// longitude0, latitude0, parallel1, parallel2 public AlbersEqualAreaProjection(Dictionary <String, double> parameters) : base(parameters) { double latitude0_rad = InputLatitude("latitude0"); double parallel1_rad = InputLatitude("parallel1"); double parallel2_rad = InputLatitude("parallel2"); double cos_parallel1 = Math.Cos(parallel1_rad); double sin_parallel1 = Math.Sin(parallel1_rad); _n2 = sin_parallel1 + Math.Sin(parallel2_rad); if (Math.Abs(_n2) <= MathX.Tolerance) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } _n = _n2 / 2; _n_half = _n2 / 4; _inv_n2 = 1 / _n2; _inv_n = 2 / _n2; _c = MathX.Square(cos_parallel1) + sin_parallel1 * _n2; _c_over_n2 = _c * _inv_n2; double a = _c - Math.Sin(latitude0_rad) * _n2; if (a < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } _ro_0 = Math.Sqrt(a) * _inv_n; }
protected internal override void Unproject(double x, double y, out double latitude, out double longitude) { double ro = Math.Sign(_n) * Math.Sqrt(x * x + MathX.Square(_ro_0 - y)); // If ro is zero or very small then then latitude will be +-Pi/2 depending on the sign of f. latitude = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Pow(_f / ro, _nInv)) - Math.PI / 2; longitude = MathX.Clamp(Math.PI, Math.Atan2(x, _ro_0 - y) * _nInv); }