void ParryAction(Action slot)
            string targetAnim = null;

            targetAnim = slot.GetActionStep(ref actionManager.actionIndex).GetBranch(slot.input).targetAnim;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetAnim))

            float targetSpeed = 1;

            if (slot.changeSpeed)
                targetSpeed = slot.animSpeed;
                if (targetSpeed == 0)
                    targetSpeed = 1;

            anim.SetFloat("animSpeed", targetSpeed);

            // exit the function after playing the animation.
            canBeParried = slot.canBeParried;

            canAttack = false;
            onEmpty   = false;
            canMove   = false; // canMove = false to use the RootMotion.
            inAction  = true;
            anim.SetBool("mirror", slot.mirror);
            anim.CrossFade(targetAnim, 0.2f);
        void AttackAction(Action slot)
            if (characterStats._stamina < 5)

            if (CheckForParry(slot))
            if (CheckForBackStab(slot))

            string     targetAnim = null;
            ActionAnim branch     = slot.GetActionStep(ref actionManager.actionIndex).GetBranch(storeActionInput);

            targetAnim = branch.targetAnim;
            audio_clip = ResourceManager.singleton.GetAudio(branch.audio_ids).audio_clip;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetAnim))

            currentAction = slot;
            canBeParried  = slot.canBeParried;

            canAttack = false;
            onEmpty   = false;
            canMove   = false;
            inAction  = true;

            float targetSpeed = 1;

            if (slot.changeSpeed)
                targetSpeed = slot.animSpeed;
                if (targetSpeed == 0)
                    targetSpeed = 1;

            anim.SetFloat("animSpeed", targetSpeed);

            anim.SetBool("mirror", slot.mirror);
            anim.CrossFade(targetAnim, 0.2f);
            characterStats._stamina -= slot.staminaCost;
            // rigid.velocity = Vector3.zero -> instead of turning off the velocity, we add velocity AnimatorHook.cs