Redefine Rect structure.
We can't simply use Rectangle, because the struct layout is different (Rect uses left, top, right, bottom, whereas Rectangle uses x, y, width, height).
		public void GetClientRectangle(out Rect clientRectangle)
			if ( m_control == null)
				throw new ApplicationException("Window not set"); = m_control.ClientRectangle.Top;
			clientRectangle.left = m_control.ClientRectangle.Left;
			clientRectangle.right = m_control.ClientRectangle.Right;
			clientRectangle.bottom = m_control.ClientRectangle.Bottom;
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the combo box at the specified location, or the list box pulled down from the specified location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loc"></param>
        public void Activate(SIL.Utils.Rect loc)

            FwComboBox combo = m_combo as FwComboBox;

            if (combo != null)
                combo.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(loc.left,;
                // 21 is the default height of a combo, the smallest reasonable size.
                combo.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(Math.Max(loc.right - loc.left + 30, 200), Math.Max(loc.bottom -, 50));
                if (!m_owner.Controls.Contains(combo))
                ComboListBox c = (m_combo as ComboListBox);
                c.AdjustSize(500, 400);                 // these are maximums!
                c.Launch(m_owner.RectangleToScreen(loc), Screen.GetWorkingArea(m_owner));
		public void GetParaLocation(out Rect _rdLoc)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
		public void Location(IVwGraphics _vg, Rect rcSrc, Rect rcDst, out Rect _rdPrimary, out Rect _rdSecondary, out bool _fSplit, out bool _fEndBeforeAnchor)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #5
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Scroll to the bottom. This is somewhat tricky because after scrolling to the bottom of
		/// the range as we currently estimate it, expanding a closure may change things.
		/// <seealso cref="GoToEnd"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual void ScrollToEnd()
			if (DoingScrolling && !DesignMode)
				// dy gets added to the scroll offset. This means a positive dy causes there to be more
				// of the view hidden above the top of the screen. This is the same effect as clicking a
				// down arrow, which paradoxically causes the window contents to move up.
				int dy = 0;
				int ydCurr = -ScrollPosition.Y; // Where the window thinks it is now.

				using (new HoldGraphics(this))
					// This loop repeats until we have figured out a scroll distance AND confirmed
					// that we can draw that location without messing things up.
					for (; ; )
						int ydMax = DisplayRectangle.Height - ClientHeight + 1;
						dy = ydMax - ydCurr;
						// OK, we need to move by dy. But, we may have to expand a lazy box there in order
						// to display a whole screen full. If the size estimate is off (which it usually is),
						// that would affect the scroll position we need to be at the very bottom.
						// To avoid this, we make the same PrepareToDraw call
						// that the rendering code will make before drawing after the scroll.
						Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
						Rectangle rcDstRoot;
						GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
						rcDstRoot.Offset(0, -dy);

						int dyRange = m_rootb.Height;
						Rectangle r = AdjustedClientRectangle;
						SIL.Utils.Rect clipRect = new SIL.Utils.Rect(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);

						if (m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics is IVwGraphicsWin32)
							((IVwGraphicsWin32)m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics).SetClipRect(ref clipRect);

						if (m_rootb != null && (m_dxdLayoutWidth > 0))
							PrepareToDraw(rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot);

						ydCurr = -ScrollPosition.Y; // Where the window thinks it is now. (May have changed expanding.)
						// If PrepareToDraw didn't change the scroll range, it didn't mess anything up and we
						// can use the dy we figured. Otherwise, loop and figure it again with more complete
						// information, because something at a relevant point has been expanded to real boxes.
						if (m_rootb.Height == dyRange)
						dy = 0; // Back to initial state.

					if (dy != 0)
						// Update the scroll bar.
						// We have to pass a positive value, although ScrollPosition
						// returns a negative one
						ScrollPosition = new Point(-ScrollPosition.X, ydCurr + dy);
Exemple #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Make a combo box appropriate for the specified selection. If fMouseDown is true,
		/// do so unconditionally...otherwise (mousemove) only if the new selection is on a different thing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
		/// <param name="fForce"></param>
		private void ShowComboForSelection(IVwSelection vwselNew, bool fMouseDown)
			// It's a good idea to get this's possible for MakeCombo to leave the selection invalid.
			SIL.Utils.Rect loc;
			vwselNew.GetParaLocation(out loc);
			if (!fMouseDown)
				// It's a mouse move.
				// If we've moved to somewhere outside any paragraph get rid of the combos.
				// But, allow somewhere close, since otherwise it's almost impossible to get
				// a combo on an empty string.
				SIL.Utils.Rect locExpanded = loc;
				locExpanded.right += 50;
				locExpanded.left -= 5; -= 2;
				locExpanded.bottom += 2;
				if (!locExpanded.Contains(m_LastMouseMovePos))
				// Don't do anything if the current mouse position is in the same paragraph
				// as before. Things tend to flicker if we continually create and remove it.
				// But, if we've hidden all the combos, go ahead even if at the same position as before...
				// otherwise, when we drag off outside the text and return, we may not get any combo.
				if (loc.Equals(m_locLastShowCombo) && FirstLineHandler != null)
			FinishUpOk(); // Just like OK, if there are pending edits in the combo, do them.
			// Changing a different item may result in changes to this one also. This could invalidate
			// the selection, in which case, we can't use it.
			// Enhance JohnT: might consider trying the current selection, if any, if called from
			// MouseDown...that would not be useful if called from hover. But there probably isn't
			// a current selection in that case. Could try a selection at the saved mouse position.
			if (!vwselNew.IsValid)

			m_locLastShowCombo = loc;

			m_fMakingCombo = true;
			// No matter what, we are fixin to get rid of the old value.
			if (!m_fInMouseDrag)
				m_ComboHandler = InterlinComboHandler.MakeCombo(m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider,
					vwselNew, this, fMouseDown);
				m_ComboHandler = null;
			m_fMakingCombo = false;
			m_fLockCombo = false; // nothing typed in it yet.
			if (m_ComboHandler != null)
				// Set the position of the combo and display it. Do this before synchronizing
				// the LexEntry display, which can take a while.
				m_fMouseDownActivatedCombo = true;
				// If the selection moved to a different morpheme, and we know a corresponding
				// LexEntry, switch to it.
				if (m_ComboHandler.SelectedMorphHvo != 0)
					int hvoSbEntry = m_caches.DataAccess.get_ObjectProp(
						m_ComboHandler.SelectedMorphHvo, ktagSbMorphEntry);
					if (hvoSbEntry != 0)
						//SetSelectedEntry(m_caches.RealHvo(hvoSbEntry)); // seems to be buggy.
			public void Activate(Rect loc) { }