public Map(bool[] newwallMap, int mapwidth, Collection <Actor> newactors, Dictionary <Node, char> newboxes, GoalList newgoals, Dictionary <char, Color> colorDict) { id = Map.nextId++; wallMap = newwallMap; mapWidth = mapwidth; actors = new ActorList(newactors, colorDict); boxes = new BoxList(newboxes, colorDict); goals = newgoals; steps = 0; }
//Finds the size and location of all the boxes, agents, walls and goals, and then store this into groups of static and mutable containers public static void loadMap(StreamReader lines, out Map map) { List <string> mapLines = new List <string>(); string l; while ((l = lines.ReadLine()) != null && l != "") { //System.Console.WriteLine(l); mapLines.Add(l); } int colcount = 0, rowcount = 0; getfilesize(mapLines, out colcount, out rowcount); Dictionary <Node, char> newboxes = new Dictionary <Node, char>(); Collection <Actor> newactors = new Collection <Actor>(); GoalList newgoals = new GoalList(); Dictionary <char, Color> colorDict = new Dictionary <char, Color>(); bool[] newwallmap = new bool[colcount * rowcount]; Byte j = 0; // row count bool pastSetup = false; foreach (string line in mapLines) { if (line.Contains("+")) { pastSetup = true; Byte i = 0; // col count //map construction foreach (char c in line) { if (c == '+') { newwallmap[i + j * colcount] = true; } else if (Char.IsLower(c)) { newgoals.Add(i, j, c); } // i,j is goal else if (Char.IsDigit(c)) { // i,j is actor if (!colorDict.ContainsKey(c)) { colorDict[c] =; } newactors.Add(new Actor(i, j, Convert.ToByte(c - '0'))); } else if (Char.IsUpper(c)) { if (!colorDict.ContainsKey(Char.ToLower(c))) { colorDict[Char.ToLower(c)] =; } newboxes.Add(new Node(i, j), Char.ToLower(c)); } // i,j is box i++; } j++; } else if (!pastSetup) { string[] splitline = line.Split(':'); string names = splitline[1].Replace(" ", "");; string[] splitnames = names.Split(','); foreach (string name in splitnames) { colorDict[Char.ToLower(name[0])] = (Color)Enum.Parse(typeof(Color), splitline[0].ToLower()); } //do color devision } } map = new Map(newwallmap, colcount, newactors, newboxes, newgoals, colorDict); }