Exemple #1
        public void iPubSettings_LargeBible_TwoColumn()
            m_div.NumColumns = 2;
            m_dlg            = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kLargeBible;
            m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue    = 11;

            // Setup expected top and bottom margins for different line spacing sizes of
            // 11, 12 and 13. The left and right margins are always 36000 millipoints (1/2").
            Dictionary <int, ExpectedMarginType> ExpectedMargins =
                new Dictionary <int, ExpectedMarginType>(3);

            ExpectedMargins.Add(11, new ExpectedMarginType(50000, 36400));
            ExpectedMargins.Add(12, new ExpectedMarginType(49000, 36400));
            ExpectedMargins.Add(13, new ExpectedMarginType(49000, 36400));

            // Check the settings for the margins at different line spacing sizes.
            for (int lineSpacingSize = 11; lineSpacingSize <= 13; lineSpacingSize++)
                m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = lineSpacingSize;

                // Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
                ExpectedMarginType expectedMargin = ExpectedMargins[lineSpacingSize];
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.TopMargin, m_dlg.MarginTop);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.BottomMargin, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
                Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
                Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
                Assert.AreEqual(lineSpacingSize - 2, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize / 1000);
Exemple #2
        public void iPubSettings_SmallBible_TwoColumn()
            m_div.NumColumns = 2;
            m_dlg            = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kSmallBible;

            // Setup expected top and bottom margins for different base character sizes of
            // 9, 10 and 11. The left and right margins are always 36000 millipoints (1/2").
            Dictionary <int, ExpectedMarginType> ExpectedMargins =
                new Dictionary <int, ExpectedMarginType>(3);

            ExpectedMargins.Add(9, new ExpectedMarginType(49000, 38000));
            ExpectedMargins.Add(10, new ExpectedMarginType(51000, 38000));
            ExpectedMargins.Add(11, new ExpectedMarginType(50000, 36000));

            // Check the settings for the margins at different base character sizes.
            for (int baseCharSize = 9; baseCharSize <= 11; baseCharSize++)
                m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = baseCharSize;

                // Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
                ExpectedMarginType expectedMargin = ExpectedMargins[baseCharSize];
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.TopMargin, m_dlg.MarginTop);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.BottomMargin, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
                Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
                Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
                Assert.AreEqual(baseCharSize + 2, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing / 1000);
Exemple #3
        public void FollowsStandardSettings_SmallBibleOneColumn()
            m_div.NumColumns      = 1;
            m_pub.PaperHeight     = 11 * 72000;
            m_pub.PaperWidth      = (int)(8.5 * 72000);
            m_pub.PageHeight      = (int)(8.25 * 72000);
            m_pub.PageWidth       = (int)(5.25 * 72000);
            m_pub.BaseFontSize    = 11000;
            m_pub.BaseLineSpacing = -13000;
            m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, true, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PageSizeComboIndex      = 0;
            m_dlg.AllowNonStandardChoices = false;

            // Should return true for standard pair allowed for one-column
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 11;

            // Should return false for base character sizes too small or too big
            m_dlg.AllowNonStandardChoices     = true;
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue    = 10;
            m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 12;
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue    = 12;
            m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 14;

            // Should return false for mismatched font/line spacing values
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue    = 11;
            m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 12;
            m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 14;
Exemple #4
        public void AllowNonStandardChoices_LineSpacing()
            m_div.NumColumns = 2;
            m_dlg            = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;
            m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex         = kLargeBible;
            m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

            // Check base character size and line spacing.
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 8;
            Assert.AreEqual(8000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
            m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = 7;
            Assert.AreEqual(7000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing, "Line spacing should not be smaller than base character size");
            m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = 14;
            Assert.AreEqual(14000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
            // Line spacing is now twice the font size. If we change the base character size, we
            // expect this proportion to be maintained.
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 14;
            Assert.AreEqual(14000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(28000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);

            // If we uncheck the "Allow non-standard choices", we should go back to the maximum base
            // character size and line spacing since 16 is above the maximum.
            m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(11000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(13000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
Exemple #5
        public void ErrorStatus_PubPageTooBig()
            m_div.NumColumns = 2;

            m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex         = kLargeBible;
            m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

            // Set paper size to A5 which is too small to fit a "Large" Bible
            m_dlg.PaperSizeName = m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A5").PaperName;
            Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.PubPageTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());
Exemple #6
        public void iPubSettings_SmallBible_OneColumn()
            m_div.NumColumns = 1;
            m_dlg            = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kSmallBible;
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue   = 11;

            // Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
            Assert.AreEqual(50000, m_dlg.MarginTop);
            Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
            Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
            Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
            Assert.AreEqual(13000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
Exemple #7
        public void iPubSettings_LargeBible_OneColumn()
            m_div.NumColumns = 1;
            m_dlg            = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kLargeBible;
            m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue   = 11;
            m_dlg.PaperSizeName = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidPaperSizeA4");

            // Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
            Assert.AreEqual(53000, m_dlg.MarginTop);
            Assert.AreEqual(39400, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
            Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
            Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
            Assert.AreEqual(13000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
Exemple #8
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public override void TestTearDown()
         if (m_dlg != null)
             m_dlg = null;
         if (m_pubPageInfo != null)
             m_pubPageInfo = null;
Exemple #9
        public void ErrorStatus_HorizontalMarginsTooBig()
            m_div.NumColumns = 2;

            m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
            m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex         = kFullPage;
            m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

            // Set paper size to A5 which is too small to fit a Large Bible
            m_dlg.PaperSizeName = m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").PaperName;

            // Set left and right margins too big
            // Left and Right margins are set to half the height plus 1/2"
            m_dlg.MarginLeft  = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Width *DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
            m_dlg.MarginRight = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Width *DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
            Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.HorizontalMarginsTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());

            m_dlg.MarginLeft  = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Width *DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints);
            m_dlg.MarginRight = DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints;
            Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.HorizontalMarginsTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());
 public override void Exit()
         if (m_dlg != null)
             m_dlg = null;
         if (m_pubPageInfo != null)
             m_pubPageInfo = null;
        public void ErrorStatus_VerticalMarginsTooBig()
            m_div.NumColumns = 2;

            m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_wsUser, m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, MsrSysType.Point, false, m_pubPageInfo);

            m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex         = kFullPage;
            m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

            // Set paper size to A5 which is too small to fit a Large Bible
            m_dlg.PaperSizeName = m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").PaperName;

            // Set left and right margins to legal size
            m_dlg.MarginLeft  = 50 * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints;            // 1/2 inch
            m_dlg.MarginRight = 50 * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints;            // 1/2 inch
            Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.NoError, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());

            // Set top and bottom margins too big
            // Left and Right margins are set to half the height plus 1/2"
            m_dlg.MarginTop    = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Height *DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
            m_dlg.MarginBottom = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Height *DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
            Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.VerticalMarginsTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());
		public void ErrorStatus_PubPageTooBig()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;

			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex = kLargeBible;
			m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

			// Set paper size to A5 which is too small to fit a "Large" Bible
			m_dlg.PaperSizeName = m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A5").PaperName;
			Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.PubPageTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());
		public override void Exit()
				if (m_dlg != null)
					m_dlg = null;
				if (m_pubPageInfo != null)
					m_pubPageInfo = null;
		public void ErrorStatus_HorizontalMarginsTooBig()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;

			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg(m_wsUser, m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, MsrSysType.Point, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex = kFullPage;
			m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

			// Set paper size to A5 which is too small to fit a Large Bible
			m_dlg.PaperSizeName = m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").PaperName;

			// Set left and right margins too big
			// Left and Right margins are set to half the height plus 1/2"
			m_dlg.MarginLeft = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Width * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
			m_dlg.MarginRight = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Width * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
			Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.HorizontalMarginsTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());

			m_dlg.MarginLeft = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Width * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints);
			m_dlg.MarginRight = DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints;
			Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.HorizontalMarginsTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public override void TestTearDown()
				if (m_dlg != null)
					m_dlg = null;
				if (m_pubPageInfo != null)
					m_pubPageInfo = null;
		public void iPubSettings_LargeBible_OneColumn()
			m_div.NumColumns = 1;
			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kLargeBible;
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 11;
			m_dlg.PaperSizeName = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidPaperSizeA4");

			// Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
			Assert.AreEqual(53000, m_dlg.MarginTop);
			Assert.AreEqual(39400, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
			Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
			Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
			Assert.AreEqual(13000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
		public void iPubSettings_LargeBible_TwoColumn()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;
			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kLargeBible;
			m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = 11;

			// Setup expected top and bottom margins for different line spacing sizes of
			// 11, 12 and 13. The left and right margins are always 36000 millipoints (1/2").
			Dictionary<int, ExpectedMarginType> ExpectedMargins =
				new Dictionary<int, ExpectedMarginType>(3);
			ExpectedMargins.Add(11, new ExpectedMarginType(50000, 36400));
			ExpectedMargins.Add(12, new ExpectedMarginType(49000, 36400));
			ExpectedMargins.Add(13, new ExpectedMarginType(49000, 36400));

			// Check the settings for the margins at different line spacing sizes.
			for (int lineSpacingSize = 11; lineSpacingSize <= 13; lineSpacingSize++)
				m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = lineSpacingSize;

				// Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
				ExpectedMarginType expectedMargin = ExpectedMargins[lineSpacingSize];
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.TopMargin, m_dlg.MarginTop);
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.BottomMargin, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
				Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
				Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
				Assert.AreEqual(lineSpacingSize - 2, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize / 1000);
		public void iPubSettings_SmallBible_OneColumn()
			m_div.NumColumns = 1;
			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kSmallBible;
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 11;

			// Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
			Assert.AreEqual(50000, m_dlg.MarginTop);
			Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
			Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
			Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
			Assert.AreEqual(13000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
		public void iPubSettings_SmallBible_TwoColumn()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;
			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PubSizeCombo.SelectedIndex = kSmallBible;

			// Setup expected top and bottom margins for different base character sizes of
			// 9, 10 and 11. The left and right margins are always 36000 millipoints (1/2").
			Dictionary<int, ExpectedMarginType> ExpectedMargins =
				new Dictionary<int, ExpectedMarginType>(3);
			ExpectedMargins.Add(9, new ExpectedMarginType(49000, 38000));
			ExpectedMargins.Add(10, new ExpectedMarginType(51000, 38000));
			ExpectedMargins.Add(11, new ExpectedMarginType(50000, 36000));

			// Check the settings for the margins at different base character sizes.
			for (int baseCharSize = 9; baseCharSize <= 11; baseCharSize++)
				m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = baseCharSize;

				// Verify that the settings are according to iPub specs.
				ExpectedMarginType expectedMargin = ExpectedMargins[baseCharSize];
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.TopMargin, m_dlg.MarginTop);
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedMargin.BottomMargin, m_dlg.MarginBottom);
				Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginLeft);
				Assert.AreEqual(36000, m_dlg.MarginRight);
				Assert.AreEqual(baseCharSize + 2, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing / 1000);
		public void FollowsStandardSettings_LargeBibleTwoColumn()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;
			m_pub.PaperHeight = 11 * 72000;
			m_pub.PaperWidth = (int)(8.5 * 72000);
			m_pub.PageHeight = (int)(8.7 * 72000);
			m_pub.PageWidth = (int)(5.8 * 72000);
			m_pub.BaseFontSize = 10000;
			m_pub.BaseLineSpacing = -12000;
			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, true, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.PageSizeComboIndex = 0;
			m_dlg.AllowNonStandardChoices = false;

			// Should return true for standard pairs allowed for two-column
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 9;
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 10;
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 11;

			// Should return false for base character sizes too small or too big
			m_dlg.AllowNonStandardChoices = true;
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 8;
			m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 10;
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 12;
			m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 14;

			// Should return false for mismatched font/line spacing values
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 10;
			m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 11;
			m_dlg.BaseLineSpacingControlValue = 13;
		public void ErrorStatus_VerticalMarginsTooBig()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;

			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);

			m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex = kFullPage;
			m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

			// Set paper size to A5 which is too small to fit a Large Bible
			m_dlg.PaperSizeName = m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").PaperName;

			// Set left and right margins to legal size
			m_dlg.MarginLeft = 50 * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints; // 1/2 inch
			m_dlg.MarginRight = 50 * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints; // 1/2 inch
			Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.NoError, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());

			// Set top and bottom margins too big
			// Left and Right margins are set to half the height plus 1/2"
			m_dlg.MarginTop = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Height * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
			m_dlg.MarginBottom = (m_dlg.GetPaperSize("A4").Height * DummyTePageSetupDlg.kCentiInchToMilliPoints) / 2;
			Assert.AreEqual(PageSetupErrorType.VerticalMarginsTooBig, m_dlg.CallValidateDialogSettings());
		public void AllowNonStandardChoices_LineSpacing()
			m_div.NumColumns = 2;
			m_dlg = new DummyTePageSetupDlg( m_pgl, m_pub, m_div, false, m_pubPageInfo);
			m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;
			m_dlg.PubSizeComboIndex = kLargeBible;
			m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = true;

			// Check base character size and line spacing.
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 8;
			Assert.AreEqual(8000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
			m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = 7;
			Assert.AreEqual(7000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
			Assert.AreEqual(m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing, "Line spacing should not be smaller than base character size");
			m_dlg.LineSpacingControlValue = 14;
			Assert.AreEqual(14000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);
			// Line spacing is now twice the font size. If we change the base character size, we
			// expect this proportion to be maintained.
			m_dlg.BaseCharSizeControlValue = 14;
			Assert.AreEqual(14000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
			Assert.AreEqual(28000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);

			// If we uncheck the "Allow non-standard choices", we should go back to the maximum base
			// character size and line spacing since 16 is above the maximum.
			m_dlg.IsAllowNonStandardChecked = false;
			Assert.AreEqual(11000, m_dlg.BaseCharacterSize);
			Assert.AreEqual(13000, m_dlg.BaseLineSpacing);