Levels() public méthode

The number of layers of containing objects in the selection (Levels - 1 is the largest meaningful argument to pass to any of the containing object methods).
public Levels ( bool fEndPoint ) : int
fEndPoint bool
Résultat int
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when [delete record].
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="commandObject">The command object.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public override bool OnDeleteRecord(object commandObject)

			if (m_rootb == null)

			IVwSelection vwsel = m_rootb.Selection;
			if (vwsel == null)
				return false;
			ISilDataAccess sda = m_bv.SpecialCache;
			List<XmlNode> columns = m_xbvvc.ColumnSpecs;
			if (columns == null || columns.Count == 0)
				return false;		// Something is broken!

			TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_rootb.Selection);
			if (tsi.ContainingObject(0) == XmlRDEBrowseViewVc.khvoNewItem)
				// 1. Remove the domain from the sense shown in the second column.
				// 2. Delete the sense iff it is now empty except for the definition shown.
				// 3. Delete the entry iff the entry now has no senses.
#if false // JohnT: don't understand the following code at all. In particular it makes no sense
				// to use ihvoRoot to index rgvsli; ihvoRoot is always zero in this view, it has only one root.
				// Possibly this was an unsuccessful attempt to adapt some generic code I wrote to this
				// particular application involving senses and entries?
				// I'm leaving it in existence for now in case the original author turns up and
				// can explain what he was getting at.
				int cLevels = vwsel.get_BoxDepth(true);
				int iLevel;
				int cBoxes = -1;
				int iBox = -1;
				VwBoxType[] rgvbt = new VwBoxType[cLevels];
				VwBoxType vbt = VwBoxType.kvbtUnknown;
				for (iLevel = 0; iLevel < cLevels; ++iLevel)
					vbt = vwsel.get_BoxType(false, iLevel);
					if (vbt == VwBoxType.kvbtTableCell)
						cBoxes = vwsel.get_BoxCount(true, iLevel);
						iBox = vwsel.get_BoxIndex(true, iLevel);
				Debug.Assert(cBoxes == 2);
				Debug.Assert(iBox != -1);
				int hvoEntry;
				int hvoSense;
				if (iBox == 0)
					hvoEntry = rgvsli[ihvoRoot].hvo;
					IVwSelection vwsel2 = m_rootb.MakeSelInBox(vwsel, false, iLevel, 1,
						true, false, false);
					SelLevInfo[] rgvsli2 = SelLevInfo.AllTextSelInfo(vwsel, vwsel2.CLevels(false) - 1,
						out ihvoRoot, out tag, out cpropPrevious, out ichAnchor, out ichEnd,
						out ws, out fAssocPrev, out ihvoEnd, out ttp);
					hvoSense = rgvsli2[ihvoRoot].hvo;
					hvoSense = rgvsli[ihvoRoot].hvo;
					IVwSelection vwsel2 = m_rootb.MakeSelInBox(vwsel, false, iLevel, 0,
						true, false, false);
					SelLevInfo[] rgvsli2 = SelLevInfo.AllTextSelInfo(vwsel, vwsel2.CLevels(false) - 1,
						out ihvoRoot, out tag, out cpropPrevious, out ichAnchor, out ichEnd,
						out ws, out fAssocPrev, out ihvoEnd, out ttp);
					hvoEntry = rgvsli2[ihvoRoot].hvo;
				int cvsli = tsi.Levels(false) - 1;
				int tag = tsi.ContainingObjectTag(cvsli - 1);
				Debug.Assert(cvsli >= 1); // there should be at least one level (each row is a sense)
				// The outermost thing in the VC is a display of all the senses of the root domain.
				// Therefore the last thing in rgvsli is always the information identifying the sense we
				// want to process.
				int hvoSense = tsi.ContainingObject(cvsli - 1);
				int hvoEntry = m_fdoCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(hvoSense).Owner.Hvo;
				// If this was an editable object, it no longer is, because it's about to no longer exist.

				var le = m_fdoCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexEntryRepository>().GetObject(hvoEntry);
				var ls = m_fdoCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexSenseRepository>().GetObject(hvoSense);
				string sUndo = XMLViewsStrings.ksUndoDeleteRecord;
				string sRedo = XMLViewsStrings.ksRedoDeleteRecord;
				UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(sUndo, sRedo, Cache.ActionHandlerAccessor, () =>
					if (ls.SemanticDomainsRC.Count == 0 &&
					ls.AnthroCodesRC.Count == 0 &&
					ls.AppendixesRC.Count == 0 &&
					ls.DomainTypesRC.Count == 0 &&
					ls.ThesaurusItemsRC.Count == 0 &&
					ls.UsageTypesRC.Count == 0)
						bool fKeep = false;
						ITsString tss = ls.Gloss.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem;
						if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
							fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.Gloss.UserDefaultWritingSystem;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.Gloss.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.Definition.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.DiscourseNote.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.DiscourseNote.UserDefaultWritingSystem;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.DiscourseNote.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.ScientificName;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							tss = ls.Source;
							if (tss != null && tss.Length > 0)
								fKeep = true;
						if (!fKeep)
							ls = null;
					if (ls == null && le.SensesOS.Count == 0)
						le = null;
			return true;
		/// <summary>
		///  Create one from the specified end of the selection. If that end is not in a
		/// relevant property return null. Also return null if in the same StText as
		/// hvoOther.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="info"></param>
		/// <param name="fEndPoint"></param>
		static public TextStateInfo Create(TextSelInfo info, bool fEndPoint, FdoCache cache, int hvoOther)
			int offset = 0; // in the SelInfoStack
			if (info.Tag(fEndPoint) == kflidContents)
				if (info.Levels(fEndPoint) < 2)
					return null;
				// One other case we need to handle is an embedded picture, because deleting it will modify the string.
				if (!info.IsPicture || info.Levels(false) < 3 || info.ContainingObjectTag(1) != kflidContents)
					return null;
				offset = 1; // one more level for the picture.
			int hvoStText = info.ContainingObject(1 + offset, fEndPoint);
			if (hvoStText == hvoOther)
				return null;
			TextStateInfo result = new TextStateInfo();
			result.m_stText = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvoStText) as StText;;
			result.m_hvoPara = info.ContainingObject(offset, fEndPoint);
			foreach (StTxtPara para in result.m_stText.ParagraphsOS)
				result.m_paras.Add(new ParaStateInfo(para));
			result.m_tssAnchorText = cache.GetTsStringProperty(result.m_hvoPara, kflidContents);
			result.m_fCheckOtherParasOfText = true;
			return result;
Exemple #3
		/// <summary>
		/// This override ensures that we always have whole objects selected.
		/// Enhance: it may cause flicker during drag, in which case, we may change to only do it on mouse up,
		/// or only IF the mouse is up.
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void HandleSelectionChange(object sender, VwSelectionArgs args)

			if (m_InSelectionChanged || RootBox.Selection == null)

			var info = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
			var end = Math.Max(info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(true) - 1, true),
				info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(false) - 1, false));
Exemple #4
		/// <summary>
		/// This override ensures that we always have whole objects selected.
		/// Enhance: it may cause flicker during drag, in which case, we may change to only do it on mouse up,
		/// or only IF the mouse is up.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void  HandleSelectionChange(object sender, VwSelectionArgs args)
			if (m_InSelectionChanged || RootBox.Selection == null)
			TextSelInfo info = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
			int end = Math.Max(info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(true) - 1, true),
				info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(false) - 1, false));
			int begin = Math.Min(info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(true) - 1, true),
				info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(false) - 1, false));
			SelectRange(begin, end);
Exemple #5
		/// <summary>
		/// This override ensures that we always have whole objects selected.
		/// Enhance: it may cause flicker during drag, in which case, we may change to only do it on mouse up,
		/// or only IF the mouse is up.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="prootb"></param>
		/// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
		public override void SelectionChanged(IVwRootBox prootb, IVwSelection vwselNew)
			base.SelectionChanged(prootb, vwselNew);
			if (m_InSelectionChanged)
			if (RootBox.Selection == null)
			TextSelInfo info = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
			int end = Math.Max(info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(true) - 1, true),
				info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(false) - 1, false));
			int begin = Math.Min(info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(true) - 1, true),
				info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(false) - 1, false));
			SelectRange(begin, end);
Exemple #6
		/// <summary>
		/// This override ensures that we always have whole objects selected.
		/// Enhance: it may cause flicker during drag, in which case, we may change to only do it on mouse up,
		/// or only IF the mouse is up.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="prootb"></param>
		/// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
		public override void SelectionChanged(IVwRootBox prootb, IVwSelection vwselNew)
			base.SelectionChanged(prootb, vwselNew);
			if (m_InSelectionChanged)
			if (RootBox.Selection == null)
			if (!(this is DialogInterlinRibbon)) // We want the selection in the dialog to behave differently.
				TextSelInfo info = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
				int end = Math.Max(info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(true) - 1, true),
					info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(false) - 1, false));
Exemple #7
		private static int GetIndexOfTopLevelObject(TextSelInfo info, bool fEndPoint)
			return info.ContainingObjectIndex(info.Levels(fEndPoint) - 1, fEndPoint);
Exemple #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Get info about which cell the user clicked in.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		/// <param name="clickedCell"></param>
		/// <param name="irow"></param>
		/// <returns>true if it is a template column, or false if some other column (Notes?)</returns>
		private bool GetCellInfo(MouseEventArgs e, out ChartLocation clickedCell, out int irow)
			clickedCell = null; // in case of premature 'return'
			irow = -1;
			int icol = -1;
			if (m_hvoChart == 0 || m_AllColumns == null || e.Y > m_rootb.Height)
				return false;
			Point pt;
			Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
			Rectangle rcDstRoot;
			using (new HoldGraphics(this))
				pt = PixelToView(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				IVwSelection sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, false);
				if (sel == null)
					return false;
				TextSelInfo info = new TextSelInfo(sel);
				if (info.Levels(false) < 2)
					return false;
				irow = GetIndexOfTopLevelObject(info, false);
				IDsConstChart chart = DsConstChart.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, m_hvoChart);
				Debug.Assert(irow >= 0 && irow < chart.RowsRS.Count);
				icol = m_logic.GetColumnFromPosition(e.X, m_chart.ColumnPositions) - 1;
				clickedCell = new ChartLocation(icol, chart.RowsRS[irow]);
				// return true if we clicked on a valid template column (other than notes)
				// return false if we clicked on an 'other' column, like notes or row number?
				return icol > -1 && icol < m_AllColumns.Length;
		/// <summary>
		/// Get info about which cell the user clicked in.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		/// <param name="clickedCell">This needs to include the 'logical' column index.</param>
		/// <param name="irow"></param>
		/// <returns>true if it is a template column, or false if some other column (Notes?)</returns>
		private bool GetCellInfo(MouseEventArgs e, out ChartLocation clickedCell, out int irow)
			clickedCell = null; // in case of premature 'return'
			irow = -1;
			if (m_hvoChart == 0 || AllColumns == null || e.Y > RootBox.Height || e.X > RootBox.Width)
				return false;
			Point pt;
			Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
			Rectangle rcDstRoot;
			using (new HoldGraphics(this))
				pt = PixelToView(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				var sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, false);
				if (sel == null)
					return false;
				var info = new TextSelInfo(sel);
				if (info.Levels(false) < 2)
					return false;
				irow = GetIndexOfTopLevelObject(info, false);
				var chart = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IDsConstChartRepository>().GetObject(m_hvoChart);
				if (irow < 0 || chart.RowsOS.Count <= irow)
					return false;
				var icol = m_logic.GetColumnFromPosition(e.X, m_chart.ColumnPositions) - 1;
				if (-1 < icol && icol < AllColumns.Length && e.Clicks > 0)
					icol = LogicalFromDisplay(icol); // if this is just a mouse move, use 'display' column
				clickedCell = new ChartLocation(chart.RowsOS[irow], icol);
				// return true if we clicked on a valid template column (other than notes)
				// return false if we clicked on an 'other' column, like notes or row number?
				return -1 < icol && icol < AllColumns.Length;