Exemple #1
        public void SendTestPatternSample(object state)
                if (SampleReady != null && !_isDisposing)
                    lock (_vpxEncoder)
                            byte[] sampleBuffer  = null;
                            byte[] encodedBuffer = null;

                            var stampedTestPattern = _testPattern.Clone() as System.Drawing.Image;
                            AddTimeStampAndLocation(stampedTestPattern, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss:fff"), "Test Pattern");
                            sampleBuffer = VideoUtils.BitmapToRGB24(stampedTestPattern as System.Drawing.Bitmap);

                            fixed(byte *p = sampleBuffer)
                                byte[] convertedFrame = null;
                                _colorConverter.ConvertRGBtoYUV(p, VideoSubTypesEnum.BGR24, (int)_width, (int)_height, (int)_stride, VideoSubTypesEnum.I420, ref convertedFrame);

                                fixed(byte *q = convertedFrame)
                                    int encodeResult = _vpxEncoder.Encode(q, convertedFrame.Length, 1, ref encodedBuffer);

                                    if (encodeResult != 0)
                                        throw new ApplicationException("VPX encode of video sample failed.");


            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SendTestPatternSample. " + excp);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Used when the video source is originating as bitmaps produced locally. For example
        /// the audio scope generates bitmaps in response to an audio signal. The generated bitmaps
        /// then need to be encoded and transmitted to the remote party.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The locally generated bitmap to transmit to the remote party.</param>
        private void LocalBitmapAvailable(Bitmap bmp)
            if (_vpxEncoder == null)
                _extBmpWidth  = bmp.Width;
                _extBmpHeight = bmp.Height;
                _extBmpStride = (int)VideoUtils.GetStride(bmp);

                _vpxEncoder = new VpxEncoder();
                int res = _vpxEncoder.InitEncoder((uint)bmp.Width, (uint)bmp.Height, (uint)_extBmpStride);
                if (res != 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("VPX encoder initialisation failed.");
                _imgEncConverter = new ImageConvert();

            var sampleBuffer = VideoUtils.BitmapToRGB24(bmp);

                fixed(byte *p = sampleBuffer)
                    byte[] convertedFrame = null;
                    _imgEncConverter.ConvertRGBtoYUV(p, VideoSubTypesEnum.BGR24, _extBmpWidth, _extBmpHeight, _extBmpStride, VideoSubTypesEnum.I420, ref convertedFrame);

                    fixed(byte *q = convertedFrame)
                        byte[] encodedBuffer = null;
                        int    encodeResult  = _vpxEncoder.Encode(q, convertedFrame.Length, 1, ref encodedBuffer);

                        if (encodeResult != 0)
                            throw new ApplicationException("VPX encode of video sample failed.");

                        base.SendVp8Frame(_rtpVideoTimestampPeriod, (int)SDPMediaFormatsEnum.VP8, encodedBuffer);
