public RLTile( RLTileMap _map, int _x, int _y ) { Map = _map; X = _x; Y = _y; }
public RLGame() { World = new RLTileMap(16, 9); EventQueue = new List<IEvent>(); EventListeners = new List<IEventListener>(); Random = new Random(); Quit = false; RLSaveIO.Setup(); //Player = new RLCreature(); playerInput = new PlayerInput(this); log = new List<string>(); Log("foo"); Log("bar"); //dbg Test _test = new Test(this); }
public static List<string> SaveLevel( string _path, RLTileMap _tileMap, List<RLCreature> _creatures ) { List<string> _level = new List<string>(); _level.Add("#Tilemaps"); _level.Add(_tileMap.CreateSaveString()); _level.Add("#Tiles"); for (int _x = 0; _x < _tileMap.Width; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < _tileMap.Width; _y++) { if (_tileMap[_x, _y] != null) _level.Add(_tileMap[_x, _y].CreateSaveString()); } } _level.Add("#Creatures"); foreach (RLCreature _c in _creatures) _level.Add(_c.CreateSaveString()); File.WriteAllLines(_path, _level); return _level; }
//move loads to their respective classes, by the createsavestring public static RLTileMap LoadTileMap(string _tilemapstring) { List<string> _elements = _tilemapstring.Split( new char[] { ';' } //wtf ).ToList(); List<string> _size = _elements[1].Split( new char[] { ',' } ).ToList(); int _ID; int _width; int _height; Int32.TryParse(_elements[0], out _ID); Int32.TryParse(_size[0], out _width); Int32.TryParse(_size[1], out _height); RLTileMap _return = new RLTileMap(_width, _height); _return.ID = _ID; return _return; }