public void Init()
			m_cache = FdoCache.Create("TestLangProj");
			m_Scripture = m_cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
			// Make sure we don't call InstallLanguage during tests.
			m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor.BypassInstall = true;

			m_styleSheet = new FwStyleSheet();
			m_styleSheet.Init(m_cache, m_Scripture.Hvo, (int)Scripture.ScriptureTags.kflidStyles);

			m_mapping = new ImportMappingInfo("emph{", "}", "Emphasis");
			Options.ShowTheseStylesSetting = Options.ShowTheseStyles.All;
			m_dialog = new DummyCharacterMappingSettings(m_mapping, m_styleSheet, m_cache);
			m_dialog.StyleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = int.MaxValue;
Exemple #2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates (if necessary) and shows the CharacterMappingSettings dialog.
		/// This is a public virtual so that test code can override it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">Provides intial values displayed in dialog.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual void DisplayInlineMappingDialog(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			if (m_inlineMappingDialog == null)
				m_inlineMappingDialog = new CharacterMappingSettings(mapping, m_StyleSheet, m_cache,
					tabCtrlMappings.SelectedIndex == kiAnnotationMappingTab);
				m_inlineMappingDialog.IsDuplicateMapping +=
					new CharacterMappingSettings.IsDuplicateMappingHandler(IsDup);
				// If the "scripture" tab is not selected, force the dialog to only allow annotation mappings
				m_inlineMappingDialog.InitializeControls(mapping, tabCtrlMappings.SelectedIndex != 0);
Exemple #3
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a default mapping for the given Standard Format marker if it does not exist yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="marker">The SF marker</param>
        /// <param name="endMarker">The end marker (or null)</param>
        /// <param name="importDomain">The import domain from which this marker originates</param>
        /// <param name="fAutoMapBtMarkers">Indicates whether markers beginning with "bt" should
        /// be treated as back-translation markers if possible.</param>
        /// <param name="isInUse">Indicates whether this marker is actually in use in one or more
        /// of the import files (for P6, this is currently always false since we're getting the
        /// markers from the STY file -- we come back in a second pass and set it to true if we
        /// find it in a file).</param>
        /// <returns>The newly added mapping info, or the existing one if already in the list
        /// </returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public ImportMappingInfo AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(string marker, string endMarker,
                                                           ImportDomain importDomain, bool fAutoMapBtMarkers, bool isInUse)
            // Look for the marker - if it is found, then we are done
            if (this[marker] != null)

            // Read the TEStyles XML file to generate a table of mappings
            if (s_defaultMappings.Count == 0)

            string            styleName;
            bool              excluded;
            MappingTargetType target;
            MarkerDomain      markerDomain = (importDomain != ImportDomain.BackTrans) ?
                                             MarkerDomain.Default : MarkerDomain.BackTrans;

            if (importDomain == ImportDomain.Annotations)
                // TODO (TE-5004): Map \rem (and possibly other markers?) automatically in annotations
                // domain. Probably need to have a separate import mapping set in TeStyles.xml that has
                // default mappings for the Annotations domain.
                styleName = null;
                excluded  = s_defaultExclusions.ContainsKey(marker);                //Make sure to check exclusions (TE-5703)
                target    = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;
            else if (!GetDefaultMapping(marker, out styleName, out excluded, out target, ref markerDomain))
                if (fAutoMapBtMarkers && importDomain == ImportDomain.Main &&
                    marker.StartsWith(@"\bt") && marker != @"\btc")
                    // pick out the corresponding vernacular marker. "\btblah" -> "\blah"
                    string correspondingVernMarker = marker.Remove(1, 2);

                    // if domain is DeprecatedScripture and the corresponding vernacular marker is defined...
                    ImportMappingInfo correspondingVernMarkerInfo = this[correspondingVernMarker];
                    if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo != null &&
                        (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain & MarkerDomain.DeprecatedScripture) != 0)
                        // clear the DeprecatedScripture bit.
                        correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain ^= MarkerDomain.DeprecatedScripture;
                    if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo != null)
                        // If the corresponding vernacular marker is already defined...
                        if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain != MarkerDomain.Note &&
                            (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) == 0 &&
                            (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.MappingTarget != MappingTargetType.TEStyle ||
                             correspondingVernMarkerInfo.StyleName != null))
                            styleName    = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.StyleName;
                            target       = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.MappingTarget;
                            markerDomain = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain;

                            // We only want to map to the BackTrans domain when mapping to a paragraph
                            // style because character styles automatically assume the domain of their
                            // containing paragraphs.
                            if (m_stylesheet == null || styleName == null ||
                                m_stylesheet.GetType(styleName) == (int)StyleType.kstParagraph)
                                markerDomain |= MarkerDomain.BackTrans;
                    else if (GetDefaultMapping(correspondingVernMarker, out styleName, out excluded, out target,
                                               ref markerDomain))
                        // The corresponding vernacular marker has default mapping info so make this marker
                        // a back translation of it - unless it is an annotation or BT.
                        if (markerDomain == MarkerDomain.Note || markerDomain == MarkerDomain.BackTrans)
                            styleName    = null;
                            excluded     = false;
                            target       = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;
                            markerDomain = MarkerDomain.Default;
                            markerDomain |= MarkerDomain.BackTrans;
            // Create a mapping for the marker using the default mapping
            ImportMappingInfo newMapping = new ImportMappingInfo(marker, endMarker, excluded, target,
                                                                 markerDomain, styleName, null, null, isInUse, importDomain);

Exemple #4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// This method will add or modify a single mapping to the list view.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lv">FwListView to add item to</param>
		/// <param name="mapping">mapping info object used to load FwListView item.</param>
		/// <returns>The newly added ListViewItem</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private ListViewItem LoadLVMappingItem(FwListView lv, ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			return LoadLVMappingItem(lv, null, mapping);
Exemple #5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// For the given mapping, compute a string to display in the details column of the
		/// mapping list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">The mapping</param>
		/// <returns>String to display</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private string GetMappingDetailsAsString(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			string sSubItem = string.Empty;

			// if the style is excluded then don't display anything in the details column
			if (!mapping.IsExcluded)
				switch (mapping.Domain)
					case MarkerDomain.BackTrans:
						sSubItem = ScrImportComponents.kstidImportWizMappingDetailBackTrans;
					case MarkerDomain.Note:
						sSubItem = ScrImportComponents.kstidImportWizMappingDetailNotes;
					case MarkerDomain.Footnote:
						sSubItem = ScrImportComponents.kstidImportWizMappingDetailFootnotes;
					case MarkerDomain.Footnote | MarkerDomain.BackTrans:
						sSubItem = ScrImportComponents.kstidImportWizMappingDetailBTFootnotes;
					case MarkerDomain.Default:
						throw new Exception("Unexpected domain");

				// Figure out what the writing system's name is to display it in the list view.
				if (mapping.IcuLocale != null)
					LgWritingSystem ws = new LgWritingSystem(m_cache,

					string wsName = ws.ShortName;
					if (wsName != null)
						if (sSubItem != string.Empty)
							sSubItem += ", ";
						sSubItem += wsName;
			return sSubItem;
Exemple #6
		public void AddImportStyleProxyForMapping_InvalidWritingSystem()

			ImportMappingInfo mapping = new ImportMappingInfo(@"\bye", MarkerDomain.Note,
				ScrStyleNames.MainBookTitle, "blah", null);
			m_importer.AddImportStyleProxyForMapping(mapping, m_importer.HtStyleProxy);
			ImportStyleProxy proxy = ((ImportStyleProxy)m_importer.HtStyleProxy[@"\bye"]);
			ITsPropsFactory chrysler = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			int cb = proxy.ParaProps.Length;
			ITsTextProps proxyParaProps = chrysler.DeserializePropsRgb(proxy.ParaProps, ref cb);
			string sHowDifferent;
			if (!TsTextPropsHelper.PropsAreEqual(StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.MainBookTitle),
				proxyParaProps, out sHowDifferent))
			Assert.AreEqual(m_wsAnal, StyleUtils.WritingSystem(proxy.TsTextProps));
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Copy constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="copy"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public ImportMappingInfo(ImportMappingInfo copy)
			m_beginMarker = copy.m_beginMarker;
			m_endMarker = copy.m_endMarker;
			m_isExcluded = copy.m_isExcluded;
			m_mappingTarget = copy.m_mappingTarget;
			m_domain = copy.m_domain;
			m_styleName = copy.m_styleName;
			m_style = copy.m_style;
			m_icuLocale = copy.m_icuLocale;
			m_noteType = copy.m_noteType;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the style-name of the mapping, or if this is one of our special internal
		/// pseudo-styles, returns a UI-friendly version.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">The mapping.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal static string MappingToUiStylename(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			switch (mapping.MappingTarget)
				case MappingTargetType.ChapterLabel:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidChapterLabelStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.TitleShort:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidTitleShortStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.Figure:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureCaption:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureCaptionStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureCopyright:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureCopyrightStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureDescription:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureDescriptionStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureFilename:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureFilenameStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureLayoutPosition:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureLayoutPositionStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureRefRange:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureRefRangeStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.FigureScale:
					return ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureScaleStyle;
				case MappingTargetType.TEStyle:
					return mapping.StyleName;
					Debug.Fail("Unexpected Mapping Target Type");
					return null;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor with ContextValues and MarkerDomain as a parameters.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">The Scr marker mapping.</param>
		/// <param name="ws">character or paragraph writing system</param>
		/// <param name="styleSheet">The style sheet</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public ImportStyleProxy(ImportMappingInfo mapping, int ws, FwStyleSheet styleSheet) :
			this(mapping.StyleName,	mapping.IsInline ? StyleType.kstCharacter : StyleType.kstParagraph,
				ws, ContextValues.General, mapping.Domain, styleSheet)
			Excluded = mapping.IsExcluded;
			MappingTarget = mapping.MappingTarget;
			m_annotationType = mapping.NoteType;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize this dialog
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fParatextMapping"><c>true</c> if a Paratext mapping is being modified;
		/// <c>false</c> otherwise</param>
		/// <param name="mapping">Mapping object being modified</param>
		/// <param name="styleSheet">Stylesheet containing styles that will appear in the list
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cache">The cache representing the DB connection</param>
		/// <param name="fBackTransDomainLocked">If <c>true</c>, won't allow the user to
		/// check or clear the BT checkbox. If the incoming mapping is for the back translation
		/// and has a domain of either Scripture or Footnote, these two domains remain
		/// enabled so the user can switch between them, but the Notes domain will be
		/// disabled. If the incoming mapping is not for the back translation, then
		/// this only affects the BT checkbox, not the domain options.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isAnnotationMapping">If <c>true</c>, forces this mapping to be in the
		/// Annotation domain.</param>
		/// <remarks>We separated this from the constructor so that we can create a mock object
		/// for testing purposes.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual void Initialize(bool fParatextMapping, ImportMappingInfo mapping,
			FwStyleSheet styleSheet, FdoCache cache, bool isAnnotationMapping,
			bool fBackTransDomainLocked)

			m_fParatextMapping = fParatextMapping;
			m_cache = cache;
			m_scr = cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
			m_mapping = mapping;
			m_StyleSheet = styleSheet;
			m_isAnnotationMapping = isAnnotationMapping;
			m_fBackTransDomainLocked = fBackTransDomainLocked;
			m_styleListHelper.StyleSheet = styleSheet as FwStyleSheet;

			//			// if there are items in the styles list and there is not one selected then
			//			// set the first item to be the selected item.
			//			if (lbStyles.SelectedIndex == -1 && lbStyles.Items.Count > 0)
			//				lbStyles.SelectedIndex = 0;

			// Fill in the list selector combo box with the filters for the style list
			// Also set the maximum style level for the style list helper before the
			// style list gets filled in.

			cboList.SelectedIndex = 1;
			// This code was not completely removed for the highly likely case that
			// it gets put back :)
//			switch (Options.ShowTheseStylesSetting)
//			{
//				case Options.ShowTheseStyles.Basic:
//					cboList.SelectedIndex = 0;
//					m_styleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = 0;
//					break;
//				case Options.ShowTheseStyles.All:
//					cboList.SelectedIndex = 1;
//					m_styleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = int.MaxValue;
//					break;
//				case Options.ShowTheseStyles.Custom:
//					cboList.SelectedIndex = 2;
//					m_styleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = ToolsOptionsDialog.MaxStyleLevel;
//					break;
//			}

			chkBackTranslation.Checked = (mapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) != 0;

			// Check the appropriate button for the domain.  This will cause the
			// style list to be loaded correctly for the domain.
			switch (mapping.Domain & ~MarkerDomain.BackTrans)
				case MarkerDomain.Footnote:
					rbtnFootnotes.Checked = true;
				case MarkerDomain.Note:
					rbtnNotes.Checked = true;
					rbtnScripture.Checked = true;

			// select the style name and add the handler for style changes.  This needs
			// to be done after setting the domain since that causes the style list to
			// be loaded the first time.
			m_styleListHelper.SelectedStyleName = MappingToUiStylename(mapping);
			m_styleListHelper.StyleChosen += new StyleChosenHandler(StyleChosen);

			// if the selected mapping is excluded, then check the box
			if (chkExclude.Checked != mapping.IsExcluded)
				chkExclude.Checked = mapping.IsExcluded;
				SetControlStatesBasedOnExcludeCheckBox(null, null);

			// Create a fake WS for the "Based on Context" item
			cboWritingSys.Items.Add(new NamedWritingSystem(
				TeResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidBasedOnContext"), null));
			string initialWritingSystem = string.Empty;
			// Iterate through the available writing systems and add them to the writing systems
			// combo box.
			foreach (NamedWritingSystem nws in cache.LangProject.GetActiveNamedWritingSystems())

				// If the mapping's ICULocale matches the current writing system's ICULocale,
				// save the string just added to the combo box so we can initialize the
				// combo box's value with it.
				if (mapping.IcuLocale == nws.IcuLocale)
					initialWritingSystem = nws.ToString();

			// Initialize the combo's value.
			cboWritingSys.SelectedIndex = (initialWritingSystem == string.Empty ?
				0 : cboWritingSys.FindString(initialWritingSystem));
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Update the mapping depending on the selectedStyleName's text.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">Mapping to update</param>
		/// <param name="selectedStyleName">the style selected in calling function</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal static void UpdateMapping(ImportMappingInfo mapping, string selectedStyleName)
			if (s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType.Count == 0)
				// Populate it for first-time use.
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureStyle] = MappingTargetType.Figure;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureCaptionStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureCaption;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureCopyrightStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureCopyright;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureDescriptionStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureDescription;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureFilenameStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureFilename;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureLayoutPositionStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureLayoutPosition;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureRefRangeStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureRefRange;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidFigureScaleStyle] = MappingTargetType.FigureScale;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidTitleShortStyle] = MappingTargetType.TitleShort;
				s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType[ScrImportComponents.kstidChapterLabelStyle] = MappingTargetType.ChapterLabel;

			MappingTargetType targetType;
			if (s_PsuedoStyleNamesToTargetType.TryGetValue(selectedStyleName, out targetType))
				mapping.MappingTarget = targetType;
				mapping.MappingTarget = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;

			mapping.StyleName = selectedStyleName;
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Clean up any resources being used.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged
		/// resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.
		/// </param>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
			//Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (IsDisposed)

			if( disposing )
				if(components != null)
			m_styleListHelper = null;
			m_StyleSheet = null;
			m_mapping = null;
			m_cache = null;
			m_scr = null;

			base.Dispose( disposing );
Exemple #13
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Exposes the <see cref="TeSfmImporter.AddImportStyleProxyForMapping"/> method
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">The mapping for which the proxy entry is to be created</param>
		/// <param name="styleProxies">Dictionary to add the proxy to</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public new void AddImportStyleProxyForMapping(ImportMappingInfo mapping,
			Dictionary<string, ImportStyleProxy> styleProxies)

			base.AddImportStyleProxyForMapping(mapping, styleProxies);
Exemple #14
		public void AddImportStyleProxyForMapping_Inline()

			ImportMappingInfo mapping = new ImportMappingInfo("|b{", "}", MarkerDomain.Default,
				"Really bold text", "de", null);
			int wsExpected = Cache.LanguageEncodings.GetWsFromIcuLocale("de");
			m_importer.AddImportStyleProxyForMapping(mapping, m_importer.HtStyleProxy);
			ImportStyleProxy proxy = ((ImportStyleProxy)m_importer.HtStyleProxy[mapping.BeginMarker]);
			Assert.AreEqual(StyleType.kstCharacter, proxy.StyleType);
			ITsPropsFactory pillowtex = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			ITsTextProps proxyTextProps = proxy.TsTextProps;
			string sHowDifferent;
			if (!TsTextPropsHelper.PropsAreEqual(StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps("Really bold text", wsExpected),
				proxyTextProps, out sHowDifferent))
			Assert.AreEqual(ContextValues.General, m_styleSheet.FindStyle("Really bold text").Context);
			/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			/// <summary>
			/// Constructor
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="mapping">Provides intial values displayed in dialog.</param>
			/// <param name="styleSheet">Provides the character styles user can pick from.</param>
			/// <param name="cache">The DB cache</param>
			/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			public DummyCharacterMappingSettings(ImportMappingInfo mapping, FwStyleSheet styleSheet,
				FdoCache cache): base(mapping, styleSheet, cache, false)
				// No code needed so far.
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Can be called on an existing dialog to modify or create a new mapping.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">Provides initial values displayed in dialog.</param>
		/// <param name="forceAnnotation">true to only allow annotation domain mappings</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void InitializeControls(ImportMappingInfo mapping, bool forceAnnotation)

			Debug.Assert(mapping != null);
			// If we are modifying an existing mapping then load the information about it.
			txtBeginningMarker.Text = mapping.BeginMarker;
			txtEndingMarker.Text = mapping.EndMarker;
			m_mapping = mapping;

			// Include all character styles
			mappingDetailsCtrl.m_styleListHelper.ShowOnlyStylesOfType = StyleType.kstCharacter;
			// Include footnote paragraph styles because they behave like character mappings.
			mappingDetailsCtrl.m_styleListHelper.UnionIncludeAndTypeFilter = true;

			mappingDetailsCtrl.Initialize(false, m_mapping, m_styleSheet, m_cache, forceAnnotation, false);
Exemple #17
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the source line into unicode if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private string ConvertSource(string source, ImportMappingInfo markerMapping)
            // If the file is already Unicode then no need to convert it.
            if (m_currentFile.FileEncoding != Encoding.ASCII)

            IEncConverter dataEncoding;

            if (markerMapping == null)
                // If the marker is not mapped, use the containing paragraph's encoding.
                dataEncoding = m_prevDataEncoding;
                // book markers are a special case - do not convert them
                if (markerMapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerBook)

                if (markerMapping.IcuLocale != null)
                    dataEncoding = GetEncodingConverterForLocale(markerMapping.IcuLocale,
                    // For paragraph styles or markers that do not map to existing styles,
                    // or verse or chapter numbers or any default para char style that is
                    // not inline get the encoder from the current domain. Otherwise use
                    // the containing paragraph's encoder
                    if (markerMapping.Style == null || markerMapping.IsParagraphStyle ||
                        markerMapping.StyleName == ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber ||
                        markerMapping.StyleName == ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber ||
                        (!markerMapping.IsInline && markerMapping.StyleName ==
                        dataEncoding = GetEncodingConverterForMarkerDomain(markerMapping);
                        dataEncoding = m_prevDataEncoding;

                // If the marker maps to a paragraph style or pertains to a non-default domain,
                // then save the encoder as the current paragraph encoder
                if (m_domain == ImportDomain.Main &&
                    ((markerMapping.StyleName != FdoResources.DefaultParaCharsStyleName &&
                      (markerMapping.Style == null || markerMapping.IsParagraphStyle)) ||
                     (markerMapping.Domain & ~MarkerDomain.Footnote) != MarkerDomain.Default))
                    m_prevDataEncoding = dataEncoding;

            // If an encoder was not found, then just return the text
            if (dataEncoding == null)

            // get a converter and convert the text
            dataEncoding.CodePageInput = kMagicCodePage;
            if (source != string.Empty)
                    source = dataEncoding.Convert(source);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new EncodingConverterException(
                                                "kstidEncConverterError"), e.Message, dataEncoding.Name),

		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for runtime.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">Provides intial values displayed in dialog.</param>
		/// <param name="styleSheet">Provides the character styles user can pick from.</param>
		/// <param name="cache">The DB cache</param>
		/// <param name="fIsAnnotation">if set to <c>true</c> the current tab is for
		/// annotations.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public CharacterMappingSettings(ImportMappingInfo mapping, FwStyleSheet styleSheet,
			FdoCache cache, bool fIsAnnotation) : this()
			m_resources = new ResourceManager(

			m_cache = cache;
			m_styleSheet = styleSheet;

			InitializeControls(mapping, fIsAnnotation);
Exemple #19
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the mappings for a paratext project into the specified list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">Paratext project ID</param>
        /// <param name="mappingList">ScrMappingList to which new mappings will be added</param>
        /// <param name="domain">The import domain for which this project is the source</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the Paratext mappings were loaded successfully; <c>false</c>
        /// otherwise</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static bool LoadParatextMappings(string project, ScrMappingList mappingList,
                                                ImportDomain domain)
            // If the new project ID is null, then do not load mappings.
            if (project == null)

            // Load the tags from the paratext project and create mappings for them.
            SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.ISCScriptureText3 scParatextText = null;
                scParatextText = new SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCScriptureTextClass();
            catch (Exception ex)
                                      "Got {0} exception loading paratext mappings (ScrImportP6Project.LoadParatextMappings):\n{1}",
                                      ex.GetType(), ex.Message));

            // TE-5802
                for (int i = 0; true; i++)
                    SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.ISCTag tag = scParatextText.NthTag(i);
                    if (tag == null)
                    string marker    = @"\" + tag.Marker;
                    string endMarker = string.Empty;
                    if (tag.Endmarker != string.Empty && tag.Endmarker != null)
                        endMarker = @"\" + tag.Endmarker;

                    // When the nth marker has an end marker, the nth + 1 marker will be
                    // that end marker. Therefore, we have to skip those "end style" markers.
                    if (tag.StyleType == SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCStyleType.scEndStyle)

                    // Create a new mapping for this marker.
                    mappingList.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(marker, endMarker, domain, false, false);
                SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCReference startRefPT = new SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCReference();
                SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCReference endRefPT   = new SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCReference();
                startRefPT.Parse("GEN 1:0");
                endRefPT.Parse("REV 22:21");
                SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.ISCTextEnum scParatextTextEnum = scParatextText.TextEnum(
                    (SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCReference)startRefPT, (SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCReference)endRefPT,
                    (SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCTextType) 0,                    //scTitle | scSection | scVerseText | scNoteText | scOther)
                    (SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCTextProperties) 0);

                SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCTextSegment scParatextTextSegment = new SCRIPTUREOBJECTSLib.SCTextSegmentClass();

                while (scParatextTextEnum.Next(scParatextTextSegment) != 0)
                    string            sMarker = @"\" + scParatextTextSegment.Tag.Marker;
                    ImportMappingInfo mapping = mappingList[sMarker];
                    if (mapping != null)
                        mapping.SetIsInUse(domain, true);

                    // ENHANCE (TE-4408): Consider Detecting markers that occur in the data but are missing
                    // from the STY file. How can we write a test for this?
                    //else if (ScrImportFileInfo.IsValidMarker(sMarker))
                    //    mappingList.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(sMarker,domain, false, true);
                    //    throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidCharacterInMarker, null, 0,
                    //        sMarker + sText, new ScrReference(scParatextTextSegment.FirstReference.BBCCCVVV));
            catch (Exception ex)
                                      "Got {0} exception loading paratext mappings (ScrImportP6Project.LoadParatextMappings):\n{1}",
                                      ex.GetType(), ex.Message));

Exemple #20
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the file to build mappings of the markers found
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void GetMappingsFromStream(TextReader reader)
            string lineIn;

            int chapter   = -1;
            int book      = -1;
            int lineCount = 0;

            // book and chapter strings for reporting info in exceptions
            string sBookId  = null;
            string sChapter = null;
            string sVerse   = null;

            // Keep track of the first reference in the file
            int firstBook    = -1;
            int firstChapter = -1;
            int firstVerse   = -1;

            ReferenceRange currentRange = null;
            string         marker;
            string         lineText;
            string         nextLineText = null;     // used for read-ahead for \fig line when doing strict scanning

            while ((lineIn = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                while (GetNextMarkerFromData(lineIn, out marker, out lineText))
                    // Make sure the marker is valid
                    if (!IsValidMarker(marker))
                        throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidCharacterInMarker,
                                                          m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, sVerse);

                    ImportMappingInfo markerMapping = GetOrCreateMarkerMapping(ref marker);

                    if (marker == ScrImportSet.s_markerBook)
                        sBookId = lineText.TrimStart().ToUpperInvariant();

                        // save the book number in the list for this file
                        book = ScrReference.BookToNumber(sBookId);
                        if (book <= 0)
                            throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidBookID, m_fileName,
                                                              lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, null, null);
                        sBookId = ScrReference.NumberToBookCode(book);

                        // Make a new reference range with the book id and
                        // start it out with chapter range of 0-0.
                        currentRange = new ReferenceRange(book, 0, 0);

                        // If this is the first book, remember it
                        if (firstBook == -1)
                            firstBook = book;
                        chapter = -1;
                        // make sure that a book has been started before seeing any non-excluded markers
                        // This error is a "strict" error because files can be added by a user before there
                        // is a chance to exclude markers in the mappings. When the file is added from the settings
                        // for import, then strict checking will be on.
                        if (book == -1 && m_doStrictFileChecking)
                            // if the marker is not excluded then throw an error
                            if (markerMapping != null && !markerMapping.IsExcluded)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.UnexcludedDataBeforeIdLine,
                                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, null, null, null);

                        if (marker == ScrImportSet.s_markerChapter)
                            // If there is no book, then throw an error since chapter numbers
                            // are not valid without a book
                            if (book == -1)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.ChapterWithNoBook,
                                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, null, null, null);
                                sChapter = lineText;
                                chapter  = ScrReference.ChapterToInt(sChapter);

                                // save the chapter number as the last chapter and possibly the first
                                // chapter number in the range.
                                if (currentRange.StartChapter == 0)
                                    currentRange.StartChapter = chapter;
                                currentRange.EndChapter = chapter;
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidChapterNumber,
                                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, null);
                            // If this is the first chapter, remember it
                            if (firstChapter == -1)
                                firstChapter = chapter;

                        else if (marker == ScrImportSet.s_markerVerse)
                            // If a verse is seen without a book, throw an exception
                            if (book == -1)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.VerseWithNoBook,
                                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, null, lineText);

                            BCVRef firstRef = new BCVRef(book, chapter, 0);
                            BCVRef lastRef  = new BCVRef(book, chapter, 0);

                            // check for an invalid verse number
                            if (!BCVRef.VerseToScrRef(lineText, ref firstRef, ref lastRef) ||
                                firstRef.Verse == 0 || firstRef.Verse > lastRef.Verse)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidVerseNumber,
                                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, lineText);

                            // If a chapter number has not been seen yet, then throw an exception
                            sVerse = firstRef.Verse.ToString();
                            if (chapter == -1 && !SingleChapterBook(book))
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.MissingChapterNumber,
                                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, null, sVerse);

                            // If this is the first verse, remember it
                            if (firstVerse == -1)
                                firstVerse = firstRef.Verse;
                        else if (!markerMapping.IsExcluded && m_doStrictFileChecking &&
                                 markerMapping.MappingTarget == MappingTargetType.Figure)
                            // First, we need to consider whether any following lines also need
                            // to be read in, since the Figure parameters could be split across
                            // lines. (TE-7669)
                            Debug.Assert(nextLineText == null);
                            int    cExtraLinesRead = 0;
                            string sTempMarker, sTempLineText;
                            if (!GetNextMarkerFromData(lineText, out sTempMarker, out sTempLineText))
                                while ((nextLineText = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    if (GetNextMarkerFromData(nextLineText, out sTempMarker, out sTempLineText))
                                        // Normally, we want to break the line right before the first marker.
                                        int ichMarkerPos = nextLineText.IndexOf(sTempMarker);
                                        // But if it's a \fig*, break after the marker.
                                        if (sTempMarker == markerMapping.EndMarker)
                                            ichMarkerPos += sTempMarker.Length;
                                        lineText    += " " + nextLineText.Substring(0, ichMarkerPos);
                                        nextLineText = nextLineText.Substring(ichMarkerPos);
                                        lineText += " " + nextLineText;

                            string figureParams    = lineText;
                            int    endMarkerLength = 0;
                            // Validate the tokens for a mapping target (only in strict checking)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(markerMapping.EndMarker))
                                endMarkerLength = markerMapping.EndMarker.Length;
                                int ichEnd = figureParams.IndexOf(markerMapping.EndMarker);
                                if (ichEnd >= 0)
                                    figureParams = figureParams.Substring(0, ichEnd);
                                    endMarkerLength = 0;                                     // end marker is optional and not present
                            string[] tokens = figureParams.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                            if (tokens.Length < 6)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.BadFigure, m_fileName,
                                                                  lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, sVerse);
                            lineText   = lineText.Substring(figureParams.Length + endMarkerLength);
                            lineCount += cExtraLinesRead;
                    // Mark this mapping as "in-use" because it was found in the scanned file
                    markerMapping.SetIsInUse(m_domain, m_icuLocale, m_noteTypeHvo, true);

                    if (m_scanInlineBackslashMarkers)
                        lineIn = lineText;
                        lineIn       = nextLineText;
                        nextLineText = null;
                        if (lineIn == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineIn) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextLineText))
                        lineIn       = nextLineText;
                        nextLineText = null;
            // Add the last range to the list

            // If no books were found in the file then throw an exception
            if (book == -1)
                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.MissingBook,
                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, null, null, null, null);

            // If no chapters were found then throw an exception
            if (chapter == -1 && !SingleChapterBook(book))
                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.NoChapterNumber,
                                                  m_fileName, lineCount, null, sBookId, null, null);

            // Store the first reference for the file
            m_startRef.Book    = firstBook;
            m_startRef.Chapter = firstChapter == -1 ? 1 : firstChapter;
            m_startRef.Verse   = firstVerse == -1 ? 1 : firstVerse;
Exemple #21
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize the members of a ScrMarkerMapping from an ImportMappingInfo object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="info"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void InitFromImportMappingInfo(ImportMappingInfo info)
			BeginMarker = info.BeginMarker;
			EndMarker = info.EndMarker;
			Excluded = info.IsExcluded;
			Target = (int)info.MappingTarget;
			Domain = (int)info.Domain;
			StyleRA = info.Style == null ? m_cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA.FindStyle(info.StyleName) : info.Style;
			ICULocale = info.IcuLocale;
			NoteTypeRA = info.NoteType;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates (if necessary) and shows the CharacterMappingSettings dialog.
		/// This is a public virtual so that test code can override it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">Provides intial values displayed in dialog.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected override void DisplayInlineMappingDialog(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			if (m_inlineMappingDialog == null)
				m_inlineMappingDialog = new DummyCharacterMappingSettings(mapping, m_StyleSheet, m_cache);
				m_inlineMappingDialog.IsDuplicateMapping += new DummyCharacterMappingSettings.IsDuplicateMappingHandler(IsDup);
				m_inlineMappingDialog.InitializeControls(mapping, false);
				// clear warningHappened flag here in our dummy dialog
				((DummyCharacterMappingSettings)m_inlineMappingDialog).MappingInvalidWarningHappened =
				// This is pretty dumb, but we have to set it to cancel by default for testing purposes
				// because if the test asked for the OK button to be pressed but a validation error
				// occurs, we'll still pretend to close the dialog. If we return OK (as the user
				// requested), the subsequent code will think everything was okay.
				m_inlineMappingDialog.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;

			DummyCharacterMappingSettings mappingDlg = (DummyCharacterMappingSettings)m_inlineMappingDialog;
			if (m_MappingDialogDummyAccept)
				mappingDlg.BeginningTextBox.Text = m_MappingDialogDummyData.BeginMarker;
				mappingDlg.EndingTextBox.Text = m_MappingDialogDummyData.EndMarker;
				mappingDlg.m_MappingDialogDummyData = m_MappingDialogDummyData;

				// fake the ok button being pressed.
				m_inlineMappingDialog.btnOk_Click(null, null);
				m_inlineMappingDialog.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
Exemple #23
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// This method will add or modify a single mapping in the list view.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lv">FwListView to add item to</param>
		/// <param name="item">FwListView item to modify or null if a new one should be added.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="mapping">ECMapping object used to load FwListView item.</param>
		/// <returns>The ListViewItem that was added or modified</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private ListViewItem LoadLVMappingItem(FwListView lv, ListViewItem item,
			ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			bool newItem = false;
			if (item == null)
				newItem = true;
				item = new ListViewItem(mapping.BeginMarker);
				item.Text = mapping.BeginMarker;
			if (mapping.IsInline)
				item.Text += "..." + mapping.EndMarker;

			item.Tag = mapping;
			string styleName = MappingStyleNameAsUIString(mapping);

			string sSubItem = GetMappingDetailsAsString(mapping);

			if (newItem)

			return item;
Exemple #24
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a default mapping for the given Standard Format marker if it does not exist yet.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="marker">The SF marker</param>
		/// <param name="endMarker">The end marker (or null)</param>
		/// <param name="importDomain">The import domain from which this marker originates</param>
		/// <param name="fAutoMapBtMarkers">Indicates whether markers beginning with "bt" should
		/// be treated as back-translation markers if possible.</param>
		/// <param name="isInUse">Indicates whether this marker is actually in use in one or more
		/// of the import files (for P6, this is currently always false since we're getting the
		/// markers from the STY file -- we come back in a second pass and set it to true if we
		/// find it in a file).</param>
		/// <returns>The newly added mapping info, or the existing one if already in the list
		/// </returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public ImportMappingInfo AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(string marker, string endMarker,
			ImportDomain importDomain, bool fAutoMapBtMarkers, bool isInUse)
			// Look for the marker - if it is found, then we are done
			if (this[marker] != null)
				return this[marker];

			// Read the TEStyles XML file to generate a table of mappings
			if (s_defaultMappings.Count == 0)

			string styleName;
			bool excluded;
			MappingTargetType target;
			MarkerDomain markerDomain = (importDomain != ImportDomain.BackTrans) ?
				MarkerDomain.Default : MarkerDomain.BackTrans;

			if (importDomain == ImportDomain.Annotations)
				// TODO (TE-5004): Map \rem (and possibly other markers?) automatically in annotations
				// domain. Probably need to have a separate import mapping set in TeStyles.xml that has
				// default mappings for the Annotations domain.
				styleName = null;
				excluded = s_defaultExclusions.ContainsKey(marker); //Make sure to check exclusions (TE-5703)
				target = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;
			else if (!GetDefaultMapping(marker, out styleName, out excluded, out target, ref markerDomain))
				if (fAutoMapBtMarkers && importDomain == ImportDomain.Main &&
					marker.StartsWith(@"\bt") && marker != @"\btc")
					// pick out the corresponding vernacular marker. "\btblah" -> "\blah"
					string correspondingVernMarker = marker.Remove(1, 2);

					// if domain is DeprecatedScripture and the corresponding vernacular marker is defined...
					ImportMappingInfo correspondingVernMarkerInfo = this[correspondingVernMarker];
					if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo != null &&
						(correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain & MarkerDomain.DeprecatedScripture) != 0)
						// clear the DeprecatedScripture bit.
						correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain ^= MarkerDomain.DeprecatedScripture;
					if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo != null)
						// If the corresponding vernacular marker is already defined...
						if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain != MarkerDomain.Note &&
							(correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) == 0 &&
							(correspondingVernMarkerInfo.MappingTarget != MappingTargetType.TEStyle ||
							correspondingVernMarkerInfo.StyleName != null))
							styleName = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.StyleName;
							target = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.MappingTarget;
							markerDomain = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain;

							// We only want to map to the BackTrans domain when mapping to a paragraph
							// style because character styles automatically assume the domain of their
							// containing paragraphs.
							if (m_stylesheet == null || styleName == null ||
								m_stylesheet.GetType(styleName) == (int)StyleType.kstParagraph)
								markerDomain |= MarkerDomain.BackTrans;
					else if (GetDefaultMapping(correspondingVernMarker, out styleName, out excluded, out target,
						ref markerDomain))
						// The corresponding vernacular marker has default mapping info so make this marker
						// a back translation of it - unless it is an annotation or BT.
						if (markerDomain == MarkerDomain.Note || markerDomain == MarkerDomain.BackTrans)
							styleName = null;
							excluded = false;
							target = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;
							markerDomain = MarkerDomain.Default;
							markerDomain |= MarkerDomain.BackTrans;
			// Create a mapping for the marker using the default mapping
			ImportMappingInfo newMapping = new ImportMappingInfo(marker, endMarker, excluded, target,
				markerDomain, styleName, null, null, isInUse, importDomain);
			return newMapping;
Exemple #25
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Display the Add Character Mapping Settings dialog box
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			Debug.Assert(m_projectType != ProjectTypes.Paratext);

			// This creates (if necessary) and then displays the Character Mapping Settings
			// Dialog box.
			m_sMarkerBeingModified = null;
			ImportMappingInfo mapping = new ImportMappingInfo(string.Empty, string.Empty, null);

			if (m_inlineMappingDialog.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
				// create a new mapping in the in-memory list of the settings
				m_settings.SetMapping(tabCtrlMappings.SelectedIndex == 0 ?
					MappingSet.Main : MappingSet.Notes, mapping);

				// put mapping into the listview
				ListViewItem newListViewItem = LoadLVMappingItem(m_lvCurrentMappingList, mapping);

				//unselect everything
				while (m_lvCurrentMappingList.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
					m_lvCurrentMappingList.SelectedItems[0].Selected = false;

				//select the item just added
				newListViewItem.Selected = true;
				newListViewItem.Focused = true;
Exemple #26
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Delete an ImportMappingInfo object from the list
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">mapping object to delete</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void Delete(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			if (m_list.ContainsKey(mapping.BeginMarker))
				m_fMappingDeleted = true;
Exemple #27
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static string MappingStyleNameAsUIString(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			// If the mapping is excluded, display an indicator instead of the style name
			if (mapping.IsExcluded)
				return ScrImportComponents.kstidExcludedData;

			return MappingDetailsCtrl.MappingToUiStylename(mapping);
Exemple #28
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a mapping to the mapping list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">mapping info to add to the list</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void Add(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
			if (mapping == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			if (mapping.BeginMarker == null || mapping.BeginMarker == string.Empty)
				throw new ArgumentException("Begin marker must be set before adding mapping to the list.");

			if (mapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerChapter)
				// REVIEW: Do we also need to do this for the Annotations domain. What does the importer expect?
				mapping.StyleName = ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber;
			else if (mapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerVerse)
				// REVIEW: Do we also need to do this for the Annotations domain. What does the importer expect?
				mapping.StyleName = ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber;
			else if (mapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerBook)
				// \id markers do not have a style or domain
				mapping.Domain = MarkerDomain.Default;
				mapping.StyleName = null;
				switch (m_mappingSet)
					case MappingSet.Main:
						// If this is a BT marker but it's already in the list in the Default domain, clear the
						// BT flag and make sure it isn't being redefined.
						if ((mapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) != 0 && m_list.ContainsKey(mapping.BeginMarker))
							ImportMappingInfo existingMapping = this[mapping.BeginMarker];
							if ((existingMapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) == 0)
								mapping.Domain = existingMapping.Domain;

					case MappingSet.Notes:
						// If the mapping is for the annotations domain and it is marked as Note, then
						// set it to Default.
						if (mapping.Domain == MarkerDomain.Note)
							mapping.Domain = MarkerDomain.Default;
						if (mapping.Domain != MarkerDomain.Default)
							throw new ArgumentException("Invalid mapping domain");
			m_list[mapping.BeginMarker] = mapping;
			mapping.HasChanged = true;
Exemple #29
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a mapping to the mapping list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapping">mapping info to add to the list</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Add(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
            if (mapping == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if (mapping.BeginMarker == null || mapping.BeginMarker == string.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Begin marker must be set before adding mapping to the list.");

            if (mapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerChapter)
                // REVIEW: Do we also need to do this for the Annotations domain. What does the importer expect?
                mapping.StyleName = ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber;
            else if (mapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerVerse)
                // REVIEW: Do we also need to do this for the Annotations domain. What does the importer expect?
                mapping.StyleName = ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber;
            else if (mapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerBook)
                // \id markers do not have a style or domain
                mapping.Domain    = MarkerDomain.Default;
                mapping.StyleName = null;
                switch (m_mappingSet)
                case MappingSet.Main:
                    // If this is a BT marker but it's already in the list in the Default domain, clear the
                    // BT flag and make sure it isn't being redefined.
                    if ((mapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) != 0 && m_list.ContainsKey(mapping.BeginMarker))
                        ImportMappingInfo existingMapping = this[mapping.BeginMarker];
                        if ((existingMapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) == 0)
                            mapping.Domain = existingMapping.Domain;

                case MappingSet.Notes:
                    // If the mapping is for the annotations domain and it is marked as Note, then
                    // set it to Default.
                    if (mapping.Domain == MarkerDomain.Note)
                        mapping.Domain = MarkerDomain.Default;
                    if (mapping.Domain != MarkerDomain.Default)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid mapping domain");
            m_list[mapping.BeginMarker] = mapping;
            mapping.HasChanged          = true;
Exemple #30
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the encoding converter for the current domain
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private IEncConverter GetEncodingConverterForMarkerDomain(ImportMappingInfo markerMapping)
			Debug.Assert(markerMapping.IcuLocale == null);

			string icuLocale;

			switch (markerMapping.Domain & ~MarkerDomain.Footnote)
				case MarkerDomain.Default:
					icuLocale = m_currentFile.IcuLocale;
					if (icuLocale == null) // Get the converter from default vern WS
						icuLocale = (m_domain == ImportDomain.Main) ?
							Cache.LangProject.DefaultVernacularWritingSystemICULocale :

				case MarkerDomain.BackTrans:
				case MarkerDomain.Note:
					// Get the converter from default analysis WS
					icuLocale = (m_domain == ImportDomain.Main) ?
						Cache.LangProject.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystemICULocale :

					throw new ArgumentException(
						"Parameter markerMapping passed to GetEncodingConverterForMarkerDomain had invalid domain");
			return GetEncodingConverterForLocale(icuLocale, markerMapping.BeginMarker);
		public void CleanUp()
			// For runtime sake, do FdoCache.RestoreTestLangProj in TestFixtureTearDown unless
			// our individual tests really need a clean database.
			//			FdoCache.RestoreTestLangProj();
			m_dialog = null;
			m_mapping = null;
			m_styleSheet = null;
			m_Scripture = null;
			m_cache = null;
Exemple #32
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert the source line into unicode if necessary
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private string ConvertSource(string source, ImportMappingInfo markerMapping)
			// If the file is already Unicode then no need to convert it.
			if (m_currentFile.FileEncoding != Encoding.ASCII)
				return source;

			IEncConverter dataEncoding;
			if (markerMapping == null)
				// If the marker is not mapped, use the containing paragraph's encoding.
				dataEncoding = m_prevDataEncoding;
				// book markers are a special case - do not convert them
				if (markerMapping.BeginMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerBook)
					return source;

				if (markerMapping.IcuLocale != null)
					dataEncoding = GetEncodingConverterForLocale(markerMapping.IcuLocale,
					// For paragraph styles or markers that do not map to existing styles,
					// or verse or chapter numbers or any default para char style that is
					// not inline get the encoder from the current domain. Otherwise use
					// the containing paragraph's encoder
					if (markerMapping.Style == null || markerMapping.IsParagraphStyle ||
						markerMapping.StyleName == ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber ||
						markerMapping.StyleName == ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber ||
						(!markerMapping.IsInline && markerMapping.StyleName ==
						dataEncoding = GetEncodingConverterForMarkerDomain(markerMapping);
						dataEncoding = m_prevDataEncoding;

				// If the marker maps to a paragraph style or pertains to a non-default domain,
				// then save the encoder as the current paragraph encoder
				if (m_domain == ImportDomain.Main &&
					((markerMapping.StyleName != FdoResources.DefaultParaCharsStyleName &&
					(markerMapping.Style == null || markerMapping.IsParagraphStyle)) ||
					(markerMapping.Domain & ~MarkerDomain.Footnote) != MarkerDomain.Default))
					m_prevDataEncoding = dataEncoding;

			// If an encoder was not found, then just return the text
			if (dataEncoding == null)
				return source;

			// get a converter and convert the text
			dataEncoding.CodePageInput = kMagicCodePage;
			if (source != string.Empty)
					source = dataEncoding.Convert(source);
				catch (Exception e)
					throw new EncodingConverterException(
						"kstidEncConverterError"), e.Message, dataEncoding.Name),

			return source;
Exemple #33
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a segment of text. If there are inline markers, then break out the
        /// pieces and return the next segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">source text to process</param>
        /// <param name="marker">text of the marker</param>
        /// <param name="literalVerse">literal verse string to use</param>
        /// <returns>the next text segment</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private ISCTextSegment ProcessNextSegmentOfText(string source, string marker,
                                                        string literalVerse)
            int               startPos;
            string            startMarker   = FindNextMarker(source, 0, out startPos);
            ImportMappingInfo markerMapping = ((ScrImportSet)m_settings).MappingForMarker(marker, m_mappingSet);

            // If there are no markers, return the entire string as the segment
            if (startMarker == null)
                m_remainingLineText = string.Empty;

            else if (startPos != 0 || marker != string.Empty)
                // If the first marker is not at the start or if this is the very first time
                // through for this line, then save the text from the marker and
                // process the leading text (which may actually be an empty string if this
                // is a line beginning with a paragraph marker followed immediately by an
                // in-line marker).
                m_remainingLineText = source.Substring(startPos);
                source = source.Substring(0, startPos);

                // An inline marker was found at the beginning of the line so process it now
                int    endPos;
                string endMarker = FindNextMarker(source, startPos + startMarker.Length, out endPos);
                if (endMarker != null)
                    m_remainingLineText = source.Substring(endPos);
                    int ichStartOfSegment = startPos + startMarker.Length;
                    if (m_settings.ImportTypeEnum == TypeOfImport.Paratext5 && endPos > ichStartOfSegment)
                        // P5 in-line begin markers don't include the trailing space (for display
                        // purposes), but it is required. Start markers do not end in "*", end
                        // markers do.
                        if (!startMarker.EndsWith("*"))
                            Debug.Assert(source[ichStartOfSegment] == ' ' || source[ichStartOfSegment] == '\t');
                            ichStartOfSegment += 1;
                    source = source.Substring(ichStartOfSegment, endPos - ichStartOfSegment);
                    source = source.Substring(startPos + startMarker.Length);
                    if (startMarker == ScrImportSet.s_markerVerse)
                        // Found an inline verse number (probably Paratext data).
                                             out literalVerse, out source, ref m_currentStartRef, ref m_currentEndRef);
                    m_remainingLineText = string.Empty;

                // For inline markers, get the mapping info
                markerMapping = ((ScrImportSet)m_settings).MappingForMarker(startMarker, m_mappingSet);
                marker        = startMarker;

            // Build a segment to return
            return(new SCTextSegment(ConvertSource(source, markerMapping),
                                     marker, literalVerse, m_currentStartRef, m_currentEndRef,
                                     m_currentFile.FileName, m_lineNumber));
Exemple #34
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize this dialog
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fParatextMapping"><c>true</c> if a Paratext mapping is being modified;
		/// <c>false</c> otherwise</param>
		/// <param name="mapping">Mapping object being modified</param>
		/// <param name="styleSheet">Stylesheet containing styles that will appear in the list
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cache">The cache representing the DB connection</param>
		/// <param name="fBackTransDomainLocked">If <c>true</c>, won't allow the user to
		/// check or clear the BT checkbox. If the incoming mapping is for the back translation
		/// and has a domain of either Scripture or Footnote, these two domains remain
		/// enabled so the user can switch between them, but the Notes domain will be
		/// disabled. If the incoming mapping is not for the back translation, then
		/// this only affects the BT checkbox, not the domain options.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isAnnotationMapping">If <c>true</c>, forces this mapping to be in the
		/// Annotation domain.</param>
		/// <remarks>We separated this from the constructor so that we can create a mock object
		/// for testing purposes.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual void Initialize(bool fParatextMapping, ImportMappingInfo mapping,
			FwStyleSheet styleSheet, FdoCache cache, bool isAnnotationMapping,
			bool fBackTransDomainLocked)

			this.markerLabel.Text = mapping.BeginMarker;
			this.endMarkerLabel.Text = mapping.EndMarker;
			this.mappingDetailsCtrl.Initialize(fParatextMapping, mapping, styleSheet, cache,
				isAnnotationMapping, fBackTransDomainLocked);
Exemple #35
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Add an Import style proxy for the given mapping and include it in the hash map.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mapping">The mapping for which the proxy entry is to be created</param>
		/// <param name="styleProxies">Dictionary to add the proxy to</param>
		/// <remarks>A second styleProxy is added if the mapping has an end marker.
		/// </remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void AddImportStyleProxyForMapping(ImportMappingInfo mapping,
			Dictionary<string, ImportStyleProxy> styleProxies)
			string styleName = mapping.StyleName;

			// If there is no style name and the target type is a style then don't
			// add a proxy entry for it.
			if (styleName == null && !mapping.IsExcluded &&
				mapping.MappingTarget == MappingTargetType.TEStyle)

			ImportStyleProxy proxy;
			int ws = 0;
			// add the new style proxy to the hash table
			if (mapping.IcuLocale != null)
				ws = m_cache.LanguageEncodings.GetWsFromIcuLocale(mapping.IcuLocale);

			if (ws == 0)
				// If domain is unspecified or if this is a BT marker, defer resolving the WS
				// until later, so it can be based on the context.
				if (mapping.Domain == MarkerDomain.Note)
					ws = m_wsAnal;
					ws = -1;
			if (styleName == FdoResources.DefaultParaCharsStyleName && !mapping.IsExcluded)
				// Any marker that maps to "Default Paragraph Characters" should be
				// treated like an end marker.
				proxy = new ImportStyleProxy(null, 0, ws, ContextValues.EndMarker, mapping.Domain,

				styleProxies[mapping.BeginMarker] = proxy;
				// Use same proxy for end marker, if it is defined. This will cause optional \ft*
				// marker to be processed correctly.
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.EndMarker))
					proxy.EndMarker = mapping.EndMarker;
					styleProxies[mapping.EndMarker] = proxy;
				// note that kstParagraph is overridden by real type for existing styles.
				proxy = new ImportStyleProxy(mapping, ws, m_styleSheet);

			// make another proxy just for the end marker
			if (mapping.EndMarker != null && mapping.EndMarker.Length > 0)
				proxy.EndMarker = mapping.EndMarker;

				int wsStuffAfterMarker = -1;
				MarkerDomain endMarkerDomain = MarkerDomain.Default;
				if (proxy.StyleType != StyleType.kstParagraph)
					endMarkerDomain = proxy.Domain;
				else if ((proxy.Domain & MarkerDomain.Footnote) == MarkerDomain.Footnote)
					endMarkerDomain = proxy.Domain ^ MarkerDomain.Footnote;
				styleProxies[mapping.EndMarker + "\uFEFF" + mapping.BeginMarker] = new ImportStyleProxy(
					null, //for an EndMarker, most params are irrelevant
					0, wsStuffAfterMarker, ContextValues.EndMarker,
					endMarkerDomain, m_styleSheet);

			styleProxies[mapping.BeginMarker] = proxy;
Exemple #36
		public void AddImportStyleProxyForMapping_Normal()

			ImportMappingInfo mapping = new ImportMappingInfo(@"\hello", MarkerDomain.Default,
				ScrStyleNames.MainBookTitle, "de", null);
			int wsExpected = Cache.LanguageEncodings.GetWsFromIcuLocale("de");
			m_importer.AddImportStyleProxyForMapping(mapping, m_importer.HtStyleProxy);
			ImportStyleProxy proxy = ((ImportStyleProxy)m_importer.HtStyleProxy[@"\hello"]);
			Assert.AreEqual(StyleType.kstParagraph, proxy.StyleType);
			ITsPropsFactory pillowtex = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			int cb = proxy.ParaProps.Length;
			ITsTextProps proxyParaProps = pillowtex.DeserializePropsRgb(proxy.ParaProps, ref cb);
			string sHowDifferent;
			if (!TsTextPropsHelper.PropsAreEqual(StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.MainBookTitle),
				proxyParaProps, out sHowDifferent))
			Assert.AreEqual(wsExpected, StyleUtils.WritingSystem(proxy.TsTextProps));