#pragma warning disable CS1998 public override async void Post() { m_time = DateTime.MinValue; m_toGuess = m_allTags[Program.p.rand.Next(m_allTags.Count)]; string currName = "booruGame" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff") + m_guild.Id.ToString(); BooruModule.getImage(new BooruModule.Gelbooru(), new string[] { m_toGuess }, m_chan as ITextChannel, currName + "1", false, true); BooruModule.getImage(new BooruModule.Gelbooru(), new string[] { m_toGuess }, m_chan as ITextChannel, currName + "2", false, true); BooruModule.getImage(new BooruModule.Gelbooru(), new string[] { m_toGuess }, m_chan as ITextChannel, currName + "3", false, true); m_time = DateTime.Now; }
public async Task debugInfos() { p.doAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Debug); string infosDebug; // GENERAL infosDebug = "**General**:" + Environment.NewLine; int userMet = 0; int userKnow = 0; string mostSpeakUser = "******"; int nbMessages = 0; int totalMessages = 0; foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles("Saves/Users/")) { userMet++; string[] details = File.ReadAllLines(s); if (details[2] != "No") { userKnow++; totalMessages += Convert.ToInt32(details[3]); if (mostSpeakUser == "0" || Convert.ToInt32(details[3]) > nbMessages) { mostSpeakUser = details[0]; nbMessages = Convert.ToInt32(details[3]); } } } infosDebug += "Creator: Zirk#1001." + Environment.NewLine + "Creation date: " + (await Context.Channel.GetUserAsync(Sentences.myId)).CreatedAt.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss") + Environment.NewLine + "Messages received: " + totalMessages + "." + Environment.NewLine + "(The user who sent me more messages is " + mostSpeakUser + " with " + nbMessages + " messages)." + Environment.NewLine + "Users know: " + userMet + " (I already spoke with " + userKnow + " of them)." + Environment.NewLine + "Guilds available: " + p.client.Guilds.Count + "." + Environment.NewLine; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Description = infosDebug, Color = Color.Purple, }; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); infosDebug = "**Linguistic Module:**" + Environment.NewLine + "Translation: "; try { if (LinguistModule.getTranslation("cat", "fr", out _).Contains("chat")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + "Definition: "; try { if (LinguistModule.getAllKanjis("cat")[0].Contains("猫")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "**Booru Module:**" + Environment.NewLine + "Safebooru: "; try { if (BooruModule.getBooruUrl(new BooruModule.Safebooru(), new string[] { "hibiki_(kantai_collection)" }).StartsWith("https://")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + "Gelbooru: "; try { if (BooruModule.getBooruUrl(new BooruModule.Gelbooru(), new string[] { "hibiki_(kantai_collection)" }).StartsWith("https://")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + "Konachan: "; try { if (BooruModule.getBooruUrl(new BooruModule.Konachan(), new string[] { "hibiki_(kancolle)" }).StartsWith("https://")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + "Rule 34: "; try { if (BooruModule.getBooruUrl(new BooruModule.Rule34(), new string[] { "hibiki_(kancolle)" }).StartsWith("https://")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "**Vn Module:**" + Environment.NewLine + "Vn: "; try { if ((await VndbModule.getVn("Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius")).Name == "Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius") { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } infosDebug += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "**Google Shortener Module:**" + Environment.NewLine + "Random URL: "; try { Tuple <string, string> result = await GoogleShortenerModule.getUrl(); if (result == null || result.Item1.StartsWith("https://goo.gl/") || result.Item1.StartsWith("http://goo.gl/")) { infosDebug += "OK"; } else { infosDebug += "Error"; } } catch (Exception e) { infosDebug += e.ToString().Split(':')[0]; } embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Unit tests:", Description = infosDebug, Color = Color.Purple, }; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }