public void DeleteUser(int id)
            using (var NWEntities = new SaveTheWorldEntities())
                var user = (from s1 in NWEntities.auser
                            where == id
                            select s1).SingleOrDefault();

                //Delete it from memory
                //Save to database
        public void AddProduct(string productName, double price, string productDescription, int stock)
            Product prod = new Product();

            prod.ProductName        = productName;
            prod.Price              = price;
            prod.ProductDescription = productDescription;
            prod.Stock              = stock;

            using (SaveTheWorldEntities dbEntities = new SaveTheWorldEntities())

                //   dbEntities.product.Add(prod);
        public bool UpdateProduct(
            ref Product productBDO,
            ref string message)
            message = "product updated successfully";
            var ret = true;

            using (var dbEntities = new SaveTheWorldEntities())
                var productID   = productBDO.ProductId;
                var productInDB =
                    (from p
                     in dbEntities.product
                     where == productID
                     select p).FirstOrDefault();
                // check product
                if (productInDB == null)
                    throw new Exception("No product with ID " +

                // update product
                productInDB.productName = productBDO.ProductName;
                productInDB.description = productBDO.ProductDescription;
                productInDB.price       = productBDO.Price;
                productInDB.minStock    = productBDO.Stock;


                /*If Attach is not called, RowVersion (from the database, not from the client) will be used when submitting to the database, even though you have updated its value before submitting to the database. An update will always succeed, but without a concurrency control.*/
                dbEntities.Entry(productInDB).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                /*If the object state is not set to Modified, Entity Framework will not honor your changes to the entity object and you will not be able to save any of the changes to the database.*/
                var num = dbEntities.SaveChanges();

                if (num != 1)
                    ret     = false;
                    message = "no product is updated";
        public void AddUser(string name, string password, int typeofUser, string email, string address, string phone)
            User user = new User();

            user.Name       = name;
            user.Password   = password;
            user.TypeOfUser = typeofUser;
            user.Email      = email;
            user.Address    = address;
            user.Phone      = phone;

            using (SaveTheWorldEntities dbEntities = new SaveTheWorldEntities())

                //   dbEntities.auser.Add(user);