public static void OpenCurrentLogFile([NotNull] Instance instance, [NotNull] Window owner, [CanBeNull] string logFileType = null) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(instance, "instance"); Assert.ArgumentNotNull(owner, "owner"); string dataFolderPath = instance.DataFolderPath; FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.Directory.AssertExists(dataFolderPath, "The data folder ({0}) of the {1} instance doesn't exist".FormatWith(dataFolderPath, instance.Name)); var logs = instance.LogsFolderPath; logFileType = logFileType ?? GetLogFileTypes(owner, logs); if (logFileType == null) { return; } var pattern = logFileType + "*.txt"; var files = FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.Directory.GetFiles(logs, pattern) ?? new string[0]; var logFilePath = files.OrderByDescending(FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.File.GetCreationTimeUtc).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFilePath)) { return; } string logviewer = AppSettings.AppToolsLogViewer.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logviewer)) { return; } if (logviewer == "logview.exe") { logviewer = ApplicationManager.GetEmbeddedApp("", "SIM.Tool.Windows", "logview.exe"); } var fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(logs) { Filter = pattern, IncludeSubdirectories = false }; bool ignore = false; var process = WindowHelper.RunApp(logviewer, logFilePath); if (process == null) { return; } // we need to stop all this magic when application closes process.Exited += (sender, args) => { // but shouldn't if it is initiated by this magic if (ignore) { ignore = false; return; } fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; }; fileSystemWatcher.Created += (sender, args) => { try { // indicate that magic begins ignore = true; // magic begins process.Kill(); files = FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.Directory.GetFiles(logs, pattern) ?? new string[0]; logFilePath = files.OrderByDescending(FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.File.GetCreationTimeUtc).First(); process = WindowHelper.RunApp(logviewer, logFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Unhandled error happened while reopening log file", typeof(InstanceHelperEx), ex); } finally { fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; } }; fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }
public static void OpenCurrentLogFile([NotNull] Instance instance, [NotNull] Window owner, [CanBeNull] string logFileType = null) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(instance, "instance"); Assert.ArgumentNotNull(owner, "owner"); var dataFolderPath = instance.DataFolderPath; FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.Directory.AssertExists(dataFolderPath, "The data folder ({0}) of the {1} instance doesn't exist".FormatWith(dataFolderPath, instance.Name)); var logsFolderPath = instance.LogsFolderPath; var logFilePrefix = logFileType ?? GetLogFileTypes(owner, logsFolderPath); if (logFilePrefix == null) { Action waitForLogs = delegate { while (logFilePrefix == null) { logFilePrefix = GetLogFileTypes(owner, logsFolderPath); Thread.Sleep(100); } }; WindowHelper.LongRunningTask(waitForLogs, "Waiting for log files", owner, null, "Waiting for log files to be created in the \"{0}\" folder.".FormatWith(logsFolderPath)); } var logFilePattern = logFilePrefix + "*.txt"; var files = FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.Directory.GetFiles(logsFolderPath, logFilePattern) ?? new string[0]; var logFilePath = files.OrderByDescending(FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.File.GetCreationTimeUtc).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFilePath)) { Action waitForLogs = delegate { while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFilePath)) { var files2 = FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.Directory.GetFiles(logsFolderPath, logFilePattern) ?? new string[0]; logFilePath = files2.OrderByDescending(FileSystem.FileSystem.Local.File.GetCreationTimeUtc).FirstOrDefault(); Thread.Sleep(100); } }; WindowHelper.LongRunningTask(waitForLogs, "Waiting for log files", owner, null, "Waiting for log files to be created in the \"{0}\" folder.".FormatWith(logsFolderPath)); } var logViewer = GetLogViewer(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logViewer)) { return; } var fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(logsFolderPath) { Filter = logFilePattern, IncludeSubdirectories = false }; var reopenLogViewer = false; var currentProcess = WindowHelper.RunApp(logViewer, logFilePath); if (currentProcess == null) { return; } // we need to stop all this magic when application closes currentProcess.Exited += delegate { // but shouldn't if it is initiated by this magic if (reopenLogViewer) { reopenLogViewer = false; return; } fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; }; fileSystemWatcher.Created += (sender, args) => { try { if (args.ChangeType != WatcherChangeTypes.Created) { return; } var filePath = args.FullPath; if (!filePath.Contains(logFilePrefix)) { return; } // indicate that magic begins reopenLogViewer = true; // magic begins currentProcess.Kill(); currentProcess = WindowHelper.RunApp(logViewer, filePath); // we need to stop all this magic when application closes currentProcess.Exited += delegate { // but shouldn't if it is initiated by this magic if (reopenLogViewer) { reopenLogViewer = false; return; } fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; }; } catch (Exception ex) { fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; Log.Error(ex, "Unhandled error happened while reopening log file"); } }; fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }
public static bool PreheatInstance(Instance instance, Window mainWindow, bool ignoreAdvancedSetting = false) { if (!EnsureAppPoolState(instance, mainWindow)) { return(false); } if (!AppSettings.AppPreheatEnabled.Value && !ignoreAdvancedSetting) { return(true); } // Check if the instance is responsive now if (!InstanceHelper.IsInstanceResponsive(instance, "fast")) { // It is not responsive so we need to preheat it // i.e. request with larger timeout and with the // progress bar shown to the user to avoid UI lag Exception ex = null; var res = WindowHelper.LongRunningTask(() => PreheatInstance(instance, out ex), "Starting Sitecore", mainWindow, "Sitecore is being initialized", "It may take up to a few minutes on large solutions or slow machines.", true, true, true); if (res == null) { return(false); } // if error happened if (ex != null) { const string cancel = "Cancel"; const string openLog = "Open SIM log file"; const string openSitecoreLog = "Open Sitecore log file"; const string openAnyway = "Open in browser"; var message = "The instance returned an error. \n\n" + ex.Message; Log.Error(message, typeof(WindowHelper), ex); var result = WindowHelper.AskForSelection("Running instance failed", null, message, new[] { cancel, openLog, openSitecoreLog, openAnyway }, mainWindow); switch (result) { case openLog: WindowHelper.OpenFile(Log.LogFilePath); return(false); case openSitecoreLog: OpenCurrentLogFile(instance, mainWindow); return(false); case openAnyway: return(true); default: return(false); } } } return(true); }
public static void OpenFile(string path) { WindowHelper.RunApp("explorer.exe", path.Replace('/', '\\')); }