public virtual bool Start(ProcessInfo info, BuildLogger buildLogger)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info",
                                                "The process information cannot be null (Nothing).");

            if (_process != null)
                if (_process.HasExited == false)

                _process = null;

                _process = new Process();

                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = _process.StartInfo;

                startInfo.CreateNoWindow         = info.CreateNoWindow;
                startInfo.FileName               = info.FileName;
                startInfo.WorkingDirectory       = info.WorkingDirectory;
                startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = info.RedirectOutput;
                startInfo.RedirectStandardError  = info.RedirectError;
                startInfo.UseShellExecute        = info.UseShellExecute;
                startInfo.Arguments              = info.Arguments;

                _process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

                _process.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(
                _process.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(
                _process.Exited += new EventHandler(OnProcessExited);

                _processInfo   = info;
                _processLogger = buildLogger;

                // Now, start the process - there will still not be output till...
                _startTime = DateTime.Now;


                // if we get here, send an event to the caller
                if (this.ProcessStarted != null)
                    ProcessStartedEventArgs args = new
                                                   ProcessStartedEventArgs(_startTime, info);
                    this.ProcessStarted(this, args);

                // Start the asynchronous read of the output stream

                // We must wait for the process to complete, if required...
                if (info.WaitForExit)

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_process != null)
                    _process = null;
                if (buildLogger != null)
                    buildLogger.WriteLine(ex, BuildLoggerLevel.Error);

 public virtual bool Start(ProcessInfo info)
     return(this.Start(info, null));