Exemple #1
        public void LoadData()
            if (_mode == "Edit" || _mode == "AddClone")
                if (_mode == "Edit")
                    this.Text = "Editing Course...";
                    this.Text = "Adding Course Clone...";
                    btnDelete.Enabled = false;

                Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course objCourse=new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course();
                objCourse.CourseId = _courseid;
                IsRecurringSeries = objCourse.IsRecurring();
                bool[] boolArray = objCourse.CheckTestEvents();
                HasTestInitialEvent = boolArray[0];
                HasTestMidtermEvent = boolArray[1];
                HasTestFinalEvent = boolArray[2];

                foreach(DataRow dr in objCourse.CourseDataTable.Rows)
                    //Get the Client/Department/Program
                        cmbClient.Text = dr["Client"].ToString();

                    intClientID = Common.GetCompanyID(
                        "Select ContactID From Contact " +
                        "Where (CompanyName=@CompanyName OR NickName=@CompanyName) ", cmbClient.Text

                        llblClient.Tag = intClientID;
                            cmbDept, "Select CASE " +
                            "WHEN C.NickName IS NULL THEN C.CompanyName " +
                            "WHEN C.NickName = '' THEN C.CompanyName " +
                            "ELSE C.NickName " +
                            "END AS CompanyName From " +
                            "Department D, Contact C Where D.ContactID=C.ContactID " +
                            "and D.ClientID=" + intClientID +
                            " Order By CompanyName");
                        cmbDept.Text = dr["Department"].ToString();

                    string query = "Select CASE " +
                            "WHEN C.NickName IS NULL THEN C.CompanyName " +
                            "WHEN C.NickName = '' THEN C.CompanyName " +
                            "ELSE C.NickName " +
                            "END AS CompanyName From " +
                            "Department D, Contact C Where D.ContactID=C.ContactID and " +
                            "D.DepartmentStatus=1 and D.ClientID=" + intClientID +
                            " Order By CompanyName";

                    IDataReader reader = DAC.SelectStatement(query);

                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader["CompanyName"] != DBNull.Value && reader["CompanyName"].ToString() != cmbDept.Text)
                            cmbDept.Items.Remove(reader["CompanyName"].ToString()); ;

                    intDepartmentID = Common.GetCompanyID(
                        "Select D.DepartmentID, C.ContactID From Department D, Contact C " +
                        "Where D.ContactID=C.ContactID and (C.CompanyName=@CompanyName OR C.NickName=@CompanyName) and D.ClientID = '" + intClientID + "' ", cmbDept.Text

                    if (intDepartmentID != 0)
                        llbDepartment.Tag = intDepartmentID;

                            cmbProgram, "Select CASE " +
                            "WHEN NickName IS NULL THEN [Name] " +
                            "WHEN NickName = '' THEN [Name] " +
                            "ELSE NickName " +
                            "END AS [Name] From " +
                            "Program Where DepartmentID=" + intDepartmentID +
                            " Order By [Name]");

                    if (dr["Program"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                        llblProgram.Tag = dr["ProgramId"].ToString();
                        cmbProgram.SelectedIndex = cmbProgram.Items.IndexOf(dr["Program"].ToString());

                    query = "Select CASE " +
                            "WHEN NickName IS NULL THEN [Name] " +
                            "WHEN NickName = '' THEN [Name] " +
                            "ELSE NickName " +
                            "END AS [Name] From " +
                            "Program Where ProgramStatus=1 and DepartmentID=" + intDepartmentID +
                            " Order By [Name]";

                    reader = DAC.SelectStatement(query);

                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader["Name"] != DBNull.Value && reader["Name"].ToString() != cmbProgram.Text)
                            cmbProgram.Items.Remove(reader["Name"].ToString()); ;

                    txtCourseName.Text = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    if (_mode == "AddClone") txtCourseName.Text = "Copy of " + txtCourseName.Text;
                    txtNamePhonetic.Text = dr["NamePhonetic"].ToString();
                    txtNameRomaji.Text = dr["NameRomaji"].ToString();
                    txtNickName.Text = dr["NickName"].ToString();

                    txtDescription.Text = dr["Description"].ToString();
                    txtRemarks.Text = dr["SpecialRemarks"].ToString();
                    txtCurriculam.Text = dr["Curriculam"].ToString();

                    cmbCourseType.Text = dr["CourseType"].ToString();
                    txtNumberStudents.Text = dr["NumberStudents"].ToString();
                    txtHomeWorkMinutes.Text = dr["HomeWorkMinutes"].ToString();
                    textBoxBreakDuration.Text = dr["BreakDuration"].ToString();

                    if (dr["CourseStatus"].ToString() == "Active")
                        cmbStatus.SelectedIndex = 0;
                        cmbStatus.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        //chkEventModified.Checked = true;

                    if (_mode == "Edit")
                        txtInitialEvent.Text = dr["TestInitialEventId"].ToString();
                        txtMidtermEvent.Text = dr["TestMidTermEventId"].ToString();
                        txtFinalEvent.Text = dr["TestFinalEventId"].ToString();
                        txtEvent.Text = dr["EventID"].ToString();

                        eventid[0] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TestInitialEventId"].ToString());
                        eventid[1] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TestMidTermEventId"].ToString());
                        eventid[2] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TestFinalEventId"].ToString());
                        eventid[3] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EventID"].ToString());

                        //Making sure all events on record exist
                        if (eventid[0] > 0)
                            if (!objCourse.IsEventExists(eventid[0]))
                                eventid[0] = 0;
                        if (eventid[1] > 0)
                            if (!objCourse.IsEventExists(eventid[1]))
                                eventid[1] = 0;
                        if (eventid[2] > 0)
                            if (!objCourse.IsEventExists(eventid[2]))
                                eventid[2] = 0;
                        if (eventid[3] > 0)
                            if (!objCourse.IsEventExists(eventid[3]))
                                eventid[3] = 0;

                        txtInitialForm.Text = dr["TestInitialForm"].ToString();
                        txtMidtermForm.Text = dr["TestMidTermForm"].ToString();
                        txtFinalForm.Text = dr["TestFinalForm"].ToString();
                        txtInitialEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                        txtMidtermEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                        txtFinalEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                        txtEvent.Text = String.Empty;

                        eventid[0] = 0;
                        eventid[1] = 0;
                        eventid[2] = 0;
                        eventid[3] = 0;

                        txtInitialForm.Text = String.Empty;
                        txtMidtermForm.Text = String.Empty;
                        txtFinalForm.Text = String.Empty;

                if (_mode == "Edit")
                    //Load Events if any
                    string strHint = "";
                    llblInitialEvt.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtInitialEvent.Text, "Initial", ref strHint);
                    if (strHint == "None") txtInitialEvent.Text = "0";
                    strHint = "";

                    llblMidEvt.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtMidtermEvent.Text, "Midterm", ref strHint);
                    if (strHint == "None") txtMidtermEvent.Text = "0";
                    strHint = "";

                    llblFinalEvt.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtFinalEvent.Text, "Final", ref strHint);
                    if (strHint == "None") txtFinalEvent.Text = "0";
                    strHint = "";

                    llblEvent.Text = objCourse.getEventText(txtEvent.Text, "Event", ref strHint);
                    if (strHint != "") llblEvent.Text = strHint;
                    if (strHint == "None") txtEvent.Text = "0";
                    strHint = "";

                    if (eventid[intIndex] > 0)
                        LoadEvent(eventid[intIndex], calendareventid[intIndex]);
                    llblInitialEvt.Text = String.Empty;
                    txtInitialEvent.Text = "0";

                    llblMidEvt.Text = String.Empty;
                    txtMidtermEvent.Text = "0";

                    llblFinalEvt.Text = String.Empty;
                    txtFinalEvent.Text = "0";

                    llblEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                    txtEvent.Text = "0";

                if (_mode == "Edit")
                    string query = "Select CASE " +
                    "WHEN NickName IS NULL THEN CompanyName " +
                    "WHEN NickName = '' THEN CompanyName " +
                    "ELSE NickName " +
                    "END AS CompanyName From " +
                    "Contact Where ContactType=2 and " +
                    "ContactStatus=1 Order By CompanyName";
                    IDataReader reader = DAC.SelectStatement(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader["CompanyName"] != DBNull.Value && reader["CompanyName"].ToString() != cmbClient.Text)

                    query = "Select " +
                        "CASE " +
                        "WHEN NickName IS NULL THEN LastName + ', ' + FirstName " +
                        "WHEN NickName = '' THEN LastName + ', ' + FirstName " +
                        "ELSE NickName " +
                        "END as TeacherName From " +
                        "Contact Where ContactType=1 and " +
                        "ContactStatus=1 Order By LastName, FirstName ";
                    reader = DAC.SelectStatement(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader["TeacherName"] != DBNull.Value && reader["TeacherName"].ToString() != cmbTeacher2_I.Text && reader["TeacherName"].ToString() != cmbTeacher1_I.Text)
                this.Text = "Adding Class...";

                string query = "Select CASE " +
                    "WHEN NickName IS NULL THEN CompanyName " +
                    "WHEN NickName = '' THEN CompanyName " +
                    "ELSE NickName " +
                    "END as CompanyName From " +
                    "Contact Where ContactType=2 and " +
                    "ContactStatus=1 Order By CompanyName";
                IDataReader reader = DAC.SelectStatement(query);
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader["CompanyName"] != DBNull.Value )

                query = "Select " +
                    "CASE " +
                    "WHEN NickName IS NULL THEN LastName + ', ' + FirstName " +
                    "WHEN NickName = '' THEN LastName + ', ' + FirstName " +
                    "ELSE NickName " +
                    "END as TeacherName From " +
                    "Contact Where ContactType=1 and " +
                    "ContactStatus=1 Order By LastName, FirstName ";
                reader = DAC.SelectStatement(query);
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader["TeacherName"] != DBNull.Value)

                cmbClient.Text = String.Empty;
                cmbDept.Text = String.Empty;
                cmbProgram.Text = String.Empty;

                txtCourseName.Text = String.Empty;
                txtNamePhonetic.Text = String.Empty;
                txtNameRomaji.Text = String.Empty;
                txtNickName.Text = String.Empty;
                txtDescription.Text = String.Empty;
                txtRemarks.Text = String.Empty;
                txtCurriculam.Text = String.Empty;

                cmbCourseType.Text = String.Empty;
                txtNumberStudents.Text = String.Empty;
                txtHomeWorkMinutes.Text = String.Empty;
                textBoxBreakDuration.Text = String.Empty;

                txtInitialEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                txtMidtermEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                txtFinalEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                txtEvent.Text = String.Empty;

                eventid[0] = 0;
                eventid[1] = 0;
                eventid[2] = 0;
                eventid[3] = 0;

                txtInitialForm.Text = String.Empty;
                txtMidtermForm.Text = String.Empty;
                txtFinalForm.Text = String.Empty;

                cmbStatus.SelectedIndex = 0;

                //load Events if any
                llblInitialEvt.Text = String.Empty;
                txtInitialEvent.Text = "0";

                llblMidEvt.Text = String.Empty;
                txtMidtermEvent.Text = "0";

                llblFinalEvt.Text = String.Empty;
                txtFinalEvent.Text = "0";

                llblEvent.Text = String.Empty;
                llblEvent.Text = String.Empty;
Exemple #2
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (BusinessLayer.Message.MsgDelete())
                Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course objCourse = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course();
                objCourse.CourseId = _courseid;
                if (!objCourse.DeleteData())
                    BusinessLayer.Message.MsgWarning("Class cannot be deleted");
                    deleted = true;
                    btnDelete.Enabled = false;
                    this.Text = "Adding Class...";
                    _mode = "Add";
                    _courseid = 0;

                    foreach (Control c in tbpCourse.Controls)
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")
                            if (c.Tag == null) c.Text = "";
                            else if (c.Tag.ToString() == "N") c.Text = "0";
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel")
                            c.Text = "None";
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox")
                            c.Text = "";
                    foreach (Control c in tbpCurriculam.Controls)
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")
                            if (c.Tag == null) c.Text = "";
                            else if (c.Tag.ToString() == "N") c.Text = "0";
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox")
                            c.Text = "";
                    foreach (Control c in tbpDescription.Controls)
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")
                            if (c.Tag == null) c.Text = "";
                            else if (c.Tag.ToString() == "N") c.Text = "0";
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox")
                            c.Text = "";
                    foreach (Control c in tbpSpecialRemarks.Controls)
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")
                            if (c.Tag == null) c.Text = "";
                            else if (c.Tag.ToString() == "N") c.Text = "0";
                        if (c.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox")
                            c.Text = "";

                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemple #3
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            btnEventSave_Click(sender, e); //fake call to save event. it is here to remove a save button. actually the code below is unclear to me sorry

            #region Course Validation
            if (txtCourseName.Text == "")
                tbcCourse.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Enter Class Name");
            if (cmbProgram.Text == "")
                tbcCourse.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Enter Program");
            if (cmbCourseType.Text == "")
                tbcCourse.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Enter Job Type");

            bool boolSuccess;

            Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course objCourse = null;

            #region Setting Course Object
            objCourse = new Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Course();
            objCourse.CourseId = 0;

            objCourse.name = txtCourseName.Text;
            objCourse.NamePhonetic = txtNamePhonetic.Text;
            objCourse.NameRomaji = txtNameRomaji.Text;
            objCourse.NickName = txtNickName.Text;
            objCourse.ProgramID = intProgramID;

            objCourse.CourseType = cmbCourseType.Text;
            int noOfStudents = 0;
            if (txtNumberStudents.Text != "")
                Int32.TryParse(txtNumberStudents.Text, out noOfStudents);
            int homeworkMinutes = 0;
            if (txtHomeWorkMinutes.Text != "")
                Int32.TryParse(txtHomeWorkMinutes.Text, out homeworkMinutes);
            int breakDuration = 0;
            if (textBoxBreakDuration.Text != "")
                Int32.TryParse(textBoxBreakDuration.Text, out breakDuration);
            objCourse.NumberStudents = noOfStudents;
            objCourse.HomeWorkMinutes = homeworkMinutes;
            objCourse.BreakDuration = breakDuration;

            objCourse.Description = txtDescription.Text;
            objCourse.SpecialRemarks = txtRemarks.Text;
            objCourse.Curriculam = txtCurriculam.Text;

            objCourse.TestInitialEventID = eventid[0];//Convert.ToInt32(txtInitialEvent.Text);
            objCourse.TestMidEventID = eventid[1];//Convert.ToInt32(txtMidtermEvent.Text);
            objCourse.TestFinalEventID = eventid[2];//Convert.ToInt32(txtFinalEvent.Text);
            objCourse.EventID = eventid[3];//Convert.ToInt32(txtEvent.Text);

            objCourse.TestInitialForm = txtInitialForm.Text;
            objCourse.TestMidtermForm = txtMidtermForm.Text;
            objCourse.TestFinalForm = txtFinalForm.Text;

            objCourse.CourseStatus = cmbStatus.SelectedIndex;

            objCourse.CourseId = _courseid;
            //if (objCourse.Exists())
            //    Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Duplicate Class Name not allowed");
            //    txtCourseName.Focus();
            //    return;
            if (txtNickName.Text != "")
                if (objCourse.NickNameExists())
                    Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.MsgInformation("Duplicate Abbreviated Name not allowed");
            if ((_mode == "Add") || (_mode == "AddClone") || (_mode == ""))
                boolSuccess = objCourse.InsertData();
                objCourse.CourseId = _courseid;
                boolSuccess = objCourse.UpdateData();

            #region Handling the event saving
            if (IsEventChanged)
                DialogResult dlg = MessageBox.Show(this,
                                                "You have made changes to the events.\n\nWould you like to save the changes?",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                if (dlg == DialogResult.Yes)
            if (objEvent != null)
                //Update the events
                _courseid = objCourse.CourseId;
                if (_courseid != 0)
                    int _id = 0;
                    //Test Initial Event
                    if (eventid[0] != 0)
                        _id = eventid[0];
                        if (_id < 0) _id = 0;
                        objEvent.UpdateClassEvent("TestInitialEventID", _id, _courseid);
                        _id = 0;
                    //Test Midterm Event
                    if (eventid[1] != 0)
                        _id = eventid[1];
                        if (_id < 0) _id = 0;
                        objEvent.UpdateClassEvent("TestMidtermEventID", _id, _courseid);
                        _id = 0;
                    //Test Final Event
                    if (eventid[2] != 0)
                        _id = eventid[2];
                        if (_id < 0) _id = 0;
                        objEvent.UpdateClassEvent("TestFinalEventID", _id, _courseid);
                        _id = 0;
                    //Class Event
                    if (eventid[3] != 0)
                        _id = eventid[3];
                        if (_id < 0) _id = 0;
                        objEvent.UpdateClassEvent("EventID", _id, _courseid);
                        _id = 0;

            if (!boolSuccess)
                if (_mode == "Add")
                    Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Inserting Class record.", objCourse.Message);
                else if (_mode == "AddClone")
                    Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Cloning Class record.", objCourse.Message);
                    Scheduler.BusinessLayer.Message.ShowException("Updating Class record.", objCourse.Message);
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;