public ActionResult Edit(Hotel_comment_info hotel_comment_info) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(hotel_comment_info).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(hotel_comment_info); }
public ActionResult Create(Hotel_comment_info hotel_comment_info) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.coments.Add(hotel_comment_info); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(hotel_comment_info); }
public Hotel_comment_info getdata(string hotelId, string IsReply, string page, string startTime, string endTime) { int currentPage = 1; int.TryParse(page, out currentPage); //List<hotel_info> list = new HotelInfoHelp().getHotlList(""); //string hotelIds = string.Empty; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotelId)) //{ // foreach (var item in list) // { // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotelId)) // hotelId += item.hotel_id; // else // hotelId += "," + item.hotel_id; // } //} //MobileContractClient client = new MobileContractClient(); //client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = help.StringHelper.appSettings("WCFUserName"); //client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = help.StringHelper.appSettings("WCFPassWord"); DateTime s = new HotelInfoHelp().getStartDate(startTime); DateTime e = new HotelInfoHelp().getEndDate(endTime); //var coments = client.GetHotelCommentList(new CommentHParamsDTO() { Hotel_id = hotelId, IsReply = false, currentPage = currentPage, pageSize = HotelInfoHelp.pageSize, StartTime = s, EndTime = e }); List<hotel_info> list; object allpage; Hotel_comment_info ment = new Hotel_comment_info(); ment.CommnetList = ment.getComments(hotelId, IsReply, s, e, currentPage, out allpage, out list); ViewData["hotels"] = list; ViewBag.startTime = s.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.endTime = e.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); int t = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotelId) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(hotelId); ViewBag.currentHotelId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotelId) ?0: Convert.ToInt32(hotelId); ViewBag.allPage = allpage; ViewBag.IsReply = IsReply; ViewBag.curentPage = currentPage == 0 ? currentPage + 1 : currentPage; return ment; }
/// <summary> /// 账单查询(out decimal totalPrice,out decimal totalGureetePrice,out totalOtherPrice,out int totalPage) /// </summary> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<Hotel_comment_info> getComments(string hotelId,string isreply,DateTime start,DateTime end, int page, out object totalPage, out List<hotel_info> ListHotels) { string tableName="hotel_comment_info"; int pageSize = 30, allCount = 0, count = 0; decimal FreePercent = 0; object ototalPrice = 0, ototalGureetePrice = 0, ototalOtherPrice = 0, ototalPage; List<hotel_info> ListHotelsTemp = new List<hotel_info>(); string sqlGetAllHotel = string.Format("select hotel_id,h_name_cn from {0} where u_id='{1}'", "hotel_info", new HotelInfoHelp().getUId()); // string hho = comment.createTime.ToString(); string condition = string.Empty; List<Hotel_comment_info> list = new List<Hotel_comment_info>(); ////酒店ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotelId)) { if (condition == string.Empty) condition = string.Format("hotel_id={0}", hotelId); else condition += string.Format("and hotel_id={0}", hotelId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isreply)) { if (isreply == "1") condition = string.Format("IsReply={0}", isreply); else condition += string.Format("and IsReply={0}", isreply); } //入住日期 if (start != null && start.ToString() != "0001/1/1 0:00:00") { if (condition == string.Empty) condition = string.Format("createTime>='{0}'", start); else condition += string.Format(" and createTime>='{0}'", start); } //入住日期 if (end != null && end.ToString() != "0001/1/1 0:00:00") { if (condition == string.Empty) condition = string.Format("createTime<='{0}'", end); else condition += string.Format(" and createTime<='{0}'", end); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) condition += string.Format("hotel_id in(select hotel_id from hotel_info where u_id='{0}') ", new HotelInfoHelp().getUId()); else condition += string.Format("and hotel_id in(select hotel_id from hotel_info where u_id='{0}') ", new HotelInfoHelp().getUId()); if (condition != string.Empty) { string needFild = "orderID,content,userName,room_name,IsReply,commentid,createTime,hotel_Id,answer"; string sql = page == 0 || page == 1 ? string.Format("select top {0} {2} from {3} where {1} ", pageSize, condition, needFild, tableName) : string.Format("select top {0} {3} from {4} where commentid>(select max(commentid) from (select top {1} commentid from {4} where {2} order by commentid) as a) and {2} order by commentid", pageSize, pageSize * (page - 1), condition, needFild, tableName); string sqlSum = string.Format("select count(*) from {2} where {0}", condition, new HotelInfoHelp().getUId(),tableName); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmdSum = new SqlCommand(sqlSum, conn)) { using (SqlDataReader drSum = cmdSum.ExecuteReader()) { while (drSum.Read()) { allCount = Convert.ToInt32(drSum[0]); } } } using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql + ";" + sqlGetAllHotel, conn)) { using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { // decimal price = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[6]); Hotel_comment_info o = new Hotel_comment_info() { orderID = dr[0].ToString(), content = dr[1].ToString(), userName = dr[2].ToString(), room_name = dr[3].ToString(), IsReply = Convert.ToBoolean(dr[4]),commentId=Convert.ToInt32(dr[5]),createTime=Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6]) ,hotel_id=dr[7].ToString(),answer=dr[8].ToString()}; list.Add(o); } //读取所有酒店信息 dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { ListHotelsTemp.Add(new hotel_info() { hotel_id = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]), h_name_cn = dr[1].ToString() }); } } } } } // allCount = 60; //totalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ototalPrice) - Convert.ToDecimal(ototalGureetePrice) + Convert.ToDecimal(ototalGureetePrice); totalGureetePrice = ototalGureetePrice; totalOtherPrice = ototalOtherPrice; totalPage = Convert.ToDecimal(allCount) / pageSize > Convert.ToInt32(allCount / pageSize) ? Convert.ToInt32(allCount / pageSize) + 1 : Convert.ToInt32(allCount / pageSize); ListHotels = ListHotelsTemp; return list; }
public ActionResult CommentSubmit(Hotel_comment_info comment,string page) { // var result= new help.RefrenceHelp().GetMobileContractClientTest().ReplyReview(new ReplyReviewRequest(){commentId=comment.commentId,answer=comment.content}); ViewBag.sign = help.DBhelp.ExcuteTableBySQL(string.Format("update Hotel_comment_info set answer='{0}',isreply=1 where commentid in({1})", comment.content, comment.commentId)) > 0 ? 1 : 0; return View("MyComment", getdata(comment.hotel_id.ToString(), "", page, null, null)); }