public FormToolOutput(ppParser ppParser, string toolOutputParserVar) { InitializeComponent(); ToolOutputParser parser = (ToolOutputParser)Gui.Scripting.Variables[toolOutputParserVar]; if (parser.readFromOtherParser) { syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.ReadOnly = true; } this.ShowHint = DockState.Document; this.Text = parser.Name; this.ToolTipText = ppParser.FilePath + @"\" + parser.Name; ParserVar = toolOutputParserVar; EditorVar = Gui.Scripting.GetNextVariable("toolOutputEditor"); Editor = (ToolOutputEditor)Gui.Scripting.RunScript(EditorVar + " = ToolOutputEditor(parser=" + ParserVar + ", ppFormatIndex=" + (int)ppParser.Format.ppFormatIdx + ")"); checkBoxWordWrap.Checked = syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.WordWrap; syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both & RichTextBoxScrollBars.ForcedBoth; syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.Seperators.Add('\t'); syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.HighlightDescriptors.Add(new HighlightDescriptor("//", Color.DimGray, null, DescriptorType.ToEOL, DescriptorRecognition.StartsWith, false)); syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.InitText(Editor.Text); syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.TextChanged += new EventHandler(syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput_TextChanged); syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput_DragDrop); syntaxHighlightingTextBoxToolOutput.EnableAutoDragDrop = true; Gui.Docking.ShowDockContent(this, Gui.Docking.DockEditors, ContentCategory.Others); }
public void Execute(ppParser pp) { if (checkEnable.Checked) { plugin.ProcessPP(pp); } prgProgress.Value = 100; }
public long Analyze(ppParser pp) { long savings = 0; if (checkEnable.Checked) { savings = plugin.AnalyzePP(pp); } updateProgress(100); return savings; }
public ppEditor(ppParser parser) { if (ExternalTools == null && Gui.Config != null) { ExternalTools = new Dictionary<string, List<ExternalTool>>(); foreach (SettingsPropertyValue value in Gui.Config.PropertyValues) { if (value.PropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ExternalTool)) { ExternalTool tool = (ExternalTool)value.PropertyValue; tool = RegisterExternalTool(tool, false); string toolVar = Gui.Scripting.GetNextVariable("externalTool"); Gui.Scripting.Variables.Add(toolVar, tool); } } } Parser = parser; }
public static void ExportSubfile([DefaultVar] ppParser parser, string name, string path) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.Subfiles.Count; i++) { if (parser.Subfiles[i].Name == name) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); DirectoryInfo dir = file.Directory; if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } using (FileStream fs = file.Create()) { parser.Subfiles[i].WriteTo(fs); } break; } } }
public long AnalyzePP(ppParser pp) { long savings = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pp.Subfiles.Count; i++) { IWriteFile iw = pp.Subfiles[i]; if (!iw.Name.EndsWith(".tga")) continue; Stream str = Tools.GetReadStream(iw); if (!str.CanSeek || str.Length == 0) { str.Close(); continue; } using (str) { try { MagickImage m = new MagickImage(str); m.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.RLE; using (MemoryStream rle = new MemoryStream()) { m.Write(rle, MagickFormat.Tga); savings += str.Length - rle.Length; } } catch (MagickException) { } } if (ProgressUpdated != null) ProgressUpdated((int)Math.Floor((double)(100 * i) / pp.Subfiles.Count)); } return savings; }
public static void ExportPP([DefaultVar] ppParser parser, string path) { if (path == String.Empty) { path = @".\"; } DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } for (int i = 0; i < parser.Subfiles.Count; i++) { var subfile = parser.Subfiles[i]; using (FileStream fs = File.Create(dir.FullName + @"\" + subfile.Name)) { subfile.WriteTo(fs); } } }
public basePP(string file, string destination) { ppRAW = file; pp = new ppParser(destination + "\\" + ppFile); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); #endif ConsoleWriter.WriteLineFormat("AA2Pack v{0}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); ConsoleWriter.WriteLineFormat("by {0}", "drpavel"); ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(); if (args.Length == 0 || args.ContainsSwitch("h")) { PrintHelp(); #if DEBUG Console.ReadKey(); #endif return; } bool suppress = args.ContainsSwitch("y"); foreach (string s in args) { if (File.Exists(s)) { //extracting a .pp ConsoleWriter.WriteLineFormat("Processing {0}...", Path.GetFileName(s)); ppParser pp = new ppParser(s); string dirPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(s)), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s)); if (Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { if (!suppress && !PromptUser("Are you sure you want to overwrite \"" + dirPath + "\"?")) continue; } else Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); int i = 0; foreach (IWriteFile iw in pp.Subfiles) { string path = Path.Combine(dirPath, iw.Name); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) iw.WriteTo(fs); ConsoleWriter.WriteLineFormat("[{0}/{1}] Processed {2}... ({3})", (++i).ToString(), //processed subfiles pp.Subfiles.Count.ToString(), //total subfiles iw.Name, //current subfile string.Format("{0}", Math.Round((double)100 * i / pp.Subfiles.Count) + "%")); } ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(); } else if (Directory.Exists(s)) { //packing into a .pp string ppPath = Path.GetFullPath(s).TrimEnd('\\') + ".pp"; if (File.Exists(ppPath)) { if (!suppress && !PromptUser("Are you sure you want to overwrite \"" + ppPath + "\"?")) { continue; } else File.Delete(ppPath); } ppParser pp = new ppParser(ppPath); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(s)) pp.Subfiles.Add(new Subfile(file)); var bg = pp.WriteArchive(ppPath, false); bg.ProgressChanged += (sender, e) => { ConsoleWriter.ClearLine(); ConsoleWriter.WriteFormat("Writing " + ppPath + "... ({0})", e.ProgressPercentage + "%"); }; bg.RunWorkerAsync(); while (bg.IsBusy) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); ConsoleWriter.ClearLine(); ConsoleWriter.WriteLineFormat("Writing " + ppPath + "... ({0})", "100%"); } } #if DEBUG Console.ReadKey(); #endif }
public long AnalyzePP(ppParser pp) { long total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pp.Subfiles.Count; i++) { IWriteFile iw = pp.Subfiles[i]; if (!iw.Name.EndsWith(".wav")) continue; Stream str = Tools.GetReadStream(iw); if (!str.CanSeek || str.Length == 0) { str.Close(); continue; } using (str) { WaveFileChunkReader wv = new WaveFileChunkReader(); WaveFormat f; try { f = wv.ReadWaveHeader(str); } catch (FormatException) { str.Close(); continue; } long length = str.Length; long remaining = length; if (f.Channels > 1) // || wv.WaveFormat.Encoding != WaveFormatEncoding.Adpcm { total += (length / 2); remaining /= 2; } if (f.SampleRate > SampleRate) { total += remaining - (long)(((float)SampleRate / f.SampleRate) * remaining); } } if (ProgressUpdated != null) ProgressUpdated((int)Math.Floor((double)(100 * i) / pp.Subfiles.Count)); } return total; }
public FormPP(string path, string variable) { try { InitializeComponent(); FormVariable = variable; ParserVar = Gui.Scripting.GetNextVariable("ppParser"); ppParser ppParser = (ppParser)Gui.Scripting.RunScript(ParserVar + " = OpenPP(path=\"" + path + "\")"); EditorVar = Gui.Scripting.GetNextVariable("ppEditor"); Editor = (ppEditor)Gui.Scripting.RunScript(EditorVar + " = ppEditor(parser=" + ParserVar + ")"); Text = Path.GetFileName(ppParser.FilePath); ToolTipText = ppParser.FilePath; ShowHint = DockState.Document; saveFileDialog1.Filter = ".pp Files (*.pp)|*.pp|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; subfileListViews.Add(xxSubfilesList); subfileListViews.Add(xaSubfilesList); subfileListViews.Add(imageSubfilesList); subfileListViews.Add(soundSubfilesList); subfileListViews.Add(otherSubfilesList); InitSubfileLists(); comboBoxFormat.Items.AddRange(ppFormat.Array); comboBoxFormat.SelectedIndex = (int)ppParser.Format.ppFormatIdx; comboBoxFormat.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(comboBoxFormat_SelectedIndexChanged); Gui.Docking.ShowDockContent(this, Gui.Docking.DockFiles); this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(FormPP_FormClosing); List <DockContent> formPPList; if (Gui.Docking.DockContents.TryGetValue(typeof(FormPP), out formPPList)) { var listCopy = new List <FormPP>(formPPList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < formPPList.Count; i++) { listCopy.Add((FormPP)formPPList[i]); } foreach (var form in listCopy) { if (form != this) { var formParser = (ppParser)Gui.Scripting.Variables[form.ParserVar]; if (formParser.FilePath == path) { form.Close(); } } } } keepBackupToolStripMenuItem.Checked = (bool)Gui.Config["KeepBackupOfPP"]; keepBackupToolStripMenuItem.CheckedChanged += keepBackupToolStripMenuItem_CheckedChanged; } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ReportException(ex); } }
public FormXA(ppParser ppParser, string xaParserVar) { InitializeComponent(); this.Controls.Remove(this.menuStrip1); xaParser parser = (xaParser)Gui.Scripting.Variables[xaParserVar]; this.ShowHint = DockState.Document; this.Text = parser.Name; this.ToolTipText = ppParser.FilePath + @"\" + parser.Name; ParserVar = xaParserVar; EditorVar = Gui.Scripting.GetNextVariable("xaEditor"); Editor = (xaEditor)Gui.Scripting.RunScript(EditorVar + " = xaEditor(parser=" + ParserVar + ")"); Init(); LoadXA(); }
public ppEditor(ppParser parser) { Parser = parser; }
public static CustomPersonality LoadPersonality(ppParser pp) { if (!pp.Subfiles.Select(iw => iw.Name).Any(n => n.EndsWith(".icf")) || //check if it's a valid personality .pp which contains everything we need !pp.Subfiles.Select(iw => iw.Name).Any(n => n.EndsWith(".lst") && n.StartsWith("jg2p"))) return null; string filename = pp.FilePath.Remove(0, pp.FilePath.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); IWriteFile lst = pp.Subfiles.First(iw => iw.Name.EndsWith(".lst") && iw.Name.StartsWith("jg2p")); //you can thank a certain person for making this difficult ( byte slot = byte.Parse(Tools.GetLstValue(lst, 2)); Gender gender = (Gender)byte.Parse(Tools.GetLstValue(lst, 6)); //not sure if more accurate than grabbing ID letter, this column is set to 1 for female and 0 for male string ID = Tools.GetLstValue(lst, 7); string Name = Tools.GetLstValue(lst, 8); Name = AppendTranslation.GetValueOrDefault(Name, Name); return new CustomPersonality(gender, filename, ID, filename + "/" + lst.Name, Name, slot); }
public void deleteModTest() { Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp"), Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp did not deploy"); CopyFilesRecursively(new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\mods\"), new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\mods2\")); form.refreshModList(); var subfiles = new ppParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp").Subfiles; Dictionary<string, uint> CRCValues = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); foreach (IWriteFile kv in subfiles) { using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { kv.WriteTo(mem); var value = DamienG.Security.Cryptography.Crc32.Compute(mem.ToArray()); CRCValues.Add(kv.Name, value); } } foreach (ListViewItem lv in form.lsvMods.Items) lv.Checked = true; Assert.IsTrue(form.inject(true, true, true), "Installation injection failed. Log: {0}", form.labelStatus.Text); foreach (Mod m in form.modDict.Values) { Assert.IsTrue(m.Installed, "Backup archive for {0} was not created.", m.Name); } Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2e04_00_TEST.pp"), "jg2e04_00_TEST.pp was not created."); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p01_00_TEST.pp"), "jg2p01_00_TEST.pp was not created."); Dictionary<string, uint> diff = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); foreach (IWriteFile kv in new ppParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp").Subfiles) { using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { kv.WriteTo(mem); byte[] buffer = new byte[mem.Length]; mem.Position = 0; mem.Read(buffer, 0, (int)mem.Length); var value = DamienG.Security.Cryptography.Crc32.Compute(buffer); if (CRCValues[kv.Name] != value) diff.Add(kv.Name, value); } } Dictionary<string, uint> TrueCRC = new Dictionary<string, uint>() { { "jg2_01_05_00.lst", 838774076 }, { "jg2_01_05_01.lst", 1767953068 }, { "jg2_01_05_02.lst", 1609570759 }, { "jg2_01_05_03.lst", 4121681499 }, { "jg2_01_06_05.lst", 32814373 }, { "jg2_01_06_06.lst", 2454317916 }, { "jg2_01_06_08.lst", 3999174270 } }; //Assert.IsFalse(subfiles.Count == new ppParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp", new ppFormat_AA2()).Subfiles.Count, "Subfiles have not changed."); Assert.IsTrue(diff.Count == TrueCRC.Count, "Amount of changes in jg2p00_00_00.pp was incorrect. Expected value: {0}; Actual value: {1}", TrueCRC.Count, diff.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> kv in TrueCRC) Assert.IsTrue(kv.Value == diff[kv.Key], "CRC check failed after installation. Key: {0}; Expected value: {1}; Actual value: {2}", kv.Key, kv.Value, diff[kv.Key]); foreach (ListViewItem lv in form.lsvMods.Items) { lv.Checked = false; lv.Selected = true; } //Assert.IsTrue(form.inject(false, false, true), "Uninstallation injection failed. Log: {0}", form.labelStatus.Text); form.deleteSelectedMods(true); Assert.IsTrue(!File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2e04_00_TEST.pp"), "jg2e04_00_TEST.pp was not deleted."); Assert.IsTrue(!File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p01_00_TEST.pp"), "jg2p01_00_TEST.pp was not deleted."); foreach (Mod m in form.modDict.Values) { Assert.IsTrue(!m.Installed, "Backup archive for {0} was not deleted.", m.Name); } Assert.IsTrue(subfiles.Count == new ppParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp").Subfiles.Count, "Amount of restored changes in jg2p00_00_00.pp was incorrect. Expected value: {0}; Actual value: {1}", new object[] { subfiles.Count, new ppParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp").Subfiles.Count }); foreach (IWriteFile kv in new ppParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\testdir\jg2p00_00_00.pp").Subfiles) { using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { kv.WriteTo(mem); byte[] buffer = new byte[mem.Length]; mem.Position = 0; mem.Read(buffer, 0, (int)mem.Length); var value = DamienG.Security.Cryptography.Crc32.Compute(buffer); Assert.IsTrue(CRCValues[kv.Name] == value, "CRC check failed after uninstallation. Key: {0}; Expected value: {1}; Actual value: {2}", kv.Name, CRCValues[kv.Name], value); } } formMain.TryDeleteDirectory(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\mods\"); Directory.Move(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\mods2\", Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\mods\"); Configuration.saveMods(form.modDict); }
public static ppSwapfile OpenSwapfile([DefaultVar] ppParser ppParser, IWriteFile parserToSwap) { ppSwapfile swap = new ppSwapfile(ppParser.FilePath, parserToSwap); return(swap); }
public void ProcessPP(ppParser pp) { for (int i = 0; i < pp.Subfiles.Count; i++) { IWriteFile iw = pp.Subfiles[i]; if (!iw.Name.EndsWith(".wav")) continue; Stream str = Tools.GetReadStream(iw); if (!str.CanSeek || str.Length == 0) { str.Close(); continue; } using (str) using (WaveFileReader wv = new WaveFileReader(str)) { if (wv.WaveFormat.Channels > 1 || wv.WaveFormat.SampleRate > SampleRate) // || wv.WaveFormat.Encoding != WaveFormatEncoding.Adpcm { WaveFormat f = new WaveFormat(SampleRate, 16, 1); //new AdpcmWaveFormat(wv.WaveFormat.SampleRate, 1); using (MediaFoundationResampler resampledAudio = new MediaFoundationResampler(wv, f)) { resampledAudio.ResamplerQuality = 60; MemoryStream o = new MemoryStream(); using (WaveFileWriter wr = new WaveFileWriter(o, f)) { int count = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; while ((count = resampledAudio.Read(buffer, 0, 2048)) > 0) { wr.Write(buffer, 0, count); } wr.Flush(); pp.Subfiles[i] = new MemSubfile(ToByteArray(o), iw.Name); } } } } if (ProgressUpdated != null) ProgressUpdated((int)Math.Floor((double)(100 * i) / pp.Subfiles.Count)); } }