public void updateReceipt(fees_receipt fees) { try { using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString())) { string query = @"UPDATE fees_receipt SET sr_number = @sr_number ,class_id = @class_id ,section_id = @section_id WHERE reg_no = @reg_no and reg_date = @reg_date" ; con.Execute(query, new { sr_number = fees.sr_number, class_id = fees.class_id, section_id = fees.section_id, reg_no = fees.reg_no, reg_date = fees.reg_date }); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task AddStudent(sr_register std) { try { using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString())) { mst_sessionMain sess = new mst_sessionMain(); string maxid = @"SELECT IFNULL(MAX(sr_number), 0) + 1 FROM sr_register"; // var id = con.Query<mst_section>(maxid).ToString().Trim(); int id = con.ExecuteScalar <int>(maxid); string query = @"INSERT INTO sr_register (sr_number ,std_first_name ,std_last_name ,std_father_name ,std_mother_name ,std_address ,std_address1 ,std_address2 ,std_district ,std_state ,std_country ,std_pincode ,std_contact ,std_contact1 ,std_contact2 ,std_email ,std_father_occupation ,std_mother_occupation ,std_blood_gp ,std_house_income ,std_nationality ,std_category ,std_cast ,std_dob ,std_sex ,std_last_school ,std_admission_date ,std_house ,std_remark ,std_active ,std_pickup_id ,std_admission_class ,adm_session ,reg_no ,reg_date ,std_aadhar) VALUES (@sr_number ,@std_first_name ,@std_last_name ,@std_father_name ,@std_mother_name ,@std_address ,@std_address1 ,@std_address2 ,@std_district ,@std_state ,@std_country ,@std_pincode ,@std_contact ,@std_contact1 ,@std_contact2 ,@std_email ,@std_father_occupation ,@std_mother_occupation ,@std_blood_gp ,@std_house_income ,@std_nationality ,@std_category ,@std_cast ,@std_dob ,@std_sex ,@std_last_school ,@std_admission_date ,@std_house ,@std_remark ,@std_active ,@std_pickup_id ,@std_admission_class ,@adm_session ,@reg_no ,@reg_date ,@std_aadhar)"; std.std_active = "Y"; std.sr_number = id; std.std_admission_date = DateTime.Parse(std.std_admission_date_str); std.std_dob = DateTime.Parse(std.std_dob_str); await con.ExecuteAsync(query, new { std.sr_number , std.std_first_name , std.std_last_name , std.std_father_name , std.std_mother_name , std.std_address , std.std_address1 , std.std_address2 , std.std_district , std.std_state , std.std_country , std.std_pincode , std.std_contact , std.std_contact1 , std.std_contact2 , std.std_email , std.std_father_occupation , std.std_mother_occupation , std.std_blood_gp , std.std_house_income , std.std_nationality , std.std_category , std.std_cast , std.std_dob , std.std_sex , std.std_last_school , std.std_admission_date , std.std_admission_class , std.std_house , std.std_remark , std.std_pickup_id , std.std_active , std.adm_session , std.reg_no , std.reg_date , std.std_aadhar }); query = @"INSERT INTO `mst_std_class` (`session`, `sr_num`, `class_id`) VALUES (@session, @sr_num, @class_id)"; await con.ExecuteAsync(query, new { session = sess.findActive_Session(), sr_num = std.sr_number, class_id = std.class_id }); query = @"INSERT INTO `mst_std_section` (`session`, `sr_num`, `section_id`) VALUES (@session, @sr_num, @section_id)"; await con.ExecuteAsync(query, new { session = sess.findActive_Session(), sr_num = std.sr_number, section_id = std.std_section_id }); std_registrationMain main = new std_registrationMain(); main.DeleteRegistrationOnly(std.adm_session, std.reg_no, std.reg_date); fees_receiptMain mstfees = new fees_receiptMain(); fees_receipt fees = new fees_receipt(); fees.sr_number = std.sr_number; fees.class_id = std.class_id; fees.section_id = std.std_section_id; fees.reg_no = std.reg_no; fees.reg_date = std.reg_date; mstfees.updateReceipt(fees); out_standing out_std = new out_standing(); out_std.acc_id = 2; out_std.outstd_amount = std.fees_amount; out_standingMain out_stdMain = new out_standingMain(); out_std.sr_number = std.sr_number; out_std.class_id = std.class_id; out_stdMain.AddOutStanding(out_std); query = @"SELECT acc_id, fees_amount outstd_amount FROM mst_fees WHERE session = @session AND bl_onetime = 1 AND acc_id not in (2,1) AND class_id = @class_id"; out_standing out_std_onetime = new out_standing(); out_std_onetime = con.Query <out_standing>(query, new { session = sess.findActive_Session(), class_id = std.class_id }).SingleOrDefault(); if (out_std_onetime != null) { out_std_onetime.sr_number = std.sr_number; out_std_onetime.class_id = std.class_id; out_stdMain.AddOutStanding(out_std_onetime); } out_std.reg_num = std.reg_no; out_std.dt_date = std.reg_date; out_std.class_id = std.class_id; out_stdMain.updateOutstanding(out_std); var p = new DynamicParameters(); #if !DEBUG SMSMessage sms = new SMSMessage(); foreach (var item in sms.smsbody("admission")) { string body = item.Replace("#student_name#", std.std_first_name + " " + std.std_last_name); body = body.Replace("#class#", std.std_admission_class); body = body.Replace("#sr_number#", std.sr_number.ToString()); await sms.SendSMS(body, std.std_contact, true); } #endif //string text = @"Admission of " + std.std_first_name + " " + std.std_last_name + " is confirmed in class " + std.std_admission_class + " via admission number " + std.sr_number + ". Congratulation for being a part of hariti family. Thank You. Hariti Public School."; //sms.SendSMS(text, std.std_contact); // text = std.std_first_name + " " + std.std_last_name + " का प्रवेश कक्षा "+std.std_admission_class+" में होना सुनिश्चित हुआ है। जिसका प्रवेश क्रमांक " + std.sr_number + " है। हरिति परिवार से जुड़ने के लिये आपका धन्यवाद। Hariti Public School."; //sms.SendSMS(text, std.std_contact); p.Add("@sr_num", std.sr_number); con.Execute("MonthlyFeesFullYear", p, commandType: System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure); con.Execute("MonthlyTransportFullYear", p, commandType: System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure); DashboardHub hub = new DashboardHub(); hub.DashboardSchoolStrength(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }