Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询交易员
        /// </summary>
        protected void SelectEditer()
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo mbll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            string    sqlText5           = "SELECT DISTINCT adminid AS id,name FROM yxs_administrators WHERE name<>'admin'";
            DataTable dt = mbll.ExecuteTableForCache(sqlText5);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //sqlText5 = "SELECT ',' + REPLACE(REPLACE(STUFF((SELECT CAST(i AS varchar) + ',' AS a  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT b.name AS i FROM memberinfo a INNER JOIN yxs_administrators b ON a.Editer=b.adminid) AS t FOR XML path('')), 1, 0, ''), '<a>', ''), '</a>', '')";
                //string _101Admin = Convert.ToString(mbll.ExecuteScalarForCache(sqlText5));
                //dt.Columns.Add("OK", typeof(int));
                //sqlText5 = "SELECT ',' + REPLACE(REPLACE(STUFF((SELECT CAST(i AS varchar) + ',' AS a  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT LTRIM(RTRIM(zhiyname)) AS i FROM zhiyzl WHERE beactive='是' AND issp='是' AND jigid='000') AS t FOR XML path('')), 1, 0, ''), '<a>', ''), '</a>', '')";
                //DbBase db2 = new DbBase(); db2.ChangeDB("ConnectionStringERP");
                //string ErpAdmin = Convert.ToString(db2.ExecuteScalarForCache(sqlText5));
                //foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //    //处理Erp中有没有
                //    if (!_101Admin.Contains("," + dr[1] + ",") && !ErpAdmin.Contains("," + dr[1] + ",")) dr.Delete();
                //ddlEditer.DataSource = dt;
            ListItem li = new ListItem("全部人员", "");

            ddlEditer.Items.Insert(0, li);
            li = new ListItem("无", "0");
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询采购员
        /// </summary>
        protected void SelectCgyEditer()
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo mbll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            cgy.DataSource = mbll.ExecuteTable("SELECT isnull(cgy,'无') cgy FROM [dbo].[Product] GROUP BY cgy");
            ListItem li = new ListItem("全部人员", "");

            cgy.Items.Insert(0, li);
            //li = new ListItem("无", "-1");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["cgy"]))
                try { cgy.SelectedValue = Request["cgy"]; } catch { }
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改账户
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateInfo()
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo bll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            if (ViewState["memberId"] != null)
                SOSOshop.Model.MemberInfo model = bll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["memberId"]));
                if (model != null)
                    model.TrueName = txtTrueName.Text.Trim();
                    model.Photo    = "";//txtPhoto.Text;
                    int area = 0; int.TryParse(Request["province"], out area);
                    model.Province      = area;
                    area                = 0; int.TryParse(Request["city"], out area);
                    model.City          = area;
                    area                = 0; int.TryParse(Request["county"], out area);
                    model.Borough       = area;
                    model.Address       = txtAddress.Text;
                    model.OfficePhone   = txtOfficePhone.Text;
                    model.HomePhone     = ""; // txtHomePhone.Text;
                    model.Fax           = txtFax.Text;
                    model.PersonWebSite = ""; // txtPersonWebSite.Text;
                    model.QQ            = ""; // txtQQ.Text;
                    model.discount      = decimal.Parse(txtdiscount.Text);
                    area                = 0; int.TryParse(ddl_Editer.SelectedValue, out area);
                    model.Editer        = area;
                    model.OSPId         = int.Parse(ddlOSP.SelectedValue);
                    model.PriceCategory = DropDownList3.SelectedValue;
                    if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "生产企业" || DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "商业公司" || DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "民营医院")
                        model.Member_Class = 0;
                        model.Member_Class = 1;

                    bool ok = bll.Update(model, enabledErpAction && int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue) == 0 /* && model.ParentId > 0*/);
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存成功·<script>if(confirm('编辑成功!继续编辑请点击确定。')){location.href='Buyer_edit.aspx?type=lib&uid=" + ViewState["memberId"] + "&act=new';}else{location.href='BuyerLib.aspx';}</script>";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionOk";
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定外销人员
        /// </summary>
        protected void BindOutSellPerson()
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo mbll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            string    sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT name as ospname, adminid as ospid
                           FROM dbo.yxs_administrators  ";
            DataTable dt  = mbll.ExecuteTable(sql);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ddlOSP.DataSource = dt;

            ListItem li = new ListItem("全部人员", "0");

            ddlOSP.Items.Insert(0, li);
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定外销人员(线下推广人员)
        /// </summary>
        protected void BindOutSellPerson()
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo mbll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            string    sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT a.name as ospname, adminid as ospid
                           FROM dbo.yxs_administrators AS a 
                                INNER JOIN yxs_role ON a.[role] LIKE '%' + (SELECT CAST(id AS VARCHAR(10)) WHERE yxs_role.name='外销人员') + '%' ";
            DataTable dt  = mbll.ExecuteTableForCache(sql);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ddlOSP.DataSource = dt;

            ListItem li = new ListItem("全部人员", "0");

            ddlOSP.Items.Insert(0, li);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询交易员
        /// </summary>
        protected void SelectEditer()
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo mbll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            string    sqlText5           = "SELECT DISTINCT adminid AS id,name FROM yxs_administrators WHERE name<>'admin'";
            DataTable dt = mbll.ExecuteTableForCache(sqlText5);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                sqlText5 = "SELECT ',' + REPLACE(REPLACE(STUFF((SELECT CAST(i AS varchar) + ',' AS a  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT b.name AS i FROM memberinfo a INNER JOIN yxs_administrators b ON a.Editer=b.adminid) AS t FOR XML path('')), 1, 0, ''), '<a>', ''), '</a>', '')";
                string _101Admin = Convert.ToString(mbll.ExecuteScalarForCache(sqlText5));
                dt.Columns.Add("OK", typeof(int));
                ddlEditer.DataSource = dt;
            ListItem li = new ListItem("全部人员", "");

            ddlEditer.Items.Insert(0, li);
            li = new ListItem("无", "0");
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加账户
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void AddAccount()
            enabledErpAction = true;
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberAccount   accountBll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberAccount();
            SOSOshop.Model.MemberAccount model      = new SOSOshop.Model.MemberAccount();
            model.UserId = this.txtUserId.Text;
            string password = model.PassWord;
            string resetPwd = "123456";

            model.PassWord = "";
            if (this.cb_resetPwd.Visible && this.cb_resetPwd.Checked)
                model.PassWord = password = resetPwd;
                model.PassWord = ChangeHope.Common.DEncryptHelper.Encrypt(model.PassWord, 1);
            else if (this.txtPassword.Text.Trim() != "")
                model.PassWord = password = this.txtPassword.Text.Trim();
                model.PassWord = ChangeHope.Common.DEncryptHelper.Encrypt(model.PassWord, 1);
            if (model.PassWord == "")
                model.PassWord = password = resetPwd;
                model.PassWord = ChangeHope.Common.DEncryptHelper.Encrypt(model.PassWord, 1);
            if (Request.Form["rgPeriodOfValidity"] == "1")
                model.PeriodOfValidity = DateTime.Now.AddYears(100);
                model.PeriodOfValidity = DateTime.Parse(txtPeriodOfValidity.Text);

            model.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now;
            model.RegisterIP   = ChangeHope.WebPage.PageRequest.GetIP();
            model.MobilePhone  = this.txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim();
            model.Email        = this.txtEmail.Text.Trim().ToString();
            model.Email_QQ     = this.txtEmail_QQ.Text.Trim().ToString();
            model.Question     = "";
            model.Answer       = "";
            string type = this.radType.SelectedValue;

            if (type == "1")
                if (model.Question == null || model.Question.Trim() == "")
                    string Question = this.ddlQuestion.Value;
                    string Answer   = this.txtAnswer.Text.Trim().ToString();
                    if (Question == "")
                        this.ltlMsg.Text     = "操作失败:找回密码问题选择错误,请选择一个问题!";
                        this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                        this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                    if (Answer == "")
                        this.ltlMsg.Text     = "操作失败:找回密码答案填写错误,不能为空!";
                        this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                        this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                    model.Question       = Question;
                    model.Answer         = Answer;
                    this.palOld.CssClass = "msgNormal";
                    string oldQuestion = this.ddlQuestion.Value;
                    string oldAnswer   = this.txtOldAnswer.Text.Trim().ToString();
                    string newAnswer   = this.txtNewAnswer.Text.Trim().ToString();
                    if (oldQuestion == "" || oldQuestion != model.Question)
                        this.ltlMsg.Text     = "操作失败:原找回密码问题选择错误!";
                        this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                        this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                    if (oldAnswer == "" || oldAnswer != model.Answer)
                        this.ltlMsg.Text     = "操作失败:原找回密码答案填写错误!";
                        this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                        this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                    if (newAnswer == "")
                        this.ltlMsg.Text     = "操作失败:新找回密码答案不能为空!";
                        this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                        this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                    model.Answer         = newAnswer;
                    this.palOld.CssClass = "msgNormal";
            model.State = int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue);//默认 通过审核 注意和冻结 2 不一样;冻结不能登陆。
            int uid = accountBll.Add(model);

            model.UID = uid;
            if (uid > 0)
                #region 添加积分记录(取消此功能)
                //YXShop.Model.Member.Integral modelInte = new YXShop.Model.Member.Integral();
                //YXShop.BLL.Member.Integral bllInte = new YXShop.BLL.Member.Integral();
                //modelInte.Userid = GetIdByUserId(model.UserId);
                //modelInte.IntegralClass = 3;
                //modelInte.Origin = "注册赠送";
                //modelInte.IntegralNum = model.Points;
                //modelInte.GainDate = DateTime.Now;
                //modelInte.NoteDate = DateTime.Now;
                //modelInte.NoteName = "系统自动记录";
                //modelInte.Remark = "注册买家时赠送的积分";
                //modelInte.IntegralStatus = 0;
                //    bllInte.Add(modelInte);
                //    this.ltlMsg.Text = "添加买家资料失败!";
                //    this.pnlMsg.Visible = true;
                //    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                //    return;

                #region 添加点卷记录(取消此功能)
                //YXShop.Model.Member.UserInfoNote modelNote = new YXShop.Model.Member.UserInfoNote();
                //YXShop.BLL.Member.UserInfoNote bllNote = new YXShop.BLL.Member.UserInfoNote();
                //modelNote.UserID = GetIdByUserId(model.UserId);
                //modelNote.TicketCount = 0;
                //modelNote.Causation = "注册赠送的点卷";
                //modelNote.BosomNote = "注册赠送的点卷";
                //modelNote.NoteDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                //modelNote.NoteName = "系统自动记录";
                //modelNote.NoteType = 0;
                //modelNote.BuckleOrAdd = 0;
                //modelNote.Username = model.UserId;
                //    bllNote.Add(modelNote);
                //    this.ltlMsg.Text = "添加买家资料失败!";
                //    this.pnlMsg.Visible = true;
                //    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                //    return;

                #region 添加附属信息
                SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo   bllInfo   = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
                SOSOshop.Model.MemberInfo modelInfo = new SOSOshop.Model.MemberInfo();
                modelInfo.UID         = uid;
                modelInfo.Member_Type = 1;
                modelInfo.TrueName    = txtTrueName.Text.Trim();
                modelInfo.Photo       = "";//txtPhoto.Text;
                int area = 0; int.TryParse(Request["province"], out area);
                modelInfo.Province = area;
                area                    = 0; int.TryParse(Request["city"], out area);
                modelInfo.City          = area;
                area                    = 0; int.TryParse(Request["county"], out area);
                modelInfo.Borough       = area;
                modelInfo.Address       = txtAddress.Text;
                modelInfo.OfficePhone   = txtOfficePhone.Text;
                modelInfo.HomePhone     = ""; // txtHomePhone.Text;
                modelInfo.Fax           = txtFax.Text;
                modelInfo.PersonWebSite = ""; // txtPersonWebSite.Text;
                modelInfo.QQ            = ""; // txtQQ.Text;
                modelInfo.PriceCategory = DropDownList3.SelectedValue;
                modelInfo.ParentId      = 0;
                modelInfo.Parents       = "";

                bool ok = bllInfo.Add(modelInfo, enabledErpAction && int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue) == 0 /* && modelInfo.ParentId > 0*/);
                if (ok)
                    SOSOshop.BLL.MemberPermission   cBll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberPermission();
                    SOSOshop.Model.MemberPermission c    = new SOSOshop.Model.MemberPermission();
                    c.UID = uid;
                    c.IsMoneyAndShipping = true;//款到发货权限
                    //if (int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue) == 0 && modelInfo.ParentId > 0 && 1 == BuyerLib.GetGSP(modelInfo.ParentId))
                    //    modelInfo = bllInfo.GetModel(modelInfo.UID);
                    //    int Member_Class = modelInfo.Member_Class;
                    //    //SOSOshop.BLL.Service.MemberInfo.GetErp_KeHuLB(modelInfo.Code, ref Member_Class, ref Crm_Class);
                    //    if (Member_Class == 0)
                    //    {
                    //        c.IsTrade = true;
                    //        c.IsLookPrice_01 = true;
                    //        c.IsLookProduct_01 = true;
                    //        c.IsLookPrice_02 = false;
                    //        c.IsLookProduct_02 = false;
                    //    }
                    //    else if (Member_Class == 1)
                    //    {
                    //        c.IsTrade = true;
                    //        c.IsLookPrice_01 = false;
                    //        c.IsLookProduct_01 = false;
                    //        c.IsLookPrice_02 = true;
                    //        c.IsLookProduct_02 = true;
                    //    }
                    ok = cBll.Add(c);
                if (ok && int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue) == 0 && modelInfo.ParentId > 0)
                if (ok)
                    this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存成功·<script>if(confirm('添加成功!继续添加请点击确定。')){location.href='Buyer_edit.aspx?act=new';}else{location.href='BuyerLib.aspx';}</script>";
                    this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionOk";
                    this.ltlMsg.Text     = "添加买家资料失败!";
                    this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";

                if (model.State == 0)
                    if (CheckBox1.ToolTip != "0" && CheckBox1.Checked)
                        string msg = "恭喜你已经通过管理员审核,请凭手机号登录,登录密码为" + password + "。";
                        SOSOshop.BLL.Sms.SendAndSaveDataBase(txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim(), msg, "系统", txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim());
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "添加买家资料失败!";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SOSOshop.BLL.PromptInfo.Popedom("008009004", "对不起,您没有权限进行编辑");
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo bll = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            int  uid  = ChangeHope.WebPage.PageRequest.GetQueryInt("uid");
            bool edit = (uid > 0);

            //if (ChangeHope.WebPage.PageRequest.GetFormString("ParentId").Replace("0,", "").Trim(',') == "")
            //    this.ltlMsg.Text = "保存失败" + "\r\n上级单位不能为空!";
            //    this.pnlMsg.Visible = true;
            //    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            //    return;
            if (this.txtTrueName.Text.Trim() == "")
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n联系人不能为空!";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            if (this.txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim() == "")
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n手机号不能为空!";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            else if (!Regex.IsMatch(this.txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim(), @"^[0-9\-/ ]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n手机号填写错误!";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            else if ((!edit && bll.ExecuteScalar("select 1 from memberaccount where MobilePhone like '" + this.txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim() + "%'") != null) ||
                     (edit && bll.ExecuteScalar("select 1 from memberaccount where MobilePhone like '" + this.txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim() + "%' and UID!=" + uid) != null))
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n手机号填写错误!此手机号已经在使用,请检查后再填写正确!";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            if (this.txtEmail.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(this.txtEmail.Text.Trim(), @"^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n邮箱填写错误!";
                    this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                else if (bll.ExecuteScalar("select 1 from memberaccount where Email = '" + this.txtEmail.Text.Trim() + "' and UID!=" + uid) != null)
                    this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n邮箱填写错误!此邮箱已经在使用,请检查后再填写正确!";
                    this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            if (this.txtEmail_QQ.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(this.txtEmail_QQ.Text.Trim(), @"^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n邮箱填写错误!";
                    this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
                else if (bll.ExecuteScalar("select 1 from memberaccount where Email_QQ = '" + this.txtEmail_QQ.Text.Trim() + "' and UID!=" + uid) != null)
                    this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n邮箱填写错误!此邮箱已经在使用,请检查后再填写正确!";
                    this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            //if (ddl_Editer.SelectedValue == "0" || ddl_Editer.SelectedValue == "")
            //    this.ltlMsg.Text = "保存失败" + "\r\n请选择交易人员后再保存!";
            //    this.pnlMsg.Visible = true;
            //    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            //    return;
            //if (CRM_InterunitStyle_ID.Value == "0" || CRM_InterunitStyle_ID.Value == "")
            //    this.ltlMsg.Text = "保存失败" + "\r\n请选择CRM客户分类后再保存!";
            //    this.pnlMsg.Visible = true;
            //    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            //    return;

            string Province = ChangeHope.WebPage.PageRequest.GetFormString("province");
            string City     = ChangeHope.WebPage.PageRequest.GetFormString("city");
            string Borough  = ChangeHope.WebPage.PageRequest.GetFormString("county");

            if (Province == null || Province.Trim() == string.Empty || !Regex.IsMatch(Province, @"^[0-9]{1,4}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                City == null || City.Trim() == string.Empty || !Regex.IsMatch(City, @"^[0-9]{1,4}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                this.ltlMsg.Text     = "保存失败" + "\r\n没有选择省份城市!请检查!";
                this.pnlMsg.Visible  = true;
                this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
            if (edit)
                if (!UpdateAccount())
                if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue == "0")
                    MemberIntegral     bllmi = new MemberIntegral();
                    MemberIntegralLock ml    = new MemberIntegralLock();
                    if (ml.isAllow(uid, MemberIntegralTemplateEnum.建档通过))
                        bllmi.AddIntegral(uid, 0, SOSOshop.BLL.Integral.MemberIntegralTemplateEnum.会员注册, "");
                        bllmi.AddIntegral(uid, 0, MemberIntegralTemplateEnum.建档通过, "");
                #region 后台用户操作日志记录
                SOSOshop.Model.AdminInfo adminInfo = SOSOshop.BLL.AdministrorManager.Get();
                SOSOshop.BLL.Logs.Log.LogAdminAdd("修改买家信息", (adminInfo == null ? 0 : adminInfo.AdminId), (adminInfo == null ? "" : adminInfo.AdminName), 1);
                #region 清除缓存
                SOSOshop.BLL.DbBase db1 = new SOSOshop.BLL.DbBase(); db1.ClearCache();
                #region 后台用户操作日志记录
                SOSOshop.Model.AdminInfo adminInfo = SOSOshop.BLL.AdministrorManager.Get();
                SOSOshop.BLL.Logs.Log.LogAdminAdd("添加买家信息", (adminInfo == null ? 0 : adminInfo.AdminId), (adminInfo == null ? "" : adminInfo.AdminName), 1);
            //catch (Exception ex)

            //    this.ltlMsg.Text = (edit ? "编辑" : "添加") + "买家资料失败" + "\r\n" + ex.Message;
            //    this.pnlMsg.Visible = true;
            //    this.pnlMsg.CssClass = "actionErr";
        private void GetAccountAndInfo(int id)
            var adminInfo = AdministrorManager.Get();

            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberAccount   bll       = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberAccount();
            SOSOshop.Model.MemberAccount model     = bll.GetModelNoCache(id);
            SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo      bllInfo   = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberInfo();
            SOSOshop.Model.MemberInfo    infomodel = bllInfo.GetModel(id);
            DropDownList3.SelectedValue = infomodel.PriceCategory;

            txtdiscount.Text = infomodel.discount.ToString();
            if (model != null && infomodel != null)
                DropDownList1.SelectedValue = model.CompanyClass;
                #region 会员审核状态
                DropDownList2.SelectedValue = model.State.ToString();
                DropDownList2.Enabled       = SOSOshop.BLL.PowerPass.isPass("008009013");//权限

                CheckBox1.ToolTip = DropDownList2.SelectedValue;
                if (model.State == 1 && infomodel.Editer == adminInfo.AdminId)
                    CheckBox1.Visible = CheckBox1.Enabled = CheckBox1.Checked = true;
                DropDownList1.SelectedValue = model.CompanyClass;
                bool isEdit = SOSOshop.BLL.PowerPass.isPass("008009004");
                if (model.Question == null || model.Question.Trim() == "")
                    findPassword.Visible  = true;
                    findPassword1.Visible = findPassword2.Visible = findPassword3.Visible = false;
                    findPassword.Visible  = false;
                    findPassword1.Visible = findPassword2.Visible = findPassword3.Visible = true;
                lblUserId.Text = model.UserId;
                SOSOshop.BLL.MemberRank   mrbll   = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberRank();
                SOSOshop.Model.MemberRank mrmodel = mrbll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(model.UserGroup));
                lblUserLevel.Text   = mrmodel != null ? mrmodel.Name : "未知"; //买家等级
                txtMobilePhone.Text = model.MobilePhone;
                txtEmail.Text       = model.Email;                           //电子邮件
                txtEmail_QQ.Text    = model.Email_QQ;                        //QQ邮箱
                if (model.PeriodOfValidity.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == Date_rgPeriodOfValidity.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                    txtPeriodOfValidity.Text = "";
                    txtPeriodOfValidity.Text = CheckTimeOut(model.PeriodOfValidity.ToString(), PeriodOfValiditymsg);

                ViewState["RegisterDate"]     = model.RegisterDate.ToString();
                ViewState["RegisterIP"]       = model.RegisterIP.ToString();
                ViewState["Capital"]          = model.Capital.ToString();
                ViewState["Coupons"]          = model.Coupons.ToString();
                ViewState["Points"]           = model.Points.ToString();
                ViewState["PeriodOfValidity"] = model.PeriodOfValidity.ToString();

                string p = "<span id=\"spanParents\" style=\"\"><span><br>&nbsp;<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" title=\"点击添加其他单位\" onclick=\"addInc(this)\">添加</a>"
                           + "<span>&nbsp;<input name=\"ParentIncName\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" position=\"{x:235,y:110}\" onclick=\"selectParentWindow(this)\" style=\"height:18px;width:300px;cursor:pointer;color:black;\">"
                           + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ParentId\" value=\"0\">"
                           + "</span></span></span>";
                this.txtUId.Value        = id.ToString();
                this.txtTrueName.Text    = infomodel.TrueName;
                this.txtAddress.Text     = infomodel.Address;
                this.txtOfficePhone.Text = infomodel.OfficePhone;
                this.txtFax.Text         = infomodel.Fax;

                #region 实例化省市区联动
                DataSet dsProvinces = bll.ExecuteDataSet("select isnull((select TOP(1) Name from Region where ID=" + infomodel.Province + "),'') as a,isnull((select TOP(1) Name from Region where ID=" + infomodel.City + "),'') as b,isnull((select TOP(1) Name from Region where ID=" + infomodel.Borough + "),'') as c");
                if (dsProvinces != null && dsProvinces.Tables.Count > 0 && dsProvinces.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    ConsigneeProvince = dsProvinces.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
                    ConsigneeCity     = dsProvinces.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString();
                    ConsigneeBorough  = dsProvinces.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString();

                #region 添加其他单位

                if (infomodel.ParentId >= 0)
                    DataSet ds1 = bll.ExecuteDataSet("SELECT ID UID,Name IncName FROM DrugsBase_Enterprise WHERE id IN (" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(infomodel.Parents) ? infomodel.ParentId.ToString() : infomodel.Parents.TrimEnd(',')) + ")");
                    if (ds1.Tables.Count > 0 && ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        p = "<span id=\"spanParents\">";
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            DataRow dr1   = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                            bool    isdef = (infomodel.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(dr1[0]));
                            if (i == 0)
                                if (infomodel.ParentId <= 0)
                                    isdef = true;
                                Literal1.Text = dr1[1].ToString();
                                Literal1.Text = dr1[0].ToString();
                        p += "</span>";
                        bool editParent = false;// int ddl2 = 1; int.TryParse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue, out ddl2); editParent = (ddl2 == 1);

                SelectEditer();      // 查询交易员
                SelectDropDownList(ddl_Editer, infomodel.Editer.ToString());
                BindOutSellPerson(); // 查询外销人员
                SelectDropDownList(ddlOSP, infomodel.OSPId.ToString());
                if (infomodel.Editer <= 0)
                    ddl_Editer.Visible = ddl_Editer.Enabled = true; tipEditer.Visible = true;
                    lblEditer.Text     = "";
                else if (ddl_Editer.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    if (int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue) == 1)
                        ddl_Editer.Visible = ddl_Editer.Enabled = true; tipEditer.Visible = true;
                        if (ddl_Editer.SelectedIndex > 0)
                            lblEditer.Text = ddl_Editer.SelectedItem.Text;
                        ddl_Editer.Visible = ddl_Editer.Enabled = true; tipEditer.Visible = true;
                        if (ddl_Editer.SelectedIndex > 0)
                            lblEditer.Text = ddl_Editer.SelectedItem.Text;
                    ddl_Editer.Visible = ddl_Editer.Enabled = true; tipEditer.Visible = true;
                    lblEditer.Text     = "等待分配客服...";
                if (int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue) != 1 && ddlOSP.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    ddlOSP.Visible = ddlOSP.Enabled = true; tipOSP.Visible = true;
                    if (ddlOSP.SelectedIndex > 0)
                        lbOSP.Text = ddlOSP.SelectedItem.Text;