Exemple #1
        public bool GetNext(DateTime start, DateTime end, out DateTime next)
            // Initialize the next output
            next = DateTime.MinValue;

            // Don't want to select the actual start date.
            DateTime baseSearch = start.AddMinutes(1.0);
            int      baseMinute = baseSearch.Minute;
            int      baseHour   = baseSearch.Hour;
            int      baseDay    = baseSearch.Day;
            int      baseMonth  = baseSearch.Month;
            int      baseYear   = baseSearch.Year;

            // Get the next minute value
            int minute = _minutes.Next(baseMinute);

            if (minute == CronEntryBase.RolledOver)
                // We need to roll forward to the next hour.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                // Don't need to worry about baseHour>23 case because
                //	that will roll off our list in the next step.

            // Get the next hour value
            int hour = _hours.Next(baseHour);

            if (hour == CronEntryBase.RolledOver)
                // Roll forward to the next day.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
                // Don't need to worry about baseDay>31 case because
                //	that will roll off our list in the next step.
            else if (hour > baseHour)
                // Original hour must not have been in the list.
                //	Reset the minutes.
                minute = _minutes.First;

            // Get the next day value.
            int day = _days.Next(baseDay);

            if (day == CronEntryBase.RolledOver)
                // Roll forward to the next month
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
                day    = _days.First;
                // Need to worry about rolling over to the next year here
                //	because we need to know the number of days in a month
                //	and that is year dependent (leap year).
                if (baseMonth > 12)
                    // Roll over to next year.
                    baseMonth = 1;
            else if (day > baseDay)
                // Original day no in the value list...reset.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
            while (day > DateTime.DaysInMonth(baseYear, baseMonth))
                // Have a value for the day that is not a valid day
                //	in the current month. Move to the next month.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
                day    = _days.First;
                // This original month could not be December because
                //	it can handle the maximum value of days (31). So
                //	we do not have to worry about baseMonth == 13 case.

            // Get the next month value.
            int month = _months.Next(baseMonth);

            if (month == CronEntryBase.RolledOver)
                // Roll forward to the next year.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
                day    = _days.First;
                month  = _months.First;
            else if (month > baseMonth)
                // Original month not in the value list...reset.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
                day    = _days.First;
            while (day > DateTime.DaysInMonth(baseYear, month))
                // Have a value for the day that is not a valid day
                //	in the current month. Move to the next month.
                minute = _minutes.First;
                hour   = _hours.First;
                day    = _days.First;
                month  = _months.Next(month + 1);
                if (month == CronEntryBase.RolledOver)
                    // Roll forward to the next year.
                    minute = _minutes.First;
                    hour   = _hours.First;
                    day    = _days.First;
                    month  = _months.First;

            // Is the date / time we found beyond the end search contraint?
            DateTime suggested = new DateTime(baseYear, month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0);

            if (suggested >= end)

            // Does the date / time we found satisfy the day of the week contraint?
            if (_daysOfWeek.Values.Contains((int)suggested.DayOfWeek))
                // We have a good date.
                next = suggested;

            // We need to recursively look for a date in the future. Because this
            //	search resulted in a day that does not satisfy the day of week
            //	contraint, start the search on the next day.
            return(GetNext(new DateTime(baseYear, month, day, 23, 59, 0, 0), out next));