 2 "; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sqlLog += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo += " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } html += CreateHtmlReport("שדכן", moreinfo); html += RegisterDateToReport(userid); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sqlLog, prms); html += "<u><h2>פירוט</h2></u><div class='row' style='width:80%'>"; while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); switch (a_type) { case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: clientlog_open += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateCol("", reader["allname"]) + CreateCol(null, reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["allname"].ToString(), (int)reader["ID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed); count_openclient++; break; } } reader.Close(); reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, true, dt_start, dt_end, 0, userid); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.ActionType action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: userAction_proposal += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientProposal++; break; case userAction_date += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"],, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDate++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: userAction_details += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDetails++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: userAction_other += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientOther++; break; } } reader.Close(); clientlog_open += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_proposal += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_date += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_details += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_other += "</tbody></table></div>"; html += clientlog_open + userAction_proposal + userAction_date + userAction_details + userAction_other; html += "</div><hr>"; // end div of all info tables and create hr html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientSumAction.Replace("שדכן", "לקוח"); html += SumClientsTableList(); html += "</tbody></table><hr><u><h2>סך הכל</h2></u>"; html += SumClientsData(); html += global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ReportEnd; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }
public string CreateClientReport(string clientname, int userid, DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { string clienttableheader = global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientTableHeader; string html = ""; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = "<b>לקוח:</b> " + clientname + ", <b>מזהה לקוח:</b> " + userid.ToString() + "</br>"; string sqlLog = "select name, as xid,info,action,userid,date,level from log LEFT JOIN USERS ON where like '%" + userid.ToString() + "'"; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sqlLog += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo += " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } sqlLog += " order BY log.ACTION "; html += CreateHtmlReport("לקוח", moreinfo); html += RegisterDateToReport(userid); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sqlLog, prms); html += "<u><h2>פירוט</h2></u><div class='row' style='width:80%'>"; while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); switch (a_type) { case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: clientlog_open += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateCol("", reader["name"]) + CreateCol(null, reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userid"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed); count_openclient++; break; } } reader.Close(); reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, true, dt_start, dt_end, userid); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.ActionType action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: clientAction_proposal += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientProposal++; break; case clientAction_date += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"],, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDate++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: clientAction_details += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDetails++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: clientAction_other += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientOther++; break; } } reader.Close(); clientlog_open += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_proposal += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_date += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_details += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_other += "</tbody></table></div>"; html += clientlog_open + clientAction_proposal + clientAction_date + clientAction_details + clientAction_other; html += "</div><hr>"; // end div of all info tables and create hr html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientSumAction; html += SumClientsTableList(); html += "</tbody></table><hr><u><h2>סך הכל</h2></u>"; html += SumClientsData(); html += global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ReportEnd; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }
public static bool InsretNew(People people, out int ID) { int n = people.Note.Count * 5; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[92 + n]; string sql, sqlpeoples, sqldetails, sqlregister, sqlNotes = ""; sqlpeoples = "INSERT INTO Peoples VALUES(" + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[0], people.FirstName) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[1], people.Lasname) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[2], people.Sexs) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[3], people.Age) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[4], people.Tall) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[5], people.Weight) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[6], people.FaceColor) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[7], people.Looks) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[8], people.Beard) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[9], people.City) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[10], people.Zerem) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[11], people.Eda) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[12], people.FutureLearn) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[13], people.Background) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[14], people.DadWork) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[15], people.CoverHead) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[16], people.GorTorN) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[17], people.TneedE) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[18], people.StakeM) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[19], people.OpenHead) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[20], people.Status) + people.Show + "," + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[21], people.LearnStaus) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[22], people.Tz) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[23], people.KindChasidut) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[24], people.ShiducNum) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[25], people.HealthStatus) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[26], people.HealthDetails) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[27], people.ZeremMom) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[28], people.BirthDayHebrew) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[29], people.DeleteReason) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[30], people.Temp) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[31], people.Chadchan, true) + ");"; sqldetails = "INSERT INTO PeopleDetails VALUES(" + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[32], people.Details.Street) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[33], people.Details.Schools) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[34], people.Details.Tel1) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[35], people.Details.Tel2) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[36], people.Details.WhoAmI) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[37], people.Details.WhoIWant) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[39], people.Details.DadName) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[40], people.Details.MomName) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[41], people.Details.ChildrenCount) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[42], people.Details.SiblingsSchools) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[43], people.Details.MomLname) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[44], people.Details.MomWork) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[45], people.Details.MoneyGives) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[46], people.Details.MoneyRequired) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[47], people.Details.MoneyNotesFlex) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[48], people.Details.HomeRav) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[49], people.Details.MechutanimNames) + "@DataID," + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[50], people.Details.ZevetInfo) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[51], people.Details.FriendsInfo) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[54], people.Details.Notes) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[55], people.Details.OwnChildrenCount) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[56], people.WorkPlace) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[57], people.Details.MoneyToShadchan) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[58], people.Details.YesivaKorHighSchool) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[59], people.Details.YeshivaGorSeminary) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[60], people.Details.KibutzorMaslul) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[61], people.Details.Licence) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[62], people.Details.Smoker) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[63], people.Details.EdaExpectation) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[64], people.Details.AgeExpectation) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[65], people.Details.DadYeshiva) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[66], people.Details.MomSeminary) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[69], people.Details.StatusParents) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[70], people.Details.CommunityTo) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[71], people.Details.ParentHealth) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[72], people.Details.ParentHealthDetails) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[73], people.Details.LocationChild) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[74], people.Details.NumMarriedSibilings) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[75], people.Details.ContactShiduch) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[76], people.Details.ContactPhone) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[77], people.Details.FamilyAbout) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[78], people.Details.Telephone) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[79], people.Details.PhoneOfBachur) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[80], people.Details.PhoneKosherLevel) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[81], people.Details.Mail, true) + ");"; sqlregister = "INSERT INTO RegisterInfo VALUES(" + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[82], DateTime.Now) + "@DataID" + "," + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID + "," + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[83], GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Name) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[84], DateTime.Now, true) + ");"; int iPrm = 90; foreach (var item in people.Note) { sqlNotes += "INSERT INTO NotesOfPeople VALUES(" + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[iPrm++], GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[iPrm++], GLOBALVARS.MyUser.Name) + "@DataID" + "," + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[iPrm++], item.NoteText) + BuildSql.InsertSql(out prms[iPrm++], DateTime.Now, true) + "); "; } prms[85] = new SqlParameter("@D", SqlDbType.Int); prms[85].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION " + "DECLARE @DataID int;" + sqlpeoples + "SELECT @DataID = scope_identity();" + "SELECT @D = scope_identity();" + sqldetails + sqlregister + sqlNotes + "COMMIT"; int length = sql.Length; // return DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms); bool f = DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms); ID = 0; if (prms[85].Value != DBNull.Value) { ID = Convert.ToInt32(prms[85].Value); } ShiduchActivity Activity = new ShiduchActivity(); Activity.Date = DateTime.Now; Activity.UserId = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID; Activity.PeopleId = ID; Activity.Action = (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.reception; ShiduchActivity.insertActivity(Activity); return(f); }
public void SForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { ShiduchActivityForm f = (sender as ShiduchActivityForm); ShiduchActivityForm form2; if ( { SaveOpenReminder = true; if (f.OpenNewActivity) { ShiduchActivity s = new ShiduchActivity(); s.UserId = f.Activity.UserId; s.PeopleId = f.Activity.PeopleId; s.IdSideB = f.Activity.IdSideB; form2 = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, f.MyPeople); form2.isNew_Active_From_Complete_Active = true; form2.Show(); form2.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed; } } if ((sender as ShiduchActivityForm).OpenSideB)//אם רוצה לפתוח פעילות של הצד השני { //f.Close(); People person = f.Shiduch; People shiduch = f.MyPeople; string sql = "select s.*, as remindID, r.Date as remindDate,r.Done,r.IdUser as remindIdUser from ShiduchActivity s inner join ReminderActivity r " + "on s.Id=r.IdActivity " + "where s.UserId=" + f.Activity.UserId + " and PeopleId=" + person.ID + " and IdSideB=" + shiduch.ID + " and Action=" + f.Activity.Action + " and abs(DATEDIFF(day,s.Date,'" + f.Activity.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))" + " between 0 and 15"; // " and ( convert(varchar(10), s.Date, 103)='" + f.Activity.Date.ToShortDateString() + "' "+ //"or convert(varchar(10), s.Date, 103)>'" + f.Activity.Date.ToShortDateString() + // "' or s.Date >= DATEADD(DAY, -14,'" + f.Activity.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt") + "'))"; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql); ShiduchActivity s = new ShiduchActivity(); string notesSide = removeFromString(f.Activity.NotesSummary); if (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.readerToShiduchActivity(ref reader, ref s); s.NotesSummary = removeFromString(s.NotesSummary) + "=====צד ב'=====" + Environment.NewLine + notesSide; form2 = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, person, false, true); } else { s.IdSideB = shiduch.ID; s.Action = f.Activity.Action; s.UserId = f.Activity.UserId; s.NotesSummary += "\r\n =====צד ב'=====\r\n" + notesSide; form2 = new ShiduchActivityForm(s, person, true, false, true); } reader.Close(); form2.Show(); form2.FormClosed += SForm_FormClosed; //אם יש כבר פעילות דומה אז לפתוח אותה //אחרת לפתוח טופס חדש של פעילות } if ((sender as ShiduchActivityForm).save) { //foreach (Form frm in Application.OpenForms) //{ // if (frm.GetType() ==typeof( MainForm)) // { // (frm as MainForm).LoadReminder(); // } //} //saveReminder = true; } }
private void olstActivityDiary_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShiduchActivity s = new ShiduchActivity(); s.openShiduchActivityForm(olstActivityDiary); }
public static bool UpdatePeople(People p, bool Wedding, bool Shadchan = false, string Notes = null, bool PublishClient = false) { string sql = ""; string where = " where id=" + p.ID + " "; string Rwhere = " where relatedid=" + p.ID + " "; bool PlusTblReg = true; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[100]; //if (p.Show != 5) //{ // check is not personal user // PlusTblReg = true; // for future use // // if (Shadchan) // // return ShadchanUpdate(); // if (Wedding) // return WeddingUpdate(p); // //if (!GLOBALVARS.MyUser.CanEdit) // // return UpdateTemp(Notes); //} //else //{ // if (!PublishClient) // p.Show = 5; // p.Chadchan = "{" + GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID.ToString() + "}"; //} sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION "; sql += "update peoples SET " + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[0], p.Age, "age") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[1], p.Background, "background") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[2], p.Beard, "Beard") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[3], p.City, "City") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[4], p.CoverHead, "CoverHead") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[5], p.DadWork, "DadWork") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[6], p.Eda, "eda") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[7], p.FaceColor, "FaceColor") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[8], p.FirstName, "FirstName") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[9], p.FutureLearn, "FutureLearn") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[10], p.GorTorN, "GorTorN") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[11], p.Lasname, "Lastname") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[12], p.Looks, "Looks") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[13], p.OpenHead, "OpenHead") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[15], p.Sexs, "Sexs") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[16], p.Show, "show") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[17], p.StakeM, "StakeM") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[18], p.Status, "Status") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[19], p.Tall, "Tall") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[20], p.TneedE, "TneedE") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[59], p.LearnStaus, "LearnStatus") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[21], p.Zerem, "Zerem") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[70], p.Tz, "Tz") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[71], p.KindChasidut, "KindChasidut") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[72], p.ShiducNum, "ShiducNum") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[73], p.HealthStatus, "HealthStatus") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[74], p.HealthDetails, "HealthDetails") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[88], p.ZeremMom, "ZeremMom") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[91], p.BirthDayHebrew, "BirthDayHebrew") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[23], p.Chadchan, "Chadchan") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[93], p.Temp, "Temp") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[22], p.Weight, "fat", true) + where + ";"; sql += " update peopledetails SET " + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[24], p.Details.ChildrenCount, "ChildrenCount") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[25], p.Details.DadName, "DadName") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[27], p.Details.FriendsInfo, "FriendsInfo") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[28], p.Details.HomeRav, "HomeRav") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[29], p.Details.MechutanimNames, "MechutanimNames") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[30], p.Details.MomLname, "MomLname") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[31], p.Details.MomName, "MomName") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[32], p.Details.MomWork, "MomWork") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[33], p.Details.MoneyGives, "MoneyGives") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[34], p.Details.MoneyNotesFlex, "MoneyNotesFlex") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[35], p.Details.MoneyRequired, "MoneyRequired") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[36], p.Details.Notes, "Notes") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[37], p.Details.OwnChildrenCount, "OwnChildrenCount") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[38], p.Details.RelatedId, "RelatedId") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[39], p.Details.Schools, "Schools") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[40], p.Details.SiblingsSchools, "SiblingsSchools") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[41], p.Details.Street, "Street") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[42], p.Details.Tel1, "Tel1") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[43], p.Details.Tel2, "Tel2") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[44], p.Details.WhoAmI, "WhoAmI") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[45], p.Details.WhoIWant, "WhoIWant") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[48], p.WorkPlace, "WorkPlace") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[49], p.Details.ZevetInfo, "ZevetInfo") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[75], p.Details.YesivaKorHighSchool, "YesivaKorHighSchool") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[76], p.Details.YeshivaGorSeminary, "YeshivaGorSeminary") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[77], p.Details.KibutzorMaslul, "KibutzorMaslul") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[78], p.Details.Licence, "Licence") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[79], p.Details.Smoker, "Smoker") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[80], p.Details.EdaExpectation, "EdaExpectation") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[81], p.Details.AgeExpectation, "AgeExpectation") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[82], p.Details.DadYeshiva, "DadYeshiva") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[83], p.Details.MomSeminary, "MomSeminary") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[84], p.Details.StatusParents, "StatusParents") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[85], p.Details.CommunityTo, "CommunityTo") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[86], p.Details.ParentHealth, "ParentHealth") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[87], p.Details.ParentHealthDetails, "ParentHealthDetails") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[89], p.Details.LocationChild, "LocationChild") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[90], p.Details.NumMarriedSibilings, "NumMarriedSibilings") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[63], p.Details.ContactShiduch, "ContactShiduch") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[64], p.Details.ContactPhone, "ContactPhone") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[65], p.Details.FamilyAbout, "FamilyAbout") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[66], p.Details.Telephone, "Telephone") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[67], p.Details.PhoneOfBachur, "PhoneOfBachur") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[68], p.Details.PhoneKosherLevel, "PhoneKosherLevel") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[69], p.Details.Mail, "Mail") + BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[61], p.Details.MoneyToShadchan, "MoneyToShadchan", true) + Rwhere + ";"; // ^ it right sql += " update RegisterInfo SET "; sql += BuildSql.UpdateSql(out prms[62], DateTime.Now.Date, "LastUpdate", true) + Rwhere + "; "; sql += "COMMIT"; DBFunction.Execute(sql, prms); PopUpMessage(false); ShiduchActivity Activity = new ShiduchActivity(); Activity.Date = DateTime.Now; Activity.UserId = GLOBALVARS.MyUser.ID; Activity.PeopleId = p.ID; Activity.Action = (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionType.update; ShiduchActivity.insertActivity(Activity); return(true); }
private void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //או שלא בחרו עדיין שידוך //או שזה פעילות חדשה ובחרו את אינדקס אפס שזה ריק // if ((sender as Button) == btnSaveOpenB && ( txtSearchShiduch.SelectedIndex < 0 || txtSearchShiduch.SelectedIndex == 0 && newActivity && !thisSideB)) { //אם רוצים לפתוח פעילות כאשר הצד השני לא נבחר אז לא לתת // את זה כי זה יכול לעשות הרבה בעיות MessageBox.Show("לא נבחר צד ב'"); } else if (radOther.Checked && txtOther.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("נא לפרט על אופי הפעילות", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtOther.Focus(); } else if (!radDate.Checked && !radProposal.Checked && !radOther.Checked && !radDetails.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("נא לבחור פעולה", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); radProposal.Focus(); } else { Activity = new ShiduchActivity(); Activity.Date = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text); Activity.PeopleId = MyPeople.ID; Activity.Action = radProposal.Checked ? 0 : radDate.Checked ? 1 : radDetails.Checked ? 2 : 3; if (Shiduch != null && (txtSearchShiduch.SelectedIndex > 0 || updateActivity || thisSideB || isNew_Active_From_Complete_Active)) { Activity.IdSideB = Shiduch.ID; } else if (radDetails.Checked || radOther.Checked) //אם זה רק ברור אז אין צורך בצד ב' { Activity.IdSideB = -1; } else { MessageBox.Show("נא לבחור את ההצעה", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtSearchShiduch.Focus(); return; } Activity.Status = radIncare.Checked ? 0 : radComplete.Checked ? 1 : 2; Activity.NotesSummary = txtNotesSummary.Text; if (Activity.Action == 3) { Activity.NotesSummary = txtOther.Text + "^^^" + txtNotesSummary.Text; } Activity.reminder.IdUser = int.Parse( (txtReminderInCare.SelectedItem as KeyValueClass).Value.ToString()); Activity.reminder.Date = txtDateReminder.Value; Activity.UserId = Activity.reminder.IdUser; if (newActivity) { try { Activity.Id = ShiduchActivity.insertActivity(Activity); ReminderActivity.InsertReminder(Activity); } catch { } } else if (updateActivity) { Activity.Id = ShiduchActivity.Id; Activity.UserId = ShiduchActivity.UserId; try { ShiduchActivity.updateActivity(Activity); //if (OpenReminder&&txtDateReminder.Value == ShiduchActivity.reminder.Date) // Activity.reminder.Done = true; if (Activity.Status == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.inCare) { Activity.reminder.Done = false; } else { Activity.reminder.Done = true; } ReminderActivity.UpdateReminder(Activity); MessageBox.Show("עודכן בהצלחה"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if ((sender as Button) == btnSaveOpenB) { OpenSideB = true; } else if (Activity.Status == (int)ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed && MessageBox.Show("האם ברצונך לפתוח פעילות חדשה?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { OpenNewActivity = true; } save = true; //foreach (Form frm in Application.OpenForms) //{ // if (frm.GetType() == typeof(MainForm)) // { // (frm as MainForm).LoadReminder(); // } //} Close(); } }