static void Main(string[] args) { ISimple sim = new SimpleExample(); sim.Create("Simple"); IExample ex = new SimpleExample(); ex.Create("Example"); SimpleExample simEx = new SimpleExample(); simEx.Create("Simple and Example"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IExample ex = new SimpleExample(); ex.Create(); ISimple sim = new SimpleExample(); sim.Create(); SimpleExample exSim = new SimpleExample(); exSim.Create(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //firstExample(); //IParty party = new PhaniParty(); //birthdayParty(party); ISimple sim = new SimpleExample(); sim.Create(); IExample ex = new SimpleExample(); ex.Create(); SimpleExample simEx = new SimpleExample(); simEx.Create(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //SimpleExample simEx = new SimpleExample(); //simEx.SimpleFunc(); //simEx.ExampleFunc(); //using Runtime polmorphism.. IExample ex = new SimpleExample(); ex.ExampleFunc(); //ISimple sim = new SimpleExample(); ISimple sim = (ISimple)ex;//UR object will be now behave like ISimple so that it retains the data U have set using the IExample object. In other words, U share the same object in the form of sim. sim.SimpleFunc(); }