internal static void Setup() { if (setup) { return; } setup = true; PlayerUpgrades = new List <IUpgrade>(); Player_Upgrades_Missing = new List <string>(); Plot_Upgrades_Cache = new List <Plot_Upgrades>(); Plot_Upgrade_Data = new Dictionary <PlotID, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, byte[]> > >(); foreach (HookUID hk in hooks) { SiscosHooks.unregister(hk); } hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Game_Saved, onGameSaved)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Pre_Game_Loaded, onPreGameLoaded)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Post_Game_Loaded, onPostGameLoaded)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Spawn_Player_Upgrades_UI, onSpawn_PlayerUpgrades_Kiosk)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Spawn_Plot_Upgrades_UI, onSpawn_PlotUpgrades_Kiosk)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Plot_Load_Upgrades, onPlot_Loaded_Upgrades)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Level_Loaded, onLevelLoaded)); hooks.Add(SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Demolished_Land_Plot, onPlot_Demolished)); }
private void Handle_Entity_Destroyed() { Identifiable ident = base.gameObject.GetComponent <Identifiable>(); Identifiable.Id ID = ident ? : Identifiable.Id.NONE; object return_value = new object();, base.gameObject, ref return_value, new object[] { ID }); if (Identifiable.IsSlime(ID) || Identifiable.IsLargo(ID) || Identifiable.IsGordo(ID)) {, base.gameObject, ref return_value, new object[] { ID }); } if (Identifiable.IsAnimal(ID)) {, base.gameObject, ref return_value, new object[] { ID }); } if (Identifiable.IsFood(ID)) {, base.gameObject, ref return_value, new object[] { ID }); } }
private void Handle_Garden_Patch_Destroyed() { SpawnResource plot = base.gameObject.GetComponent <SpawnResource>(); SpawnResource.Id ID = plot ? : SpawnResource.Id.NONE; object return_value = new object();, base.gameObject, ref return_value, new object[] { ID }); }
private void Handle_Land_Plot_Destroyed() { LandPlot plot = base.gameObject.GetComponent <LandPlot>(); LandPlot.Id ID = plot ? : LandPlot.Id.NONE; object return_value = new object();, plot, ref return_value, new object[] { ID }); }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_Identifiable_Spawn(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { Identifiable ident = sender as Identifiable; if ( == Identifiable.Id.PLAYER) {, ident.gameObject, ref return_value, args); } return(null); }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_Demolish_Plot_Upgrade(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { #if !SR_VANILLA LandPlot.Id kind = Get_Plot_ID_From_Upgrades_UI_Class(sender); LandPlotUI ui = sender as LandPlotUI; LandPlot plot = ui.Get_LandPlot(); return(new Sisco_Return(, plot, ref return_value, new object[] { kind }))); #else return(null); #endif }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_LockOnDeath_End(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { if (is_player_dead) { is_player_dead = false; return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, new object[] {}))); } else { return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, args))); } }
internal static void Setup()// This is the initial setup function, it should only be called a single time, and only by the loader itself. { if (_setup) { throw new NotSupportedException("Blocked attempt to call MainMenu.Setup() a second time."); } _setup = true;//now we have run setup! SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Level_Loaded, MainMenu.onLevelLoaded); State = new Active_State_Tracker("MAIN_MENU"); // Create our handler game object root = new GameObject("PluginLoader_MainMenu_Handler"); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(root); var Handler = root.AddComponent <LevelLoaded_Handler_Script>(); }
public static void Setup() { SiscosHooks.register(HOOK_ID.Level_Loaded, onLevelLoaded); Init(); Root = uiControl.Create <uiPanel>(); Root.Name = "DebugUI"; Root.Set_Padding(5); Root.FloodXY(); Root.local_style.normal.background = null; Root.isVisible = false; //Because our State var is inactive by default var list = uiControl.Create <uiListView>(Root); // Using a uiListView to contain all of our debug var displays makes them all auto layout, which is nice list.alignLeftSide(); list.alignTop(200); lbl_player_pos = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>(list); lbl_player_pos.Text = "Player Pos:"; lbl_player_pos.Set_Margin(0); lbl_player_pos.Set_Padding(0); lbl_cam_pos = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>(list); lbl_cam_pos.Text = "Cam Pos:"; lbl_cam_pos.Set_Margin(0); lbl_cam_pos.Set_Padding(0); lbl_cam_rot = uiControl.Create <uiVarText>(list); lbl_cam_rot.Text = "Cam Rot:"; lbl_cam_rot.Set_Margin(0); lbl_cam_rot.Set_Padding(0); lbl_debug_mode = uiControl.Create <uiText>(list); //lbl_debug_mode.isVisible = false;//only shows when the debug drawing mode isnt NONE uiControl.dbg_mouse_tooltip_style = new GUIStyle(); uiControl.dbg_mouse_tooltip_style.normal.textColor = Color.white; Util.Set_BG_Color(uiControl.dbg_mouse_tooltip_style.normal, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f)); }
private static void Hook_MainMenu() { if (Instance != null) { return; // If the instance isn't null then we will have already added all of our buttons and stuff } Instance = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <MainMenuUI>(); if (Instance == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot find MainMenuUI!"); } if (Instance.gameObject == null) { throw new Exception("MainMenuUI component has no GameObject!"); } //Output_Hierarchy(); var tracker = Instance.gameObject.AddComponent <MainMenuUI_Tracking_Script>();// Attach our tracking script to it. if (tracker == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot attach MainMenu tracking script!"); } // Reset the MainMenu visibility state because we JUST found it so theres no way we have it hidden yet. State.Reset(); //Add_Button("Manage Plugins", "PluginsMenu", new UnityAction(Show_PluginManager)); //Add_Button("Manage Plugins", "PluginsMenu", new UnityAction(Show_PluginManager)); //Add_Button("Manage Plugins", "PluginsMenu", new UnityAction(Show_PluginManager)); //Add_Button("Manage Plugins", "PluginsMenu", new UnityAction(Show_PluginManager)); Add_Button("Plugins", "Plugins", new UnityAction(Show_PluginManager), clr_gold_light, clr_gold, clr_brown); object retVal = new object();, null, ref retVal, new object[] {}); }
private IEnumerator Check_For_Updates() { SLog.Info("[AutoUpdater] Checking for updates..."); List <UpdateFile> updates = new List <UpdateFile>(); // We should automatically keep ALL files within the repositorys "installer" directory insync! var iter = Git_Updater.Get_Repo_Folder_Files_Async("", "/Installer/"); if (iter == null) { yield break; } while (iter.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } if (iter.Current != null) { List <UpdateFile> list = (List <UpdateFile>)iter.Current; string exDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); foreach (UpdateFile file in list) { string FN = Path.GetFileName(file.FILE); string dir = exDir; if (String.Compare("SR_PluginLoader_Uninstaller.exe", FN) == 0) { dir = Path.GetFullPath(String.Concat(dir, "/../../")); } string local_path = Path.Combine(dir, FN); file.LOCAL_PATH = local_path; var it = Git_Updater.instance.Get_Update_Status_Async(file.FULLNAME, local_path); if (it == null) { continue; } while (it.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } FILE_UPDATE_STATUS status = (FILE_UPDATE_STATUS)it.Current; //status = FILE_UPDATE_STATUS.OUT_OF_DATE;// DEBUG //PLog.Info("{0} | LOCAL_PATH: {1} | REMOTE_PATH: {2}", file.FULLNAME, local_path, file.URL); if (status == FILE_UPDATE_STATUS.OUT_OF_DATE) { updates.Add(file); } } } // If we have updates prompt the user to accept them. if (updates.Count > 0) { SLog.Info("[AutoUpdater] {0} Updates Available.", updates.Count); var updatesView = uiControl.Create <uiUpdatesAvailable>(); updatesView.onResult += (DialogResult res) => { if (res == DialogResult.OK) { // The user said OK so let's start downloading var updater = (new GameObject().AddComponent <PluginLoader_AutoUpdater>()); updater.Files = updatesView.Files; updater.updatesView = updatesView; return(true); } return(false); }; foreach (var f in updates) { updatesView.Add_File(f); } if (MainMenu.isReady) { updatesView.Show(); } else { SiscosHooks.Once(HOOK_ID.MainMenu_Loaded, () => { updatesView.Show(); }); } } else { SLog.Info("[AutoUpdater] No updates."); } yield return(null); yield break; }
internal void Level_Loaded(int level_idx = 0) { object retVal = new object();, null, ref retVal, new object[] { level_idx }); }
public static void init(string hash) { lock (locker) { if (Loader.Config != null) { return; } //Application.stackTraceLogType = StackTraceLogType.Full; Logging.Logger.Begin(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "plugins.log")); Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); if (!Loader.Load_Config_Stream()) { return; } try { DebugHud.Init(); TextureHelper.Setup(); MaterialHelper.Setup(); SiscosHooks.Setup(); PluginLoader_Watermark.Setup(); MainMenu.Setup(); DebugUI.Setup(); Setup_Update_Helper(); bool ok = Verify_PluginLoader_Hash(hash); if (!ok) { return; } IN_LOADING_PHASE = true; Setup_Plugin_Dir(); Check_For_Updates(); Setup_Assembly_Resolver(); Upgrades.Setup(); Assemble_Plugin_List(); Load_Config(); IN_LOADING_PHASE = false; ResourceExt.map_SR_Icons(); plugin_updater = uiControl.Create <Plugin_Update_Viewer>();// This control manages itself and is only able to become visible under certain conditions which it will control. Therefore it needs no var to track it. plugin_updater.Show(); dev_tools = uiControl.Create <DevMenu>(); //dev_tools.Show(); //dev_tools.onShown += (uiWindow w) => { GameTime.Pause(); }; //dev_tools.onHidden += (uiWindow w) => { GameTime.Unpause(); }; //Misc_Experiments.Find_Common_Classes_For_Idents(new HashSet<Identifiable.Id> { Identifiable.Id.PINK_RAD_LARGO }); } catch (Exception ex) { SLog.Error("Exception during PluginLoader initialization!"); SLog.Error(ex); } finally { timer.Stop(); SLog.Debug("Plugin Loader initialized! Took: {0}ms", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); } } }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_Spawn_Plot_Upgrades_UI(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { LandPlot.Id kind = Get_Plot_ID_From_Upgrades_UI_Class(sender); return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, new object[] { kind }))); }
// The LockOnDeath class is used to lock player input for the game // This means that it is used both when the player "goes to sleep" and when they die // So we can use it to differentiate between the two internal static Sisco_Return Ext_LockOnDeath_Start(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, args))); }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_Player_Death(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { is_player_dead = true; return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, args))); }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_Post_Game_Loaded(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { string saveFile = GameData.ToPath(args[0] as string); return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, new object[] { saveFile }))); }
internal static Sisco_Return Ext_Game_Saved(ref object sender, ref object[] args, ref object return_value) { string saveFile = GameData.ToPath((sender as GameData).gameName); return(new Sisco_Return(, sender, ref return_value, new object[] { saveFile }))); }