public string GetCommandLineArguments(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { var assemblyName = Path.GetFileName(assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath); var resultsFilePath = GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo); var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat(@"""{0}""", assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath); builder.AppendFormat(@" {0}", assemblyInfo.ExtraArguments); builder.AppendFormat(@" -{0} ""{1}""", _options.UseHtml ? "html" : "xml", resultsFilePath); builder.Append(" -noshadow -verbose"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.Trait)) { var traits = _options.Trait.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var trait in traits) { builder.AppendFormat(" -trait {0}", trait); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.NoTrait)) { var traits = _options.NoTrait.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var trait in traits) { builder.AppendFormat(" -notrait {0}", trait); } } return builder.ToString(); }
internal TestResult(int exitCode, AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, string resultDir, string resultsFilePath, string commandLine, TimeSpan elapsed, string standardOutput, string errorOutput, bool isResultFromCache) { ExitCode = exitCode; AssemblyInfo = assemblyInfo; CommandLine = commandLine; ResultDir = resultDir; ResultsFilePath = resultsFilePath; Elapsed = elapsed; StandardOutput = standardOutput; ErrorOutput = errorOutput; IsResultFromCache = isResultFromCache; }
private void CreateChunk() { var assemblyName = Path.GetFileName(_assemblyPath); var displayName = $"{assemblyName}.{_currentId}"; var suffix = _useHtml ? "html" : "xml"; var resultsFileName = $"{assemblyName}.{_currentId}.{suffix}"; var assemblyInfo = new AssemblyInfo( _assemblyPath, displayName, resultsFileName, _builder.ToString()); _chunkList.Add(new Chunk(_assemblyPath, _currentId, _currentTypeInfoList)); _assemblyInfoList.Add(assemblyInfo); _currentId++; _currentTypeInfoList = new List<TypeInfo>(); _builder.Length = 0; }
private void FinishPartition() { var assemblyName = Path.GetFileName(_assemblyPath); var displayName = $"{assemblyName}.{_currentId}"; var suffix = _useHtml ? "html" : "xml"; var resultsFileName = $"{assemblyName}.{_currentId}.{suffix}"; var assemblyInfo = new AssemblyInfo( _assemblyPath, displayName, resultsFileName, _builder.ToString()); _partitionList.Add(new Partition(_assemblyPath, _currentId, _currentTypeInfoList)); _assemblyInfoList.Add(assemblyInfo); }
public async Task<TestResult> RunTestAsync(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var commandLineArguments = GetCommandLineArguments(assemblyInfo); var resultsFilePath = GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo); var resultsDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(resultsFilePath); // NOTE: xUnit doesn't always create the log directory Directory.CreateDirectory(resultsDir); // NOTE: xUnit seems to have an occasional issue creating logs create // an empty log just in case, so our runner will still fail. File.Create(resultsFilePath).Close(); var dumpOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(resultsDir, $"{assemblyInfo.DisplayName}.dmp"); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; var xunitPath = _options.XunitPath; var processOutput = await ProcessRunner.RunProcessAsync( xunitPath, commandLineArguments, lowPriority: false, displayWindow: false, captureOutput: true, cancellationToken: cancellationToken, processMonitor: p => CrashDumps.TryMonitorProcess(p, dumpOutputFilePath)).ConfigureAwait(false); var span = DateTime.UtcNow - start; if (processOutput.ExitCode != 0) { // On occasion we get a non-0 output but no actual data in the result file. The could happen // if xunit manages to crash when running a unit test (a stack overflow could cause this, for instance). // To avoid losing information, write the process output to the console. In addition, delete the results // file to avoid issues with any tool attempting to interpret the (potentially malformed) text. var resultData = string.Empty; try { resultData = File.ReadAllText(resultsFilePath).Trim(); } catch { // Happens if xunit didn't produce a log file } if (resultData.Length == 0) { // Delete the output file. File.Delete(resultsFilePath); resultsFilePath = null; } } var commandLine = GetCommandLine(assemblyInfo); Logger.Log($"Command line {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}: {commandLine}"); var standardOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, processOutput.OutputLines); var errorOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, processOutput.ErrorLines); return new TestResult( exitCode: processOutput.ExitCode, assemblyInfo: assemblyInfo, resultDir: resultsDir, resultsFilePath: resultsFilePath, commandLine: commandLine, elapsed: span, standardOutput: standardOutput, errorOutput: errorOutput, isResultFromCache: false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Unable to run {assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath} with {_options.XunitPath}. {ex}"); } }
private string GetResultsFilePath(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { var resultsDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath), Constants.ResultsDirectoryName); return Path.Combine(resultsDir, assemblyInfo.ResultsFileName); }
public string GetCommandLine(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { return $"{_options.XunitPath} {GetCommandLineArguments(assemblyInfo)}"; }
public string GetCommandLineArguments(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, bool useSingleQuotes, bool isHelix) { // // Single quotes are needed in bash to avoid the need to escape characters such as backtick (`) which are found in metadata names. // Batch scripts don't need to worry about escaping backticks, but they don't support single quoted strings, so we have to use double quotes. // We also need double quotes when building an arguments string for Process.Start in .NET Core so that splitting/unquoting works as expected. var sep = useSingleQuotes ? "'" : @""""; var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append($@"test"); builder.Append($@" {sep}{assemblyInfo.AssemblyName}{sep}"); var typeInfoList = assemblyInfo.PartitionInfo.TypeInfoList; if (typeInfoList.Length > 0 || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Options.TestFilter)) { builder.Append($@" --filter {sep}"); var any = false; foreach (var typeInfo in typeInfoList) { MaybeAddSeparator(); // // We want to avoid matching other test classes whose names are prefixed with this test class's name. // For example, avoid running 'AttributeTests_WellKnownMember', when the request here is to run 'AttributeTests'. // We append a '.', assuming that all test methods in the class *will* match it, but not methods in other classes. builder.Append(typeInfo.FullName); builder.Append('.'); } builder.Append(sep); if (Options.TestFilter is object) { MaybeAddSeparator(); builder.Append(Options.TestFilter); } void MaybeAddSeparator(char separator = '|') { if (any) { builder.Append(separator); } any = true; } } builder.Append($@" --arch {assemblyInfo.Architecture}"); builder.Append($@" --framework {assemblyInfo.TargetFramework}"); builder.Append($@" --logger {sep}xunit;LogFilePath={GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo, "xml")}{sep}"); if (Options.IncludeHtml) { builder.AppendFormat($@" --logger {sep}html;LogFileName={GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo, "html")}{sep}"); } if (!Options.CollectDumps) { // The 'CollectDumps' option uses operating system features to collect dumps when a process crashes. We // only enable the test executor blame feature in remaining cases, as the latter relies on ProcDump and // interferes with automatic crash dump collection on Windows. builder.Append(" --blame-crash"); } // The 25 minute timeout in integration tests accounts for the fact that VSIX deployment and/or experimental hive reset and // configuration can take significant time (seems to vary from ~10 seconds to ~15 minutes), and the blame // functionality cannot separate this configuration overhead from the first test which will eventually run. // // // Helix timeout is 15 minutes as helix jobs fully timeout in 30minutes. So in order to capture dumps we need the timeout // to be 2x shorter than the expected test run time (15min) in case only the last test hangs. var timeout = isHelix ? "15minutes" : "25minutes"; builder.Append($" --blame-hang-dump-type full --blame-hang-timeout {timeout}"); return(builder.ToString()); }
private async Task <TestResult> RunTestAsyncInternal(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, bool retry, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var commandLineArguments = GetCommandLineArguments(assemblyInfo, useSingleQuotes: false); var resultsFilePath = GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo); var resultsDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(resultsFilePath); var htmlResultsFilePath = Options.IncludeHtml ? GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo, "html") : null; var processResultList = new List <ProcessResult>(); ProcessInfo?procDumpProcessInfo = null; // NOTE: xUnit doesn't always create the log directory Directory.CreateDirectory(resultsDir); // Define environment variables for processes started via ProcessRunner. var environmentVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Options.ProcDumpInfo?.WriteEnvironmentVariables(environmentVariables); if (retry && File.Exists(resultsFilePath)) { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Starting a retry. Tests which failed will run a second time to reduce flakiness."); try { var doc = XDocument.Load(resultsFilePath); foreach (var test in doc.XPathSelectElements("/assemblies/assembly/collection/test[@result='Fail']")) { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($" {test.Attribute("name").Value}: {test.Attribute("result").Value}"); } } catch { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(" ...Failed to identify the list of specific failures."); } // Copy the results file path, since the new xunit run will overwrite it var backupResultsFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(resultsFilePath, ".old"); File.Copy(resultsFilePath, backupResultsFilePath, overwrite: true); // If running the process with this varialbe added, we assume that this file contains // xml logs from the first attempt. environmentVariables.Add("OutputXmlFilePath", backupResultsFilePath); } // NOTE: xUnit seems to have an occasional issue creating logs create // an empty log just in case, so our runner will still fail. File.Create(resultsFilePath).Close(); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; var dotnetProcessInfo = ProcessRunner.CreateProcess( ProcessRunner.CreateProcessStartInfo( Options.DotnetFilePath, commandLineArguments, workingDirectory: Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath), displayWindow: false, captureOutput: true, environmentVariables: environmentVariables), lowPriority: false, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); Logger.Log($"Create xunit process with id {dotnetProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}"); var xunitProcessResult = await dotnetProcessInfo.Result; var span = DateTime.UtcNow - start; Logger.Log($"Exit xunit process with id {dotnetProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName} with code {xunitProcessResult.ExitCode}"); processResultList.Add(xunitProcessResult); if (procDumpProcessInfo != null) { var procDumpProcessResult = await procDumpProcessInfo.Value.Result; Logger.Log($"Exit procdump process with id {procDumpProcessInfo.Value.Id} for {dotnetProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName} with code {procDumpProcessResult.ExitCode}"); processResultList.Add(procDumpProcessResult); } if (xunitProcessResult.ExitCode != 0) { // On occasion we get a non-0 output but no actual data in the result file. The could happen // if xunit manages to crash when running a unit test (a stack overflow could cause this, for instance). // To avoid losing information, write the process output to the console. In addition, delete the results // file to avoid issues with any tool attempting to interpret the (potentially malformed) text. var resultData = string.Empty; try { resultData = File.ReadAllText(resultsFilePath).Trim(); } catch { // Happens if xunit didn't produce a log file } if (resultData.Length == 0) { // Delete the output file. File.Delete(resultsFilePath); resultsFilePath = null; htmlResultsFilePath = null; } } Logger.Log($"Command line {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}: {Options.DotnetFilePath} {commandLineArguments}"); var standardOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, xunitProcessResult.OutputLines) ?? ""; var errorOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, xunitProcessResult.ErrorLines) ?? ""; var testResultInfo = new TestResultInfo( exitCode: xunitProcessResult.ExitCode, resultsFilePath: resultsFilePath, htmlResultsFilePath: htmlResultsFilePath, elapsed: span, standardOutput: standardOutput, errorOutput: errorOutput); return(new TestResult( assemblyInfo, testResultInfo, commandLineArguments, processResults: ImmutableArray.CreateRange(processResultList))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Unable to run {assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath} with {Options.DotnetFilePath}. {ex}"); } }
private string GetResultsFilePath(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, string suffix = "xml") { var fileName = $"{assemblyInfo.DisplayName}_{assemblyInfo.TargetFramework}_{assemblyInfo.Architecture}_test_results.{suffix}"; return(Path.Combine(Options.TestResultsDirectory, fileName)); }
static bool HasBuiltInRetry(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { // vs-extension-testing handles test retry internally. return(assemblyInfo.AssemblyName == "Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.New.IntegrationTests.dll"); }
public async Task <TestResult> RunTestAsync(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var commandLineArguments = GetCommandLineArguments(assemblyInfo); var resultsFilePath = GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo); var resultsDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(resultsFilePath); // NOTE: xUnit doesn't always create the log directory Directory.CreateDirectory(resultsDir); // NOTE: xUnit seems to have an occasional issue creating logs create // an empty log just in case, so our runner will still fail. File.Create(resultsFilePath).Close(); var dumpOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(resultsDir, $"{assemblyInfo.DisplayName}.dmp"); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; var xunitPath = _options.XunitPath; var processOutput = await ProcessRunner.RunProcessAsync( xunitPath, commandLineArguments, lowPriority : false, displayWindow : false, captureOutput : true, cancellationToken : cancellationToken); var span = DateTime.UtcNow - start; if (processOutput.ExitCode != 0) { // On occasion we get a non-0 output but no actual data in the result file. The could happen // if xunit manages to crash when running a unit test (a stack overflow could cause this, for instance). // To avoid losing information, write the process output to the console. In addition, delete the results // file to avoid issues with any tool attempting to interpret the (potentially malformed) text. var resultData = string.Empty; try { resultData = File.ReadAllText(resultsFilePath).Trim(); } catch { // Happens if xunit didn't produce a log file } if (resultData.Length == 0) { // Delete the output file. File.Delete(resultsFilePath); resultsFilePath = null; } } var commandLine = GetCommandLine(assemblyInfo); Logger.Log($"Command line {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}: {commandLine}"); var standardOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, processOutput.OutputLines) ?? ""; var errorOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, processOutput.ErrorLines) ?? ""; var testResultInfo = new TestResultInfo( exitCode: processOutput.ExitCode, resultsDirectory: resultsDir, resultsFilePath: resultsFilePath, elapsed: span, standardOutput: standardOutput, errorOutput: errorOutput); return(new TestResult( assemblyInfo, testResultInfo, commandLine, isFromCache: false)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Unable to run {assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath} with {_options.XunitPath}. {ex}"); } }
private string GetResultsFilePath(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { var resultsDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath), Constants.ResultsDirectoryName); return(Path.Combine(resultsDir, assemblyInfo.ResultsFileName)); }
public string GetCommandLine(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { return($"{_options.XunitPath} {GetCommandLineArguments(assemblyInfo)}"); }
private async Task <TestResult> RunTestAsyncInternal(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, bool retry, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var commandLineArguments = GetCommandLineArguments(assemblyInfo); var resultsFilePath = GetResultsFilePath(assemblyInfo); var resultsDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(resultsFilePath); var processResultList = new List <ProcessResult>(); ProcessInfo?procDumpProcessInfo = null; // NOTE: xUnit doesn't always create the log directory Directory.CreateDirectory(resultsDir); // Define environment variables for processes started via ProcessRunner. var environmentVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Options.ProcDumpInfo?.WriteEnvironmentVariables(environmentVariables); if (retry && File.Exists(resultsFilePath)) { // Copy the results file path, since the new xunit run will overwrite it var backupResultsFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(resultsFilePath, ".old"); File.Copy(resultsFilePath, backupResultsFilePath, overwrite: true); ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Starting a retry. It will run once again tests failed."); // If running the process with this varialbe added, we assume that this file contains // xml logs from the first attempt. environmentVariables.Add("OutputXmlFilePath", backupResultsFilePath); } // NOTE: xUnit seems to have an occasional issue creating logs create // an empty log just in case, so our runner will still fail. File.Create(resultsFilePath).Close(); var start = DateTime.UtcNow; var xunitProcessInfo = ProcessRunner.CreateProcess( ProcessRunner.CreateProcessStartInfo( Options.XunitPath, commandLineArguments, displayWindow: false, captureOutput: true, environmentVariables: environmentVariables), lowPriority: false, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); Logger.Log($"Create xunit process with id {xunitProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}"); // Now that xunit is running we should kick off a procDump process if it was specified if (Options.ProcDumpInfo != null) { var procDumpInfo = Options.ProcDumpInfo.Value; var procDumpStartInfo = ProcessRunner.CreateProcessStartInfo( procDumpInfo.ProcDumpFilePath, ProcDumpUtil.GetProcDumpCommandLine(xunitProcessInfo.Id, procDumpInfo.DumpDirectory), captureOutput: true, displayWindow: false); Directory.CreateDirectory(procDumpInfo.DumpDirectory); procDumpProcessInfo = ProcessRunner.CreateProcess(procDumpStartInfo, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); Logger.Log($"Create procdump process with id {procDumpProcessInfo.Value.Id} for xunit {xunitProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}"); } var xunitProcessResult = await xunitProcessInfo.Result; var span = DateTime.UtcNow - start; Logger.Log($"Exit xunit process with id {xunitProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName} with code {xunitProcessResult.ExitCode}"); processResultList.Add(xunitProcessResult); if (procDumpProcessInfo != null) { var procDumpProcessResult = await procDumpProcessInfo.Value.Result; Logger.Log($"Exit procdump process with id {procDumpProcessInfo.Value.Id} for {xunitProcessInfo.Id} for test {assemblyInfo.DisplayName} with code {procDumpProcessResult.ExitCode}"); processResultList.Add(procDumpProcessResult); } if (xunitProcessResult.ExitCode != 0) { // On occasion we get a non-0 output but no actual data in the result file. The could happen // if xunit manages to crash when running a unit test (a stack overflow could cause this, for instance). // To avoid losing information, write the process output to the console. In addition, delete the results // file to avoid issues with any tool attempting to interpret the (potentially malformed) text. var resultData = string.Empty; try { resultData = File.ReadAllText(resultsFilePath).Trim(); } catch { // Happens if xunit didn't produce a log file } if (resultData.Length == 0) { // Delete the output file. File.Delete(resultsFilePath); resultsFilePath = null; } } var commandLine = GetCommandLine(assemblyInfo); Logger.Log($"Command line {assemblyInfo.DisplayName}: {commandLine}"); var standardOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, xunitProcessResult.OutputLines) ?? ""; var errorOutput = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, xunitProcessResult.ErrorLines) ?? ""; var testResultInfo = new TestResultInfo( exitCode: xunitProcessResult.ExitCode, resultsFilePath: resultsFilePath, elapsed: span, standardOutput: standardOutput, errorOutput: errorOutput); return(new TestResult( assemblyInfo, testResultInfo, commandLine, isFromCache: false, processResults: ImmutableArray.CreateRange(processResultList))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Unable to run {assemblyInfo.AssemblyPath} with {Options.XunitPath}. {ex}"); } }
private string GetResultsFilePath(AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { return(Path.Combine(Options.OutputDirectory, assemblyInfo.ResultsFileName)); }