public void Refresh(decimal auditId, int[] steps)
            var     entities    = new PSsqmEntities();
            var     companyId   = SessionManager.UserContext.WorkingLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID;
            decimal?auditTypeId = (from i in entities.AUDIT where i.AUDIT_ID == auditId select i.AUDIT_TYPE_ID).FirstOrDefault();

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (auditTypeId != null)
                foreach (int step in steps)
                    var questions = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditQuestionList((decimal)auditTypeId, 0, auditId);

                    string  previousTopic           = "";
                    string  qid                     = "";
                    string  tid                     = "";
                    string  ptid                    = "";
                    decimal totalQuestions          = 0;
                    decimal totalTopicQuestions     = 0;
                    decimal totalPositive           = 0;
                    decimal totalTopicPositive      = 0;
                    decimal totalPercent            = 0;
                    decimal totalWeightScore        = 0;
                    decimal totalPossibleScore      = 0;
                    decimal totalTopicWeightScore   = 0;
                    decimal totalTopicPossibleScore = 0;
                    decimal possibleScore           = 0;
                    decimal percentInTopic          = 0;

                    sb.AppendLine("<table class=\"lightTable\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"width: 100%\">");
                    foreach (var q in questions)
                        qid  = q.QuestionId.ToString();
                        tid  = q.TopicId.ToString();
                        ptid = previousTopic;
                        bool   answerIsPositive = false;
                        string answerText       = "";

                        if (!previousTopic.Equals(tid))                         // add a topic header
                            if (!previousTopic.Equals(""))
                                // need to add a display for the topic percentage
                                //if (totalTopicQuestions > 0)
                                //	totalPercent = totalTopicPositive / totalTopicQuestions;
                                //	totalPercent = 0;
                                if (totalTopicPossibleScore > 0)
                                    totalPercent = totalTopicWeightScore / totalTopicPossibleScore;
                                    totalPercent = 0;
                                if (percentInTopic > 0)
                                    sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">" + string.Format("{0:0%}", totalPercent) + "</td></tr>");
                                totalTopicQuestions     = 0;
                                totalTopicPositive      = 0;
                                totalTopicWeightScore   = 0;
                                totalTopicPossibleScore = 0;
                                percentInTopic          = 0;
                            sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"blueCell\" style=\"width: 100%; font-weight: bold;\">" + q.TopicTitle + "</td></tr>");
                            previousTopic = tid;

                        //string answer = (from a in entities.AUDIT_ANSWER
                        //				 where a.AUDIT_ID == auditId && a.AUDIT_QUESTION_ID == q.QuestionId
                        //				 select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault();
                        var auditAnswer = (from a in entities.AUDIT_ANSWER
                                           where a.AUDIT_ID == auditId && a.AUDIT_QUESTION_ID == q.QuestionId
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();
                        string answer  = (auditAnswer.ANSWER_VALUE == null) ? "" : auditAnswer.ANSWER_VALUE;
                        string comment = (auditAnswer.COMMENT == null) ? "" : auditAnswer.COMMENT;

                        if (q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioPercentage || q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioPercentageCommentLeft)
                            totalQuestions      += 1;
                            totalTopicQuestions += 1;
                            percentInTopic      += 1;
                            answerIsPositive     = false;
                            possibleScore        = 0;
                            foreach (EHSAuditAnswerChoice choice in q.AnswerChoices)
                                if (choice.ChoiceWeight > possibleScore)
                                    possibleScore = choice.ChoiceWeight;
                                if (choice.Value.Equals(answer))
                                    if (choice.ChoicePositive)
                                        answerIsPositive = true;
                                    totalWeightScore      += choice.ChoiceWeight;
                                    totalTopicWeightScore += choice.ChoiceWeight;
                            totalPossibleScore      += possibleScore;
                            totalTopicPossibleScore += possibleScore;
                            if (answerIsPositive)
                                totalPositive      += 1;
                                totalTopicPositive += 1;
                        answer = answer.Replace("<a href", "<a target=\"blank\" href");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) ||
                            q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.Attachment ||
                            q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.PageOneAttachment)
                            switch (q.QuestionType)
                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.Date:
                                answer = DateTime.Parse(answer, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")).ToShortDateString();
                                answer = Server.HtmlEncode(answer);

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.Time:
                                answer = DateTime.Parse(answer, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")).ToShortTimeString();
                                answer = Server.HtmlEncode(answer);

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.DateTime:
                                answer = DateTime.Parse(answer, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")).ToString();
                                answer = Server.HtmlEncode(answer);

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.LocationDropdown:
                                answer = EHSAuditMgr.SelectPlantNameById(Convert.ToDecimal(answer));
                                answer = Server.HtmlEncode(answer);

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.UsersDropdown:
                                answer = EHSAuditMgr.SelectUserNameById(Convert.ToDecimal(answer));
                                answer = Server.HtmlEncode(answer);

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.UsersDropdownLocationFiltered:
                                answer = EHSAuditMgr.SelectUserNameById(Convert.ToDecimal(answer));
                                answer = Server.HtmlEncode(answer);

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.Attachment:
                                answer = GetUploadedFiles(40, auditId, (step + 1).ToString());

                            case EHSAuditQuestionType.PageOneAttachment:
                                answer = GetUploadedFiles(40, auditId, (step + 1).ToString());
                        // Add a comment box that hides/shows via a link to certain field types
                        if (q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.BooleanCheckBox || q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.CheckBox ||
                            q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.Dropdown || q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.PercentTextBox ||
                            q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.Radio || q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RequiredYesNoRadio ||
                            q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioPercentage || q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioPercentageCommentLeft ||
                            q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioCommentLeft)
                            answerText = q.AnswerChoices.Where(l => l.Value == answer).FirstOrDefault() != null?q.AnswerChoices.Where(l => l.Value == answer).FirstOrDefault().Text : "";

                            comment = Server.HtmlEncode(comment);
                            if (q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioPercentageCommentLeft || q.QuestionType == EHSAuditQuestionType.RadioCommentLeft)
                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("<tr><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{0}</td><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{1}</td><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{2}</td></tr>", q.QuestionText, comment, answerText));
                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("<tr><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{0}</td><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{1}</td><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{2}</td></tr>", q.QuestionText, answerText, comment));
                            answerText = q.AnswerChoices.Where(l => l.Value == answer).FirstOrDefault() != null?q.AnswerChoices.Where(l => l.Value == answer).FirstOrDefault().Text : "";

                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("<tr><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{0}</td><td style=\"width: 33%;\">{1}</td><td style=\"width: 33%;\"></td></tr>", q.QuestionText, answerText));
                    // add the last topic total
                    //if (totalTopicQuestions > 0)
                    //	totalPercent = totalTopicPositive / totalTopicQuestions;
                    //	totalPercent = 0;
                    if (totalTopicPossibleScore > 0)
                        totalPercent = totalTopicWeightScore / totalTopicPossibleScore;
                        totalPercent = 0;
                    if (percentInTopic > 0)
                        sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">" + string.Format("{0:0%}", totalPercent) + "</td></tr>");
                    // update the audit total
                    if (totalQuestions > 0)
                        totalPercent = totalPositive / totalQuestions;
                        totalPercent = 0;
                    //sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">" + string.Format("Total Positive Score:   {0:0%}", totalPercent) + "</td></tr>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">&nbsp;</td></tr>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">" + string.Format("Total Possible Score:   {0:0}", totalPossibleScore) + "</td></tr>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">" + string.Format("Total Points Achieved:   {0:0}", totalWeightScore) + "</td></tr>");
                    if (totalPossibleScore > 0)
                        totalPercent = totalWeightScore / totalPossibleScore;
                        totalPercent = 0;
                    sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"greyCell\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;\">" + string.Format("Percentage of Points Achieved:   {0:0%}", totalPercent) + "</td></tr>");

            litAuditDetails.Text = sb.ToString();