/// <summary>
        /// Adds the thread with the ID specified to the support queue with the ID specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
        /// <param name="queueID">The queue ID.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The user ID of the user causing this thread to be placed in the queue specified.</param>
        /// <param name="transactionToUse">The transaction to use. Is not null if there's a transaction in progress.</param>
        /// <remarks>first removes the thread from a queue if it's in a queue</remarks>
        public static void AddThreadToQueue(int threadID, int queueID, int userID, Transaction transactionToUse)
            // first remove the thread from any queue it's in.
            RemoveThreadFromQueue(threadID, transactionToUse);

            // then add it to the queue specified.
            SupportQueueThreadEntity supportQueueThread = new SupportQueueThreadEntity();
            supportQueueThread.ThreadID = threadID;
            supportQueueThread.QueueID = queueID;
            supportQueueThread.PlacedInQueueByUserID = userID;
            supportQueueThread.PlacedInQueueOn = DateTime.Now;

            if(transactionToUse != null)
                // transaction in progress, add the entity to the transaction
        /// <summary>
        /// Claims the thread specified for the user specified. As the thread can be in one queue at a time, it simply has to update the SupportQueueThread entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param>
        /// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
        public static void ClaimThread(int userID, int threadID)
            SupportQueueThreadEntity supportQueueThread = new SupportQueueThreadEntity();
                // not found, return

            // simply overwrite an existing claim if any.
            supportQueueThread.ClaimedByUserID = userID;
            supportQueueThread.ClaimedOn = DateTime.Now;

            // done, save it
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases the claim on the thread specified. As the thread can be in one queue at a time, it simply has to update the SupportQueueThread entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
        public static void ReleaseClaimOnThread(int threadID)
            SupportQueueThreadEntity supportQueueThread = new SupportQueueThreadEntity();
                // not found, return

            // simply reset an existing claim
            supportQueueThread.ClaimedByUserID = null;		// nullable type, so set to null.
            supportQueueThread.ClaimedOn = null;			// nullable type, so set to null.

            // done, save it