// Tries to get a pretty name from property passed in, or null if none found
        public static string PrettyName(this object val)
            string name = null;

            if (val is P.ValueProperty)
                P.ValueProperty val_prop = val as P.ValueProperty;
                if (val_prop.Name != null)
                    name = val_prop.Name.ToString();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && val is P.Property)
                P.Property prop = val as P.Property;
                name = prop.GetPathName();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = name.LastName();
                else if (prop.Parent != null)
                    name = prop.Parent.GetChilds().FindName(prop);
                    //TODO: Could add further checking by traversing parent properties
                    //      and checking Properties- resp. PropertyList-related childs
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) ...
        internal P.Property _FindMatchByPath(P.Property left, P.Properties right_coll)
            string left_pathname = left.GetPathName();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(left_pathname))
                foreach (P.Property right in right_coll)
                    string right_pathname = right.GetPathName();
                    if (left_pathname.Equals(right_pathname))

        internal P.Property _FindMatch(P.Property left, P.Properties right_coll)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(left.GetName()))
                return(_FindMatchByName(left, right_coll));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(left.GetPathName()))
                return(_FindMatchByPath(left, right_coll));

            if (right_coll.Count > 0)
