Exemple #1
        public void DrawMatrixInConsole(VisualElement[,] matrix)
            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

            int currentRow = 0, currentCol = 0;
            int stepsPerRow = matrix[0, 0].ElementMatrix.GetLength(0);
            int stepsPerCol = matrix[0, 0].ElementMatrix.GetLength(1);

            for (int r = 0; r < matrix.GetLength(0); r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < matrix.GetLength(1); c++)
                    DrawInConsole(matrix[r, c], currentRow, currentCol);
                    currentCol += stepsPerCol;
                currentRow += stepsPerRow;
                currentCol = 0;
Exemple #2
        public VisualElement[,] LoadLevel(VisualElement[,] matrix, Hero hero, List<NPC> emptyNPCList)
            Dangers dangers = new Dangers();
            VisualElements VisualLoader = new VisualElements();
            NPCs npcs = new NPCs();
            Levels levels = new Levels();

            string[] level = levels.Level1;
            List<DangerousTerritory> dangersOnThisLevel = dangers.Level1Dangers;
            switch (hero.level)
                case 1: dangersOnThisLevel = dangers.Level1Dangers; level = levels.Level1; break;
                case 2: dangersOnThisLevel = dangers.Level2Dangers; level = levels.Level2; break;
                case 3: dangersOnThisLevel = dangers.Level3Dangers; level = levels.Level3; break;
                default: break;

            for (int r = 0; r < matrix.GetLength(0); r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < matrix.GetLength(1); c++)
                    if (level[r][c].Equals(' '))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Grass(sizeOfVisualElements);
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('/'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Grass(1);
                        matrix[r, c].content = dangersOnThisLevel[0]; /// will have 1-st enemy
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('.'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Desert(sizeOfVisualElements);
                        matrix[r, c].content = dangersOnThisLevel[1]; /// will have 2-nd enemy
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('+'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Barren(sizeOfVisualElements);
                        matrix[r, c].content = dangersOnThisLevel[2]; /// will have 3-rd enemy
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('#'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Rock(sizeOfVisualElements);
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals(':'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Grass(sizeOfVisualElements);
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('*'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Rock(sizeOfVisualElements); /// Will be chest
                    else if (char.IsDigit(level[r][c]))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.NPC(sizeOfVisualElements); /// will be NPC
                        NPC npc = npcs.npcList[int.Parse((level[r][c]).ToString())];
                        npc.Position = new Position(r, c);
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('\''))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Desert(sizeOfVisualElements);
                        matrix[r, c].content = dangersOnThisLevel[3]; /// will be BOSS
                    else if (level[r][c].Equals('H'))
                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Grass(sizeOfVisualElements);

                            if (hero.Position.row == 0 || hero.Position.col == 0)
                                hero.Position = new Position(r, c);

                        matrix[r, c] = VisualLoader.Empty(sizeOfVisualElements);

            return matrix;
Exemple #3
        public VisualElement[,] LoadVisibleLevel(VisualElement[,] VisibleMatrix, VisualElement[,] matrix, Hero hero)
            VisualElements VisualLoader = new VisualElements();

            VisibleMatrix[VisibleMatrix.GetLength(0) / 2, VisibleMatrix.GetLength(1) / 2] = VisualLoader.Hero(1);
            for (int r2 = 0; r2 < VisibleMatrix.GetLength(0); r2++)
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < VisibleMatrix.GetLength(0); c2++)
                    int actualPositionRow = hero.Position.row - VisibleMatrix.GetLength(0) / 2 + r2;
                    int actualPositionCol = hero.Position.col - VisibleMatrix.GetLength(0) / 2 + c2;

                    if (actualPositionRow >= 0 ||
                        actualPositionRow > matrix.GetLength(0) ||
                        actualPositionCol >= 0 ||
                        actualPositionCol > matrix.GetLength(1))
                        VisibleMatrix[r2, c2] = VisualLoader.Empty(sizeOfVisualElements);
                        VisibleMatrix[r2, c2] = matrix[actualPositionRow, actualPositionCol];
            return VisibleMatrix;