LoadDocumentation() public static méthode

public static LoadDocumentation ( string assemblyName, string serviceName, string platform, SDKDocGenerator.GeneratorOptions options ) : void
assemblyName string
serviceName string
platform string
options SDKDocGenerator.GeneratorOptions
Résultat void
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents a single service, supported on one or more platforms, that we will be
        /// generating documentation for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">
        /// The full path and filename of the assembly. The .Net platform for the assembly
        /// is assumed to be the name of the folder containing the assembly. The name of the
        /// service will be inferred from the name pattern of the assembly.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="outputFolderRoot">
        /// The root output folder that the artifacts should be placed in. A further subfolder
        /// representing the service (or 'core' if the assembly is the runtime) is added.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allPlatforms">The set of platform subfolders to use to discover ndoc tables</param>
        /// <param name="options">The user options governing doc generation</param>
        /// <param name="useAppDomain"></param>
        public GenerationManifest(string assemblyPath,
                                  string outputFolderRoot,
                                  IEnumerable <string> allPlatforms,
                                  GeneratorOptions options,
                                  bool useAppDomain)
            AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(assemblyPath);
            var assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AssemblyPath);

            ServiceName = assemblyName.StartsWith(AWSAssemblyNamePrefix + ".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                ? assemblyName.Substring(AWSAssemblyNamePrefix.Length + 1)
                : assemblyName;
            Options         = options;
            AssemblyWrapper = CreateAssemblyWrapper(AssemblyPath, useAppDomain);
            OutputFolder    = Path.GetFullPath(outputFolderRoot);

            foreach (var platform in allPlatforms)
                NDocUtilities.LoadDocumentation(assemblyName, ServiceName, platform, options);

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Trace.WriteLine("\tConstructed GenerationManifest:");
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...AssemblyPath: {0}", AssemblyPath));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...ServiceName: {0}", ServiceName));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...OutputFolder: {0}", OutputFolder));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the documentation for the artifacts represented by this
        /// manifest, starting at the namespace(s) in the assembly and working
        /// down through the type hierarchy. Types that exist in the deferable
        /// namespaces will be processed later in generation, when the awssdk.core
        /// assembly is processed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deferrableTypes">
        /// Collection for types in service assemblies that we want to defer processing
        /// on until we process awssdk.core.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="tocWriter">
        /// Toc generation handler to which each processed namespace is registered
        /// </param>
        public void Generate(DeferredTypesProvider deferrableTypes, TOCWriter tocWriter)
            Trace.WriteLine($"\tgenerating from {Options.Platform}/{Path.GetFileName(AssemblyPath)}");

            // load the assembly and ndoc dataset for the service we're about to generate; assuming
            // they contain no deferrable types we'll release them when done
            var discardAssemblyOnExit = true;

            foreach (var platform in AllPlatforms)
                NDocUtilities.LoadDocumentation(AssemblyName, ServiceName, platform, Options);

            var namespaceNames = ManifestAssemblyContext.SdkAssembly.GetNamespaces();

            var frameworkVersion = FrameworkVersion.FromPlatformFolder(Options.Platform);
            var processed        = 0;

            foreach (var namespaceName in namespaceNames)
                // when processing awssdk.core, we don't get handed a collection to hold
                // deferrable types
                if (deferrableTypes != null)
                    if (deferrableTypes.Namespaces.Contains(namespaceName))
                        var types = ManifestAssemblyContext.SdkAssembly.GetTypesForNamespace(namespaceName);
                        if (types.Any())
                            Trace.WriteLine($"\t\tdeferring processing of types in namespace {namespaceName} for {Path.GetFileName(AssemblyPath)}");
                            discardAssemblyOnExit = false;


                WriteNamespace(frameworkVersion, namespaceName);
                tocWriter.BuildNamespaceToc(namespaceName, ManifestAssemblyContext.SdkAssembly);

                Trace.WriteLine($"\t\t{namespaceName} processed ({++processed} of {namespaceNames.Count()})");

            if (discardAssemblyOnExit)
                // release artifact roots for future GC collections to operate on
                foreach (var platform in AllPlatforms)
                    NDocUtilities.UnloadDocumentation(ServiceName, platform);

                ManifestAssemblyContext = null;