public void AddNewUser(User pUser) { //add to array int arrayLength = usersArray.Length; Array.Resize(ref usersArray, arrayLength + 1); usersArray[arrayLength] = pUser.Email; foreach (string i in usersArray) { Console.WriteLine("Array email address is : " + i); } //add to dictionary usersMap.Add(pUser.Email, pUser.Password); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> i in usersMap) { Console.WriteLine("Dictionary email address is : " + i.Key + "password is : " + i.Value); } //add to list usersList.Add(pUser.Email); foreach (string i in usersList) { Console.WriteLine("List email address is : " + i); } }
public User AddNewUser(User pUser) { //Uncomment the following for SQLLite Database, //mapper.addNewUser(pUser); mapperNonDb.AddNewUser(pUser); return pUser; }
public bool ValidateUser(User pUser) { bool isValid = false; //Uncomment the following for SQLLite Database, TODO not yet finished //int valid = mapper.validateUser(pUser); //if(valid >=1) //{ // isValid = true; //} isValid = mapperNonDb.ValidateUser(pUser); return isValid; }
private bool ValidateUserByArray(User pUser) { bool valid = false; foreach (string i in usersArray) { if (i.Equals(pUser.Email)) { valid = true; break; } } return valid; }
public bool ValidateUser(User pUser) { bool isUserValid = false; bool bol1 = ValidateUserByArray(pUser); bool bol2 = ValidateUserByMap (pUser); bool bol3 = ValidateUserByList(pUser); if(bol1 && bol2 && bol3) { isUserValid = true; } return isUserValid; }
public User AddNewUser(User pUser) { BuildSqlLiteDb sql = new BuildSqlLiteDb(); // create a new database connection: sqlConnection = sql.getConnection(); sqlConnection.Open(); sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); sqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO USER (name,email,password) VALUES(@name, @email, @password)"; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@name", pUser.Name)); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@email", pUser.Email)); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@password", pUser.Password)); sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.Write("User inserted : " + pUser.toString()); sqlConnection.Close(); return pUser; }
public int ValidateUser(User pUser) { BuildSqlLiteDb sql = new BuildSqlLiteDb(); // create a new database connection: sqlConnection = sql.getConnection(); sqlConnection.Open(); sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); sqlCommand.CommandText = "select count(1) from user where email = @email and password = @password"; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@email", pUser.Email)); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@password", pUser.Password)); sqlReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); int valid = 1; //TODO - read results sqlConnection.Close(); return valid; }
private User CreateLoginUser() { User currentUser = new User(); currentUser.Email = loginEmail_Input.Text; Console.WriteLine("Email is " + currentUser.Email); currentUser.Password = loginPassword_Input.Text; Console.WriteLine("Password is " + currentUser.Password); return currentUser; }
private bool ValidateEmailFormat(User pUser) { bool isValid = false; string email = pUser.Email; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new Regex(@"^([\w\.\-]+)@([\w\-]+)((\.(\w){2,3})+)$"); Match match = regex.Match(email); if (match.Success) { Console.Write(email + " is valid"); isValid = true; } else { Console.Write(email + " is invalid"); errorMessages.Add("Email format is incorrect"); } return isValid; }
private bool Validate(User currentUser) { bool isValid = true; if( !ValidateEmailFormat(currentUser) || !DoPasswordsMatch() ) { foreach(string i in errorMessages) { validationErrors.View = View.List; this.validationErrors.Items.Add(i); } isValid = false; } return isValid; }
private User CreateSignUpUser() { User currentUser = new User(); currentUser = new User(); currentUser.Name = name_input.Text; Console.WriteLine("Name is " + currentUser.Name); currentUser.Email = email_input.Text; Console.WriteLine("Email is " + currentUser.Email); currentUser.Password = password_input.Text; Console.WriteLine("Password is " + currentUser.Password); return currentUser; }
private bool ValidateUserByMap(User pUser) { bool valid = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> i in usersMap) { if (i.Key.Equals(pUser.Email) && i.Value.Equals(pUser.Password)) { valid = true; break; } } return valid; }