private void GenerateMainPath(int mainPathLength) { mainPath = new List <Vector2i>(); MapChunk curChunk = MapChunk.CreateMapChunk(startingRoom); Grid.SetChunk(new Vector2i(0, 0), curChunk, "Start"); mainPath.Add(curChunk.FakePos); Side nextSide = null; bool stuck = false; for (int i = 0; i < mainPathLength; i++) { List <Side> possibleSides = curChunk.GetAllOpenUnusedSides(); // Get All the possible sides (i.e: open and unused) nextSide = possibleSides[Random.Range(0, possibleSides.Count)]; // Pick a new possible side possibleSides.Remove(nextSide); Orientation requiredOri = nextSide.Orient.GetOposite(); MapChunkPrefab prefab = null; while (Grid.GetAdjacentSidesLeadingToTile(nextSide.GetAdjacentPos(), requiredOri).Length > 2) { if (possibleSides.Count == 0) { stuck = true; break; } nextSide = possibleSides[Random.Range(0, possibleSides.Count)]; // Pick a new possible side possibleSides.Remove(nextSide); requiredOri = nextSide.Orient.GetOposite(); } List <MapChunkPrefab> possiblePrefabs = GetAllRoomPrefabs(requiredOri, nextSide.Type, Grid.GetAdjacentSidesOccupied(nextSide.GetAdjacentPos(), requiredOri)); prefab = possiblePrefabs[Random.Range(0, possiblePrefabs.Count)]; // Pick a new possible side possiblePrefabs.Remove(prefab); while (prefab.OpenCount < 2) { if (possiblePrefabs.Count == 0) { stuck = true; break; } prefab = possiblePrefabs[Random.Range(0, possiblePrefabs.Count)]; // Pick a new possible side possiblePrefabs.Remove(prefab); } if (stuck) { Debug.Log("Path Stuck!"); break; } curChunk = MapChunk.CreateMapChunk(prefab); Grid.SetChunk(nextSide.GetAdjacentPos(), curChunk, "Main"); mainPath.Add(curChunk.FakePos); } nextSide = curChunk.GetRandomOpenUnusedSide(); curChunk = MapChunk.CreateMapChunk(endingRoom); Grid.SetChunk(nextSide.GetAdjacentPos(), curChunk, "End"); mainPath.Add(curChunk.FakePos); }
public void OnPlayerChangedRoom(MapChunk nRoom) { if (!nRoom.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { nRoom.gameObject.SetActive(true); foreach (MobSpawner spawner in nRoom.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <MobSpawner>()) { spawner.SpawnMob(1f); } } }
public static MapChunk CreateMapChunk(MapChunkPrefab prefab) { GameObject go = Instantiate <GameObject>(prefab.prefab, MapManager.I.mapRoot); MapChunk mapChunk = go.AddComponent <MapChunk>(); mapChunk.Top = new Side(mapChunk, Orientation.TOP,; mapChunk.Left = new Side(mapChunk, Orientation.LEFT, prefab.left); mapChunk.Bottom = new Side(mapChunk, Orientation.BOTTOM, prefab.bottom); mapChunk.Right = new Side(mapChunk, Orientation.RIGHT, prefab.right); return(mapChunk); }
public void SetChunk(Vector2i fakeGridPos, MapChunk chunk, string specialName) { Vector2i gridPos = FakeToRealGridPos(fakeGridPos); chunk.FakePos = fakeGridPos; if (chunks[gridPos.x, gridPos.y] != null) { GameObject.Destroy(chunks[gridPos.x, gridPos.y].gameObject); } chunks[gridPos.x, gridPos.y] = chunk; chunk.transform.position = new Vector3(realChunkWidth * fakeGridPos.x, realChunkHeight * fakeGridPos.y, 0f); chunk.gameObject.SetActive(true); // = "Chunk " + (index++); = "C" + (index++) + "-"; foreach (Orientation ori in chunk.GetAllOpenSidesOrientations()) { += ori.ToString()[0]; } += " " + specialName; //chunk.gameObject.SetActive(false); UpdateAdjacents(gridPos); }