Exemple #1
        public Payment(DateTime pd, int p, string pm, string pt, SeasonPass sp)
            purchaseDate = pd;
            price        = p;
            paymentMode  = pm; //credit, visa
            purchaseType = pt; // type of trasaction - SeasonPass - Car, SeasonPass - Motorbike, SeasonPass - Lorry

        public void Renew()
            int  price  = 0;
            bool status = true;

            while (status) //if user did not confirm
                Console.WriteLine("----Renew Season Parking Pass----");
                Console.Write("Please enter no. of months you want to renew: ");
                string rpMonth = Console.ReadLine();
                int    rpm;
                bool   r = Int32.TryParse(rpMonth, out rpm);
                if (!r)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter valid number");
                if (rpm < 0 || rpm > 15)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid month between 1 -12");

                Console.WriteLine("Renewing season parking pass...");
                Console.WriteLine("Extend season parking pass for another " + rpm + " month(s)");

                string confirmation = Confirm("");
                if (confirmation.ToLower() == "y")
                    Console.WriteLine("You decide to renew " + rpm + " month(s) of your season parking pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("Calculating season pass amount...");
                    if (vsp.VehicleType == "Car" || vsp.VehicleType == "Lorry") //if seasonpass is car type
                        price = 80;
                        int amt = price * rpm;
                        Console.WriteLine("Amount needed to pay: $" + amt);
                        Console.WriteLine("Pass successfully extended for " + rpm + " month(s)");

                        //add payment record
                        Payment p = new Payment(DateTime.Now, amt, "Credit", "Surface", vsp);

                    else if (vsp.VehicleType == "Motorbike")
                    { //if seasonpass is motorbike type
                        price = 15;
                        int amt = price * rpm;
                        Console.WriteLine("Amount needed to pay: $" + amt);

                        Console.WriteLine("Pass successfully extended for " + rpm + " month(s)");

                        //add payment record
                        Payment p = new Payment(DateTime.Now, amt, "Credit", "Surface", vsp);
                    //add number of months extended by user
                    //vsp.RemainingMonth = vsp.RemainingMonth + rpm; //add input month to remaining month
                    vsp.StartDate      = DateTime.Now;
                    vsp.EndDate        = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(rpm);
                    vsp.RemainingMonth = vsp.EndDate.Month - vsp.StartDate.Month;
                    vsp.SetCurrentState(vsp.GetValidState()); //set season pass state to valid
                    Console.WriteLine("The remianing month of your pass is {0} month(s)", vsp.RemainingMonth);
                    Console.WriteLine("Your Season Pass New Expiry Date: {0}", vsp.EndDate);
                    status = false;