public string getCrossTabSelectPartQuery()
            string Query = "SELECT ";

            // Output Distinct
            //if (_distinct)
            //    Query += "DISTINCT ";

            List <Column> columns = new List <Column>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _groupByColumns.Count; i++)
            List <Column> summarizeCols = _crossTabResults.SummarizeColumns;

            for (int i = 0; i < summarizeCols.Count; i++)

            int totalCols = _groupByColumns.Count + 1 + summarizeCols.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalCols; i++)
                Column Col = (Column)columns.ElementAt(i);
                Query += SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(Col.Name);
                if (Col.AliasName == null || "".Equals(Col.AliasName.Trim()))
                    Query += " AS \"" + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(Col.Name.Substring(Col.Name.IndexOf('.') + 1).Replace('_', ' ')) + "\",";
                    Query += " AS \"" + Col.AliasName + "\",";

            Query = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last comma inserted by foreach loop

            Query += ' ';

        public string getQueryPartWithoutSelectForGroupBy()
            string Query = "";
            int    totalCols;

            string selectPart = getSelectPartQuery(0, -1, out totalCols, true, false);

            Query = " FROM (" + selectPart;

            // Output table names
            if (_selectedTables.Count > 0)
                Query += " FROM ";
                foreach (Table Tab in _selectedTables)
                    Query += Tab.Name + " " + Tab.AliasName + ",";
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last comma inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';

            // Output joins
            if (_joins.Count > 0)
                foreach (JoinClause Clause in _joins)
                    string JoinString = "";
                    switch (Clause.JoinType)
                    case JoinType.InnerJoin: JoinString = "INNER JOIN"; break;

                    //case JoinType.OuterJoin: JoinString = "OUTER JOIN"; break;
                    case JoinType.LeftJoin: JoinString = "LEFT JOIN"; break;

                    case JoinType.RightJoin: JoinString = "RIGHT JOIN"; break;
                    JoinString += " " + Clause.ToTable.Name + " " + Clause.ToTable.AliasName + " ON ";
                    //JoinString += WhereStatement.CreateComparisonClause(Clause.FromTable.AliasName + '.' + "`" + Clause.FromColumn+"`", Clause.ComparisonOperator, Clause.ToTable.AliasName + '.' + "`"+Clause.ToColumn+"`");
                    JoinString += Clause.JoinCondition.BuildWhereStatement();
                    Query      += JoinString + ' ';

            // Output where statement
            if (_whereStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                Query += " WHERE " + _whereStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            Query += ") grp ";
            // Output GroupBy statement
            if (_groupByColumns.Count > 0)
                Query += " GROUP BY ";
                foreach (Column Col in _groupByColumns)
                    Query += "`" + Col.Name + "`" + ',';
                // Add cross Tabulation column as group by in query
                if (CrossTabClause.Col != null)
                    Query += "`" + CrossTabClause.Col.Name + "`" + ',';
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(',');
                Query += ' ';

            // Output having statement
            if (_havingStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                // Check if a Group By Clause was set
                if (_groupByColumns.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Having statement was set without Group By");

                Query += " HAVING " + _havingStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            // Output OrderBy statement
            if (_orderByStatement.Count > 0)
                Query += " ORDER BY ";
                string OrderByClause = "";

                foreach (OrderByClause Clause in _orderByStatement)
                    string orderbyFiledStr;
                    if (_selectedColumns.Count > 0 && _groupByColumns.Count > 0)
                        orderbyFiledStr = "`" + Clause.FieldName + "`";
                        orderbyFiledStr = SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(Clause.FieldName);
                    switch (Clause.SortOrder)
                    case Sorting.Ascending:
                        OrderByClause += orderbyFiledStr + " ASC,"; break;

                    case Sorting.Descending:
                        OrderByClause += orderbyFiledStr + " DESC,"; break;
                Query += OrderByClause;
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last AND inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';

            // Return the built query
        public string getQueryPartWithoutSelect(string sortColumn, bool ascending)
            string Query = "";

            // Output table names
            if (_selectedTables.Count > 0)
                Query += " FROM ";
                foreach (Table Tab in _selectedTables)
                    if (Tab is DerivedTable)
                        Query += "(" + ((DerivedTable)Tab).Query + ")  " + Tab.AliasName + ",";
                    else if (Tab is Table)
                        if (Tab.SchemaName == null || Tab.SchemaName.Trim().Equals(""))
                            Query += Tab.Name + " " + Tab.AliasName + ",";
                            Query += Tab.SchemaName + "." + Tab.Name + " " + Tab.AliasName + ",";
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last comma inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';

            // Output joins
            if (_joins.Count > 0)
                foreach (JoinClause Clause in _joins)
                    string JoinString = "";
                    switch (Clause.JoinType)
                    case JoinType.InnerJoin: JoinString = "INNER JOIN"; break;

                    //case JoinType.OuterJoin: JoinString = "OUTER JOIN"; break;
                    case JoinType.LeftJoin: JoinString = "LEFT JOIN"; break;

                    case JoinType.RightJoin: JoinString = "RIGHT JOIN"; break;
                    string toTableStr = "";
                    if (Clause.ToTable is DerivedTable)
                        toTableStr += "(" + ((DerivedTable)Clause.ToTable).Query + ")";
                    else if (Clause.ToTable is Table)
                        if (Clause.ToTable.SchemaName == null || Clause.ToTable.SchemaName.Trim().Equals(""))
                            toTableStr += Clause.ToTable.Name;
                            toTableStr += Clause.ToTable.SchemaName + "." + Clause.ToTable.Name;
                        }                        //toTableStr += Clause.ToTable.Name;
                    JoinString += " " + toTableStr + " " + Clause.ToTable.AliasName + " ON ";
                    //JoinString += WhereStatement.CreateComparisonClause(Clause.FromTable.AliasName + '.' + "`"+Clause.FromColumn+"`", Clause.ComparisonOperator, Clause.ToTable.AliasName + '.' + "`"+Clause.ToColumn+"`");
                    JoinString += Clause.JoinCondition.BuildWhereStatement();
                    Query      += JoinString + ' ';

            // Check the computed column and add the joins according ly for GROUP_FIRST, GROUP_LAST etc
            Query += getComputeColumnsFromClauseQuery();

            // Output where statement
            if (_whereStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                Query += " WHERE " + _whereStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            // Output GroupBy statement
            if (_groupByColumns.Count > 0)
                Query += " GROUP BY ";
                foreach (Column Col in _groupByColumns)
                    Query += SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(Col.Name) + ',';
                // Add cross Tabulation column as group by in query
                if (CrossTabClause.Col != null)
                    Query += SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(CrossTabClause.Col.Name) + ',';
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(',');
                Query += ' ';

            // Output having statement
            if (_havingStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                // Check if a Group By Clause was set
                if (_groupByColumns.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Having statement was set without Group By");

                Query += " HAVING " + _havingStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            // Output OrderBy statement
            if (_orderByStatement.Count > 0 || sortColumn != null)
                Query += " ORDER BY ";
                string OrderByClause = "";
                if (sortColumn != null)
                    if (ascending)
                        OrderByClause = SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(sortColumn) + " ASC,";
                        OrderByClause = SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(sortColumn) + " DESC,";
                foreach (OrderByClause Clause in _orderByStatement)
                    switch (Clause.SortOrder)
                    case Sorting.Ascending:
                        OrderByClause += SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(Clause.FieldName) + " ASC,"; break;

                    case Sorting.Descending:
                        OrderByClause += SelectQueryBuilder.getColumnPartQuery(Clause.FieldName) + " DESC,"; break;
                Query += OrderByClause;
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last AND inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';

            // Return the built query