void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Copy the game resources from the console", EditorStyles.boldLabel); using (new SA_GuiBeginHorizontal()) { GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Once you configure at least one resource (event, achievement, or leaderboard), " + "copy the resource configuration from the Google Play Developer Console, " + "and paste inside the Text Area bellow. " + "To get the resources go to the Achievements tab, " + "then click on 'Get resources' on the bottom of the list.", SA_PluginSettingsWindowStyles.DescribtionLabelStyle); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_rawData = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(m_rawData, SA_PluginSettingsWindowStyles.TextArea, GUILayout.Height(450)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { m_isDirty = true; } using (new SA_GuiBeginHorizontal()) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUI.enabled = m_isDirty; bool clicked = GUILayout.Button("Save", GUILayout.Width(300)); if (clicked) { AN_GoolgePlayRersources.OverrideGamesIds(m_rawData); m_isDirty = false; var image = AN_Skin.GetIcon(AN_GooglePlayFeaturesUI.GOOGLE_PLAY_ICON_NAME); GUIContent message = new GUIContent("games-ids.xml saved", image); ShowNotification(message); } GUI.enabled = true; } }
public static void DrawRequirementsUI(AN_AndroidBuildRequirements buildRequirements) { if (buildRequirements.Activities.Count > 0) { using (new SA_H2WindowBlockWithSpace(new GUIContent("ACTIVITIES"))) { foreach (var activity in buildRequirements.Activities) { string name = SA_PathUtil.GetExtension(activity.Name); name = name.Substring(1, name.Length - 1); var icon = AN_Skin.GetIcon("requirements_activity.png"); SA_EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(new GUIContent("activity: " + name, icon)); } } } if (buildRequirements.ApplicationProperties.Count > 0) { using (new SA_H2WindowBlockWithSpace(new GUIContent("APP PROPERTIES"))) { foreach (var property in buildRequirements.ApplicationProperties) { var icon = AN_Skin.GetIcon("requirements_activity.png"); string name = SA_PathUtil.GetExtension(property.Name); name = name.Substring(1, name.Length - 1); SA_EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(new GUIContent(property.Tag + ": " + name, icon)); } } } if (buildRequirements.ManifestProperties.Count > 0) { using (new SA_H2WindowBlockWithSpace(new GUIContent("MANIFEST PROPERTIES"))) { foreach (var property in buildRequirements.ManifestProperties) { var icon = AN_Skin.GetIcon("requirements_activity.png"); string info = string.Empty; foreach (var pair in property.Values) { info += " " + pair.Key + " : " + pair.Value; } SA_EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(new GUIContent(property.Tag + info, icon)); } } } if (buildRequirements.Permissions.Count > 0) { using (new SA_H2WindowBlockWithSpace(new GUIContent("PERMISSIONS"))) { foreach (var permission in buildRequirements.Permissions) { var icon = AN_Skin.GetIcon("requirements_permission.png"); SA_EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(new GUIContent(permission.GetFullName(), icon)); } } } if (buildRequirements.BinaryDependencies.Count > 0) { using (new SA_H2WindowBlockWithSpace(new GUIContent("BINARY DEPENDENCIES"))) { foreach (var dependency in buildRequirements.BinaryDependencies) { var icon = AN_Skin.GetIcon("requirements_lib.png"); SA_EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(new GUIContent(dependency.GetRemoteRepositoryName(), icon)); } } } }