Exemple #1
 private void OpenSkillInspector(Hoverable hovered, int x, int y)
     if (hovered != null &&
         (!skillInspector.isVisible || hovered.entity != skillInspector.targetSkill))
         // move the window to the correct position, and open it for the new item
         skillInspector.origin.y = y;
         skillInspector.origin.x = x;
Exemple #2
        // dynamic features
        public override TCODConsole GetUpdatedConsole()
            const int left               = 3;
            const int skillsTopY         = 41;
            int       width              = console.getWidth() - 3;
            Entity    targetSkill        = null;
            int       targetSkillScreenY = 0;
            Vector2   mLoc               = ScreenToConsoleCoord(engine.mouseData.CellX, engine.mouseData.CellY);


            // Player statuc area -----------------------------------------------
            DrawText(1, 2, "health: " + playerPhysicsState.health + "/" + playerPhysicsState.maxHealth, Constants.COL_ANGRY);
            DrawText(1, 3, "energy: " + playerSkills.currentEnergy + "/" + playerSkills.maxEnergy, Constants.COL_BLUE);

            // stats
            DrawText(1, 5, "attributes: ", TCODColor.white);

            DrawText(1, 6, "strength  : " + playerAttributes.strength, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 7, "wisdom    : " + playerAttributes.wisdom, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 8, "agility   : " + playerAttributes.agility, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 9, "hammers   : " + playerAttributes.hammers, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 10, "polearms  : " + playerAttributes.polearms, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 11, "shields   : " + playerAttributes.shields, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 12, "throwing  : " + playerAttributes.throwing, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 13, "bows      : " + playerAttributes.bows, Constants.COL_BLUE);
            DrawText(1, 14, "crossbows : " + playerAttributes.crossbows, Constants.COL_BLUE);

            // Skills area ------------------------------------------------------
            DrawDividerLine(0, skillsTopY - 2, console.getWidth());
            DrawText(1, skillsTopY - 2, " skills ", Constants.COL_NORMAL);

            int line = 0;

            foreach (Entity skill in playerSkills.skills)
                string skillname = skill.Get <SkillComponent>().name;

                int skillY = skillsTopY + line;

                if (mLoc.Y == skillY &&
                    mLoc.X >= left && mLoc.X < skillname.Length + 1 + left)
                    DrawRect(1, skillY, width, Constants.COL_FRIENDLY);

                    targetSkill        = skill;
                    targetSkillScreenY = skillY;

                    // was clicked, activate the skill. The skill components themselves indicate how it is used
                    if (engine.mouseData.LeftButtonPressed)
                        targetSkill.FireEvent(new EActivateSkill()
                            activator = player

                // if this skill is the pending attack, highlight it differently
                if (skill == playerSkills.pendingAttackSkill)
                    DrawRect(1, skillY, width, Constants.COL_ANGRY);

                DrawText(1, skillY, (line + 1) + ":", Constants.COL_NORMAL);
                DrawText(left, skillY, skillname, TCODColor.white);

                line += 1;

            // new or different skill is being highlighted, so draw its info
            if (targetSkill != null &&
                (!skillInfoWindow.isVisible || targetSkill != skillInfoWindow.targetSkill))
                skillInfoWindow.origin.y = targetSkillScreenY;

                skillInfoWindow.origin.x = origin.x + console.getWidth();
            else if (targetSkill == null && skillInfoWindow.isVisible)
