public static void DownloadAvatar( SteamID steamId, byte[] avatarHash, Action<AvatarDownloadDetails> callBack )
                avatarMap[steamId] = avatarHash;
                avatarMap.Add(steamId, avatarHash);

            string hashStr = BitConverter.ToString( avatarHash ).Replace( "-", "" ).ToLower();
            string hashPrefix = hashStr.Substring( 0, 2 );

            string localPath = Path.Combine( Application.StartupPath, "avatars" );

            if ( !Directory.Exists( localPath ) )
                    Directory.CreateDirectory( localPath ); // try making the cache directory
                    DebugLog.WriteLine( "CDNCache", "Creating cache directory for avatars." );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    DebugLog.WriteLine( "CDNCache", "Unable to create cache directory.\n{0}", ex.ToString() );
                    callBack( new AvatarDownloadDetails() { Success = false, Exception = ex } );

            string localFile = Path.Combine( localPath, hashStr + ".jpg" );
            if ( File.Exists( localFile ) )
                callBack( new AvatarDownloadDetails() { Success = true, Filename = localFile } );

            AvatarData ad = new AvatarData
                localFile = localFile,
                callback = callBack,
                hashstr = hashStr,

            AddJob( ad );
 static void AddJob( AvatarData data )
     lock ( lockObj )
         jobQueue.Enqueue( data );
         Monitor.Pulse( lockObj );