Exemple #1
        private void OpenFont(string fileName)
            FONTTABLE = null;
            FONTDATA  = new string[0];
            FONT      = new FontChar[0];
            string BMP = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);

            try { BMP += "\\" + (int.Parse(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)) - 1) + ".bmp"; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Can't find BMP font file, try rename the font file to original pak extracted file name.", "Super Danganronpa 2 Font Editor", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; }
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(BMP))
                FONTTABLE = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(BMP);
                MessageBox.Show("Can't find BMP file, try rename to original pak extracted file name.", "Super Danganronpa 2 Font Editor", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;
            FontTable.Image = FONTTABLE;
            FONTDATA        = Tools.ByteArrayToString(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)).Split('-');
            string signature = "0x74467053";

            if (signature != "0x" + FONTDATA[0] + FONTDATA[1] + FONTDATA[2] + FONTDATA[3])
                MessageBox.Show("This not is a font table info file.", "Super Danganronpa 2 Font Editor", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;
            int StartFontTable = GetOffset(FONTDATA, 12);
            int Position       = StartFontTable;

            while (FONTDATA[Position] + FONTDATA[Position + 1] + FONTDATA[Position + 2] + FONTDATA[Position + 3] + FONTDATA[Position + 4] + FONTDATA[Position + 5] + FONTDATA[Position + 6] + FONTDATA[Position + 7] + FONTDATA[Position + 8] + FONTDATA[Position + 9] + FONTDATA[Position + 10] + FONTDATA[Position + 11] + FONTDATA[Position + 12] + FONTDATA[Position + 13] + FONTDATA[Position + 14] + FONTDATA[Position + 15] != "00000000000000000000000000000000")
                object[]            LETTER = GetChar(Position);
                char                CHAR   = (char)LETTER[0];
                Point               POINT  = (Point)LETTER[1];
                System.Drawing.Size SIZE   = (System.Drawing.Size)LETTER[2];
                string[]            EC     = (string[])LETTER[3];
                FontChar[]          temp   = new FontChar[FONT.Length + 1];
                FONT.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                FontChar FC = new FontChar();
                FC.Letter         = CHAR;
                FC.Point          = POINT;
                FC.Size           = SIZE;
                FC.ExtraContent   = EC;
                temp[FONT.Length] = FC;
                FONT      = temp;
                Position += 16;
            for (; Position < FONTDATA.Length; Position++)
                string[] temp = new string[FontBotton.Length + 1];
                FontBotton.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                temp[FontBotton.Length] = FONTDATA[Position];
                FontBotton = temp;
            groupBox1.Enabled   = true;
            groupBox2.Enabled   = true;
            BNTTestFont.Enabled = true;
            BNTSave.Enabled     = true;
Exemple #2
        /*.font format
         * HEX POS - Without data
         * (Offset)= Hex Data
         * ==========================
         * 2-3 = Posição X -----------
         * ==========================
         | 4-5 = Posição Y    |
         | ==========================
         | 6-7 = tamanho X = ---------
         | ==========================
         | 8-9 = tamanho Y |
         | 00 00 11 11 22 22 33 33 44 44 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
         | 00 00 = Unicode Char
         | 11 11 = 2-3 (Posição X)
         | 22 22 = 4-5 (Posição Y)
         | 33 33 = 6-7 (Tamanho X)
         | 44 44 = 8-9 (Tamanho Y)*/
        private string[] ExportChar(FontChar Char)
            string Letter  = Tools.UnicodeStringToHex(Char.Letter.ToString());
            string PointX  = Tools.IntToHex(Char.Point.X).Substring(0, 5);
            string PointY  = Tools.IntToHex(Char.Point.Y).Substring(0, 5);
            string WidthX  = Tools.IntToHex(Char.Size.Width).Substring(0, 5);
            string HeigthY = Tools.IntToHex(Char.Size.Height).Substring(0, 5);
            string EC      = "";

            foreach (string hex in Char.ExtraContent)
                EC += " " + hex;
            string Content = Letter + " " + PointX + " " + PointY + " " + WidthX + " " + HeigthY + EC;

            return(Content.Split(' '));