public List <Appeals_Student> Get_Appeals_by_Lecturer_ID(string id) { List <Appeals_Student> appeals = new List <Appeals_Student>(); Appeals_Student appeal = new Appeals_Student(); int no_review = -1; try { con.OpenCon(); com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Student_Appeals WHERE Lecturer_ID = '" + id + "' AND Status = '" + no_review + "'", con.GetCon()); SqlDataReader rdr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { appeal = new Appeals_Student(); appeal.Set_Student_ID(rdr["Student_ID"].ToString()); appeal.Set_Status(Convert.ToInt32(rdr["Status"].ToString())); appeal.Set_Lecturer_ID(id); appeal.Set_Course_Name(rdr["Course_Name"].ToString()); appeal.Set_Course_ID(Convert.ToInt32(rdr["ActiveCourse_ID"].ToString())); appeal.Set_Appeal(rdr["Appeal"].ToString()); appeals.Add(appeal); } rdr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } con.CloseCon(); return(appeals); }
public void Update_Grade_After_Appeal_Confirmation(int grade, Appeals_Student appeal) { try { con.OpenCon(); com = new SqlCommand("UPDATE StudentGrades SET Grade = '" + grade + "' WHERE studentID = '" + appeal.Get_Student_ID() + "' AND courseName = '" + appeal.Get_Course_Name() + "'", con.GetCon()); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } con.CloseCon(); }
private void Initialise_Again() { studentGrades = studentDB.Get_Grades(student); appeals = appeal_StdntDB.Get_Appeals_From_DB_By_Student(student); studentGrades = stdntToCourseDB.Get_Grades(student.getID()); lecturers = activeCoursesDB.Get_Lecturers_For_Grades(studentGrades, coursesID); txtB__Diplay_Grades_TitleBar.Text = "קורס\t\tמרצה\t\tציון\tערעור"; int size = studentGrades.Count(); string courseName = ""; string appeal_made = ""; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { courseName = studentGrades[i].Get_CourseName(); Remove_Unnecessary_Spaces(courseName); Appeals_Student temp = appeals.Find(a => a.Get_Course_Name() == studentGrades[i].Get_CourseName()); if (temp != null) { if (temp.Get_Status() == CONFIRMED) { appeal_made = "אושר"; } else if (temp.Get_Status() == DENYED) { appeal_made = "נדחה"; } else { appeal_made = "הוגש"; } appeals_made.Add(temp.Get_Status()); } else { appeal_made = "לא הוגש"; appeals_made.Add(NO_APPEAL); } lstB_Dysplay_Grades.Items.Add(courseName + "\t" + lecturers[i].Get_Full_Name() + "\t" + studentGrades[i].Get_Grade() + "\t" + appeal_made); } }
public void Update_After_Lecturer_Review(int ConfirmDeny, Appeals_Student appeal) { try { con.OpenCon(); com = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Student_Appeals SET Status = '" + ConfirmDeny + "' WHERE Student_ID = '" + appeal.Get_Student_ID() + "' AND ActiveCourse_ID = '" + appeal.Get_Course_ID() + "' AND Lecturer_ID = '" + appeal.Get_Lecturer_ID() + "'", con.GetCon()); SqlDataReader rdr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { } rdr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } con.CloseCon(); }