public static void CloudSim(Models.Tuple tuple, Services service, List <string> datacenter)
            Debug.WriteLine("CloudSim" + tuple.ID);

                Stopwatch watch  = new Stopwatch();
                var       result = new Results();
                result.InitiatesTime = watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString();

                var Broker = new CloudBroker()
                    Service        = service,
                    DatacenterList = DataCenterBusiness.GetDataCenterList().Where(a => datacenter.Any(z => a.Name.Contains(z))).ToList(),
                    Tuple          = tuple,
                    // create VM
                    SelectedVM = new VM(service.ID, 1, service.MIPS, service.NumberOfPes, service.RAM, service.BW, service.Size, service.Name,
                                        new CloudletScheduler(), new GeoLocation(47.599949, -122.326815))

                Broker.SelectedDataCenter = BrokerUtility.GetValidDataCenter(Broker.Tuple, Broker.DatacenterList);
                if (Broker.SelectedDataCenter != null)
                    lock (Lock)
                        result.Link = linksList.Where(x => x.Source == tuple.Name && x.Destination == Broker.SelectedDataCenter.Name && x != null).FirstOrDefault();
                        result.Link.Propagationtime = Math.Round(result.Link.Propagationtime, 3);// + tuple.QueueDelay;
                    // returns the host by finding the appropirate and then add the vm into the vmlist of host object.
                    Broker.SelectedHost = BrokerUtility.GetHostFromDataCenter(Broker.SelectedDataCenter, Broker.SelectedVM);
                    if (Broker.SelectedHost != null)
                        result.CloudBroker           = Broker;
                        tuple.InternalProcessingTime = Math.Round(watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, 3);
                        tuple.IsServed = true;
                        // it will execute on policy 4
                        if (FogSimulator.IsCreateCache)
                            lock (cloudCahce)
                                cloudCahce.Add(new CloudCache()
                                    DataType = tuple.DataType, Cloud = Broker.SelectedDataCenter.Name, InternalProcessingTime = tuple.InternalProcessingTime, link = result.Link
                        ResourceUtility.ReleaseResources(Broker.SelectedHost, Broker.SelectedVM);
                        tuple.IsServerFound = false; tuple.IsServed = false;

                    result.ElapsedTime = (watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + result.Link.Propagationtime) - Convert.ToDouble(result.InitiatesTime);
                    tuple.IsReversed = true;
                result.Tuple = tuple;
                // result.InActiveFogDecives = fogList.Where(x => x.IsActive == false).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message);