public void d2_IsgetCustomerBookingCorrect() { testActivityObj.bookSeats(0, 2, testCustObj1); Sales.Invoice actual1 = testActivityObj.getCustomerBooking(testCustObj1); Sales.Invoice expected1 = testInvoiceObj; //variables AreEqual & AreNotEqual Assert.AreEqual(expected1.getPriceCode(), actual1.getPriceCode(), "Price code not equal"); Assert.AreNotEqual(expected1.getTheCust(), actual1.getTheCust(), "The Customers equal"); Assert.AreEqual(expected1.getRowNum(), actual1.getRowNum(), "Row num not equal"); Assert.AreEqual(expected1.getStartSeatNum(), actual1.getStartSeatNum(), "Start seat number not equal"); Assert.AreEqual(expected1.getNumberOfSeats(), actual1.getNumberOfSeats(), "No of seats not equal"); //Assert.AreEqual(expected1, actual1, "???"); //This will not work for comparing object's data without a getter in source code similar to getTheCust(). }
public void Init() { //Flight(int economyRows, int economySeats, int firstClassRows, int firstClassSeats) testFlightObj = new Sales.Flight(20, 160, 5, 20); //Activity(Flight theFlight) testActivityObj = new Sales.Activity(testFlightObj); //Customer(int memberType, String firstName, String lastName, String creditNumber, String creditType, String expiry) testCustObj = new Sales.Customer(1, "Raja", "Arumuga", "1000200030004000", "Visa", "11/22"); testCustObj1 = new Sales.Customer(1, "KT", "Lau", "1000200030004000", "Visa", "01/20"); //Invoice(int priceCode, Customer theCust, int rowNum, int startSeatNum, int seatsBooked) testInvoiceObj = new Sales.Invoice(0, testCustObj, 1, 1, 2); testInvoiceObj1 = new Sales.Invoice(0, testCustObj, 1, 1, 2); testInvoiceObj2 = new Sales.Invoice(1, testCustObj, 1, 1, 2); testInvoiceObj3 = new Sales.Invoice(1, testCustObj1, 1, 1, 2); //Seat(int numAvail, int code) code is priceCode testSeatObj = new Sales.Seat(160, 0); }