Exemple #1
        private void chessRecognitionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (img == null) // verify if the image is already opened
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // clock cursor

            //copy Undo Image
            imgUndo = img.Copy();
            Rectangle rectangulo;
            string    angle;

            string[,] Pieces;
            ImageClass.Chess_Recognition(img, img, out rectangulo, out angle, out Pieces);

            ImageViewer.Image = img.Bitmap;
            ImageViewer.Refresh();    // refresh image on the screen

            Cursor = Cursors.Default; // normal cursor
Exemple #2
        private void chessRecognitionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (img == null) // verify if the image is already opened
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // clock cursor

            //copy Undo Image
            imgUndo = img.Copy();
            Color red = Color.Red;
            Pen   p   = new Pen(red);

            p.Width = 4;
            ImageClass.Chess_Recognition(img, imgUndo, out Rectangle BD_Location, out string Angle,
                                         out string[,] Pieces);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img.Bitmap);
            //g.DrawRectangle(p, BD_Location);
            float angle = float.Parse(Angle,

            using (Matrix m = new Matrix())
                m.RotateAt(angle, new PointF(BD_Location.Left,
                g.Transform = m;
                g.DrawRectangle(p, BD_Location);

            ////Convert the image to grayscale and filter out the noise
            //Image<Gray, Byte> gray = img.Convert<Gray, Byte>().PyrDown().PyrUp();

            //Gray cannyThreshold = new Gray(180);
            //Gray cannyThresholdLinking = new Gray(120);
            //Gray circleAccumulatorThreshold = new Gray(120);

            //CircleF[] circles = gray.HoughCircles(
            //    cannyThreshold,
            //    circleAccumulatorThreshold,
            //    5.0, //Resolution of the accumulator used to detect centers of the circles
            //    10.0, //min distance
            //    5, //min radius
            //    0 //max radius
            //    )[0]; //Get the circles from the first channel

            //Image<Gray, Byte> cannyEdges = gray.Canny(cannyThreshold.Intensity, cannyThresholdLinking.Intensity);
            //LineSegment2D[] lines = cannyEdges.HoughLinesBinary(
            //    1, //Distance resolution in pixel-related units
            //    Math.PI / 45.0, //Angle resolution measured in radians.
            //    20, //threshold
            //    30, //min Line width
            //   2 //gap between lines
            //    )[0]; //Get the lines from the first channel

            //#region Find rectangles

            //List<MCvBox2D> boxList = new List<MCvBox2D>();

            //using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage()) //allocate storage for contour approximation
            //    for (Contour<System.Drawing.Point> contours = cannyEdges.FindContours(); contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)
            //    {
            //        Contour<System.Drawing.Point> currentContour = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.05, storage);

            //        if (contours.Area > 250) //only consider contours with area greater than 250
            //        {

            //            if (currentContour.Total == 4) //The contour has 4 vertices.
            //            {
            //                #region determine if all the angles in the contour are within the range of [80, 100] degree
            //                bool isRectangle = true;
            //                System.Drawing.Point[] pts = currentContour.ToArray();
            //                LineSegment2D[] edges = PointCollection.PolyLine(pts, true);

            //                for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
            //                {
            //                    double angle = Math.Abs(
            //                       edges[(i + 1) % edges.Length].GetExteriorAngleDegree(edges[i]));
            //                    if (angle < 80 || angle > 100)
            //                    {
            //                        isRectangle = false;
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                #endregion

            //                if (isRectangle) boxList.Add(currentContour.GetMinAreaRect());
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //#region draw rectangles
            //Image<Bgr, Byte> RectangleImage = img.CopyBlank();

            //foreach (MCvBox2D box in boxList)
            //    RectangleImage.Draw(box, new Bgr(Color.DarkOrange), 2);


            ImageViewer.Image = img.Bitmap;
            ImageViewer.Refresh();    // refresh image on the screen

            Cursor = Cursors.Default; // normal cursor