public void When_no_authorization_rules_have_been_configured_for_a_given_command_then_checks_are_unauthorized()
            var customer = new Customer();
            var account = new CustomerAccount();
            var addEmail = new ChangeEmailAddress();

            customer.IsAuthorizedTo(addEmail, account)
Exemple #2
 public ShippingResult ShipOrder(Customer customer, Order order, Destination destination)
     //can only ship via ground to the customer's own address
     if (new GroundShippingApprovalRule(destination).IsSatisfiedBy(customer))
         //do something here with customer, order, and destination
         return ShippingResult.Success;
         return ShippingResult.Failure;
Exemple #3
 public ShippingResult ShipOrder(Customer customer, Order order, Destination destination)
     //can only ship via air if not in a too-nearby state
     if (new AirShippingApprovalRule(destination).IsSatisfiedBy(customer))
         //do something here with customer, order, and destination
         return ShippingResult.Success;
         return ShippingResult.Failure;
            public void Entities_Are_Equal()
                Customer customer = new Customer();
                Customer otherCustomer = new Customer();

                SetInstanceFieldValue(customer, "_persistenceId", 1);
                SetInstanceFieldValue(otherCustomer, "_persistenceId", 1);

                Assert.That(customer, Is.EqualTo(otherCustomer));
 // method with direct call, as illustrated in the IDDD Book
 // Step 1: LockCustomerForAccountOverdraft method of
 // Customer Application Service is called
 public void LockCustomerForAccountOverdraft(CustomerId customerId, string comment)
     // Step 2.1: Load event stream for Customer, given its id
     var stream = _eventStore.LoadEventStream(customerId);
     // Step 2.2: Build aggregate from event stream
     var customer = new Customer(stream.Events);
     // Step 3: call aggregate method, passing it arguments and pricing domain service
     customer.LockForAccountOverdraft(comment, _pricingService);
     // Step 4: commit changes to the event stream by id
     _eventStore.AppendToStream(customerId, stream.Version, customer.Changes);
        public void AuthorizationPolicy_For_returns_an_instance_based_on_the_actual_rather_than_declared_type_of_the_principal()
                                      .Requires((a, b, c) => true);
            IPrincipal iprincipal = new Customer();
            var customer = new Customer();
            var cancel = new Cancel();
            var order = new Order();

            iprincipal.IsAuthorizedTo(cancel, order).Should().Be(true);
            customer.IsAuthorizedTo(cancel, order).Should().Be(true);
            public void ShipOrder_Can_Return_Success()
                Customer customer = new Customer();

                Order order = new Order();
                Destination destination = new Destination("123", "Main Street", "Anywhere", new State("SomeState", "SS"), "12345");


                IShipOrders groundShipper = new GroundShipper();

                Assert.That(groundShipper.ShipOrder(customer, order, destination), Is.EqualTo(ShippingResult.Success));
            public void Entities_Are_Equal()
                Customer customer = new Customer();
                Name name = new Name("Steve", "Bohlen");
                SetInstanceFieldValue(customer, "_persistenceId", 1);

                Customer otherCustomer = new Customer();
                Name differentName = new Name(String.Format("{0}_DIFFERENT", customer.Firstname), String.Format("{0}_DIFFERENT", customer.Lastname));
                SetInstanceFieldValue(otherCustomer, "_persistenceId", 1);

                Assert.That(customer, Is.EqualTo(otherCustomer));
        public void Can_Get_Customers_By_State()
            //new repository
            ICustomerRepository customers = new Customers();
            //a state that *is* NY
            var ny = new State("New York", "ny");
            //an address in NY
            var nyAddress = new Address("1", "Main Street", "New York", ny, "12345");

            //a state *not* NY
            var notNy = new State("New Jersey", "nj");
            //an address *not* in NY
            var notNyAddress = new Address("1", "Main Street", "Trenton", notNy, "12345");

            //a customer not in NY
            var notNyCustomer1 = new Customer();

            //a customer in NY
            var nyCustomer1 = new Customer();

            //another customer in NY
            var nyCustomer2 = new Customer();

            //still one more customer in NY
            var nyCustomer3 = new Customer();

            //add all the customers to the repository

            //select customers from the state that is NY
            var results = customers.FromState(ny);

            Assert.That(results, Has.Member(nyCustomer1));
            Assert.That(results, Has.Member(nyCustomer2));
            Assert.That(results, Has.Member(nyCustomer3));
            Assert.That(results.Count(), Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(results, Has.No.Member(notNyCustomer1));
        public void IsDenied_overrides_other_authorizations()
            AuthorizationFor<Customer>.ToApplyAnyCommand.ToA<CustomerAccount>.Requires((c1, c2) => c1.Id == c2.Id);
            Guid customerId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var customerAccount = new CustomerAccount(customerId);
            var customerPrincipal = new Customer
                Id = customerId,
                IsAuthenticated = true

            customerPrincipal.IsAuthorizedTo(new ChangeEmailAddress(), customerAccount)

            customerPrincipal.IsAuthorizedTo(new SuspendAccount(), customerAccount)
        public void The_event_Actor_is_set_from_the_Command_Principal()
            // arrange
            var customer = new Customer(Any.FullName());
            var serviceRepresentative = new CustomerServiceRepresentative
                Name = Any.FullName()
            var command = new SpecifyShippingInfo
                Principal = serviceRepresentative

            var order = new Order(new CreateOrder(customer.Name)
                Principal = customer

            // act

            // assert

Exemple #12
 public void _TestSetUp()
     _invaldiName = new Name(VALID_FIRSTNAME, INVALID_LASTNAME);
     _customer = new Customer();
        public void IsDenied_does_not_need_to_specify_a_resource_type_for_the_command()
            AuthorizationFor<Customer>.ToApplyAnyCommand.ToA<CustomerAccount>.Requires((c1, c2) => c1.Id == c2.Id);

            Guid customerId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var customerAccount = new CustomerAccount(customerId);
            var customerPrincipal = new Customer
                Id = customerId,
                IsAuthenticated = true

            customerPrincipal.IsAuthorizedTo(new ChangeEmailAddress(), customerAccount)

            customerPrincipal.IsAuthorizedTo(new UnsuspendAccount(), customerAccount)
Exemple #14
 public void _TestSetUp()
     _validName = new Name(VALID_FIRSTNAME, VALID_LASTNAME);
     _customer = new Customer();
 public bool NewOrderWouldExceedCreditLimit(Customer customer, Order order)
     //TODO: contact back-end system for actual response
     return false;
 public bool IsWithinCreditLimitByMargin(Customer customer, Currency margin)
     //TODO: contact back-end system for actual response
     return true;
        // Sample of method that would apply simple conflict resolution.
        // see IDDD book or Greg's videos for more in-depth explanation
        void UpdateWithSimpleConflictResolution(CustomerId id, Action<Customer> execute)
            while (true)
                EventStream eventStream = _eventStore.LoadEventStream(id);
                Customer customer = new Customer(eventStream.Events);

                    _eventStore.AppendToStream(id, eventStream.Version, customer.Changes);
                catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)
                    foreach (var clientEvent in customer.Changes)
                        foreach (var actualEvent in ex.ActualEvents)
                            if (ConflictsWith(clientEvent, actualEvent))
                                var msg = string.Format("Conflict between {0} and {1}",
                                    clientEvent, actualEvent);
                                throw new RealConcurrencyException(msg, ex);
                    // there are no conflicts and we can append
                    _eventStore.AppendToStream(id, ex.ActualVersion, customer.Changes);
 public Currency RemainingCredit(Customer customer)
     //TODO: contact back-end system for actual response
     return new Currency(200.0);
 void Update(CustomerId id, Action<Customer> execute)
     // Load event stream from the store
     EventStream stream = _eventStore.LoadEventStream(id);
     // create new Customer aggregate from the history
     Customer customer = new Customer(stream.Events);
     // execute delegated action
     // append resulting changes to the stream
     _eventStore.AppendToStream(id, stream.Version, customer.Changes);
 public bool IsWithinCreditLimit(Customer customer)
     //TODO: contact back-end system for actual response
     return true;
        public void ToApplyAnyCommand_allows_an_authorization_rule_to_be_declared_for_all_commands_for_a_given_resource_type()
            var principals = new List<IPrincipal>();
            var resources = new List<EventSourcedAggregate>();

                                      .Requires((principal, resource) =>
                                          return true;

            var customer = new Customer();
            var order1 = new Order();
            var order2 = new Order();

            customer.IsAuthorizedTo(new Cancel(), order1)
            customer.IsAuthorizedTo(new Place(), order2)
