public override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            this.viewModel = new SimpleViewModel();

            // we can either put this here or in will appear (onResume), depending on what we need to do with loading for the VM.
            this.loader = new ViewModelLoader<string>(this.GetHelloWorld, this.UpdateViewModel, new UIThreadScheduler());
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            this.viewModel = new SimpleViewModel();

            // we can either put this here or in will appear, depending on what we need to do with loading for the VM.
            this.loader = new ViewModelLoader<string>(this.GetHelloWorld, this.UpdateViewModel, new UIThreadScheduler());

            this.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Play, (s, e) =>
                    this.NavigationController.PushViewController(new SimpleListController(), true);
        public static IList<IGroup> GetViewModel(SimpleViewModel theViewModel)
            var groups = new ObservableCollection<IGroup>();

            var group1 = new GroupViewModel();
            group1.Header = new CaptionViewModel("Header 1");

            group1.Rows.Add(new StringWrapperElementViewModel(theViewModel, "Property1"));
            group1.Rows.Add(new StringWrapperElementViewModel(theViewModel, "Property2"));

            group1.Rows.Add(new StringElementViewModel("tap me") { TapCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => {
                ((StringWrapperElementViewModel)group1.Rows[0]).Value = "i was clicked";
            }) });

            return groups;
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var theViewModel = new SimpleViewModel();

            theViewModel.Property1 = "Hello";
            theViewModel.Property2 = "World";

            // view did load equivalent
            this.source = new GroupedListSource(this, DialogDataTemplates.DefaultTemplates(this));
            this.source.ListView = this.ListView;

            // Register the TableView's data source
            this.ListView.Adapter = this.source;


            // Create your application here
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            this.source = new GroupedListSource(DialogDataTemplates.DefaultTemplates());
            this.source.TableView = this.TableView;

            var theViewModel = new SimpleViewModel();

            theViewModel.Property1 = "Hello";
            theViewModel.Property2 = "World";

            // Register the TableView's data source
            this.TableView.Source = this.source;
