public void Read(TDSReader r)
     Length = r.ReadUInt16();
     Number        = r.ReadUInt32();
     State         = r.ReadByte();
     Class         = r.ReadByte();
     Message       = r.ReadUnicodeString2();
     ServerName    = r.ReadUnicodeString1();
     ProcedureName = r.ReadUnicodeString1();
     LineNumber    = r.ReadUInt32();
        public void Read(TDSReader r)
            byte   MajorVer;
            byte   MinorVer;
            ushort Build;

            Length = r.ReadUInt16();
            Interface      = r.ReadByte();
            TDSVersion     = r.ReadUInt32();
            r.TDSVersion   = TDSVersion;
            ProgramName    = r.ReadUnicodeString1();
            MajorVer       = r.ReadByte();
            MinorVer       = r.ReadByte();
            Build          = r.ReadUInt16();
            ProgramVersion = MajorVer + "." + MinorVer + "." + Build;
        public void Read(TDSReader r)
            uint   ReadLength = 4;
            uint   headerLength;
            ushort headerType;

            TotalLength = r.ReadUInt32();
            r.TokenStart((int)TotalLength - 4);    // TotalLength includes its own length (DWORD = 4 bytes)
            while (ReadLength < TotalLength)
                headerLength = r.ReadUInt32();
                ReadLength  += headerLength;
                headerType   = r.ReadUInt16();
                switch (headerType)
                case 1:
                    notification = new TDSHeaderQueryNotification();
                    notification.Read(r, (int)headerLength);

                case 2:
                    txd = new TDSHeaderTransactionDescriptor();

                case 3:
                    trace = new TDSHeaderTraceActivity();
            if (TotalLength != ReadLength)
                throw new InvalidTDSException("TDS HeaderAll TotalLength(" + TotalLength + ") does not equal ReadLength(" + ReadLength + ").");
        public string AlternateServer = null;   // server name to reroute the connection to

        public void Read(TDSReader r)
            Length = r.ReadUInt16();
            EnvChangeType = (TDSEnvChgTokens)r.ReadByte();
            if (EnvChangeType == TDSEnvChgTokens.PromoteTrans)
                r.TokenDone();                                                // Length always 1 for this token type
            switch (EnvChangeType)
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.Database:                   //   1  Database name
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.Language:                   //   2  Language
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.CharSet:                    //   3  Character set                         - TDS 7.0
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.PacketSize:                 //   4  Packet Size
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.UnicodeSortLocale:          //   5  Unicode data sorting locale id        - TDS 7.0
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.UnicodeCompareFlags:        //   6  Unicode data sorting comparison flags - TDS 7.0
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.MirrorPartner:              //  13  Database mirroring partner
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.UserInfo:                   //  19  User instance
                NewValue = r.ReadUnicodeString1();           // returns "" if length argument is zero
                OldValue = r.ReadUnicodeString1();

            case TDSEnvChgTokens.Collation:                  //   7  SQL collation - generally 5 bytes
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.BeginTrans:                 //   8  Begin transaction          - old data is always 0x00 length
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.CommitTrans:                //   9  Commit transaction         - new data is always 0x00 length
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.RollbackTrans:              //  10  Rollback transaction       - new data is always 0x00 length
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.EnlistDTC:                  //  11  Enlist TDS transaction     - new data is always 0x00 length
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.DefectTrans:                //  12  Defect transaction         - old data is always 0x00 length
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.TransMgrAddress:            //  16  Transaction Manager Address- old data is always 0x00 length - unused token
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.TransEnded:                 //  17  Transaction Ended          - new data is always 0x00 length
            case TDSEnvChgTokens.ResetCompletedAck:          //  18  Reset achknowledgement     - new data and old data both 0x00 length
                NewBytes = r.ReadBytes1();
                OldBytes = r.ReadBytes1();

            case TDSEnvChgTokens.PromoteTrans:               //  15  Promote transaction        - new data length is 4 bytes, old data is always 0x00 length
                NewBytes = r.ReadBytes4();
                r.ReadByte();             // no real old data, just a 1 byte 0-length indicator

            case TDSEnvChgTokens.Routing:                    //  20  Routing                    - old data length is always 0x0000
                // new value
                ushort RoutingDataLength = r.ReadUInt16();           // may be sent if ReadOnlyIntent is true in TDS 7.1 - 7.3; could be sent in 7.4 even if the flag is false
                if (RoutingDataLength > 0)
                    Protocol         = r.ReadByte();
                    ProtocolProperty = r.ReadUInt16();
                    AlternateServer  = r.ReadUnicodeString2();
                // old value
            if (EnvChangeType != TDSEnvChgTokens.PromoteTrans)
                r.TokenDone();                                                 // Length for this token is always 1 even if there is more data; r.DoneToken(0 is called earlier for this token type