Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a version of a string without any HTML tags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strString">The string.</param>
        /// <returns>Version of string without HTML tags.</returns>
        public static string RemoveHtml(string strString)
            // Do some common case-sensitive replacements
            Hashtable replacements = new Hashtable();

            replacements.Add("&nbsp;", " ");
            replacements.Add("&amp;", "&");
            replacements.Add("&aring;", "");
            replacements.Add("&auml;", "");
            replacements.Add("&eacute;", "");
            replacements.Add("&iacute;", "");
            replacements.Add("&igrave;", "");
            replacements.Add("&ograve;", "");
            replacements.Add("&ouml;", "");
            replacements.Add("&quot;", "\"");
            replacements.Add("&szlig;", "");
            HTMLStringHelper parser = new HTMLStringHelper(strString);

            foreach (string key in replacements.Keys)
                string val = replacements[key] as string;
                if (strString.IndexOf(key) != -1)
                    parser.ReplaceEveryExact(key, val);

            // Do some sequential replacements
            parser.ReplaceEveryExact("&#0", "&#");
            parser.ReplaceEveryExact("&#39;", "'");
            parser.ReplaceEveryExact("</", " <~/");
            parser.ReplaceEveryExact("<~/", "</");

            // Case-insensitive replacements
            replacements.Add("<br>", " ");
            replacements.Add("<p>", " ");
            foreach (string key in replacements.Keys)
                string val = replacements[key] as string;
                if (strString.IndexOf(key) != -1)
                    parser.ReplaceEvery(key, val);
            strString = parser.Content;

            // Remove all tags
            string strClean  = "";
            int    nIndex    = 0;
            int    nStartTag = 0;

            while ((nStartTag = strString.IndexOf("<", nIndex)) != -1)
                // Extract to start of tag
                string strSubstring = strString.Substring(nIndex, (nStartTag - nIndex));
                strClean += strSubstring;
                nIndex    = nStartTag + 1;

                // Skip over tag
                int nEndTag = strString.IndexOf(">", nIndex);
                if (nEndTag == (-1))
                nIndex = nEndTag + 1;

            // Gather remaining text
            if (nIndex < strString.Length)
                strClean += strString.Substring(nIndex, strString.Length - nIndex);
            strString = strClean;
            strClean  = "";

            // Finally, reduce spaces
            parser.Content = strString;
            parser.ReplaceEveryExact("  ", " ");
            strString = parser.Content.Trim();

            // Return the de-HTMLized string
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the collection of HTML links in a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strString">The string.</param>
        /// <param name="strRootUrl">Root url (may be null).</param>
        /// <param name="documents">Collection of document link strings.</param>
        /// <param name="images">Collection of image link strings.</param>
        public static void GetLinks(string strString, string strRootUrl, ref ArrayList documents, ref ArrayList images)
            // Remove comments and JavaScript and fix links
            strString = HTMLStringHelper.RemoveComments(strString);
            strString = HTMLStringHelper.RemoveScripts(strString);
            HTMLStringHelper parser = new HTMLStringHelper(strString);

            parser.ReplaceEvery("\'", "\"");

            // Set root url
            string rootUrl = "";

            if (strRootUrl != null)
                rootUrl = strRootUrl.Trim();
            if ((rootUrl.Length > 0) && !rootUrl.EndsWith("/"))
                rootUrl += "/";

            // Extract HREF targets
            string strUrl = "";

            while (parser.SkipToEndOfNoCase("href=\""))
                if (parser.ExtractTo("\"", ref strUrl))
                    strUrl = strUrl.Trim();
                    if (strUrl.Length > 0)
                        if (strUrl.IndexOf("mailto:") == -1)
                            // Get fully qualified url (best guess)
                            if (!strUrl.StartsWith("http://") && !strUrl.StartsWith("ftp://"))
                                    UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(rootUrl);
                                    uriBuilder.Path = strUrl;
                                    strUrl          = uriBuilder.Uri.ToString();
                                catch (Exception)
                                    strUrl = "http://" + strUrl;

                            // Add url to document list if not already present
                            if (!documents.Contains(strUrl))

            // Extract SRC targets
            while (parser.SkipToEndOfNoCase("src=\""))
                if (parser.ExtractTo("\"", ref strUrl))
                    strUrl = strUrl.Trim();
                    if (strUrl.Length > 0)
                        // Get fully qualified url (best guess)
                        if (!strUrl.StartsWith("http://") && !strUrl.StartsWith("ftp://"))
                                UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(rootUrl);
                                uriBuilder.Path = strUrl;
                                strUrl          = uriBuilder.Uri.ToString();
                            catch (Exception)
                                strUrl = "http://" + strUrl;

                        // Add url to images list if not already present
                        if (!images.Contains(strUrl))