Exemple #1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="startRef">The start reference at the position where the footnote ORC is
		/// in the vernacular text</param>
		/// <param name="endRef">The end reference at the position where the footnote ORC is in
		/// the vernacular text (can be different from start ref because of verse bridges).
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="hvo">The ID of the paragraph containing the ORC for the footnote. This
		/// could also be the last paragraph where it was found if it is in the process of
		/// being deleted (in which case ORCs may still exist in the corresponding back
		/// translations).</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public FootnoteHashEntry(BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef, int hvo)
			m_startRef = new BCVRef(startRef);
			m_endRef = new BCVRef(endRef);
			m_hvoPara = hvo;
			m_fFound = true;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Insert a new check result annotation at its correct position in the list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="startRef">beginning reference note refers to</param>
		/// <param name="endRef">ending reference note refers to</param>
		/// <param name="beginObject">id of beginning object note refers to</param>
		/// <param name="endObject">id of ending object note refers to</param>
		/// <param name="checkId">The check id.</param>
		/// <param name="bldrQuote">Para builder to use for the cited text paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="bldrDiscussion">Para builder to use to build the Discussion
		/// paragraph</param>
		/// <returns>note inserted into annotation list</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IScrScriptureNote InsertErrorAnnotation(BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef,
			ICmObject beginObject, ICmObject endObject, Guid checkId,
			StTxtParaBldr bldrQuote, StTxtParaBldr bldrDiscussion)
			return InsertNote(startRef, endRef, beginObject, endObject, checkId, -1,
				0, 0, bldrQuote, bldrDiscussion, null, null, GetInsertIndexForRef(startRef));
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Notify all Santa Fe windows that a Scripture Reference focus change has occured.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sRef">The string representation of the reference (e.g. MAT 1:1)</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static void SendFocusMessage(string sRef)
			BCVRef bcvRef = new BCVRef(sRef);
			if (!bcvRef.Valid)
			s_SantaFeRefKey.SetValue(null, sRef);
			PostMessage(new IntPtr(-1), s_FocusMsg, (uint)FocusTypes.ScriptureReferenceFocus, 0);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the first annotation in the list that covers the specified reference.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="reference">Scripture reference to seek</param>
		/// <returns>The first note for the specified reference, if any; otherwise null</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IScrScriptureNote GetFirstNoteForReference(BCVRef reference)
			foreach (IScrScriptureNote note in NotesOS)
				if (note.BeginRef <= reference && note.EndRef >= reference)
					return note;
			return null;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:SegmentInfo"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sMarker">The segment marker.</param>
		/// <param name="sText">The segment text.</param>
		/// <param name="domain">The import domain.</param>
		/// <param name="reference">The current Scripture reference.</param>
		/// <param name="ws">The writing system (-1 to indicate the default WS).</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal SegmentInfo(string sMarker, string sText, ImportDomain domain,
			BCVRef reference, int ws)
			m_sMarker = sMarker;
			m_sText = sText;
			m_domain = domain;
			m_ref = reference;
			m_ws = ws;
Exemple #6
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ws"></param>
		/// <param name="bldr"></param>
		/// <param name="styleId"></param>
		/// <param name="ichOffset"></param>
		/// <param name="reference"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public BtFootnoteBldrInfo(int ws, ITsStrBldr bldr, string styleId, int ichOffset,
			BCVRef reference)
			this.ws = ws;
			this.bldr = bldr;
			this.styleId = styleId;
			this.ichOffset = ichOffset;
			this.reference = new BCVRef(reference);
Exemple #7
		/// <summary>overload for same end ref</summary>
		public static void VerifyParaDiff(Difference diff,
			BCVRef startAndEnd, DifferenceType type,
			StTxtPara paraCurr, int ichMinCurr, int ichLimCurr,
			StTxtPara paraRev, int ichMinRev, int ichLimRev)
			VerifyParaDiff(diff, startAndEnd, startAndEnd, type,
				paraCurr, ichMinCurr, ichLimCurr,
				paraRev, ichMinRev, ichLimRev);
Exemple #8
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SCTextSegment"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public SCTextSegment(string text, string marker, string literalVerse,
			BCVRef firstRef, BCVRef lastRef, string filename, int lineNumber)
			m_marker = marker;
			m_text = text;
			m_firstRef = new BCVRef(firstRef);
			m_lastRef = new BCVRef(lastRef);
			m_filename = filename;
			m_lineNumber = lineNumber;
			m_literalVerse = literalVerse;
		public DummyPictureCheckingToken(ICmObject obj, int ws, string icuLocale)
			m_startRef = m_endRef = new BCVRef(1, 3, 34);
			m_fNoteStart = false;
			m_fParagraphStart = false;
			m_icuLocale = icuLocale;
			m_object = obj;
			m_sText = "La biblioteque in Monroe";
			m_paraStyleName = ScrStyleNames.Figure;
			m_textType = TextType.Other;
			Ws = ws;
			m_flid = CmPictureTags.kflidCaption;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the insert index where a new annotation is inserted when the annotation's
		/// reference is that specified. The index will be at the end of those for the
		/// specified reference.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private int GetInsertIndexForRef(BCVRef startRef)
			IFdoOwningSequence<IScrScriptureNote> notes = NotesOS;

			for (int i = notes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				IScrScriptureNote note = notes[i];
				if (note.BeginRef <= startRef)
					return i + 1;

			return 0;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DummyParaCheckingToken"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The obj.</param>
		/// <param name="ws">The writing system</param>
		/// <param name="paraOffset">The para offset.</param>
		/// <param name="startRef">The start reference.</param>
		/// <param name="endRef">The end reference.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public DummyParaCheckingToken(ICmObject obj, int ws, int paraOffset,
			BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef)
			m_startRef = startRef;
			m_endRef = endRef;
			m_fNoteStart = false;
			m_fParagraphStart = false;
			m_icuLocale = null;
			m_object = obj;
			m_sText = "This is lousy text and it is bad, it is";
			m_paraStyleName = ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph;
			m_textType = TextType.Verse;
			Ws = ws;
			m_flid = (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents;
			m_paraOffset = paraOffset;
Exemple #12
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a text segment enumerator for importing a project
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="firstRef">start reference for importing</param>
		/// <param name="lastRef">end reference for importing</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public ISCTextEnum TextEnum(BCVRef firstRef, BCVRef lastRef)
				if (m_encConverters == null)
					m_encConverters = new EncConverters();
			catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
				string message = string.Format(ScriptureUtilsException.GetResourceString(
						"kstidEncConverterInitError"), ex.Message);
				throw new EncodingConverterException(message,

			// get the enumerator that will return text segments
			return new SCTextEnum(m_settings, m_domain, firstRef, lastRef, m_encConverters);
		public override void Initialize()

			m_styleSheet = new FwStyleSheet();
			m_styleSheet.Init(Cache, m_scr.Hvo, (int)Scripture.ScriptureTags.kflidStyles);

			DummyTeImporter.s_translatorNoteDefn = m_scrInMemoryCache.m_translatorNoteDefn;
			DummyTeImporter.s_consultantNoteDefn = m_scrInMemoryCache.m_consultantNoteDefn;

			m_titus = new BCVRef(56001001);
			m_settings = new DummyScrImportSet();
			m_settings.ImportTypeEnum = TypeOfImport.Other;
			m_settings.StartRef = m_titus;
			m_settings.EndRef = m_titus;
			m_settings.ImportTranslation = true;

			m_importer = new DummyTeImporter(m_settings, Cache, m_styleSheet, m_scrInMemoryCache);
Exemple #14
		public void ValidBCVRefs()
			BCVRef bcvRef = new BCVRef(1, 2, 3, 0);
			Assert.AreEqual(1002003, (int)bcvRef);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, bcvRef.Book);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, bcvRef.Chapter);
			Assert.AreEqual(3, bcvRef.Verse);

			bcvRef = new BCVRef(4005006);
			Assert.AreEqual(4005006, (int)bcvRef);
			Assert.AreEqual(4, bcvRef.Book);
			Assert.AreEqual(5, bcvRef.Chapter);
			Assert.AreEqual(6, bcvRef.Verse);

			bcvRef = new BCVRef();
			Assert.AreEqual(0, (int)bcvRef);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, bcvRef.Book);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, bcvRef.Chapter);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, bcvRef.Verse);
Exemple #15
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SCTextEnum"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="settings">The import settings</param>
		/// <param name="domain">The source domain</param>
		/// <param name="startRef">first reference to retrieve</param>
		/// <param name="endRef">last reference to retrieve</param>
		/// <param name="encConverters">The encoding converters repository</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public SCTextEnum(IScrImportSet settings, ImportDomain domain,
			BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef, IEncConverters encConverters)
			m_settings = settings;
			m_domain = domain;
			m_startRef = new BCVRef(startRef);
			m_endRef = new BCVRef(endRef);
			m_mappingSet = m_settings.GetMappingSetForDomain(domain);

			// Gets the set of encoding converters
			m_encConverters = encConverters;

			// make a list of all of the begin and end markers for inline markers
			// Also build the map of encoding converters
			m_InlineBeginAndEndMarkers = new List<string>();
			foreach (ImportMappingInfo mapping in m_settings.GetMappingListForDomain(domain))
				if (mapping.IsInline || m_settings.ImportTypeEnum == TypeOfImport.Paratext5)
					if (mapping.IsInline)

			m_InlineBeginAndEndMarkers.Sort(new StrLengthComparer(false));

			// Build a list of all of the characters that inline markers start with
			Set<char> tempCharList = new Set<char>();
			foreach (string marker in m_InlineBeginAndEndMarkers)
				tempCharList.Add(marker[0]); // Set ignores duplicates.

			m_InlineMarkerStartChars = tempCharList.ToArray();
			// Get the import file source that will provide the files to import.
			m_importSource = settings.GetImportFiles(domain);
			m_importSourceEnum = m_importSource.GetEnumerator();
Exemple #16
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// A helper method for book merger tests-
		/// Verifies the contents of the given difference
		/// for any types that deal with changes in a paragraph.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>char styles and subDiffs are not verified here; test code should just check
		/// those directly if relevant</remarks>
		/// <param name="diff">the given Difference.</param>
		/// <param name="start">The verse ref start.</param>
		/// <param name="end">The verse ref end.</param>
		/// <param name="type">Type of the diff.</param>
		/// <param name="paraCurr">The Current paragraph.</param>
		/// <param name="ichMinCurr">The ich min in paraCurr.</param>
		/// <param name="ichLimCurr">The ich lim in paraCurr.</param>
		/// <param name="paraRev">The Revision paragraph.</param>
		/// <param name="ichMinRev">The ich min in paraRev.</param>
		/// <param name="ichLimRev">The ich lim in paraRev.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static void VerifyParaDiff(Difference diff,
			BCVRef start, BCVRef end, DifferenceType type,
			StTxtPara paraCurr, int ichMinCurr, int ichLimCurr,
			StTxtPara paraRev, int ichMinRev, int ichLimRev)
			// verify the basics
			Assert.AreEqual(start, diff.RefStart);
			Assert.AreEqual(end, diff.RefEnd);
			Assert.AreEqual(type, diff.DiffType);

			// the Current para stuff
			Assert.AreEqual(paraCurr.Hvo, diff.HvoCurr);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichMinCurr, diff.IchMinCurr);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichLimCurr, diff.IchLimCurr);

			// the Revision para stuff
			Assert.AreEqual(paraRev.Hvo, diff.HvoRev);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichMinRev, diff.IchMinRev);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichLimRev, diff.IchLimRev);

			// section stuff should be null
Exemple #17
		public void UndoImport_ReplaceBook()
			FdoCache cache = m_firstMainWnd.Cache;
			Scripture scr = (Scripture)m_firstMainWnd.ScriptureObj;
			Set<int> origDrafts = new Set<int>(scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.HvoArray);

			// Create a settings object and set it to be a Paratext import of Philemon.
			ScrImportSet settings = new ScrImportSet();
			settings.ImportTypeEnum = TypeOfImport.Paratext6;
			settings.ParatextScrProj = "TEV";
			settings.SetMapping(MappingSet.Main, new ImportMappingInfo(@"\it", @"\it*", false, MappingTargetType.TEStyle, MarkerDomain.Default, "Emphasis", null));

			// Setup the reference to import.
			BCVRef scrRef = new BCVRef(57001001);

			// Do the import.
			settings.ImportTranslation = true;
			settings.ImportBookIntros = true;
			settings.StartRef = scrRef;
			settings.EndRef = scrRef;

			IScrDraft importedDraft = GetImportedVersion(cache, origDrafts, 2);
			IScrBook importedPhm = importedDraft.FindBook(57);
			Assert.AreEqual(UndoResult.kuresRefresh, cache.ActionHandlerAccessor.Undo());
			IScrBook restoredPhm = scr.FindBook(57);
			Assert.AreNotEqual(restoredPhm.Hvo, importedPhm.Hvo);

			Set<int> finalDrafts = new Set<int>(scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.HvoArray);
			Assert.AreEqual(origDrafts.Count, finalDrafts.Count);

Exemple #18
		public void UndoImport_NewBook()
			FdoCache cache = m_firstMainWnd.Cache;
			Scripture scr = (Scripture)m_firstMainWnd.ScriptureObj;
			Set<int> origDrafts = new Set<int>(scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.HvoArray);

			// Create a settings object and set it to be a Paratext import of Titus.
			ScrImportSet settings = new ScrImportSet();
			settings.ImportTypeEnum = TypeOfImport.Paratext6;
			settings.ParatextScrProj = "TEV";
			settings.SetMapping(MappingSet.Main, new ImportMappingInfo(@"\it", @"\it*", false, MappingTargetType.TEStyle, MarkerDomain.Default, "Emphasis", null));

			// Setup the reference to import.
			BCVRef scrRef = new BCVRef(56001001);

			// Do the import.
			settings.ImportTranslation = true;
			settings.ImportBookIntros = true;
			settings.StartRef = scrRef;
			settings.EndRef = scrRef;

			IScrDraft importedDrafts = GetImportedVersion(cache, origDrafts, 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(UndoResult.kuresRefresh, cache.ActionHandlerAccessor.Undo());
			// JohnT: no longer happens, and I can't think why it should, since Undo does not
			// change Scripture.

			Set<int> finalDrafts = new Set<int>(scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.HvoArray);
			Assert.AreEqual(origDrafts.Count, finalDrafts.Count);
Exemple #19
		public void VerifyStylesComboBoxAfterImport()

				// Move selection to a place in the text where the styles combo contents
				// are not restricted to exclude general paragraphs (Jud 1:10 will do).
				// Make sure the style combo box doesn't have the UnknownTEStyle in it.
				Assert.IsTrue(m_firstMainWnd.ParaStylesComboBox.FindString(@"\xx") < 0,
					@"'\xx' was found!");

				// Create a settings object and set it to be a Paratext import of the
				// TEV scripture project (containing Titus with an unmapped marker).
				IScripture scr = (Scripture)m_firstMainWnd.ScriptureObj;
				IScrImportSet settings = new ScrImportSet();
				scr.DefaultImportSettings = settings;
				settings.ImportTypeEnum = TypeOfImport.Paratext6;
				settings.ParatextScrProj = "TEV";

				// Setup the reference to import.
				BCVRef scrRef = new BCVRef(56001001);

				// Do the import.
				settings.ImportTranslation = true;
				(settings as ScrImportSet).StartRef = scrRef;
				(settings as ScrImportSet).EndRef = scrRef;

				// Move selection back to Jud 1:10 because the selection seems to get messed
				// up in this test.

				// Make sure the styles combo now contains a new style for the unmapped marker
				// found in our test TEV style sheet and in the test Titus scripture data
				// (the style file and scripture data file contain the unmapped marker '\xx').
				Assert.IsTrue(m_firstMainWnd.ParaStylesComboBox.FindString(@"\xx") >= 0,
					@"'\xx' was not found!");
Exemple #20
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert a Scripture reference to a string (perhaps like this: 16:3, depending on the
		/// chapterVerseSeparator).  It will also handle script digits if necessary.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="reference">A ScrReference that holds the chapter and verse to format</param>
		/// <param name="hvoWs">The HVO of the writing system in which we are displaying this
		/// reference (used to determine whether to use script digits and whether to include
		/// right-to-left marks)</param>
		/// <returns>A formatted chapter/verse reference</returns>
		/// <remarks>See TeHeaderFooterVc for an example of how to format the full reference,
		/// including book name. The method BookName in that class could be moved somewhere
		/// more appropriate if it's ever needed.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public string ChapterVerseRefAsString(BCVRef reference, int hvoWs)
			bool fUseScriptDigits = (UseScriptDigits && hvoWs == Cache.DefaultVernWs);
			string sVerseRef = (reference.Verse > 0) ?
				ConvertToString(reference.Verse, fUseScriptDigits) : String.Empty;

			if (reference.Chapter > 0 && reference.Verse > 0)
				return ConvertToString(reference.Chapter, fUseScriptDigits) +
					ChapterVerseSeparatorForWs(hvoWs) + sVerseRef;
			return sVerseRef;
Exemple #21
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert a Scripture reference to a string (like this: 16:3).  It will also
		/// handle script digits if necessary.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="reference">A ScrReference that holds the chapter and verse to format</param>
		/// <returns>A formatted chapter/verse reference</returns>
		/// <remarks>See TeHeaderFooterVc for an example of how to format the full reference,
		/// including book name. The method BookName in that class could be moved somewhere
		/// more appropriate if it's ever needed.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public string ChapterVerseRefAsString(BCVRef reference)
			return ChapterVerseRefAsString(reference, m_cache.DefaultVernWs);
Exemple #22
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a picture location range string.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="s">The string representation of a picture location range.</param>
		/// <param name="anchorLocation">The anchor location.</param>
		/// <param name="locType">The type of the location range. The incoming value tells us
		/// the assumed type for parsing. The out value can be set to a different type if we
		/// discover that the actual value is another type.</param>
		/// <param name="locationMin">The location min.</param>
		/// <param name="locationMax">The location max.</param>
		/// <remarks>This is implemented on Scripture because CmPicture's implementation does
		/// not handle Scripture reference ranges.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void ParsePictureLoc(string s, int anchorLocation,
			ref PictureLocationRangeType locType, out int locationMin, out int locationMax)
			locationMin = locationMax = 0;
			if (BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(anchorLocation) == 1 &&
				BCVRef.GetVerseFromBcv(anchorLocation) == 0)
				string[] pieces = s.Split(new char[] { '-' }, 2,

				if (pieces.Length == 2 &&
					Int32.TryParse(pieces[0], out locationMin) &&
					Int32.TryParse(pieces[1], out locationMax))
					locType = PictureLocationRangeType.ParagraphRange;
				locType = PictureLocationRangeType.AfterAnchor;
			BCVRef startRef = new BCVRef(anchorLocation);
			BCVRef endRef = new BCVRef(anchorLocation);
			if (ScrReference.ParseRefRange(s, ref startRef, ref endRef, Versification) &&
				startRef <= anchorLocation && endRef >= anchorLocation)
				locationMin = startRef.BBCCCVVV;
				locationMax = endRef.BBCCCVVV;
				locType = PictureLocationRangeType.ReferenceRange;
				locType = PictureLocationRangeType.AfterAnchor;
Exemple #23
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert two Scripture references to a string (perhaps like this: 16:3-6), depending
		/// on the chapter/verse separator. It will also handle script digits if necessary.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="start">A BCVRef that holds the chapter and beginning verse to format</param>
		/// <param name="end">A BCVRef that holds the ending reference (if book and chapter
		/// don't match book and chapter of start ref, an argument exception is hurled</param>
		/// <param name="hvoWs">HVO of the writing system for which we are formatting this
		/// reference.</param>
		/// <returns>A formatted chapter/verse reference</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public string ChapterVerseBridgeAsString(BCVRef start, BCVRef end, int hvoWs)
			if (start.Book != end.Book)
				throw new ArgumentException("Books are different");
			if (start.Chapter != end.Chapter)
				throw new ArgumentException("Chapters are different");
			string sResult = ChapterVerseRefAsString(start, hvoWs);

			if (start.Verse != end.Verse)
				bool fUseScriptDigits = (UseScriptDigits && hvoWs == Cache.DefaultVernWs);
				sResult = MakeBridgeAsString(sResult, ConvertToString(end.Verse, fUseScriptDigits), hvoWs);

			return sResult;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to scroll to the first annotation whose beginning reference's book is
		/// the same as the specified book.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool ScrollToNonScrAnnotationByBook(int book, string selectedText)
			int bookHvo = m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[book - 1].Hvo;
			int[] annHvos = ((ISilDataAccessManaged)m_rootb.DataAccess).VecProp(bookHvo,

			if (annHvos.Length == 0)
				return false;

			int ihvo = 0;
			IScrScriptureNote ann;
			BCVRef bcvRef;

			// Go through the annotations for the book and find the one whose
			// cited text is the same as the specified selected text.
			for (int i = 0; i < annHvos.Length; i++)
				ann = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrScriptureNoteRepository>().GetObject(annHvos[i]);
				bcvRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
				if (ann.CitedText == selectedText && bcvRef.Chapter == 0)
					ihvo = i;

			ann = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrScriptureNoteRepository>().GetObject(annHvos[ihvo]);
			bcvRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
			if (bcvRef.Chapter > 0)
				return false;

			NotesEditingHelper.MakeSelectionInNote(m_vc, book - 1, ihvo, this, m_vc.IsExpanded(ann.Hvo));
			return true;
Exemple #25
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the start ref to first book available for import.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SetStartRefToFirstImportableBook()
			StartRef = new BCVRef(FirstImportableBook, 1, 1);
Exemple #26
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Clears the starting and ending references in this dialog.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static void ClearDialogReferences()
			s_StartRef = null;
			s_EndRef = null;
Exemple #27
		/// <summary>
		/// If the user didn't choose cancel, save the controls' values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
			// If the scripture range is selected, then make sure both scripture references are
			// valid. Focus the incorrect one.
			if (this.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK && radImportRange.Checked)
				if (!scrPsgFrom.Valid)
					e.Cancel = true;
				if (!scrPsgTo.Valid)
					e.Cancel = true;
			else if (DialogResult == DialogResult.OK && radImportEntire.Checked)
				m_importSettings.StartRef = StartRef;
				m_importSettings.EndRef = EndRef;
				NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(ActionHandler, () => m_importSettings.SaveSettings());


			if (this.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
				ImportEntire = radImportEntire.Checked;
				ImportTranslation = chkTranslation.Checked;
				ImportBackTranslation = chkBackTranslation.Checked;
				ImportBookIntros = chkBookIntros.Checked;
				ImportAnnotations = chkOther.Checked;
				s_StartRef = scrPsgFrom.ScReference;
				s_EndRef = scrPsgTo.ScReference;
				if (m_importSettings != null)
					m_importSettings.StartRef = StartRef;
					m_importSettings.EndRef = EndRef;
					m_importSettings.ImportTranslation = chkTranslation.Checked;
					m_importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = chkBackTranslation.Checked;
					m_importSettings.ImportBookIntros = chkBookIntros.Checked;
					m_importSettings.ImportAnnotations = chkOther.Checked;
Exemple #28
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find a paragraph with the specified style id, containing the specified verse number,
		/// if specified, and having the correct sequence number.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="targetStyle">style of paragraph to find</param>
		/// <param name="targetRef">Reference to seek</param>
		/// <param name="iPara">0-based index of paragraph</param>
		/// <param name="iVernSection">0-based index of the section the corresponding
		/// vernacular paragraph is in. This will be 0 if no corresponding paragraph can be
		/// found.</param>
		/// <returns>The corresponding StTxtPara, or null if no matching para is found</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IScrTxtPara FindPara(IStStyle targetStyle, BCVRef targetRef, int iPara,
			ref int iVernSection)
			// REVIEW: In production code, iPara is always passed as 0. Can we eliminate this parameter?
			// Do tests really need to be able to pass 1? Why are we testing something that can never happen in real life?
			Debug.Assert(targetRef.BookIsValid, "Invalid book number");
			IScrBook book = FindBook(targetRef.Book);
			if (book == null)
				return null;

			return book.FindPara(targetStyle, targetRef, iPara, ref iVernSection);
Exemple #29
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the end ref to last book available for import.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SetEndRefToLastImportableBook()
			EndRef = new BCVRef(LastImportableBook, 1, 1);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the Scripture reference of the specified annotation as string.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ann">The specified annotation.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private string GetRefAsString(IScrScriptureNote ann)
			BCVRef startRef = new BCVRef(ann.BeginRef);
			IScrBook book = m_scr.FindBook(startRef.Book);
			string bookName;
			// Book for note may not be in the project.
			if (book != null)
				bookName = book.BestUIName;
				IScrBookRef bookRef = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS[startRef.Book - 1];
				ITsString tsName = bookRef.BookName.get_String(Cache.DefaultUserWs);
				if (tsName.Length == 0)
					tsName = bookRef.BookName.BestAnalysisAlternative;
				bookName = tsName.Text;

			string titleText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureTitle");
			string introText = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureIntro");
			return BCVRef.MakeReferenceString(bookName, startRef, new BCVRef(ann.EndRef),
				m_scr.ChapterVerseSepr, m_scr.Bridge, titleText, introText);