private static void ProcessLowerCaseRedirect(int PortalId, Uri Url, RewriterAction action)
            // redirect if requested path is not lowercase

            string requestedPath = Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string strQueryString = "";
            if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Url.Query)))
                //strQueryString = QueryString.ToString();
                strQueryString = Url.Query.Replace("?", "");
                requestedPath = requestedPath.Replace(Url.Query, "");
            if (UrlRewiterSettings.IsUrlToLowerCase() &&
                !UrlRewiterSettings.ExcludeFromRedirect(PortalId, requestedPath) &&
                !UrlRewiterSettings.ExcludeFromLowerCase(PortalId, requestedPath))

                if (requestedPath != requestedPath.ToLower())
                    string sendTo = requestedPath.ToLower();
                    if (strQueryString != "")
                        sendTo = sendTo + "?" + strQueryString;

                    app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:RedirectUrl", sendTo);
                    app.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                    app.Response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", "Not lowercase");
                    app.Response.AddHeader("Location", sendTo);
                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                    action.RedirectUrl = sendTo;
                    action.Raison = "Not lowercase";
        private static void ProcessParameters(CacheController cacheCtrl, RewriterAction action, int PortalId)
            if ((action.ModuleUrl.Trim().Length > 0))
                //split the value into an array based on "/" ( ie. /tabid/##/ )
                string parameters = action.ModuleUrl.Replace("\\", "/").TrimStart('/');
                var rule = cacheCtrl.GetModuleRule(action.CultureCode, action.TabId, parameters);

                if (rule == null)
                    rule = cacheCtrl.GetCustomModuleRule(action.CultureCode, action.TabId, parameters);
                    if (rule != null)
                        if (rule.Action == UrlRuleAction.Redirect)
                            if (rule.RemoveTab)
                                action.RedirectPage = "";
                            action.RedirectModule = rule.ReplaceRedirectDestination(parameters);
                            action.DoRedirect = true;
                            action.Raison += "+ModuleRule:" + parameters + ">" + action.RedirectModule;
                            action.ModuleParameters = rule.ReplaceUrl(parameters);
                            action.WorkUrl = "";

                if (rule != null)
                    if (rule.Action == UrlRuleAction.Redirect)
                        if (rule.RemoveTab)
                            //action.RedirectUrl = redirect.RedirectUrl.Replace("/" + tabUrl, "");
                            action.RedirectPage = "";
                        //action.RedirectUrl = redirect.RedirectUrl.Replace(parameters.TrimStart('/'), rule.RedirectDestination);
                        action.RedirectModule = rule.RedirectDestination;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+ModuleRule:" + rule.Url + ">" + rule.RedirectDestination;

                    else if (parameters != rule.Url) // because different case
                        action.RedirectPage = rule.Url;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Wrong case or url";
                    action.ModuleParameters = rule.Parameters;
                    action.WorkUrl = "";
                    //if (!HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    if (UrlRewiterSettings.IsManage404(PortalId))
                        action.ModuleNotFound = true;
                action.QueryParameters = "";
                string[] splitParameters = parameters.Split('/');
                string parameterName;
                string parameterValue;
                //create a well formed querystring based on the array of parameters
                for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < splitParameters.Length; parameterIndex++)
                    //ignore the page name
                    if (splitParameters[parameterIndex].IndexOf(".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                        //get parameter name
                        parameterName = splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim();
                        if (parameterName.Length > 0)
                            //rule = GetModuleRule(portalId, CultureCode, TabId, parameterName);
                            rule = null;

                            //add parameter to SendTo if it does not exist already  && not pagename
                            if (action.QueryParameters.IndexOf("?" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 &&
                                action.QueryParameters.IndexOf("&" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 &&
                                (parameterIndex != splitParameters.Length - 1 || rule != null))
                                //get parameter value
                                parameterValue = "";
                                if (rule != null)
                                    action.QueryParameters += "&" + rule.Parameters;
                                    action.QueryParameters += "&" + parameterName;
                                    if (parameterIndex < splitParameters.Length - 1)
                                        parameterIndex += 1;
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim()))
                                            parameterValue = splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim();
                                            parameterValue = parameterValue.Replace(".aspx", "");

                                    //add the parameter value
                                    if (parameterValue.Length > 0)
                                        action.QueryParameters += "=" + parameterValue;
        private static bool ProccessCtl(Uri Url, int portalID, string tabPath, RewriterAction action)
            //Get the Portal
            PortalInfo portal = new PortalController().GetPortal(portalID);
            var requestQuery = Url.Query;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                requestQuery = Regex.Replace(requestQuery, "&?tabid=\\d+", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                requestQuery = Regex.Replace(requestQuery, "&?portalid=\\d+", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                requestQuery = requestQuery.TrimStart('?', '&');

            tabPath = tabPath.Replace(".aspx", "");
            if (tabPath == "/login")
                ProcessLowerCaseRedirect(portalID, Url, action);
                string sendToUrl;
                if (portal.LoginTabId > Null.NullInteger && Globals.ValidateLoginTabID(portal.LoginTabId))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.LoginTabId + "&" + requestQuery;
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.LoginTabId;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=login&" + requestQuery;
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=login";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))
                    sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + action.CultureCode;
                //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                action.DoReWrite = true;
                action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
                return true;
            if (tabPath == "/register")
                ProcessLowerCaseRedirect(portalID, Url, action);
                string sendToUrl;
                if (portal.RegisterTabId > Null.NullInteger)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.RegisterTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&" + requestQuery;
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.RegisterTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Register&" + requestQuery;
                        sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId + "&portalid=" + portalID + "&ctl=Register";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))
                    sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + action.CultureCode;
                //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                action.DoReWrite = true;
                action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
                return true;
            if (tabPath == "/terms")
                ProcessLowerCaseRedirect(portalID, Url, action);
                string sendToUrl;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                    sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId /*+ "&portalid=" + portalID*/ + "&ctl=Terms&" + requestQuery;
                    sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId /*+ "&portalid=" + portalID */ + "&ctl=Terms";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))
                    sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + action.CultureCode;
                //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                action.DoReWrite = true;
                action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
                return true;
            if (tabPath == "/privacy")
                ProcessLowerCaseRedirect(portalID, Url, action);
                string sendToUrl;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestQuery))
                    sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId /*+ "&portalid=" + portalID*/ + "&ctl=Privacy&" + requestQuery;
                    sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + portal.HomeTabId /*+ "&portalid=" + portalID*/ + "&ctl=Privacy";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))
                    sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + action.CultureCode;
                //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                action.DoReWrite = true;
                action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
                return true;

            return false;
        private static bool ProcessCustomRules(CacheController cacheCtrl, string ApplicationPath, Uri Url, PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias, RewriterAction action)
            //save and remove the querystring as it gets added back on later
            //path parameter specifications will take precedence over querystring parameters
            string requestedPath = Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string strQueryString = "";
            if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Url.Query)))
                //strQueryString = QueryString.ToString();
                strQueryString = Url.Query.Replace("?", "");
                requestedPath = requestedPath.Replace(Url.Query, "");

            string sendTo = "";
            //get url rewriting rules
            //RewriterRuleCollection rules = RewriterConfiguration.GetConfig().Rules;
            var rules = cacheCtrl.GetRules().Where(r => r.RuleType == UrlRuleType.Custom);

            //iterate through list of rules
            UrlRule ruleFound = null;
            foreach (UrlRule rule in rules)
                //check for the existence of the LookFor value
                string pattern = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, rule.Url) + "$";
                Match objMatch = Regex.Match(requestedPath, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                //if there is a match
                if (objMatch.Success /* && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Parameters) || rule.Parameters == strQueryString) */ )
                    //create a new URL using the SendTo regex value
                    sendTo = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, Regex.Replace(requestedPath, pattern, rule.RedirectDestination, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

                    string parameters = objMatch.Groups[2].Value;
                    //process the parameters
                    //ProcessParameters(objPortalAlias.PortalID, "", -1,  ref sendTo, parameters);
                    ruleFound = rule;
                    break; //exit as soon as it processes the first match

            //if a match was found to the urlrewrite rules
            if (ruleFound != null /*&& string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleFound.Parameters)*/ )
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strQueryString))
                    //add querystring parameters back to SendTo
                    string[] parameters = strQueryString.Split('&');
                    string parameterName;
                    //iterate through the array of parameters
                    for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex <= parameters.Length - 1; parameterIndex++)
                        //get parameter name
                        parameterName = parameters[parameterIndex];
                        if (parameterName.IndexOf("=") != -1)
                            parameterName = parameterName.Substring(0, parameterName.IndexOf("="));
                        //check if parameter already exists
                        if (sendTo.IndexOf("?" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 &&
                            sendTo.IndexOf("&" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                            //add parameter to SendTo value
                            if (sendTo.IndexOf("?") != -1)
                                sendTo = sendTo + "&" + parameters[parameterIndex];
                                sendTo = sendTo + "?" + parameters[parameterIndex];

                if (ruleFound.Action == UrlRuleAction.Rewrite)
                    action.DoReWrite = true;
                    action.RewriteUrl = sendTo;
                    action.Raison = "Custom rule";
                    if (ruleFound.RedirectStatus == 404)
                        action.DoNotFound = true;
                        action.Raison = "Custom rule";
                        action.Status = 404;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.RedirectUrl = sendTo;
                        action.Raison = "Custom rule";
                        action.Status = ruleFound.RedirectStatus;
                return true;
                return false;
        private static void GetCulture(CacheController cacheCtrl, Dictionary<string, Locale> dicLocales, RewriterAction action, int portalID)
            string cultureCode = string.Empty;
            //cultureUrl = string.Empty;
            // check if multi language site
            if (dicLocales.Count > 1)
                String[] splitUrl = action.WorkUrl.TrimStart('/').Split('/');
                // asume culture is always first part of url afetr alias
                string culturePart = splitUrl[0];
                // try to find UrlRule
                var ruleL = cacheCtrl.GetLanguageRule(culturePart.ToLower());
                if (ruleL != null)
                    if (ruleL.Action == UrlRuleAction.Redirect)
                        //action.RedirectUrl = redirect.RedirectUrl.Replace("/" + culturePart + "/", "/" + ruleL.RedirectDestination + "/");
                        action.RedirectCulture = ruleL.RedirectDestination;
                        action.Status = ruleL.RedirectStatus;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Culture:" + ruleL.Url + ">" + ruleL.RedirectDestination;
                    else if (culturePart != ruleL.Url) // because different case
                        action.RedirectCulture = ruleL.Url;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Culture Wrong case";
                    culturePart = ruleL.CultureCode;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Locale> key in dicLocales)
                    if (key.Key.ToLower().Equals(culturePart.ToLower()))
                        action.CultureCode = key.Value.Code;
                        action.CultureUrl = splitUrl[0];
                        action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.Substring(action.CultureUrl.Length + 1);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureUrl))
                    Locale DefaultLocale = LocaleController.Instance.GetDefaultLocale(portalID);
                    action.RedirectCulture = DefaultLocale.Code;
                    var ruleD = cacheCtrl.GetLanguageRule(culturePart.ToLower());
                    if (ruleD != null && ruleL.Action == UrlRuleAction.Redirect)
                        action.RedirectCulture = ruleD.RedirectDestination;
                        action.Status = ruleD.RedirectStatus;
                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                    action.Raison += "+Language empty";

        private static void ProcessParametersRedirects(HttpApplication app, HttpResponse response, int portalId, string CultureCode, String myAlias, string cultureUrl, string tabUrl, string parameters, RedirectAction redirect)
            if ((parameters.Trim().Length > 0))
                UrlRule CtlRule = GetRedirectModuleRule(portalId, CultureCode, parameters.TrimStart('/').ToLower());
                if (CtlRule != null)
                    if (CtlRule.RemoveTab)
                        redirect.RedirectUrl = redirect.RedirectUrl.Replace("/" + tabUrl, "");
                    redirect.RedirectUrl = redirect.RedirectUrl.Replace(parameters.TrimStart('/'), CtlRule.RedirectDestination);
                    redirect.DoRedirect = true;
                    redirect.Raison += "+ModuleRule:" + CtlRule.Url + ">" + CtlRule.RedirectDestination;
        private static void GetTab(CacheController cacheCtrl, RewriterAction action)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.WorkUrl))

            int tabID = Null.NullInteger;
            string TabPath = action.WorkUrl;
            string Parameters = "";
            UrlRule TabRule;
                TabRule = cacheCtrl.GetTabRule(action.CultureCode, TabPath);
                if (TabRule != null)
                    action.TabId = TabRule.TabId;
                    action.WorkUrl = "";
                    action.PageUrl = TabPath;
                    action.ModuleUrl = Parameters.TrimStart('/');

                    if (TabRule.RemoveTab && string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ModuleUrl) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.QueryUrl))
                    { // redirect to alias
                        action.RedirectHomePage = true;
                        action.Status = TabRule.RedirectStatus;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Tab:" + TabRule.Url + "> alias";
                    else if (TabRule.Action == UrlRuleAction.Redirect)
                        //action.RedirectUrl = action.RedirectUrl.Replace("/" + TabRule.Url, "/" + TabRule.RedirectDestination);
                        action.RedirectPage = TabRule.RedirectDestination;
                        action.Status = TabRule.RedirectStatus;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Tab:" + TabRule.Url + ">" + TabRule.RedirectDestination;

                    else if (TabPath != TabRule.Url) // because different case
                        action.RedirectPage = TabRule.Url;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Wrong case";

                int slashIndex = TabPath.LastIndexOf('/');
                if (slashIndex > 0)
                    Parameters = TabPath.Substring(slashIndex) + Parameters;
                    TabPath = TabPath.Substring(0, slashIndex);
                    TabPath = "";
            } while (TabPath.Length > 0);
 public static void RewriteUrl(Uri url, out string portalAlias, out PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias, out RewriterAction action)
     RewriteUrl(null, url, out portalAlias, out objPortalAlias, out action,
                  HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath, false, "GET", url.AbsoluteUri, "");
        private static bool CheckTabIdRedirect(string ApplicationPath, Uri Url, PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias, RewriterAction action, CacheController cacheCtrl)
            bool RuleMatch = false;
            if (cacheCtrl != null && action.LocalPath.ToLower().Contains("tabid")) // for performance
                // check for tabid in the url (OpenUrlRewriter use for public urls, the pagename after the language in the url)
                string pattern = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, "[^?]*/TabId/(\\d+)(.*)") + "$";
                Match objMatch = Regex.Match(Url.LocalPath, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                //if there is a match
                if (objMatch.Success)
                    action.TabId = int.Parse(objMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                    // if there is a rule for the tabid, the OpenUrlRewriter manage the rewriter otherwise the SiteUrls rules discard all processing
                    var rule = cacheCtrl.GetRewriteTabRule(action.CultureCode, action.TabId);
                    if (rule == null && objPortalAlias != null)
                    // if rule not found maybe because culture missing in url
                        TabController tc = new TabController();
                        var tab = tc.GetTab(action.TabId, objPortalAlias.PortalID, false);
                        if (tab != null)
                            action.CultureCode = tab.CultureCode;
            #if DNN71
                            var primaryAliases = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.Internal.TestablePortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(objPortalAlias.PortalID).ToList();
                            var alias = primaryAliases.FirstOrDefault(a => a.CultureCode == action.CultureCode);
                            if (alias != null)
                                action.Alias = alias.HTTPAlias;
                            rule = cacheCtrl.GetRewriteTabRule(action.CultureCode, action.TabId);
                    if (rule != null)
                        // construct the standard dnn path format /alias/culture/pageurl/parameters
            #if DNN71
                        string langParms = "";
                        string langParms = string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode) ? "" : "/" + action.CultureCode;

                        action.LocalPath = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, Regex.Replace(action.LocalPath, pattern, "~" + langParms + "/" + rule.Url + "$2", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
                        action.WorkUrl = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, Regex.Replace(action.WorkUrl, pattern, "~" + langParms + "/" + rule.Url + "$2", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
                        //action.RedirectUrl = action.HostPort + action.LocalPath;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+tabid present";
                        action.RedirectPage = rule.Url;
                        RuleMatch = true;
                    //  ~/Default.aspx?TabId=$1
            else if (cacheCtrl != null && action.QueryUrl.ToLower().Contains("tabid") && action.LocalPath.ToLower().Contains("default.aspx")) // for performance
                // check for tabid in the url (OpenUrlRewriter use for public urls, the pagename after the language in the url)
                string pattern = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, "[?&]TabId=(\\d+)(.*)") + "$";
                Match objMatch = Regex.Match(action.QueryUrl, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                //if there is a match
                if (objMatch.Success)

                    action.TabId = int.Parse(objMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                    // if there is a rule for the tabid, the OpenUrlRewriter manage the rewriter otherwise the SiteUrls rules discard all processing
                    var rule = cacheCtrl.GetRewriteTabRule(action.CultureCode, action.TabId);
                    if (rule == null && objPortalAlias != null)
                    // if rule not found maybe because culture missing in url
                        TabController tc = new TabController();
                        var tab = tc.GetTab(action.TabId, objPortalAlias.PortalID, false);
                        if (tab != null)
                            action.CultureCode = tab.CultureCode;

            #if DNN71
                            var primaryAliases = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.Internal.TestablePortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(objPortalAlias.PortalID).ToList();
                            var alias = primaryAliases.FirstOrDefault(a => a.CultureCode == action.CultureCode);
                            if (alias != null)
                                action.Alias = alias.HTTPAlias;

                            rule = cacheCtrl.GetRewriteTabRule(action.CultureCode, action.TabId);
                    if (rule != null)
                        // construct the standard dnn path format /alias/culture/pageurl/parameters

                        action.QueryUrl = Regex.Replace(action.QueryUrl, pattern, "$2", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            #if DNN71
                        string langParms = "";
                        string langParms = string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode) ? "" : "/" + action.CultureCode;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.LocalPath) || action.LocalPath == "/")
                            action.LocalPath = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, "~" + langParms + "/" + rule.Url);
                            action.WorkUrl = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, "~" + langParms + "/" + rule.Url);
                        //action.RedirectUrl = action.HostPort + action.LocalPath;

                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+tabid present";
                        action.RedirectPage = rule.Url;
                        RuleMatch = true;


                    //  ~/Default.aspx?TabId=$1
            else if (cacheCtrl != null && action.QueryUrl.ToLower().Contains("tabid") && action.QueryUrl.ToLower().Contains("passwordreset")) // for performance

                string pattern = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, "[?&]TabId=(\\d+)(.*)") + "$";
                Match objMatch = Regex.Match(action.QueryUrl, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                //if there is a match
                if (objMatch.Success)

                        action.QueryUrl = Regex.Replace(action.QueryUrl, pattern, "$2", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);


            return RuleMatch;
        private static void RewriteUrl(HttpApplication app, Uri url, out string portalAlias, out PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias, out RewriterAction action,
            string applicationPath, bool isSecureConnection, string httpMethod, string rawUrl, string PhysicalPath)
             string applicationPath = "";

            bool isSecureConnection = false;
            string httpMethod = "GET";
            string rawUrl = "";
            if (app != null)
                HttpRequest request = app.Request;
                HttpResponse response = app.Response;
                url = request.Url;
                rawUrl = request.RawUrl;
                isSecureConnection = request.IsSecureConnection;
                applicationPath = request.ApplicationPath;
                //NameValueCollection queryString = null;
                //queryString = request.QueryString;
                httpMethod = request.HttpMethod;
                httpMethod = "GET";
                rawUrl = url.AbsoluteUri;
                applicationPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;
            #if DEBUG
            var IISversion = GetIISVersion();
            if (app != null)
                app.Context.Response.AppendHeader("X-OpenUrlRewriter-IIS-Version", IISversion.Major + "." + IISversion.Minor);
            portalAlias = "";
            //determine portal alias looking for longest possible match
            objPortalAlias = GetPortalAlias(url, out portalAlias);
            // action is the object containing all info about rewiting and redirection
            action = new RewriterAction();
            if (objPortalAlias == null) return;
            action.LocalPath = url.LocalPath;
            action.HostPort = GetHostPort(url, isSecureConnection);
            action.OriginalUrl = action.HostPort + action.LocalPath;
            action.Alias = portalAlias;
            #if DNN71
            action.CultureCode = objPortalAlias.CultureCode;
            action.QueryUrl = url.Query;
            action.ModuleUrl = "";
            //Work variable
            action.WorkUrl = action.HostPort + action.LocalPath;
            if (action.WorkUrl.StartsWith(action.Alias))
                action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.Remove(0, action.Alias.Length);

            if (IsSpecialPage(url, PhysicalPath, rawUrl, action.WorkUrl)) return;

            CacheController cacheCtrl = null;
            if (objPortalAlias != null)
                cacheCtrl = new CacheController(objPortalAlias.PortalID);
            #if !DNN71
            // check for language as parameter in the url (OpenUrlRewriter use for public urls, the language after the portal alias)
            if (action.LocalPath.ToLower().Contains("language")) { // for performance
                Match langMatch = Regex.Match(action.LocalPath, "/language/(?:.[^/]+)(?:/|$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //searches for a string like language/en-US/ in the url
                if (langMatch.Success)
                    string langParms = langMatch.Value.TrimEnd('/');//in the format of /language/en-US only
                    action.CultureCode = langParms.ToLower().Replace("/language/", "");
                    // construct the standard dnn path format /alias/culture/rest of the path
                    action.LocalPath = applicationPath + "/" + action.CultureCode + "/"+ action.LocalPath.Substring(applicationPath.Length).Replace(langParms, "");
                    action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.Replace(langParms, "");
                    //langParms = langParms.ToLower().Replace("/language", "");
                    //action.RedirectUrl = action.HostPort + action.LocalPath;
                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                    action.Raison += "+language present";

            // if tabid present in url redirect to the friendlyurl
            bool RuleMatch = CheckTabIdRedirect(applicationPath, url, objPortalAlias, action, cacheCtrl);

            // Process SiteUrls.config rules
            if (!RuleMatch)
                if (ProcessRules(applicationPath, objPortalAlias, url, action))

            if (cacheCtrl != null)
                // custom redirects
                if (ProcessCustomRules(cacheCtrl, applicationPath, url, objPortalAlias, action)) return;
            // load the PortalSettings into current context
            portalSettings = new PortalSettings(result.tabId, result.portalAlias);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.Alias) && objPortalAlias != null)
            #if DEBUG
                if (app != null)
                    app.Context.Response.AppendHeader("X-OpenUrlRewriter-RawUrl", rawUrl);
                int portalID = objPortalAlias.PortalID;

                Dictionary<string, Locale> dicLocales = LocaleController.Instance.GetLocales(portalID);

                #region Default Page has been Requested

                if (!action.DoRedirect && (
                    (action.WorkUrl.ToLower() == "/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage.ToLower()) ||
                    (action.WorkUrl.ToLower() == "/") ||
                    (action.WorkUrl.ToLower() == ""))
                    if (GetCurrentTrustLevel() == AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Unrestricted &&
                        GetIISVersion().Major >= 7 &&
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+Remove /Default.aspx";
                        action.RedirectHomePage = true;
                        ProcessRedirect(app, httpMethod, url, action);
            #if DNN71
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPortalAlias.CultureCode))
                        var primaryAliases = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.Internal.TestablePortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(objPortalAlias.PortalID).ToList().Where(a => a.IsPrimary == true);
                        var alias = primaryAliases.FirstOrDefault(a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.CultureCode));
                        if (alias != null)
                            action.Alias = alias.HTTPAlias;
                            action.DoRedirect = true;
                            action.Raison += "+Remove language";
                            action.RedirectHomePage = true;
                            ProcessRedirect(app, httpMethod, url, action);
                        // for url : redirect to
                        Locale DefaultLocale = LocaleController.Instance.GetDefaultLocale(portalID);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPortalAlias.CultureCode) && (objPortalAlias.CultureCode != DefaultLocale.Code))
                            PortalController pc = new PortalController();

                            PortalInfo objPortal = pc.GetPortal(portalID, objPortalAlias.CultureCode);
                            if (objPortal.HomeTabId > 0)
                                var portalSettings = new PortalSettings(objPortal.HomeTabId, objPortalAlias);
                                app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:OriginalUrl", app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
                                string HomeUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(objPortal.HomeTabId, false, portalSettings, "", objPortalAlias.CultureCode);
                                action.DoRedirect = true;
                                action.Raison += "+Home page missing";
                                action.Status = 301;
                                action.RedirectHomePage = true;
                                action.RedirectUrl = HomeUrl;


                        PortalController pc = new PortalController();
                        Locale DefaultLocale = LocaleController.Instance.GetDefaultLocale(portalID);
                        // Browser language detection
                        if (HttpContext.Current.Request["language"] == null && EnableBrowserLanguageInDefault(portalID))
                            string ActiveLanguage = PortalController.GetActivePortalLanguage(portalID);
                            if (ActiveLanguage != DefaultLocale.Code)
                                PortalInfo objPortal = pc.GetPortal(portalID, ActiveLanguage);
                                if (objPortal.HomeTabId > 0)
                                    var portalSettings = new PortalSettings(objPortal.HomeTabId, objPortalAlias);

                                    app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:OriginalUrl", app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
                                    string HomeUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(objPortal.HomeTabId, false, portalSettings, "", ActiveLanguage);
                                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                                    action.Raison += "+Active language";
                                    action.Status = 302;
                                    action.RedirectHomePage = true;
                                    action.RedirectUrl = HomeUrl;
                            PortalInfo objPortal = pc.GetPortal(portalID, DefaultLocale.Code);

                            string sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + objPortal.HomeTabId;
                            if (dicLocales.Count > 1)
                                sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + objPortal.DefaultLanguage;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.QueryUrl))
                                sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&" + action.QueryUrl.TrimStart('?', '&');
                            if (app != null)
                                app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:RewriteUrl", RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(applicationPath, sendToUrl));
                            //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                            action.DoReWrite = true;
                            action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
            #if DNN71
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))

                        PortalInfo objPortal = new PortalController().GetPortal(portalID, action.CultureCode);
                        string sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + objPortal.HomeTabId;
                        sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + action.CultureCode;
                        if (app != null)
                            app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:RewriteUrl", RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(applicationPath, sendToUrl));
                        action.DoReWrite = true;
                        action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;

            #if !DNN71
                // Find culture
                GetCulture(cacheCtrl, dicLocales, action, portalID);
                if (action.WorkUrl.ToLower().StartsWith("/host"))
                    cacheCtrl = new CacheController(Null.NullInteger);

                // remove default.aspx

                // Find tabid
                GetTab(cacheCtrl, action);
                if (app != null)
                    app.Context.Response.AppendHeader("X-OpenUrlRewriter-Info", action.CultureUrl + "*" + action.PageUrl + "*" + action.ModuleUrl);

                /* old stuff find tab by path (standard dnn)
                if (tabID == Null.NullInteger)
                    myTabPath = TabPath;
                    tabID = GetTabByTabPath(portalID, tabPath, cultureCode);

                if ((action.TabId != Null.NullInteger))

                    string sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + action.TabId;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))
                        sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&language=" + action.CultureCode;

                    //process the parameters
                    ProcessParameters(cacheCtrl, action, objPortalAlias.PortalID);

                    if (action.ModuleNotFound)
                        action.Raison = "ModuleNotFound";
                        action.DoNotFound = true;

                    ProcessQuery(cacheCtrl, action, objPortalAlias.PortalID);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ModuleParameters))
                        sendToUrl += "&" + action.ModuleParameters;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.QueryParameters))
                        sendToUrl += action.QueryParameters;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.QueryUrl))
                        sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&" + action.QueryUrl.TrimStart('?', '&');

                    if (ProcessRedirect(app, httpMethod, url, action))

                    if (app != null)
                        app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:RewriteUrl", RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, sendToUrl));
                    //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                    action.DoReWrite = true;
                    action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
                    // tabid is retrived from UrlRule
                    ProcessParametersWithoutPage(cacheCtrl, action);
                    if (action.TabId != -1)
                        string sendToUrl = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + action.TabId;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.CultureCode))
                            sendToUrl += "&language=" + action.CultureCode;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ModuleParameters))
                            sendToUrl += "&" + action.ModuleParameters;
                        //ProcessLowerCaseRedirect(portalID, app);
                        if (ProcessRedirect(app, httpMethod, url, action)) return;
                        if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Request.Url.Query)))
                            sendToUrl = sendToUrl + "&" + app.Request.Url.Query.TrimStart('?');
                        if (ProcessRedirect(app, httpMethod, url, action)) return;
                        if (app != null)
                            app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:RewriteUrl", RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, sendToUrl));
                        //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
                        action.DoReWrite = true;
                        action.RewriteUrl = sendToUrl;
                // urls not included in the UrlRules
                string tabPath = "/" + action.WorkUrl.ToLower();
                if ((tabPath.IndexOf('?') != -1))
                    tabPath = tabPath.Substring(0, tabPath.IndexOf('?'));
                // process special urls login, register, terms, privacy
                if (ProccessCtl(url, portalID, tabPath, action))
                //if (UrlRewiterSettings.IsManage404(objPortalAlias.PortalID))
                    action.Raison = "Page not found";
                    action.DoNotFound = true;

                tabPath = tabPath.Replace("/", "//");
                var objTabController = new TabController();
                TabCollection objTabs;
                if (tabPath.StartsWith("//host"))
                    objTabs = objTabController.GetTabsByPortal(Null.NullInteger);
                    objTabs = objTabController.GetTabsByPortal(portalID);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TabInfo> kvp in objTabs)
                    if ((kvp.Value.IsDeleted == false && kvp.Value.TabPath.ToLower() == tabPath))
                        if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Request.Url.Query)))
                            RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + kvp.Value.TabID + "&" + app.Request.Url.Query.TrimStart('?'));
                            RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?TabID=" + kvp.Value.TabID);
                //Should always resolve to something
                //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, "~/" & glbDefaultPage)
        public static void RewriteUrl(HttpApplication app, out string portalAlias, out PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias, out RewriterAction action)
            HttpRequest request = app.Request;
            HttpResponse response = app.Response;

            RewriteUrl(app, request.Url, out portalAlias, out objPortalAlias, out action,
                        request.ApplicationPath, request.IsSecureConnection, request.HttpMethod, request.RawUrl, request.PhysicalPath);
        private static void RemoveDefaultAndExtention(RewriterAction action)
            string Ext = "";
            if (action.WorkUrl.Contains('.'))
                int ExtIndex = action.WorkUrl.IndexOf('.');
                Ext = action.WorkUrl.Substring(ExtIndex);
                action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.Remove(ExtIndex);
            else if (action.WorkUrl.EndsWith("/"))
                Ext = "/";
                action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.TrimEnd('/');

            if (Ext != UrlRewiterSettings.Current().FileExtension)
                //action.RedirectUrl = action.RedirectUrl.Replace(".aspx", "");
                action.DoRedirect = true;
                action.Raison += "+wrong extention";

            if (action.WorkUrl.EndsWith("/Default", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //action.RedirectUrl = action.RedirectUrl.Replace("/Default", "");
                action.DoRedirect = true;
                action.Raison += "+Remove /Default";

                action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.Remove(action.WorkUrl.Length - 8);
            action.WorkUrl = action.WorkUrl.TrimStart('/');
        private static bool ProcessRules(string ApplicationPath, PortalAliasInfo objPortalAlias, Uri Url, RewriterAction action)
            //Friendly URLs are exposed externally using the following format
            //and processed internally using the following format
            //The system for accomplishing this is based on an extensible Regex rules definition stored in /SiteUrls.config

            //save and remove the querystring as it gets added back on later
            //path parameter specifications will take precedence over querystring parameters
            string requestedPath = Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string strQueryString = "";
            if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Url.Query)))
                strQueryString = Url.Query.Replace("?", "");
                requestedPath = requestedPath.Replace(Url.Query, "");

            string sendTo = "";
            //get url rewriting rules
            RewriterRuleCollection rules = RewriterConfiguration.GetConfig().Rules;

            //iterate through list of rules
            int matchIndex = -1;
            for (int ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex <= rules.Count - 1; ruleIndex++)
                //check for the existence of the LookFor value
                string pattern = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, rules[ruleIndex].LookFor) + "$";
                Match objMatch = Regex.Match(requestedPath, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                //if there is a match
                if ((objMatch.Success))
                    //create a new URL using the SendTo regex value
                    sendTo = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(ApplicationPath, Regex.Replace(requestedPath, pattern, rules[ruleIndex].SendTo, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

                    string parameters = objMatch.Groups[2].Value;
                    //process the parameters
                    //ProcessParameters(objPortalAlias.PortalID, "", -1, "",ref sendTo, parameters, null);
                    if ((parameters.Trim().Length > 0))
                        //split the value into an array based on "/" ( ie. /tabid/##/ )
                        parameters = parameters.Replace("\\", "/");

                        parameters = parameters.Replace("/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage, "").Replace("/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage.ToLower(), "").Replace(".aspx", "");

                        string[] splitParameters = parameters.Split('/');
                        string parameterName;
                        string parameterValue;
                        //icreate a well formed querystring based on the array of parameters
                        for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < splitParameters.Length; parameterIndex++)
                            //ignore the page name
                            if (splitParameters[parameterIndex].IndexOf(".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                                //get parameter name
                                parameterName = splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim();
                                if (parameterName.Length > 0)
                                    //add parameter to SendTo if it does not exist already
                                    if (sendTo.IndexOf("?" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 &&
                                        sendTo.IndexOf("&" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                                        //get parameter delimiter
                                        string parameterDelimiter;
                                        if (sendTo.IndexOf("?") != -1)
                                            parameterDelimiter = "&";
                                            parameterDelimiter = "?";
                                        sendTo = sendTo + parameterDelimiter + parameterName;
                                        //get parameter value
                                        parameterValue = "";
                                        if (parameterIndex < splitParameters.Length - 1)
                                            parameterIndex += 1;
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim()))
                                                parameterValue = splitParameters[parameterIndex].Trim();
                                        //add the parameter value
                                        if (parameterValue.Length > 0)
                                            sendTo = sendTo + "=" + parameterValue;
                    matchIndex = ruleIndex;
                    break; //exit as soon as it processes the first match

            //if a match was found to the urlrewrite rules
            if (matchIndex != -1)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strQueryString))
                    //add querystring parameters back to SendTo
                    string[] parameters = strQueryString.Split('&');
                    string parameterName;
                    //iterate through the array of parameters
                    for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex <= parameters.Length - 1; parameterIndex++)
                        //get parameter name
                        parameterName = parameters[parameterIndex];
                        if (parameterName.IndexOf("=") != -1)
                            parameterName = parameterName.Substring(0, parameterName.IndexOf("="));
                        //check if parameter already exists
                        if (sendTo.IndexOf("?" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1 &&
                            sendTo.IndexOf("&" + parameterName + "=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                            //add parameter to SendTo value
                            if (sendTo.IndexOf("?") != -1)
                                sendTo = sendTo + "&" + parameters[parameterIndex];
                                sendTo = sendTo + "?" + parameters[parameterIndex];

                if (rules[matchIndex].SendTo.StartsWith("~"))
                    //rewrite the URL for internal processing
                    //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendTo);
                    action.DoReWrite = true;
                    action.RewriteUrl = sendTo;
                    //it is not possible to rewrite the domain portion of the URL so redirect to the new URL
                    //app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:RedirectUrl", sendTo);
                    //app.Response.Redirect(sendTo, true);
                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                    action.RedirectUrl = sendTo;
                return true;
                return false;
        private static bool ProcessRedirect(HttpApplication app, string HttpMethod, Uri Url, RewriterAction redirect)
            if (redirect.DoRedirect && HttpMethod == "GET")
                string RedirectTo = Url.Scheme + "://" + redirect.Alias;

                if (!redirect.RedirectHomePage)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.RedirectCulture))
                        RedirectTo += "/" + redirect.RedirectCulture;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.CultureUrl))
                        RedirectTo += "/" + redirect.CultureUrl;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.RedirectPage))
                        RedirectTo += "/" + redirect.RedirectPage;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.PageUrl))
                        RedirectTo += "/" + redirect.PageUrl;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.RedirectModule))
                        RedirectTo += "/" + redirect.RedirectModule;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.ModuleUrl))
                        RedirectTo += "/" + redirect.ModuleUrl;

                    RedirectTo += UrlRewiterSettings.Current().FileExtension;
                redirect.QueryUrl = redirect.QueryUrl.TrimStart('?', '&');
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect.QueryUrl))
                    RedirectTo += (RedirectTo.Contains('?') ? "&" : "?") + redirect.QueryUrl;
                redirect.RedirectUrl = RedirectTo;
                response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Raison", redirect.Raison);
                if (redirect.Status == 302)
                    response.Redirect(RedirectTo, true);
                    response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                    response.AddHeader("Location", RedirectTo);
                // normaly we dont come here because redirect && End stop the thread
                return true;
                redirect.DoRedirect = false; // not GET
                return false;
        private static void ProcessQuery(CacheController cacheCtrl, RewriterAction action, int PortalId)
            if ((action.QueryUrl.Trim().Length > 0))
                //split the value into an array based on "/" ( ie. /tabid/##/ )
                string parameters = action.QueryUrl.TrimStart('?', '&').Trim();
                var rule = cacheCtrl.GetModuleRuleByParameters(action.CultureCode, action.TabId, parameters);

                if (rule != null)
                    if (rule.RemoveTab)
                        action.RedirectPage = "";
                    action.RedirectModule = rule.Url;
                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                    action.Raison += "+ModuleRule:" + rule.Parameters + ">" + rule.Url;
                    action.QueryUrl = "";

                rule = cacheCtrl.GetCustomModuleRuleByParameters(action.CultureCode, action.TabId, parameters);
                if (rule != null)

                    if (rule.RemoveTab)
                        action.RedirectPage = "";
                    action.RedirectModule = rule.Replace(parameters, "");
                    action.DoRedirect = true;
                    action.Raison += "+ModuleRule:" + parameters + ">" + action.RedirectModule;
                    action.QueryUrl = "";
        private static int ProcessParametersWithoutPage(CacheController cacheCtrl, RewriterAction action)
            if ((action.WorkUrl.Trim().Length > 0))
                //split the value into an array based on "/" ( ie. /tabid/##/ )
                string parameters = action.WorkUrl.Replace("\\", "/").TrimStart('/');
                var rule = cacheCtrl.GetModuleRule(action.CultureCode, parameters);
                if (rule != null)
                    if (rule.Action == UrlRuleAction.Redirect)
                        if (rule.RemoveTab)
                            redirect.RedirectUrl = redirect.RedirectUrl.Replace("/" + tabUrl, "");
                        //action.RedirectUrl = action.RedirectUrl.Replace(parameters.TrimStart('/'), rule.RedirectDestination);
                        action.RedirectModule = rule.RedirectDestination;
                        action.DoRedirect = true;
                        action.Raison += "+ModuleRule:" + rule.Url + ">" + rule.RedirectDestination;

                    if (rule.TabId != Null.NullInteger)
                        action.ModuleUrl = parameters;
                        action.ModuleParameters = rule.Parameters;
                        action.TabId = rule.TabId;
                        action.WorkUrl = "";

            return -1;