private void CarregaPFE(C_pontofe objpFE) { try { objpFE.Rodovia = cmbRod.Text; //////////TxtBxKmEdit.Text = "2,5"; objpFE.kmEdital = ((TxtBxKmEdit.Text)); objpFE.MunSen = cmbSent.Text; objpFE.kmReal = ((txtBKmR.Text)); objpFE.Localidade = txtBLoc.Text; objpFE.Municipio = txtBMun.Text; objpFE.QtdFx = Int32.Parse(txtBQtd.Text); objpFE.MunA = lblMunA.Text; objpFE.MunB = lblMunB.Text; objpFE.VelFisc = Int32.Parse(txtBVf.Text); objpFE.Lat = txtBLat.Text; objpFE.Longit = txtBLong.Text; objpFE.VMD = Int32.Parse(txtBVmd.Text); objpFE.Vel85p = Int32.Parse(txtBV85.Text); objpFE.Tipo = cmbTipo.Text; objpFE.Lat2 = txtBLat2.Text; objpFE.Longit2 = txtBLong2.Text; objpFE.Vel85pSB = Int32.Parse(txtB85_2.Text.ToString()); objpFE.VmdB = Int32.Parse(txtBVMD2.Text.ToString()); } catch { DialogResult result; MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; result = MessageBox.Show("Dados incompletos ou errados!", "Verifique", buttons); } }
//************************************************************************* public void GravapFE2(C_pontofe objpfe, string aTab) { using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) { //try //{ using (mysqlCon1 = new MySqlConnection(strConFE)) { mysqlCon1.Open(); com1 = mysqlCon1.CreateCommand(); if (aTab == "ponto_featual") { com1.CommandText = "delete from ponto_featual"; // Limpa a tabela se existir algum risco com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); } else { } com1.CommandText = "insert into " + aTab + "(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,kmReal,Localidade,Municipio,QtdFx,MunA,MunB,"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "VelFisc,Lat,Longit,VMD,Vel85p,Tipo,Lat2,Longit2,Vel85pSB,VmdB,Calc85p)"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmReal.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Localidade + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Municipio + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + objpfe.QtdFx + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunA + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunB + "'" + "," + objpfe.VelFisc + ","; //com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Lat) + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Longit) + "'" + "," + objpfe.VMD + "," + objpfe.Vel85p + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + objpfe.Lat + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Longit + "'" + "," + objpfe.VMD + "," + objpfe.Vel85p + ","; // com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + objpfe.Tipo + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Lat2) + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Longit2) + "'" + "," + objpfe.Vel85pSB + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + objpfe.Tipo + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Lat2 + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Longit2 + "'" + "," + objpfe.Vel85pSB + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + objpfe.VmdB + "," + objpfe.Calc85p + ")"; //////com1.CommandText = " insert into ponto_fe(Rodovia, kmEdital, MunSen, kmReal, Localidade, Municipio, QtdFx, MunA, MunB, VelFisc, Lat, Longit, VMD, Vel85p,"; //////com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "Tipo, Lat2, Longit2, Vel85pSB, VmdB) Values('RJ-122', 2.5, 'Ambos Sentidos', 2.5, 'Guapimirim', 'Guapimirim', 2, 'Guapimirim',"; //////com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'Cachoeiras de Macacu', 50, ' 22°33 10.86 S',' 42°57 55.01 O',2800,55,'I.A','zero','zero',55,2300)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); //The Transaction will be completed txscope.Complete(); } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // // Log error // txscope.Dispose(); //} } // ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? }
private Boolean VeSefeRegistroExiste(C_pontofe objpFE, string aTab) { // ve se o registro de ponto de fiscalização eletrônica existe try { if (objDB.TemRegistro(objpFE, aTab)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } }
// ******************************************************************** // **************************************************************** public void LeRegistroPontoFE(ref string aRod, ref string okm, C_pontofe objPFe) { ConectaBanco(); com1 = mysqlCon1.CreateCommand(); com1.CommandText = "select * from ponto_fe where Rodovia= " + "'" + aRod + "'" + " and kmReal= " + "'" + okm + "'"; reader1 = com1.ExecuteReader(); while (reader1.Read()) { //Console.WriteLine(reader1["Tipo"].ToString()); objPFe.Rodovia = reader1["Rodovia"].ToString(); objPFe.kmEdital = reader1["kmEdital"].ToString(); objPFe.MunSen = reader1["MunSen"].ToString(); objPFe.kmReal = reader1["kmReal"].ToString(); objPFe.Localidade = reader1["Localidade"].ToString(); objPFe.Municipio = reader1["Municipio"].ToString(); objPFe.QtdFx = Int32.Parse(reader1["QtdFx"].ToString()); objPFe.MunA = (reader1["MunA"].ToString()); objPFe.MunB = reader1["MunB"].ToString(); objPFe.VelFisc = Int32.Parse(reader1["VelFisc"].ToString()); objPFe.Lat = reader1["Lat"].ToString(); objPFe.Longit = reader1["Longit"].ToString(); objPFe.VMD = Int32.Parse(reader1["VMD"].ToString()); objPFe.Vel85p = Int32.Parse(reader1["Vel85p"].ToString()); objPFe.Tipo = reader1["Tipo"].ToString(); objPFe.Lat2 = reader1["Lat2"].ToString(); objPFe.Longit2 = reader1["Longit2"].ToString(); objPFe.Vel85pSB = Int32.Parse(reader1["Vel85pSB"].ToString()); objPFe.VmdB = Int32.Parse(reader1["VmdB"].ToString()); objPFe.Calc85p = Int32.Parse(reader1["Calc85p"].ToString()); // objPFe.Calc85p = 0; } reader1.Close(); DesconectaBanco(); }
// **************************************************************** public Boolean TemRegistro(C_pontofe objpfe, string aTab) { ConectaBanco(); com1 = mysqlCon1.CreateCommand(); com1.CommandText = "select * from " + aTab + " where Rodovia = " + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + " and kmEdital = " + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " and MunSen= " + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'"; reader1 = com1.ExecuteReader(); if (reader1.Read()) { return(true); } else { return(false); } reader1.Close(); DesconectaBanco(); }
//*************************************************************************8 public void GravapFE(C_pontofe objpfe, string aTab) { using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) { try { using (mysqlCon1 = new MySqlConnection(strConFE)) { mysqlCon1.Open(); com1 = mysqlCon1.CreateCommand(); if (aTab == "ponto_featual") { com1.CommandText = "delete from ponto_featual"; // Limpa a tabela se existir algum risco com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); } else { com1.CommandText = "insert into acidentes(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,kmReal,Abalroamento,Choque,Colisão,Tombamento,Capotamento,Incendio,Atropelamento) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmReal.ToString()) + "'" + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into fat_risco(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,fatr1,fatr2,fatr3,fatr4,fatr5,fatr6,fatr7,fatr8,fatr9,fatr10) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ')"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into histmedidas(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "' ',' ',' ',' ',' ')"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into teduplo(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,EDuplo,MunSen2,Fx1_1,Fx1_2,Fx1_3,Fx2_1,Fx2_2,Fx2_3,NPistas,NFxs) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "0,' ',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into tgeometria(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,Aclive,Declive,Plano,Curva,Urbano,Pedestre,Paolongo,Ptrans,Ciclista,Caolongo,Ctrans,UmSentido,SA,SB,Forma) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0," + "'" + objpfe.MunB + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunA + "'" + ",' ')"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into tjorn(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,semjorn) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "' ')"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into tpaginas(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15,p16,p17,p18,p19,p20,p21,p22,p23,p24,p25,p26) "; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into tplacas(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,placa1,dist1,placa2,dist2,placa3,dist3,placa4,dist4,placa5,dist5,placa6,dist6,placa7,dist7,"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "placa8,dist8,placa9,dist9,placa10,dist10)"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into tproj(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,Intro1,Intro2,Tit1,Tit2,DuasFolhas,inclusao,remocao,reposicionar,manter,mesmed)"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "' ',' ',' ',' ',0,0,0,0,0,'AGOSTO')"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); com1.CommandText = "insert into ttemfe(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,vaiterfe,jatinhafe,foiconf,temqb,manter,remover,subst,proj,renova,altera)"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); } com1.CommandText = "insert into " + aTab + "(Rodovia,kmEdital,MunSen,kmReal,Localidade,Municipio,QtdFx,MunA,MunB,"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "VelFisc,Lat,Longit,VMD,Vel85p,Tipo,Lat2,Longit2,Vel85pSB,VmdB)"; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + " Values (" + "'" + objpfe.Rodovia + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmEdital.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunSen + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + cUt.ConvVirgPonto(objpfe.kmReal.ToString()) + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Localidade + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.Municipio + "'" + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + objpfe.QtdFx + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunA + "'" + "," + "'" + objpfe.MunB + "'" + "," + objpfe.VelFisc + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Lat) + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Longit) + "'" + "," + objpfe.VMD + "," + objpfe.Vel85p + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'" + objpfe.Tipo + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Lat2) + "'" + "," + "'" + cUt.ConverteCoord(objpfe.Longit2) + "'" + "," + objpfe.Vel85pSB + ","; com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + objpfe.VmdB + ")"; //////com1.CommandText = " insert into ponto_fe(Rodovia, kmEdital, MunSen, kmReal, Localidade, Municipio, QtdFx, MunA, MunB, VelFisc, Lat, Longit, VMD, Vel85p,"; //////com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "Tipo, Lat2, Longit2, Vel85pSB, VmdB) Values('RJ-122', 2.5, 'Ambos Sentidos', 2.5, 'Guapimirim', 'Guapimirim', 2, 'Guapimirim',"; //////com1.CommandText = com1.CommandText + "'Cachoeiras de Macacu', 50, ' 22°33 10.86 S',' 42°57 55.01 O',2800,55,'I.A','zero','zero',55,2300)"; com1.ExecuteNonQuery(); reader1.Close(); //The Transaction will be completed txscope.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Log error txscope.Dispose(); } } // ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO klant(klant_id, naam, voornaam) VALUES(@param1,@param2,@param3)"; // DesconectaBanco(); }