public List <BookingGridData> GetSearchGridData(string facId, int cusId, DateTime idate)
            BookingTranBroker      btb      = new BookingTranBroker();
            List <BookingGridData> tempList = new List <BookingGridData>();

            tempList = btb.GetSearchGridBookings(facId, cusId, idate);

        public List <BookingGridData> GetGridData()
            BookingTranBroker      btb      = new BookingTranBroker();
            List <BookingGridData> tempList = new List <BookingGridData>();

            tempList = btb.GetGridBookings();

        //do the validation method of the usecase
        //string errMessage = "";
        //do try - catch

        //public void BookedToCustomer(CustomerBook cb,FacilityBooking fb,SlotBooking sb,BookingTranLayer bt)
        public void BookedToCustomer(BookingTranLayer bt)
            bt.Status = true;

            using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope ts = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope())
                BookingTranBroker bookingbroker = new BookingTranBroker();
        public List <BookingTranLayer> GetSearchBookings(string facId, int cusId, DateTime idate)
            BookingTranBroker       btb      = new BookingTranBroker();
            List <BookingTranLayer> tempList = new List <BookingTranLayer>();

            tempList = btb.GetSearchBookings(facId, cusId, idate);
            //to get the name of the customer
            //List<CustomerBook> cusNameList = new List<CustomerBook>();
            //foreach(BookingTranLayer b in tempList)
            //    cusNameList.Add(GetCustomer(b.CustomerID));

        public List <BookingTranLayer> GetAllBookings()
            BookingTranBroker       btb      = new BookingTranBroker();
            List <BookingTranLayer> tempList = new List <BookingTranLayer>();

            tempList = btb.GetBookings();
            //to get the name of the customer
            //List<CustomerBook> cusNameList = new List<CustomerBook>();
            //foreach(BookingTranLayer b in tempList)
            //    cusNameList.Add(GetCustomer(b.CustomerID));
