Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual init function called by TextureInfo constructors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">The source texture.</param>
        /// <param name="num_tiles">The number of tiles/cells, horitonally and vertically.</param>
        /// <param name="source_area">The source rectangle, in UV domain, on which we are going to build the tiles (bottom left is 0,0).</param>
        public void Initialize( Texture2D texture, Vector2i num_tiles, TRS source_area )
            Texture = texture;
            TileSizeInUV = source_area.S / num_tiles.Vector2();
            NumTiles = num_tiles;
            m_tiles_uvs = new CachedTileData[ num_tiles.Product() ];

            for ( int y=0; y < NumTiles.Y; ++y )
                for ( int x=0; x < NumTiles.X; ++x )
                    Vector2i tile_index = new Vector2i( x, y );
                    TRS tile = TRS.Tile( NumTiles, tile_index, source_area ); // lots of calculation duplicated, but this is an init function

                    int index = tile_index.X + tile_index.Y * NumTiles.X;

                    m_tiles_uvs[ index ] = new CachedTileData()
                        UV_00 = tile.Point00 ,
                        UV_10 = tile.Point10 ,
                        UV_01 = tile.Point01 ,
                        UV_11 = tile.Point11
Exemple #2
        //use new TRS { T=a_T, R=a_S, S=a_S } instead?
        //        public TRS( Vector2 a_T ,
        //                    Vector2 a_R ,
        //                    Vector2 a_S )
        //        {
        //            T = a_T;
        //            R = a_R;
        //            S = a_S;
        //        }
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a subregion from source_area, given a number of tiles and a tile index,
        /// assuming evenly spaced subdivision. Typically source_area will be Quad0_1
        /// (the unit quad, means the whole texture) and we return the uv info for a 
        /// given tile in the tiled texture.
        /// </summary>
        public static TRS Tile( Vector2i num_tiles, Vector2i tile_index, TRS source_area )
            Vector2 num_tiles_f = num_tiles.Vector2();
            Vector2 tile_index_f = tile_index.Vector2();

            Vector2 tile_size = source_area.S / num_tiles_f;

            Vector2 X = source_area.X;
            Vector2 Y = source_area.Y;

            TRS ret = new TRS();

            ret.T = source_area.T + tile_index_f * tile_size;
            ret.R = source_area.R;
            ret.S = tile_size;

            return ret;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">The font to use to render characters. Note that FontMap disposes of this Font object.</param>
        /// <param name="charset">A string containing all the characters you will ever need when drawing text with this FontMap.</param>
        /// <param name="fontmap_width">The internal with used by the texture (height is adjusted automatically).</param>
        public void Initialize( Font font, string charset, int fontmap_width = 512 )
            CharSet = new Dictionary< char, CharData >();

            CharPixelHeight = font.Metrics.Height;

            Image image = null;
            Vector2i totalsize = new Vector2i( 0, 0 );

            for ( int k=0; k < 2; ++k )
                Vector2i turtle = new Vector2i( 0, 0 );	// turtle is in Sce.PlayStation.Core.Imaging.Font's coordinate system
                int max_height = 0;

                for ( int i=0; i < charset.Length; ++i )
                    if ( CharSet.ContainsKey( charset[i] ) )
                        continue; // this character is already in the map

                    Vector2i char_size = new Vector2i(
                        font.GetTextWidth( charset[i].ToString(), 0, 1 ),

                    max_height = Common.Max( max_height, char_size.Y );

                    if ( turtle.X + char_size.X > fontmap_width )
                        // hit the right side, go to next line
                        turtle.X = 0;
                        turtle.Y += max_height;	// Sce.PlayStation.Core.Imaging.Font's coordinate system: top is 0, so we += to move down
                        max_height = 0;

                        // make sure we are noit going to newline forever due to lack of fontmap_width
                        Common.Assert( char_size.Y <= fontmap_width );

                    if ( k > 0 )
                        // that starts from top left
                        image.DrawText( charset[i].ToString(), new ImageColor(255,255,255,255), font
                                        , new ImagePosition( turtle.X, turtle.Y ) );

                        var uv = new Bounds2( turtle.Vector2() / totalsize.Vector2()
                                             , ( turtle + char_size ).Vector2() / totalsize.Vector2() );

                        // now fix the UV to be in GameEngine2D's UV coordinate system, where 0,0 is bottom left
                        uv = uv.OutrageousYVCoordFlip().OutrageousYTopBottomSwap();

                        CharSet.Add( charset[i], new CharData(){ UV = uv, PixelSize = char_size.Vector2()} );

                    turtle.X += char_size.X;

                    if ( k == 0 )
                        totalsize.X = Common.Max( totalsize.X, turtle.X );
                        totalsize.Y = Common.Max( totalsize.Y, turtle.Y + max_height );

                if ( k == 0 )
            //					System.Console.WriteLine( "FontMap.Initialize: totalsize " + totalsize );
                    image = new Image( ImageMode.A, new ImageSize( totalsize.X, totalsize.Y ), new ImageColor(0,0,0,0) );

                    CharSet.Clear(); // we want to go through the same add logic on second pass, so clear

            Texture = new Texture2D( image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, false, PixelFormat.Luminance );
            Texture.SetPixels( 0, image.ToBuffer() );
            //			image.Export("uh?","hey.png");

                // cache ascii entries so we can skip TryGetValue logic for those
                m_ascii_char_data = new CharData[ AsciiCharSet.Length ];
                m_ascii_char_data_valid = new bool[ AsciiCharSet.Length ];
                for ( int i=0; i < AsciiCharSet.Length; ++i )
                    CharData cdata;
                    m_ascii_char_data_valid[i] = CharSet.TryGetValue( AsciiCharSet[i], out cdata );
                    m_ascii_char_data[i] = cdata;

            // dispose of the font by default