protected virtual float CalculateStretch(SplineData spline) { float length = spline.length; float meshLength = 0; float stretchable = 0; int meshIndex = 0; int rep = 0; while (true) { float sz = meshes[meshIndex].meshLength; float gap = meshes[meshIndex].gapLength; if (meshLength + sz + gap <= length) { meshLength += sz + gap; if ((meshes[meshIndex].stretchMode & StretchMode.Mesh) == StretchMode.Mesh) { stretchable += sz; } if ((meshes[meshIndex].stretchMode & StretchMode.Gaps) == StretchMode.Gaps) { stretchable += gap; } } else { break; } rep++; if (rep >= meshes[meshIndex].repeat) { rep = 0; meshIndex = (meshIndex + 1) % meshes.Length; } } if (stretchable > 0) { return((length - meshLength + stretchable) / stretchable); } else { return(1); } }
private void AddVertexDataDeformed( SplineData spline, Mesh mesh, StretchMode stretch, AlignMode align, float stretchFactor, float meshStart, float minZ, Vector3 center, List <Vector3> vertices, List <Vector3> normals, List <Vector2> uvs) { Vector3[] inVerts = mesh.vertices; Vector3[] inNormals = mesh.normals; Vector2[] inUvs = uvs != null ? mesh.uv : null; float centerPos = Mathf.Clamp01(meshStart + (center.z - minZ) / spline.length); var centerRotation = spline.GetRotation(centerPos); if (align == AlignMode.ForceUpright) { centerRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, centerRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); } else if (align == AlignMode.NoRotation) { centerRotation = Quaternion.identity; } Vector3 centerOffset = spline.GetPoint(centerPos) + (centerRotation * Vector3.forward * minZ); Matrix4x4 alignMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(centerOffset, centerRotation,; for (int i = 0; i < inVerts.Length; i++) { var vert = inVerts[i]; var normal = inNormals[i]; var uv =; if (inUvs != null && inUvs.Length > i) { uv = inUvs[i]; } vert.z -= minZ; if ((stretch & StretchMode.Mesh) == StretchMode.Mesh) { vert.z *= stretchFactor; } if (align == AlignMode.Deform) { float pos = Mathf.Clamp01(meshStart + (vert.z / spline.length)); var srot = spline.GetRotation(pos); var spos = spline.GetPoint(pos); vert = spos + (srot * Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vert, Vector3.forward)); normal = srot * normal; } else { vert = alignMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vert); normal = alignMatrix.MultiplyVector(normal); } vertices.Add(vert); normals.Add(normal); if (uvs != null) { uvs.Add(uv); } } }
protected virtual float AddMesh(SplineData spline, int meshIndex, float stretchFactor, float meshStart, List <Vector3> vertices, List <Vector3> normals, List <Vector2> uvs, List <int>[] triangles, List <Vector3> collisionVertices, List <Vector3> collisionNormals, List <int> collisionTriangles) { var mesh = meshes[meshIndex]; var toAdd = mesh.render; var toAddC = mesh.collision; var stretch = mesh.stretchMode; var align = mesh.alignMode; float sizeZ = mesh.meshLength; float startGap = meshes[meshIndex].gapBefore; float endGap = meshes[meshIndex].gapAfter; if ((stretch & StretchMode.Mesh) == StretchMode.Mesh) { sizeZ *= stretchFactor; } if ((stretch & StretchMode.Gaps) == StretchMode.Gaps) { startGap *= stretchFactor; endGap *= stretchFactor; } meshStart += startGap / spline.length; float meshEnd = meshStart + (sizeZ + endGap) / spline.length; if (meshEnd <= 1 + (0.1f / spline.length)) { int vCount = vertices.Count; float minZ = toAdd.bounds.min.z; var center =; AddVertexDataDeformed(spline, toAdd, stretch, align, stretchFactor, meshStart, minZ, center, vertices, normals, uvs); for (int i = 0; i < toAdd.subMeshCount; i++) { int destList = 0; if (keepSeparateMaterials) { destList = submeshStartIndices[meshIndex] + i; } if (triangles[destList] == null) { triangles[destList] = new List <int>(); } AddTriangleData(toAdd, i, vCount, triangles[destList]); } if (separateCollisionMesh && toAddC) { int cvCount = collisionVertices.Count; AddVertexDataDeformed(spline, toAddC, stretch, align, stretchFactor, meshStart, minZ, center, collisionVertices, collisionNormals, null); AddTriangleData(toAddC, 0, cvCount, collisionTriangles); } } return(meshEnd); }
/// <summary> /// Create or update the rendering and collision mesh, and return them in out parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="spline">The spline to align to.</param> /// <param name="mesh">The resulting render mesh.</param> /// <param name="collisionMesh">The resulting collision mesh.</param> public virtual void CreateMeshes(SplineData spline, out Mesh mesh, out Mesh collisionMesh) { if (meshes.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("SplineMeshProfile needs at least one mesh!"); } int submeshCount = GetSubmeshCount(); List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> normals = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector2> uvs = new List <Vector2>(); List <int>[] triangles = new List <int> [submeshCount]; List <Vector3> collisionVertices = null; List <Vector3> collisionNormals = null; List <int> collisionTriangles = null; if (separateCollisionMesh) { collisionVertices = new List <Vector3>(); collisionNormals = new List <Vector3>(); collisionTriangles = new List <int>(); } if (meshes.Any(m => m.totalLength > 0)) { float f = 0; int meshIndex = 0; int rep = 0; float stretch = CalculateStretch(spline); while (f < 1) { if (meshes[meshIndex].render) { f = AddMesh(spline, meshIndex, stretch, f, vertices, normals, uvs, triangles, collisionVertices, collisionNormals, collisionTriangles); } else { f += meshes[meshIndex].gapLength / spline.length; } rep++; if (rep >= meshes[meshIndex].repeat) { rep = 0; meshIndex = (meshIndex + 1) % meshes.Length; } } } else { Debug.LogWarning("SplineMesh cannot be built without at least one mesh with a z size greater than 0."); } mesh = new Mesh(); = "Spline Mesh"; mesh.SetVertices(vertices); mesh.SetNormals(normals); mesh.SetUVs(0, uvs); mesh.subMeshCount = triangles.Length; for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i++) { mesh.SetTriangles(triangles[i], i); } mesh.RecalculateTangents(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (separateCollisionMesh) { collisionMesh = new Mesh(); = "Spline Collision"; collisionMesh.SetVertices(collisionVertices); collisionMesh.SetNormals(collisionNormals); collisionMesh.subMeshCount = 1; collisionMesh.SetTriangles(collisionTriangles, 0); collisionMesh.RecalculateTangents(); collisionMesh.RecalculateBounds(); } else { collisionMesh = mesh; } }